예제 #1
    def descendants(self):
        All child nodes and all their child nodes.

        >>> from anytree import Node
        >>> udo = Node("Udo")
        >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo)
        >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc)
        >>> loui = Node("Loui", parent=marc)
        >>> soe = Node("Soe", parent=lian)
        >>> udo.descendants
        (Node('/Udo/Marc'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian/Soe'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui'))
        >>> marc.descendants
        (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian/Soe'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui'))
        >>> lian.descendants
        return tuple(PreOrderIter(self))[1:]
예제 #2
 def prepare_archetype(self, a, archetypes):
     a.current = a.id == getattr(self, 'archetype', {}).get('id', None)
     if a.get('all_num_decks') is not None and a.get(
             'season_num_decks') is not None:
         a.all_show_record = a.get('all_wins') or a.get(
             'all_draws') or a.get('all_losses')
         a.season_show_record = a.get('season_wins') or a.get(
             'season_draws') or a.get('season_losses')
         a.show_matchups = a.all_show_record
     a.url = '/archetypes/{id}/'.format(id=a.id)
     a.best_decks = Container({'decks': []})
     n = 3
     while len(a.best_decks.decks) == 0 and n >= 0:
         for d in a.get('decks', []):
             if d.get('stars_safe', '').count('★') >= n:
         n -= 1
     a.show_best_decks = len(a.decks) != len(a.best_decks.decks)
     counter = Counter()
     a.cards = []
     a.most_common_cards = []
     for d in a.get('decks', []):
         a.cards += d.maindeck + d.sideboard
         for c in d.maindeck:
             if not c['card'].type.startswith('Basic Land'):
                 counter[c['name']] += c['n']
     most_common_cards = counter.most_common(NUM_MOST_COMMON_CARDS_TO_LIST)
     cs = oracle.cards_by_name()
     for v in most_common_cards:
     a.has_most_common_cards = len(a.most_common_cards) > 0
     a.archetype_tree = PreOrderIter(a)
     for r in a.archetype_tree:
         # Prune branches we don't want to show
         if r.id not in [a.id for a in archetypes]:
             r.parent = None
         r['url'] = '/archetypes/{id}/'.format(id=r['id'])
         # It perplexes me that this is necessary. It's something to do with the way NodeMixin magic works. Mustache doesn't like it.
         r['depth'] = r.depth
예제 #3
 def prepare_archetype(self, a: archetype.Archetype, archetypes: List[archetype.Archetype]) -> None:
     a.current = a.id == getattr(self, 'archetype', {}).get('id', None)
     a.show_record = a.get('num_decks') is not None and (a.get('wins') or a.get('draws') or a.get('losses'))
     counter = Counter()  # type: ignore
     a.cards = []
     a.most_common_cards = []
     # Make a pass, collecting card counts for all decks and for tournament decks
     for d in a.get('decks', []):
         a.cards += d.maindeck + d.sideboard
         for c in d.maindeck:
             if not c.card.type_line.startswith('Basic Land'):
                 counter[c['name']] += c['n']
     most_common_cards = counter.most_common(prepare.NUM_MOST_COMMON_CARDS_TO_LIST)
     cs = oracle.cards_by_name()
     for v in most_common_cards:
         prepare.prepare_card(cs[v[0]], getattr(self, 'tournament_only', False))
     a.has_most_common_cards = len(a.most_common_cards) > 0
     for b in [b for b in PreOrderIter(a) if b.id in [a.id for a in archetypes]]:
         b['url'] = url_for('.archetype', archetype_id=b['id'])
         # It perplexes me that this is necessary. It's something to do with the way NodeMixin magic works. Mustache doesn't like it.
         b['depth'] = b.depth
예제 #4
    def MCTS(self, bel, d):
        h = self.T.name
        for a in range(0, self.model.acts):
            tmp = Node(self.T.name + str(a),
        numLoops = 100

        for i in range(0, numLoops):
            s = np.random.choice([i for i in range(0, self.model.N)], p=bel)
            self.simulate(s, h, d)
        QH = [0] * self.model.acts
        for a in range(0, self.model.acts):
            QH[a] = [
                node.value for node in PreOrderIter(
                    self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h + str(a))

        act = np.argmax([QH[a] for a in range(0, self.model.acts)])
        return [act, QH[act]]
예제 #5
 def prepare_archetype(self, a, archetypes):
     num_most_common_cards_to_list = 10
     a.current = a.id == getattr(self, 'archetype', {}).get('id', None)
     if a.get('all') and a.get('season'):
         a.all.show_record = a.all.get('wins') or a.all.get(
             'draws') or a.all.get('losses')
         a.season.show_record = a.season.get('wins') or a.season.get(
             'draws') or a.season.get('losses')
     a.url = url_for('archetype', archetype_id=a.id)
     a.best_decks = Container({'decks': []})
     n = 3
     while len(a.best_decks.decks) == 0 and n >= 0:
         for d in a.get('decks', []):
             if d.get('stars_safe', '').count('★') >= n:
         n -= 1
     counter = Counter()
     a.cards = []
     a.most_common_cards = []
     for d in a.get('decks', []):
         a.cards += d.maindeck + d.sideboard
         for c in d.maindeck:
             if not c['card'].type.startswith('Basic Land'):
                 counter[c['name']] += c['n']
     most_common_cards = counter.most_common(num_most_common_cards_to_list)
     cs = oracle.cards_by_name()
     for v in most_common_cards:
     a.archetype_tree = PreOrderIter(a)
     for r in a.archetype_tree:
         # Prune branches we don't want to show
         if r.id not in [a.id for a in archetypes]:
             r.parent = None
         r['url'] = url_for('archetype', archetype_id=r['id'])
         # It perplexes me that this is necessary. It's something to do with the way NodeMixin magic works. Mustache doesn't like it.
         r['depth'] = r.depth
예제 #6
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: nuaays/argo
    def get_node(self, node_name):
        for node in PreOrderIter(self.get_root()):
            if node.name == node_name:
                return node

        raise ValueError("Node {} not found".format(node_name))
예제 #7
def testMCTSSim():

    trails = 10
    trailLength = 100
    allReward = np.zeros(shape=(trails, trailLength)).tolist()

    for count in range(0, trails):
        if (trails == 1):
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        totalReward = 0

        a = OnlineSolver()
        b = np.random.rand(a.model.N).tolist()
        x = np.random.randint(0, a.model.N)
        b[x] = 3
        b = a.normalize(b)

        for step in range(0, trailLength):
            if (trails == 1):
                ax.plot(b, linewidth=4)
                ax.scatter(x, .4, s=150, c='r')
                ax.set_ylim([0, .5])
                ax.set_title('POMCP Belief')
            [act, u] = a.MCTS(b, 3)
            totalReward += a.model.R[act][x]
            x = np.random.choice([i for i in range(0, a.model.N)],
            ztrial = [0] * len(a.model.pz)
            for i in range(0, len(a.model.pz)):
                ztrial[i] = a.model.pz[i][x]
            z = ztrial.index(max(ztrial))
            b = a.beliefUpdate(b, act, z)

            a.T = [
                node for node in PreOrderIter(
                    filter_=lambda n: n.name == a.T.name + str(act) + str(z))
            a.T.parent = None

            allReward[count][step] = totalReward


    averageAllReward = [0] * trailLength
    for i in range(0, trails):
        for j in range(0, trailLength):
            averageAllReward[j] += allReward[i][j] / trails
    allSigma = [0] * trailLength

    for i in range(0, trailLength):
        suma = 0
        for j in range(0, trails):
            suma += (allReward[j][i] - averageAllReward[i])**2
        allSigma[i] = np.sqrt(suma / trails)
    UpperBound = [0] * trailLength
    LowerBound = [0] * trailLength

    for i in range(0, trailLength):
        UpperBound[i] = averageAllReward[i] + allSigma[i]
        LowerBound[i] = averageAllReward[i] - allSigma[i]

    x = [i for i in range(0, trailLength)]
    plt.plot(x, averageAllReward, 'g')
    plt.plot(x, UpperBound, 'g--')
    plt.plot(x, LowerBound, 'g--')
    plt.fill_between(x, LowerBound, UpperBound, color='g', alpha=0.25)

    plt.xlabel('Time Step')
    plt.ylabel('Accumlated Reward')
    plt.title('Average Accumulated Rewards over Time for: ' + str(trails) +
              ' simulations')

예제 #8
def testMCTSSim2D():

    trails = 10
    trailLength = 100
    allReward = np.zeros(shape=(trails, trailLength)).tolist()

    random = False

    for count in range(0, trails):
		if(trails == 1):
			fig,ax = plt.subplots();

        totalReward = 0

        a = OnlineSolver()
        x1 = np.random.randint(-5, 5)
        x2 = np.random.randint(-5, 5)
        x = [x1, x2]
        b = GM()
        b.addG(Gaussian(x, [[1, 0], [0, 1]], 1))
        for step in range(0, trailLength):
			if(trails == 1):
				ax.set_title('POMCP Belief'); 

            if (random):
                act = np.random.randint(0, 5)
                [act, u] = a.MCTS(b, 2)
            totalReward += a.model.r[act].pointEval(x)
            #x = np.random.choice([i for i in range(0,a.model.N)],p=a.model.px[act][x]);
            tmpGM = GM()
                Gaussian((np.array(x) + np.array(a.model.delA[act])).tolist(),
                         a.model.delAVar, 1))

            x = tmpGM.sample(1)[0]

            ztrial = [0] * len(a.model.pz)
            for i in range(0, len(a.model.pz)):
                ztrial[i] = a.model.pz[i].pointEval(x)
            z = ztrial.index(max(ztrial))
            b = a.beliefUpdate(b, act, z, a.model)

            if (not random):
                a.T = [
                    node for node in PreOrderIter(a.T,
                                                  filter_=lambda n: n.name == a
                                                  .T.name + str(act) + str(z))

                a.T.parent = None

            allReward[count][step] = totalReward


    averageAllReward = [0] * trailLength
    for i in range(0, trails):
        for j in range(0, trailLength):
            averageAllReward[j] += allReward[i][j] / trails
    allSigma = [0] * trailLength

    for i in range(0, trailLength):
        suma = 0
        for j in range(0, trails):
            suma += (allReward[j][i] - averageAllReward[i])**2
        allSigma[i] = np.sqrt(suma / trails)
    UpperBound = [0] * trailLength
    LowerBound = [0] * trailLength

    for i in range(0, trailLength):
        UpperBound[i] = averageAllReward[i] + allSigma[i]
        LowerBound[i] = averageAllReward[i] - allSigma[i]

    x = [i for i in range(0, trailLength)]
    plt.plot(x, averageAllReward, 'g')
    plt.plot(x, UpperBound, 'g--')
    plt.plot(x, LowerBound, 'g--')
    plt.fill_between(x, LowerBound, UpperBound, color='g', alpha=0.25)

    plt.xlabel('Time Step')
    plt.ylabel('Accumlated Reward')
    plt.title('Average Accumulated Rewards over Time for: ' + str(trails) +
              ' simulations')

예제 #9
    def simulate(self, s, h, d):

        if (d == 0):
            return 0
        if (len([
                for node in PreOrderIter(self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h)
        ]) == 0):
            newRoot = [
                node for node in PreOrderIter(
                    self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h[0:len(h) - 2])
            newName = h[0:len(h) - 2]
            for a in range(0, self.model.acts):
                if (len([
                        node for node in PreOrderIter(
                            filter_=lambda n: n.name == newName + str(a))
                ]) == 0):
                    tmp = Node(h + str(a),
                    for o in range(0, self.model.acts):
                        if (len([
                                node for node in PreOrderIter(
                                    filter_=lambda n: n.name == newName + str(
                                        a) + str(o))
                        ]) == 0):
                            tmp2 = Node(h + str(a) + str(o),

            #tmp = Node(h,parent=newRoot,value = self.Q0,count=self.N0);
            return self.getRolloutReward(s, d)
            newRoot = [
                for node in PreOrderIter(self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h)
            newName = h
            for a in range(0, self.model.acts):
                if (len([
                        node for node in PreOrderIter(
                            filter_=lambda n: n.name == newName + str(a))
                ]) == 0):
                    tmp = Node(h + str(a),
                    for o in range(0, self.model.acts):
                        if (len([
                                node for node in PreOrderIter(
                                    filter_=lambda n: n.name == newName + str(
                                        a) + str(o))
                        ]) == 0):
                            tmp2 = Node(h + str(a) + str(o),

            QH = [0] * self.model.acts
            NH = [0] * self.model.acts
            NodeH = [0] * self.model.acts

            #print([node.name for node in PreOrderIter(self.T)])

            for a in range(0, self.model.acts):
                QH[a] = [
                    node.value for node in PreOrderIter(
                        self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h + str(a))
                NH[a] = [
                    node.count for node in PreOrderIter(
                        self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h + str(a))
                NodeH[a] = [
                    node for node in PreOrderIter(
                        self.T, filter_=lambda n: n.name == h + str(a))

            aprime = np.argmax([
                QH[a] + self.exploreParam * np.sqrt(np.log(sum(NH) / NH[a]))
                for a in range(0, self.model.acts)

            [sprime, o, r] = self.generate(s, aprime)
            q = r + self.model.discount * self.simulate(
                sprime, h + str(aprime) + str(o), d - 1)
            NodeH[aprime].count += 1
            NodeH[aprime].value += (q - QH[a]) / NH[a]
            return q