예제 #1
def CreateRasts(Input_SWW,Output_DEM_Path,Full_Series):
    quantities = ['elevation','stage','depth','momentum']
    sww_file = sww.Read_sww(Input_SWW)
    timeinfo = sww_file.time
    if Full_Series == 'Yes':
        for i in range(len(quantities)):
            for j in range(len(timeinfo)):
                outname = Output_DEM_Path + '\\' + str(filename) + "_" + str(quantities[i] + "_" + str(int(timeinfo[j])) + ".asc")
                anuga.sww2dem(Input_SWW,outname,quantity=quantities[i],reduction = j, cellsize = 5)
        for i in range(len(quantities)):
            outname = Output_DEM_Path + '\\' + str(filename) + "_" + str(quantities[i] + "_" + str(int(timeinfo[j])) + ".asc")
            anuga.sww2dem(Input_SWW,outname,quantity=quantities[i],reduction = (len(timeinfo)-1), cellsize = 5)
예제 #2
    def test_read_sww(self):
        Save to an sww file and then read back the info.
        Here we store the info "uniquely"

        # Import necessary modules
        from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.mesh_factory import \
        from anuga.shallow_water.shallow_water_domain import Domain
        from anuga import Reflective_boundary
        from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.generic_boundary_conditions\
                            import Dirichlet_boundary, Time_boundary

        # Setup computational domain
        length = 8.
        width = 4.
        dx = dy = 2   # Resolution: Length of subdivisions on both axes
        inc = 0.05 # Elevation increment

        points, vertices, boundary = rectangular_cross(int(length/dx), 
        domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary)
        domain.set_name('read_sww_test'+str(domain.processor))  # Output name
        domain.set_quantities_to_be_stored({'elevation': 2,
                                            'stage': 2,
                                            'xmomentum': 2,
                                            'ymomentum': 2,
                                            'friction': 1})

        # Setup initial conditions
        domain.set_quantity('elevation', 0.0)    # Flat bed initially
        domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.01)    # Constant friction
        domain.set_quantity('stage', 0.0)        # Dry initial condition

        # Setup boundary conditions
        Bi = Dirichlet_boundary([0.4, 0, 0])          # Inflow
        Br = Reflective_boundary(domain)              # Solid reflective wall
        Bo = Dirichlet_boundary([-5, 0, 0])           # Outflow

        domain.set_boundary({'left': Bi, 'right': Bo, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br})

        # Evolve system through time

        for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime=4.0):
        # Check that quantities have been stored correctly    
        source = domain.get_name() + '.sww'

        #x = fid.variables['x'][:]
        #y = fid.variables['y'][:]
        #stage = fid.variables['stage'][:]
        #elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:]
        #assert len(stage.shape) == 2
        #assert len(elevation.shape) == 2        
        #M, N = stage.shape
        sww_file = sww.Read_sww(source)

        #print 'last frame number',sww_file.get_last_frame_number()

        assert num.allclose(sww_file.x, domain.get_vertex_coordinates()[:,0])
        assert num.allclose(sww_file.y, domain.get_vertex_coordinates()[:,1])

        assert num.allclose(sww_file.time, [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
        M = domain.get_number_of_triangles()
        assert num.allclose(num.reshape(num.arange(3*M), (M,3)), sww_file.vertices)

        last_frame_number = sww_file.get_last_frame_number() 
        assert last_frame_number == 4

        assert num.allclose(sww_file.get_bounds(), [0.0, length, 0.0, width])

        assert 'stage'     in sww_file.quantities.keys()
        assert 'friction'  in sww_file.quantities.keys()
        assert 'elevation' in sww_file.quantities.keys()
        assert 'xmomentum' in sww_file.quantities.keys()
        assert 'ymomentum' in sww_file.quantities.keys()

        for qname, q in sww_file.read_quantities(last_frame_number).items():
            #print qname
            #print num.linalg.norm(num.abs((domain.get_quantity(qname).get_values()-q).flatten()), ord=1)
            assert num.allclose(domain.get_quantity(qname).get_values(), q)

        # Start the evolution off again at frame 3

        points, vertices, boundary = rectangular_cross(int(length/dx), 
        new_domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary)


        for qname, q in sww_file.read_quantities(last_frame_number-1).items():
            new_domain.set_quantity(qname, q)    

        # Setup boundary conditions
        Bi = Dirichlet_boundary([0.4, 0, 0])          # Inflow
        Br = Reflective_boundary(new_domain)          # Solid reflective wall
        Bo = Dirichlet_boundary([-5, 0, 0])           # Outflow

        new_domain.set_boundary({'left': Bi, 'right': Bo, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br})

        # Evolve system through time

        for t in new_domain.evolve(yieldstep=1.0, finaltime=1.0):

        # Compare  new_domain and domain quantities 
        for quantity in domain.get_quantity_names():
            dv = domain.get_quantity(quantity).get_values()
            ndv = new_domain.get_quantity(quantity).get_values()

            #print dv-ndv

            assert num.allclose( dv, ndv, rtol=5.e-2, atol=5.e-2)