예제 #1
class TrackModel:
    """ A mixin to store record creation and edition date
    create_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    edit_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now,
예제 #2
class HistoryInput:
    """Internal Model linking Operations with their inputs and together.

    The main purpose of this model is to represent the Direct Acyclic Graph
    (DAG) of Operations history, and its "weighing": the links to Operation

    Additionally, some things to keep track of for :ref:`cancel and oblivion
    <op_cancel_revert_obliviate>` are also stored there.
    operation = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Operation',
                         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
    """The Operation we are interested in."""

    avatar = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Goods.Avatar',
                      foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
    """One of the inputs of the :attr:`operation`."""

    latest_previous_op = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Operation', index=True)
    """The latest operation that affected :attr:`avatars` before :attr:`operation`.

    This is both the fundamental data structure suporting history (DAG)
    aspects of Operations, as is exposed in the :attr:`Operation.follows`
    and :attr:`Operation.followers` attributes and, on the other hand, the
    preservation of :attr:`reason
    <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.goods.Avatar.reason>` for restore if
    needed, even after the :attr:`current operation <operation>` is done.

    orig_dt_until = DateTime(label="Original dt_until of avatars")
    """Saving the original ``dt_until`` value of the :attr:`Avatar <avatar>`
예제 #3
class IncrementEvent(Model.REA.Entity):
    Economic Event represents either an increment or a decrement in the
    value of economic resources that are under the control of the enterprise.
    Some economic events occur instantaneously, such as sales of goods; some
    occur over time, such as rentals, labor acquisition, and provision and use
    of services.

    # Model-Driven Design Using Business Patterns
    # Authors: Hruby, Pavel
    # ISBN-10 3-540-30154-2 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
    # ISBN-13 978-3-540-30154-7 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
    id = Integer(primary_key=True, foreign_key=Model.REA.Entity.use('id'))

    provider = Many2One(label="Agent provider",

    resource = Many2One(label='Resource Inflow',

    value = Decimal(label="increment value", default=decimalType(0))

    date = DateTime(label="Event Date",
                    default=lambda **kwargs: datetime.now())
예제 #4
class Page:
    """Define the Page size"""

    label = String(primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    created_at = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.now)
    updated_at = DateTime(nullable=False,

    size = String()
    height = Integer()
    width = Integer()

    def define_table_args(cls):
        table_args = super(Page, cls).define_table_args()
        return table_args + (CheckConstraint(
            '(height is null and width is null) or '
            '(height > 0 and width > 0)',
            name="size_upper_than_0"), )

    def get_options(self):
        options = []
        for field in ('size', 'width', 'height'):
            val = getattr(self, field)
            if val:
                options.append('--page-' + field)

        return options

    def check_flush_validity(self):
        if not self.size and not self.height and not self.width:
            raise PageValidityException(
                "You must define a size or a height and width")

        if self.size:
            self.height = None
            self.width = None

    def after_update_orm_event(cls, mapper, connection, target):

    def after_insert_orm_event(cls, mapper, connection, target):
예제 #5
 class PersonAddress:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     a_id = Integer(
         foreign_key=Model.Address.use('id'), nullable=False)
     p_name = String(
         foreign_key='Model.Person=>name', nullable=False)
     create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now)
     foo = String(default='bar')
예제 #6
class Message:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    create_date = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.now)
    edit_date = DateTime(nullable=False,
    content_type = String(default='application/json', nullable=False)
    message = LargeBinary(nullable=False)
    sequence = Integer(default=100, nullable=False)
    error = Text()
    queue = String(nullable=False)
    model = String(nullable=False)
    method = String(nullable=False)

    def consume(self):
        """Try to consume on message to import it in database"""
        logger.info('consume %r', self)
        error = ""
            Model = self.registry.get(self.model)
            savepoint = self.registry.begin_nested()
            status = getattr(Model,
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception('Error while trying to consume message %r',
            status = MessageStatus.ERROR
            error = str(e)

        if status is MessageStatus.ERROR or status is None:
            logger.info('%s Finished with an error %r', self, error)
            self.error = error

    def consume_all(cls):
        """Try to consume all the message, ordered by the sequence"""
        query = cls.query().order_by(cls.sequence)
        for consumer in query.all():
            except Exception:
예제 #7
class WeatherStation(Model.Iot.State):
    """Weather state from APRS-IS packet"""


    uuid: uuid4 = UUID(
    sensor_date: DateTime = DateTime(
        label="Sensor timestamp",
    station_code: str = String(label="Station code",

    wind_direction: D = Decimal(label="Wind direction")
    wind_speed: D = Decimal(label="Wind Speed (km/h ?)")
    wind_gust: D = Decimal(label="Wind gust (km/h ?)")
    temperature: D = Decimal(label="Thermometer (°C)")
    rain_1h: D = Decimal(label="rain (mm/1h)")
    rain_24h: D = Decimal(label="rain (mm/24h)")
    rain_since_midnight: D = Decimal(label="rain (mm/since midnight)")
    humidity: D = Decimal(label="Humidity (%)")
    pressure: D = Decimal(label="Pressure (hPa)")
    luminosity: D = Decimal(label="Luminosity/irradiation (W/m2)")

    def define_table_args(cls):
        res = super().define_table_args()
        return res + (UniqueConstraint(cls.sensor_date, cls.station_code), )

    def get_device_state(
        code: str,
    ) -> Union["registry.Model.Iot.State.Relay",
               "registry.Model.Iot.State.WeatherStation", ]:
        """Overwrite parent method to sort on sensor date and set fake date
        while creating empty state
        Device = cls.registry.Iot.Device
        state = (cls.query().join(Device).filter(Device.code == code).order_by(
        if not state:
            device = Device.query().filter_by(code=code).one()
            # We don't want to instert a new state here, just creating
            # a default instance
            state = cls(device=device, sensor_date=datetime.now())
        return state
예제 #8
class Template:
    """Template class
    id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True)
    create_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    edit_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False,
    code = String(label="Template code", unique=True, nullable=False)
    name = String(label="Template name", size=256)
    description = Text(label="Template description")
    properties = Jsonb(label="Template properties")

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s : %s" % (self.code, self.name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Template(code=%s, name=%s)>" % (
            self.code, self.name)
예제 #9
class Thing():
    uuid = UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid1, binary=False)
    name = String(label="Name", unique=True, nullable=False)
    create_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    edit_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    secret = Password(crypt_context={'schemes': ['pbkdf2_sha512']},
    example = Many2One(label="Example",

    def __str__(self):
        return ('{self.name}').format(self=self)

    def __repr__(self):
        msg = ('<Thing: {self.name}, {self.uuid}>')
        return msg.format(self=self)
예제 #10
 class PersonAddress:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     person = Many2One(
         model='Model.Person', nullable=False,
         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
     address = Many2One(
         model=Model.Address, nullable=False,
         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
     create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now)
     foo = String(default='bar')
예제 #11
 class TestLink:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     left = Many2One(
         model='Model.Test', nullable=False,
         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
     right = Many2One(
         model='Model.Test', nullable=False,
         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
     create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now)
     foo = String(default='bar')
class PredictionModelCall(Mixin.IdColumn):
    """One call to a PredictionModel"""
    call_datetime = DateTime(label='Datetime when the model was called',
    prediction_model = Many2One(label='Model that created the call',
    prediction_inputs = One2One(label='Inputs that produced the output',
    prediction_output = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        msg = '<PredictionModelCall call_datetime={self.call_datetime}, prediction_model={self.prediction_model}>'
        return msg.format(self=self)
예제 #13
class HistoryInput:
    """Internal Model linking Operations with their inputs and together.

    The main purpose of this model is to represent the Direct Acyclic Graph
    (DAG) of Operations history, and its "weighing": the links to Operation

    Additionally, some things to keep track of for :ref:`cancel and oblivion
    <op_cancel_revert_obliviate>` are also stored there.
    operation = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Operation',
                         foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
    """The Operation we are interested in."""

    avatar = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.PhysObj.Avatar',
                      foreign_key_options={'ondelete': 'cascade'})
    """One of the inputs of the :attr:`operation`."""

    orig_dt_until = DateTime(label="Original dt_until of avatars")
    """Saving the original ``dt_until`` value of the :attr:`Avatar <avatar>`
예제 #14
class DramatiqMessageStatus:
    """Mixin to define status field for dramatiq message and history"""

    STATUS_NEW = "new"
    STATUS_ENQUEUED = "enqueued"
    STATUS_DELAYED = "delayed"
    STATUS_RUNNING = "running"
    STATUS_FAILED = "failed"
    STATUS_DONE = "done"
    STATUS_SKIPED = "skiped"

    STATUSES = [
        (STATUS_NEW, "New"),
        (STATUS_ENQUEUED, "Enqueued"),
        (STATUS_DELAYED, "Delayed"),
        (STATUS_RUNNING, "Running"),
        (STATUS_FAILED, "Failed"),
        (STATUS_DONE, "Done"),
        (STATUS_SKIPED, "Skiped"),

    status = Selection(selections=STATUSES, default=STATUS_NEW, nullable=False)
    created_at = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.now)
예제 #15
class Message(Declarations.Mixin.DramatiqMessageStatus):
    """Message model for dramatiq"""

    id = UUID(primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    updated_at = DateTime()
    message = Json(nullable=False)

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Message (id={self.id}, status={self.status.label})>'.format(

    def insert(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Over write the insert to add the first history line"""
        self = super(Message, cls).insert(*args, **kwargs)
        self.updated_at = datetime.now()
            status=self.status, created_at=self.updated_at, message=self)
        return self

    def get_instance_of(cls, message):
        """Called by the middleware to get the model instance of the message"""
        return cls.query().filter(cls.id == message.message_id).one_or_none()

    def update_status(self, status, error=None):
        """Called by the middleware to change the status and history"""
        logger.info("Update message %s status => %s", self,
        self.status = status
        self.updated_at = datetime.now()
예제 #16
 class TestLink:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     t_left = Integer(foreign_key='Model.Test=>id', nullable=False)
     t_right = Integer(foreign_key='Model.Test=>id', nullable=False)
     create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now)
     foo = String(default='bar')
예제 #17
class JourneyWish(Mixin.UuidColumn, Mixin.TrackModel, Mixin.WorkFlow):

    """This model has Model.JourneyWish as a namespace. It is intented for
       storing journey wishes that represents travels intentions.

       For instance, an intention may be caracterized by start date, with an
       a time frame delimited by earlier and latest departure times,
       departure and arrival stations, passengers, maximum price, etc...

       Implemented fields are the following :

           * Departure station : Many2One relationship with Model.Station
           * Arrival station : Many2One relationship with Model.Station
           * Start date : DateTime representing earlier time after which train
           may leave the departure station
           * End date : DateTime representing latest time after which train may
           leave departure station.
           * Passengers : Many2Many relationship to Model.Passenger
           * Transportation mean : String, containing type of transport
           required by user (train, coach, etc...)
           * Active : boolean that stores if wish has to be processed
           * Activation date : Date, represent the moment when the wish could
           start being processed"""

    user = Many2One(
        label="User", model=Model.User, nullable=False, one2many="wishes"

    departure = Many2One(
        label="Departure Station",

    arrival = Many2One(
        label="Arrival Station",

    from_date = DateTime(label="Earlier Departure Date", nullable=True)
    end_date = DateTime(label="Latest Departure Date", nullable=True)
    activation_date = Date(label="Activation Date", nullable=True)

    passengers = Many2Many(

    transportation_mean = String(
        label="Transportation Mean", default="any", nullable=True

    active = Boolean(label="Active Wish", nullable=True)

    def get_workflow_definition(cls):

        """This method is aimed at defining workflow used for model

        return {
            "draft": {
                "default": True,
                "allowed_to": ["running", "pending"],
                "apply_change": "deactivate",
            "running": {
                "allowed_to": ["cancelled", "expired"],
                "apply_change": "activate",
            "pending": {
                "allowed_to": ["cancelled", "expired", "running"],
                "apply_change": "deactivate",
            "expired": {"apply_change": "deactivate"},
            "cancelled": {"apply_change": "deactivate"},

    def activate(self, from_state):

        if from_state == "draft" and not self.activation_date:
            self.activation_date = date.today()

        self.active = True

    def deactivate(self, from_state):
        self.active = False

    def check_state(self):

        """This method is aimed at being used in order to automatically set
           workflow state, depending on record attributes."""

        if self.state == "pending":
            # If wish is pending, check is activation_date is set
            if self.activation_date and self.activation_date <= date.today():

        elif self.state == "running":
            # If wish is already running, check that from_date is not in the
            # past

                now = datetime.now().astimezone()
            except ValueError:
                # Python3.5 and below do not support astimezone on 'naive'
                # dates provided by datetime.now()
                now = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone()

            if self.from_date and self.from_date < now:
예제 #18
class Avatar:
    """PhysObj Avatar.

    See in :ref:`Core Concepts <physobj_avatar>` for a functional description.

    id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True)
    """Primary key."""

    obj = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.PhysObj,
    """The PhysObj of which this is an Avatar."""

    state = Selection(label="State of existence",
    """State of existence in the premises.

    see :mod:`anyblok_wms_base.constants`.

    This may become an ENUM once Anyblok supports them.

    location = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.PhysObj,
    """Where the PhysObj are/will be/were.

    See :class:`Location <anyblok_wms_base.core.location.Location>`
    for a discussion of what this should actually mean.

    dt_from = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) from this date & time",
    """Date and time from which the Avatar is meaningful, inclusively.

    Functionally, even though the default in creating Operations will be
    to use the current date and time, this is not to be confused with the
    time of creation in the database, which we don't care much about.

    The actual meaning really depends on the value of the :attr:`state`

    + In the ``past`` and ``present`` states, this is supposed to be
      a faithful representation of reality.

    + In the ``future`` state, this is completely theoretical, and
      ``wms-core`` doesn't do much about it, besides using it to avoid
      counting several :ref:`physobj_avatar` of the same physical goods
      while :meth:`peeking at quantities in the future
      If the end application does serious time prediction, it can use it

    In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same PhysObj aren't present
    at an earlier time with the same state, location, etc. That earlier time
    range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth).

    dt_until = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) until this date & time")
    """Date and time until which the Avatar record is meaningful, exclusively.

    Like :attr:`dt_from`, the meaning varies according to the value of

    + In the ``past`` state, this is supposed to be a faithful
      representation of reality: apart from the special case of formal
      :ref:`Splits and Aggregates <op_split_aggregate>`, the goods
      really left this location at these date and time.

    + In the ``present`` and ``future`` states, this is purely
      theoretical, and the same remarks as for the :attr:`dt_from` field
      apply readily.

    In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same goods aren't present
    at an later time with the same state, location, etc. That later time
    range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth).

    outcome_of = Many2One(index=True,
                          model=Model.Wms.Operation, nullable=False)
    """The Operation that created this Avatar.

    goods = Function(fget='_goods_get',
    """Compatibility wrapper.

    Before the merge of Goods and Locations as PhysObj, :attr:`obj` was

    This does not extend to compatibility of the former low level ``goods_id``

    def define_table_args(cls):
        return super().define_table_args() + (
                CheckConstraint('dt_until IS NULL OR dt_until >= dt_from',
                      cls.obj_id, unique=True,
                      postgresql_where=(cls.state == 'present'))

    def _goods_get(self):
        return self.obj

    def _goods_set(self, value):
        self.obj = value

    def _goods_expr(cls):
        return cls.obj

    def __str__(self):
        return ("(id={self.id}, obj={self.obj}, state={self.state!r}, "
                "location={self.location}, "
                "dt_range=[{self.dt_from}, "

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Wms.PhysObj.Avatar(id={self.id}, "
                "obj={self.obj!r}, state={self.state!r}, "
                "location={self.location!r}, "
                "dt_range=[{self.dt_from!r}, {self.dt_until!r}])").format(

    def get_property(self, k, default=None):
        return self.obj.get_property(k, default=default)
예제 #19
class WkHtml2Pdf:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    label = String(nullable=False)
    created_at = DateTime(nullable=False, default=datetime.now)
    updated_at = DateTime(nullable=False,

    copies = Integer(nullable=False, default=1)
    grayscale = Boolean(default=False)
    lowquality = Boolean(default=False)
    dpi = Integer()
    page_offset = Integer(nullable=False, default=0)
    minimum_font_size = Integer()
    margin_bottom = Integer(nullable=False, default=10)
    margin_left = Integer(nullable=False, default=10)
    margin_right = Integer(nullable=False, default=10)
    margin_top = Integer(nullable=False, default=10)
    orientation = Selection(selections={
        'Landscape': 'Landscape',
        'Portrait': 'Portrait'
    page = Many2One(model='Model.Attachment.WkHtml2Pdf.Page', nullable=False)
    background = Boolean(default=True)
    collate = Boolean(default=True)
    encoding = String(default='utf-8', nullable=False)
    images = Boolean(default=True)
    javascript = Boolean(default=True)
    local_file_access = Boolean(default=True)
    javascript_delay = Integer(nullable=False, default=200)
    load_error_handling = Selection(selections='get_error_handling',
    load_media_error_handling = Selection(selections='get_error_handling',

    def get_error_handling(cls):
        return {x: x.capitalize() for x in ('abort', 'ignore', 'skip')}

    def define_table_args(cls):
        table_args = super(WkHtml2Pdf, cls).define_table_args()
        return table_args + (
            CheckConstraint('copies > 0', name="copies_upper_than_0"),
            CheckConstraint('page_offset >= 0', name="offset_upper_than_0"),
            CheckConstraint('margin_bottom >= 0',
            CheckConstraint('margin_left >= 0',
            CheckConstraint('margin_right >= 0',
            CheckConstraint('margin_top >= 0', name="marge_top_upper_than_0"),
            CheckConstraint('javascript_delay >= 0',

    def options_from_self(self):
        options = []
        for option in ('margin_bottom', 'margin_right', 'margin_left',
                       'margin_top', 'orientation', 'encoding',
                       'javascript_delay', 'load_error_handling',
                       'load_media_error_handling', 'copies', 'dpi',
            val = getattr(self, option)
            if val is not None:
                options.append('--' + option.replace('_', '-'))

        for option in ('grayscale', 'lowquality'):
            val = getattr(self, option)
            if val is not None:
                options.append('--' + option.replace('_', '-'))


        for option in ('background', 'images', 'collate'):
            val = getattr(self, option)
            options.append(('--' if val else '--no-') + option)

        for option in ('javascript', 'local_file_access'):
            val = getattr(self, option)
            options.append(('--enable-' if val else '--disable-') +
                           option.replace('_', '-'))

        return options

    def options_from_configuration(self):
        options = []
        if not Configuration.get('wkhtmltopdf_unquiet'):
        if Configuration.get('wkhtmltopdf_debug_javascript'):

        return options

    def cast_html2pdf(self, prefix, html_content):
        """Cast html document to a pdf document

        :param prefix: prefix use for the tempory document
        :param html_content: html file (bytes)
        :rtype: bytes
        :exception: WkHtml2PdfException
        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix + '-html2pdf')
        html_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'in.html')
        pdf_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'out.pdf')

        with open(html_path, 'wb') as fd:

        cmd = ['wkhtmltopdf']
        cmd.extend([html_path, pdf_path])

        logger.debug('Rendering PDF, cmd=%r', cmd)
        wkhtmltopdf = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
        out, err = wkhtmltopdf.communicate()

        if wkhtmltopdf.returncode != 0:
            logger.error("wkhtmltopdf failure with stdout=%r, stderr=%r", out,
            raise WkHtml2PdfException(
                ("wkhtmltopdf {cmd} in dir {tmp_dir} failed with code "
                 "{code}, check error log for details").format(
                     cmd=' '.join(cmd),

        logger.debug("wkhtmltopdf finished stdout=%r, stderr=%r", out, err)

        with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as fd:
            file_ = fd.read()

        except Exception:
            logger.warning("Could not clean up temporary directory %r",
        return file_
예제 #20
class Avatar:
    """Goods Avatar.

    See in :ref:`Core Concepts <goods_avatar>` for a functional description.

    id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True)
    """Primary key."""

    goods = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.Goods, index=True, nullable=False)
    """The Goods of which this is an Avatar."""

    state = Selection(label="State of existence",
    """State of existence in the premises.

    see :mod:`anyblok_wms_base.constants`.

    This may become an ENUM once Anyblok supports them.

    location = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.Location, nullable=False, index=True)
    """Where the Goods are/will be/were.

    See :class:`Location <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.location.Location>`
    for a discussion of what this should actually mean.

    dt_from = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) from this date & time",
    """Date and time from which the Avatar is meaningful, inclusively.

    Functionally, even though the default in creating Operations will be
    to use the current date and time, this is not to be confused with the
    time of creation in the database, which we don't care much about.

    The actual meaning really depends on the value of the :attr:`state`

    + In the ``past`` and ``present`` states, this is supposed to be
      a faithful representation of reality.

    + In the ``future`` state, this is completely theoretical, and
      ``wms-core`` doesn't do much about it, besides using it to avoid
      counting several :ref:`goods_avatar` of the same physical goods
      while :meth:`peeking at quantities in the future
      If the end application does serious time prediction, it can use it

    In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same Goods aren't present
    at an earlier time with the same state, location, etc. That earlier time
    range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth).

    dt_until = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) until this date & time")
    """Date and time until which the Avatar record is meaningful, exclusively.

    Like :attr:`dt_from`, the meaning varies according to the value of

    + In the ``past`` state, this is supposed to be a faithful
      representation of reality: apart from the special case of formal
      :ref:`Splits and Aggregates <op_split_aggregate>`, the goods
      really left this location at these date and time.

    + In the ``present`` and ``future`` states, this is purely
      theoretical, and the same remarks as for the :attr:`dt_from` field
      apply readily.

    In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same goods aren't present
    at an later time with the same state, location, etc. That later time
    range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth).

    reason = Many2One(label="The operation that is the direct cause "
                      "for the values",
    """Entry point to operational history.

    This records the Operation that is responsible for the current
    Avatar, including its :attr:`state`. In practice, it is
    simply the latest :class:`Operation <.operation.base.Operation>` that
    affected these goods.

    It should renamed as ``outcome_of`` or ``latest_operation`` in some

    .. note:: As a special case, planned Operations do change :attr:`dt_until`
              on the Avatars they work on without setting themselves as

              No setting themselves as :attr:`reason` helps to distinguish
              their inputs from their outcomes and is in line
              with :attr:`dt_until` being theoretical in that case anyway.
    def __str__(self):
        return ("(id={self.id}, goods={self.goods}, state={self.state!r}, "
                "location={self.location}, "
                "dt_range=[{self.dt_from}, {self.dt_until})".format(self=self))

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Wms.Goods.Avatar(id={self.id}, "
                "goods={self.goods!r}, state={self.state!r}, "
                "location={self.location!r}, "
                "dt_range=[{self.dt_from!r}, {self.dt_until!r})").format(

    def get_property(self, k, default=None):
        return self.goods.get_property(k, default=default)

    def type(self):
        """Mostly to ease the separation of Avatars from Goods."""
        return self.goods.type

    def code(self):
        """Mostly to ease the separation of Avatars from Goods."""
        return self.goods.code

    def quantity(self):
        """Mostly to ease the separation of Avatars from Goods."""
        return self.goods.quantity
예제 #21
 class Test:
     id = Integer(primary_key=True)
     update_at = DateTime(auto_update=True)
     val = String()
예제 #22
class Operation:
    """Base class for all Operations.

    .. warning:: downstream applications and libraries should never issue
                 :meth:`insert` for Operations in their main code, and must use
                 :meth:`create` instead. See the documention of :meth:`create`
                 for more about this.

    The Operation model encodes the common part of all precise operations,
    which themselves have dedicated models. This is implemented with the
    polymorphic features of SQLAlchemy and AnyBlok.

    The main purpose of this separation is to simplify the representation of
    operational history: Goods Avatars and Operations can be :class:`linked
    together <HistoryInput>` in full generality.

    Downstream applications and libraries can add columns on the present model
    to satisfy their auditing needs (some notion of "user" or "operator" comes
    to mind).
    id = Integer(label="Identifier, shared with specific tables",
    """The primary key (serial integer)

    its value is equal to that of the concrete Operation Model.

    # TODO enums ?
    type = Selection(
        label="Operation Type",
    """Polymorphic key to dispatch between the various Operation Models.

    As such keys are
    supposed to be unique among all polymorphic cases in the whole application,
    those defined by WMS Base are prefixed with ``wms_``.
    state = Selection(
        label="State of operation",
    """The current state (lifecycle step) of the Operation.

    See :ref:`op_states` for the meanings.
    comment = String(label="Comment")
    """Free field.

    This is meant to store details of how it went, or motivation
    for the operation (downstream libraries implementing scheduling
    should better use columns rather than this field).

    .. note:: this shouldn't be ``wms-core`` responsibility, and hence should
              be simply removed.
    def query_history_input(self):
        HI = self.registry.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput
        return HI.query().filter(HI.operation == self)

    def inputs(self):
        """The Avatars records the Operation is working on.

        This is a read-only pseudo field, initialized by :meth:`create()`.
        The backing data is actually stored in
        :class:`Model.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput <HistoryInput>`.
        return [hi.avatar for hi in self.query_history_input().all()]

    def follows(self):
        """Immediate predecessors in the Operation history,

        These are the latest Operations that affected the
        :attr:`inputs` (and recorded themselves on them).

        There may be zero, one or more of them.

        Don't assume it'd be a list, it could as well be a set or
        tuple, or any iterable.


        * a move of a bottle of milk that follows the unpacking
          of a 6-pack, which itself follows a move from somewhere else
        * a parcel packing operation that follows exactly one move
          to the shipping area for each Goods to be packed.
          they themselves would follow more operations.
        * an :class:`Arrival <.arrival.Arrival>` typically doesn't
          follow anything (but might be due to some kind of purchase order).

        This is a read-only pseudo field, initialized by :meth:`create()`,
        The backing data is actually stored in
        :class:`Model.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput <HistoryInput>`.
        return [
            hi.latest_previous_op for hi in self.query_history_input().all()

    def followers(self):
        """The converse of :attr:`follows`

        These are the Operations that are directly after the curent one.
        There may be also 0, 1 or more of them.

        Don't assume it'd be a list, it could as well be a set or
        tuple, or any iterable.

        This is a read-only pseudo field, initialized by :meth:`create()`,
        The backing data is actually stored in
        :class:`Model.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput <HistoryInput>`.
        HI = self.registry.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput
        return [
            for hi in HI.query().filter(HI.latest_previous_op == self).all()

    dt_execution = DateTime(label="date and time of execution", nullable=False)
    """Date and time of execution.

    For Operations in state ``done``, this represents the time at which the
    Operation has been completed, i.e., has reached that state.

    For Operations in states ``planned`` and ``started``,
    this represents the time at which the execution is supposed to complete.
    This has consequences on the :attr:`dt_from
    <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.goods.Avatar.dt_from>` and :attr:`dt_until
    <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.goods.Avatar.dt_until>` fields of
    the :ref:`Goods Avatars <goods_avatar>` affected by this Operation, to
    avoid summing up several :ref:`Avatars <goods_avatar>` of the same
    physical goods while :meth:`peeking at quantities in the future
    but has no other strong meaning within
    ``wms-core``: if the end application does some serious time prediction,
    it can use it about freely. The actual execution can
    occur later at any time, be it sooner or later, as :meth:`execute`
    will in particular correct the value of this field, and its
    consequences on the affected :ref:`Avatars <goods_avatar>`.

    dt_start = DateTime(label="date and time of start")
    """Date and time of start, if different than execution.

    For all Operations, if the value of this field is None, this means that
    the Operation is considered to be instantaneous.

    Overall, ``wms-core`` doesn't do much about this field other than recording
    it: end applications that perform does serious time predictions can use
    it about freely.

    .. note:: We will probably later on make use of this field in
              destructive Operations to update the :attr:`dt_until
              <anyblok_wms_base.bloks.wms_core.goods.Avatar.dt_until>` field
              of their inputs, meaning that they won't appear in
              present quantity queries anymore.

    For Operations in states ``done`` and ``started`` this represents the time
    at which the Operation has been started, i.e., has reached the ``started``

    For Operations in state ``planned``, this is as much theoretical as the
    field ``dt_execution`` is.

    inputs_number = NONZERO
    """Number of :attr:`inputs` the Operation expects.

    This can be set by subclasses to impose a fixed number, as in
    :attr:`inputs_number <.on_goods.WmsSingleGoodsOperation>`

    In particular, purely creative subclasses must set this to 0

    def define_mapper_args(cls):
        mapper_args = super(Operation, cls).define_mapper_args()
        if cls.__registry_name__ == 'Model.Wms.Operation':
                'polymorphic_identity': 'operation',
                'polymorphic_on': cls.type,
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.TYPE,

        return mapper_args

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("{model_name}(id={self.id}, state={self.state!r}, "

    __str__ = __repr__

    def link_inputs(self, inputs=None, clear=False, **fields):
        HI = self.registry.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput
        if clear:
            HI.query().filter(HI.operation == self).delete(
        for avatar in inputs:

    def create(cls,
        """Main method for creation of operations

        In contrast with :meth:`insert`, this class method performs
        some Wms specific logic,
        e.g, creation of Goods, but that's up to the specific subclasses.

        :param state:
           value of the :attr:`state` field right after creation. It has
           a strong influence on the consequences of the Operation:
           creating an Operation in the ``done`` state means executing it
           right away.

           Creating an Operation in the ``started`` state should
           make the relevant Goods and/or Avatar locked or destroyed right away
           (TODO not implemented)
        :param fields: remaining fields, to be forwarded to ``insert`` and
                       the various involved methods implemented in subclasses.
        :param dt_execution:
           value of the attr:`dt_execution` right at creation. If
           ``state==planned``, this is mandatory. Otherwise, it defaults to
           the current date and time (:meth:`datetime.now`)
        :return Operation: concrete instance of the appropriate Operation

        In principle, downstream developers should never call :meth:`insert`.

        As this is Python, nothing really forbids them of doing so, but they
        must then exactly know what they are doing, much like issuing
        INSERT statements to the database).

        Keeping :meth:`insert` as in vanilla SQLAlchemy has the advantage of
        making them easily usable in
        ``wms_core`` internal implementation without side effects.

        On the other hand, downstream developers should feel free to
        :meth:`insert` and :meth:`update` in their unit or integration tests.
        The fact that they are inert should help reproduce weird situations
        (yes, the same could be achieved by forcing to use the Model class
        methods instead).
        if dt_execution is None:
            if state == 'done':
                dt_execution = datetime.now()
                raise OperationError(
                    cls, "Creation in state {state!r} requires the "
                    "'dt_execution' field (date and time when "
                    "it's supposed to be done).",
        inputs, fields_upd = cls.before_insert(state=state,
        if fields_upd is not None:
        op = cls.insert(state=state, dt_execution=dt_execution, **fields)
        if inputs is not None:  # happens with creative Operations
        return op

    def before_insert(cls, inputs=None, **fields):
        return inputs, None

    def execute(self, dt_execution=None):
        """Execute the operation.

        :param datetime dt_execution:
           the time at which execution happens.
           This parameter is meant for tests, or for callers doing bulk
           execution. If omitted, it defaults to the current date
           and time (:meth:`datetime.now`)

        This is an idempotent call: if the operation is already done,
        nothing happens.
        if self.state == 'done':
        if dt_execution is None:
            dt_execution = datetime.now()
        self.dt_execution = dt_execution
        if self.dt_start is None:
            self.dt_start = dt_execution
        self.state = 'done'

    def cancel(self):
        """Cancel a planned operation and all its consequences.

        This method will recursively cancel all follow-ups of ``self``, before
        cancelling ``self`` itself.

        The implementation is for now a simple recursion, and hence can
        lead to :class:`RecursionError` on huge graphs.
        TODO rewrite using an accumulation logic rather than recursion.
        if self.state != 'planned':
            raise OperationError(
                "Can't cancel {op} because its state {op.state!r} is not "
        logger.debug("Cancelling operation %r", self)

        # followers attribute value will mutate during the loop
        followers = tuple(self.followers)
        for follower in followers:
        logger.info("Cancelled operation %r", self)

    def is_reversible(self):
        """Tell whether the current operation can be in principle reverted.

        This does not check that actual conditions to plan a revert are met
        (which would need to plan reversals for all followers first),
        but only that, in principle, it is possible.

        :return: the answer
        :rtype: bool

        As there are many irreversible operations, and besides, reversibility
        has to be implemented for each subclass, the default implementation
        returns ``False``. Subclasses implementing reversibility have to
        override this.
        return False

    def plan_revert(self, dt_execution=None):
        """Plan operations to revert the present one and its consequences.

        Like :meth:`cancel`, this method is recursive, but it applies only
        to operations that are in the 'done' state.

        It is expected that some operations can't be reverted, because they
        are destructive, and in that case an exception will be raised.

        For now, time handling is rather dumb, as it will plan
        all the operations at the same date and time (this Blok has to idea
        of operations lead times), but that shouldn't be a problem.

        :param datetime dt_execution:
           the time at which to plan the reversal operations.
           If not supplied, the current date and time will be used.

        :rtype: (``Operation``, list(``Operation``))
        :return: the operation reverting the present one, and
                 the list of initial operations to be executed to actually
                 start reversing the whole.
        if dt_execution is None:
            dt_execution = datetime.now()
        if self.state != 'done':
            # TODO actually it'd be nice to cancel or update
            # planned operations (think of reverting a Move meant for
            # organisation, but keeping an Unpack that was scheduled
            # afterwards)
            raise OperationError(self, "Can't plan reversal of {op} because "
                                 "its state {op.state!r} is not 'done'",
        if not self.is_reversible():
            raise OperationIrreversibleError(self)

        logger.debug("Planning reversal of operation %r", self)

        exec_leafs = []
        followers_reverts = []
        for follower in self.followers:
            follower_revert, follower_exec_leafs = follower.plan_revert()
        this_reversal = self.plan_revert_single(dt_execution,
        if not exec_leafs:
            "Planned reversal of operation %r. "
            "Execution starts with %r", self, exec_leafs)
        return this_reversal, exec_leafs

    def obliviate(self):
        """Totally forget about an executed Operation and all its consequences.

        This is intended for cases where an Operation has been recorded by
        mistake (bug or human error), but did not happen at all in reality.

        We chose the word "obliviate" because it has a stronger feeling that
        simply "forget" and also sound more specific.

        This is not to be confused with reversals, which try and create a
        chain of Operations to perform to revert the effect of some Operations.

        If one reverts a Move that has been done by mistake,
        that means one performs a Move back (takes some time, can go wrong).
        If one obliviates a Move, that means one
        acknowledges that the Move never happened: its mere existence in the
        database is itself the mistake.

        Also, some Operations cannot be reverted in reality, whereas oblivion
        in our sense have no effect on reality.

        This method will recursively obliviate all follow-ups of ``self``,
        before ``self`` itself.

        The implementation is for now a simple recursion, and hence can
        lead to :class:`RecursionError` on huge graphs.
        TODO rewrite using an accumulation logic rather than recursion.
        TODO it is also very much a duplication of :meth:`cancel`. The
        recursion logic itself should probably be factorized in a common

        TODO For the time being, the implementation insists on all Operations
        to be in the ``done`` state, but it should probably accept those
        that are in the ``planned`` state, and call :meth:`cancel` on them,
        maybe this could become an option if we can't decide.
        if self.state != 'done':
            raise OperationError(
                "Can't obliviate {op} because its state {op.state!r} is not "
        logger.debug("Obliviating operation %r", self)

        # followers attribute value will mutate during the loop
        followers = tuple(self.followers)
        for follower in followers:

        # TODO check that we have a test for cascading on HistoryInput
        logger.info("Obliviated operation %r", self)

    def iter_inputs_original_values(self):
        """List inputs together with the original values stored in HistoryInput.

        Depending on the needs, it might be interesting to avoid
        actually fetching all those records.

        :return: a generator of pairs (goods, their original reasons,
        their original ``dt_until``)
        # TODO simple n-column query instead
        return ((hi.avatar, hi.latest_previous_op, hi.orig_dt_until)
                for hi in self.query_history_input().all())

    def reset_inputs_original_values(self, state=None):
        """Reset all inputs to their original values; set state if passed.

        :param state: if not None, will be set on the inputs

        The original values are those currently held in
        :class:`Model.Wms.Operation.HistoryInput <HistoryInput>`.

        TODO PERF: it should be more efficient not to fetch the avatars and
        their records, but work directly on ids (and maybe do this in one pass
        with a clever UPDATE query).
        for avatar, reason, dt_until in self.iter_inputs_original_values():
            if state is not None:
                avatar.state = state
            avatar.update(reason=reason, dt_until=dt_until)

    def check_create_conditions(cls,
        """Check that the conditions are met for the creation.

        This is done before calling ``insert()``.

        In this default implementation, we check

        - that the number of inputs is correct, by comparing
          with :attr:`inputs_number`, and
        - that they are all in the proper
          state for the wished :attr:`Operation state <state>`.

        Subclasses are welcome to override this, and will probably want to
        call it back, using ``super``.
        expected = cls.inputs_number
        if not inputs:  # to include None
            if expected:
                raise OperationMissingInputsError(
                    cls, "The 'inputs' keyword argument must be passed to the "
                    "create() method, and must not be empty "
                    "got {inputs})",
        elif len(inputs) != expected:
            raise OperationInputsError(
                cls, "Expecting exactly {exp} inputs, got {nb} of them: "

        if state == 'done' and inputs:
            for record in inputs:
                if record.state != 'present':
                    raise OperationInputWrongState(
                        prelude="Can't create in state 'done' "
                        "for inputs {inputs}",

    def outcomes(self):
        """Return the outcomes of the present operation.

        Outcomes are the Goods Avatars that the current Operation produces,
        unless another Operation has been executed afterwards, becoming their
        If no Operation is downstream, one can think of outcomes as the results
        of the current Operation.

        This default implementation considers that the :attr:`inputs`
        of the current Operation never are outcomes.

        This is a Python property, because it might become a field at some
        Avatar = self.registry.Wms.Goods.Avatar
        # if already executed, might be the 'reason' for some Avatar
        # from self.inputs to be in 'past' state.
        return Avatar.query().filter(Avatar.reason == self,
                                     Avatar.state != 'past').all()

    def after_insert(self):
        """Perform specific logic after insert during creation process

        To be implemented in subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def check_execute_conditions(self):
        """Used during execution to check that the Operation is indeed doable.

        In this default implementation, we check that all the :attr:`inputs`
        are in the ``present`` state.

        Subclasses are welcome to override this, and will probably want to
        call it back, using ``super``.
        if not self.inputs_number:
            # avoid a query with 0 results

        for record in self.inputs:
            if record.state != 'present':
                raise OperationInputWrongState(
                    prelude="Can't execute {operation}")

    def execute_planned(self):
        """Execute an operation that has been up to now in the 'planned' state.

        To be implemented in subclasses.

        This method does not have to care about the Operation state, which
        the base class has already checked.

        This method must correct the dates and times on the affected Avatars or
        more broadly of any consequences of the theoretical execution date
        and time that has been set during planning.
        For that purpose, it can rely on the value of the :attr:`dt_execution`
        field to be now the final one (can be sooner or later than expected).

        Normally, this method should not need either to perform any checks that
        the execution can, indeed, be done: such subclasses-specific
        tests are supposed to be done within :meth:`check_execute_conditions`.

        Downstream applications and libraries are
        not supposed to call this method: they should use :meth:`execute`,
        which takes care of all the above-mentioned preparations.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def delete_outcomes(self):
        """Delete outcomes of the current Operation and their Goods if needed

        This is used in the default implementations of :meth:`cancel_single`
        and :meth:`obliviate_single`.

        The Goods that the outcome Avatars were attached too get removed if
        they have no Avatar left. Typically that would be because they have been
        created along with the Avatars.
        all_goods = set()
        for avatar in self.outcomes:
        # TODO PERF probably more efficient in one query with GROUP BY + COUNT
        Avatar = self.registry.Wms.Goods.Avatar
        for goods in all_goods:
            if not Avatar.query().filter(Avatar.goods == goods).count():

    def cancel_single(self):
        """Cancel just the current operation.

        This method assumes that follow-up Operations have already been
        taken care of. It removes all planned consequences of the current one,
        but dos not delete it.

        The default implementation calls :meth:`reset_inputs_original_values`,
        then :meth:`delete_outcomes` (all outcomes should be in the `future`
        Subclasses should override this if there's more to be done.

        Downstream applications and libraries are
        not supposed to call this method: they should use :meth:`cancel`,
        which takes care of the necessary recursivity and the final deletion.

    def obliviate_single(self):
        """Oblivate just the current operation.

        This method assumes that follow-up Operations are already been
        taken care of. It removes all consequences of the current one,
        but does not delete it.

        The default implementation calls :meth:`reset_inputs_original_values`,
        then :meth:`delete_outcomes`.

        Subclasses should override this if there's more to be done.

        Downstream applications and libraries are
        not supposed to call this method: they should use :meth:`obliviate`,
        which takes care of the necessary recursivity and the final deletion.

        To be implemented in sublasses

    def plan_revert_single(self, dt_execution, follows=()):
        """Create a planned operation to revert the present one.

        This method assumes that reversals have already been issued for
        follow-up Operations, and takes them as input.

        :param datetime dt_execution: the date and time at which to plan
                                 the reversal operations.
        :param follows:
           the Operations that the reversal will have to follow. In other
           words, these are the reversals of ``self.followers`` (can be empty).
        :type follows: list(:class:`Operation
        :return: the planned reversal
        :rtype: ``Operation``

        Downstream applications and libraries are
        not supposed to call this method: they should use :meth:`plan_revert`,
        which takes care of the necessary recursivity.

        To be implemented in sublasses
        raise NotImplementedError("for %s" %
                                  self.__registry_name__)  # pragma: no cover
예제 #23
class Job:
    """The job is an execution of an instance of task"""
    STATUS_NEW = "new"
    STATUS_WAITING = "waiting"
    STATUS_RUNNING = "running"
    STATUS_FAILED = "failed"
    STATUS_DONE = "done"

    STATUSES = [
        (STATUS_NEW, "New"),
        (STATUS_WAITING, "Waiting"),
        (STATUS_RUNNING, "Running"),
        (STATUS_FAILED, "Failed"),
        (STATUS_DONE, "Done"),

    uuid = UUID(primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=uuid1, binary=False)
    create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    update_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now,
    run_at = DateTime()
    data = Json(nullable=False)
    status = Selection(selections=STATUSES, default=STATUS_NEW, nullable=False)
    task = Many2One(model=Declarations.Model.Dramatiq.Task, nullable=False)
    main_job = Many2One(model='Model.Dramatiq.Job', one2many="sub_jobs")
    error = Text()

    def run(cls, job_uuid=None):
        """dramatiq actor to execute a specific task"""
        autocommit = EnvironmentManager.get('job_autocommit', True)
            job = cls.query().filter(cls.uuid == job_uuid).one()
            job.status = cls.STATUS_RUNNING
            if autocommit:
                cls.registry.commit()  # use to save the state


            if autocommit:
                cls.registry.commit()  # use to save the state
        except Exception as e:
            job.status = cls.STATUS_FAILED
            job.error = str(e)

            if autocommit:
                cls.registry.commit()  # use to save the state

            raise e

    def lock(self):
        """lock the job to be sure that only one thread execute the run_next"""
        Job = self.__class__
        while True:
                    Job.uuid == self.uuid).one()
            except OperationalError:

    def call_main_job(self):
        """Call the main job if exist to do the next action of the main job"""
        if self.main_job:
예제 #24
class Document:

    uuid = UUID(primary_key=True, binary=False, nullable=False)
    version_number = Integer(primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    version = Function(fget="get_version")

    created_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    historied_at = DateTime()

    data = Json(default=dict)

    file_added_at = DateTime()
    filename = String(size=256)
    contenttype = String()
    filesize = Integer()
    file = LargeBinary()
    hash = String(size=256)

    type = Selection(selections={
        'latest': 'Latest',
        'history': 'History'

    previous_doc_uuid = UUID()
    previous_doc_version_number = Integer()
    previous_version = Function(fget="get_previous_version")
    next_version = Function(fget="get_next_version")
    previous_versions = Function(fget="get_previous_versions")

    def get_file_fields(cls):
        return [
            'file', 'file_added_at', 'contenttype', 'filename', 'hash',

    def get_file(self):
        return self.to_dict(*self.get_file_fields())

    def set_file(self, file_):
        self.file = file_

    def get_version(self):
        return "V-%06d" % self.version_number

    def get_previous_version(self):
        Doc = self.anyblok.Attachment.Document
        query = Doc.query()
        query = query.filter(Doc.uuid == self.previous_doc_uuid)
        query = query.filter(
            Doc.version_number == self.previous_doc_version_number)
        return query.one_or_none()

    def get_next_version(self):
        Doc = self.anyblok.Attachment.Document
        query = Doc.query()
        query = query.filter(Doc.previous_doc_uuid == self.uuid)
        query = query.filter(
            Doc.previous_doc_version_number == self.version_number)
        return query.one_or_none()

    def get_previous_versions(self):
        res = []
        current = self
        while current.previous_version:
            current = current.previous_version

        return res

    def define_mapper_args(cls):
        mapper_args = super(Document, cls).define_mapper_args()
        if cls.__registry_name__ == 'Model.Attachment.Document':
            mapper_args.update({'polymorphic_on': cls.type})

        mapper_args.update({'polymorphic_identity': cls.DOCUMENT_TYPE})
        return mapper_args

    def insert(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls.__registry_name__ == 'Model.Attachment.Document':
            return cls.anyblok.Attachment.Document.Latest.insert(
                *args, **kwargs)

        return super(Document, cls).insert(*args, **kwargs)

    def query(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        query = super(Document, cls).query(*args, **kwargs)
        if cls.__registry_name__ != 'Model.Attachment.Document':
            query = query.filter(cls.type == cls.DOCUMENT_TYPE)

        return query

    def has_file(self):
        if self.file:
            return True

        return False

    def filter_has_not_file(cls):
        return cls.file == None  # noqa
예제 #25
class Task:
    """Main Task, define the main table"""
    TASK_TYPE = None

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    label = String(nullable=False)
    create_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    update_at = DateTime(default=datetime.now,
    task_type = Selection(selections="get_task_type", nullable=False)
    order = Integer(nullable=False, default=100)
    main_task = Many2One(model='Model.Dramatiq.Task', one2many="sub_tasks")

    def get_task_type(cls):
        """List the task type possible"""
        return {
            'call_method': 'Call classmethod',
            'stepbystep': 'Step by Step',
            'parallel': 'Parallel steps',

    def define_mapper_args(cls):
        """Polymorphism configuration"""
        mapper_args = super(Task, cls).define_mapper_args()
        if cls.__registry_name__ == Model.Dramatiq.Task.__registry_name__:
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.TASK_TYPE,
                'polymorphic_on': cls.task_type,
                'polymorphic_identity': cls.TASK_TYPE,

        return mapper_args

    def do_the_job(self,
        """Create a job for this tash and add send it to dramatiq

        :param main_job: parent job if exist
        :param run_at: datetime to execute the job
        :param with_args: tuple of the argument to pass at the job
        :param with_kwargs: dict of the argument to pass at the job
        values = dict(run_at=run_at,
                      data=dict(with_args=with_args or tuple(),
                                with_kwargs=with_kwargs or dict()),
        job = self.registry.Dramatiq.Job.insert(**values)
        # FIXME dramatiq don t accept uuid, waiting the next version
        self.registry.Dramatiq.Job.run(job_uuid=str(job.uuid), run_at=run_at)

    def run(self, job):
        """Execute the task for one job

        :param job: job executed
        raise Exception("No task definition for job %r" % job)

    def run_next(self, job):
        """next action to execute when a sub job finish this task for one job

        :param job: job executed
        raise Exception("No next action define for this task for job %r" % job)
예제 #26
class Family:
    """Product.Family class
    FAMILY_CODE = None
    family_schema = None
    template_schema = None
    item_schema = None

    id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True)
    create_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now, nullable=False)
    edit_date = DateTime(default=datetime.now,
    code = String(label="Family code", unique=True, nullable=False)
    name = String(label="Family name", size=256)
    description = Text(label="Family description")
    properties = Jsonb(label="Family properties")

    family_code = Selection(selections='get_family_codes')
    items = Function(fget="fget_items")

    def get_family_codes(cls):
        return dict()

    def fget_items(self):
        """Returns a list of products instance from this family
        return self.registry.InstrumentedList(
            set([i for t in self.templates for i in t.items]))

    def create(cls, **kwargs):
        data = kwargs.copy()
        if cls.family_schema:
            sch = cls.family_schema(registry=cls.registry)
            data = sch.load(kwargs)
        return cls.insert(**data)

    def amend(self, **kwargs):
        data = kwargs.copy()
        properties = data.pop('properties', dict())
        if properties:
            for k, v in properties.items():
                self.properties[k] = v
        if self.family_schema:
            sch = self.family_schema(registry=self.registry)
            data = sch.load(data)
        return self

    def query(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        query = super(Family, cls).query(*args, **kwargs)
        if cls.__registry_name__ != 'Model.Product.Family':
            query = query.filter(cls.family_code == cls.FAMILY_CODE)

        return query

    def define_mapper_args(cls):
        mapper_args = super(Family, cls).define_mapper_args()
        if cls.__registry_name__ == 'Model.Product.Family':
            mapper_args.update({'polymorphic_on': cls.family_code})

        mapper_args.update({'polymorphic_identity': cls.FAMILY_CODE})
        return mapper_args

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s : %s" % (self.code, self.name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Product.Family(code=%s, name=%s)>" % (self.code, self.name)
예제 #27
 class Employee:
     update_at = DateTime(auto_update=True)