예제 #1
def part2(raw_orbits, node1_name, node2_name, print_tree=False):
    orbit_map = generate_orbit_map(raw_orbits, print_tree=print_tree)
    node1 = orbit_map[node1_name]
    node2 = orbit_map[node2_name]
    ca = commonancestors(node1, node2)[-1]

    orbital_transfers = 0
    for node in (node1, node2):
        a = commonancestors(node.parent)
        orbital_transfers += len(a[a.index(ca):])

    return orbital_transfers
예제 #2
def test_commonancestors():
    udo = Node("Udo")
    marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo)
    dan = Node("Dan", parent=udo)
    jet = Node("Jet", parent=dan)
    joe = Node("Joe", parent=dan)

    eq_(commonancestors(jet, joe), (udo, dan))
    eq_(commonancestors(jet, marc), (udo, ))
    eq_(commonancestors(jet), (udo, dan))
    eq_(commonancestors(), ())
def leaves_to_vector(leaves):
    given a list of leaf nodes, return the pairwise path length in the order
    (0,1), (0,2) ... ,(0, i), (1, 2), (1, 3) ,..., (i-1, i)
    where i is the index of the last leaf node
    :param leaves:list(nodes)
    vector = []
    num_of_leaves = len(leaves)
    for i in range(num_of_leaves):
        for j in range(i+1, num_of_leaves):
            node1 = leaves[i]
            node2 = leaves[j]
            ancestor_list = list(commonancestors(node1, node2))
            # The node with maximum string length corresponds to the lowest common ancestor(LCA)
            # Because the string is composed of path from root to the node
            # For example, in ["Node('/tree1')", "Node('/tree1/*0')", "Node('/tree1/*0/*1')"],
            # "Node('/tree1/*0/*1')" has maximum length, and must be LCA
            len_str_list = [len(str(item)) for item in ancestor_list]
            lowest_common_ancestor = ancestor_list[len_str_list.index(max(len_str_list))]
            path_length1 = path_length_to_ancestor(node1, lowest_common_ancestor)  # path length from node1 to LCA
            path_length2 = path_length_to_ancestor(node2, lowest_common_ancestor)  # path length from node2 to LCA
            total_length = path_length1 + path_length2
            # print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format
            #       (leaves[i].name, leaves[j].name, lowest_common_ancestor.name))
            # print("total path length: ", total_length)
    return vector
예제 #4
def part1(raw_orbits, print_tree=False):
    orbit_map = generate_orbit_map(raw_orbits, print_tree=print_tree)
    total_orbits = 0
    for node in PreOrderIter(orbit_map['COM']):
        ca = commonancestors(node)
        total_orbits += len(ca)

    return total_orbits
예제 #5
def generate_graph(num_nodes, num_odd_sets, size_odd_sets, identifier, weighted):

    nodes = list(range(num_nodes))
    edges = []
    objective = []

    for t in range(num_odd_sets):
        subset = random.sample(nodes, size_odd_sets)
        for e in [(i, j) for i in subset for j in subset if i < j]:
            if e not in edges:

    radix = 3 # 2 makes binary tree, 3 makes trinary tree

    # odd radix means only odd sets
    sets = []
    dict = {}
    cnt = 0
    for i in nodes:
        dict[i] = Node(i, size=1)

    while len(sets) >= radix:
        node = Node('i', ident = cnt)
        cnt += 1
        siz = 0
        for c in range(radix):
            idx = random.randint(0,len(sets)-1)
            sets[idx].parent = node
            siz = siz + sets[idx].size
            del sets[idx]
        node.size = siz

    if weighted == 1:
        for i in range(len(edges)):
            # if e is in S, add to e's weight 2/(|S| - 1)
            weight = 0
            for an in commonancestors(dict[edges[i][0]],dict[edges[i][1]]):
                weight = weight + 2./(an.size - 1)
            objective[i] = weight

    return nodes, edges, objective
예제 #6
    def check_for_identical_subtree_cousins(self, root_node):
        longest_repeating_nodes = self.longest_repeated_substring(
        if longest_repeating_nodes == list():
            return self.create_response(), False
        node_1 = longest_repeating_nodes[0]
        node_2 = longest_repeating_nodes[1]
        common_ancestors = commonancestors(node_1, node_2)
        if len(common_ancestors) > 0:
            lowest_common_ancestor = common_ancestors[-1]
            node_1_ht = len(node_1.path)
            node_2_ht = len(node_2.path)
            offset_ht = len(lowest_common_ancestor.path)
            if offset_ht > 1 and node_1_ht - offset_ht == node_2_ht - offset_ht:
                path_1_arr = self.get_path_array(node_1)
                path_2_arr = self.get_path_array(node_2)

                return self.create_response([path_1_arr, path_2_arr], list(),
                                            list()), True
                return self.create_response(), False
            return self.create_response(), False
예제 #7
def choose_table(root, word):
    node = search.find_by_attr(root, word)
    b = util.commonancestors(node)[1].name
    return b
예제 #8
                TREE[B] = Node(B)

            TREE[B].parent = TREE[A]

    return (TREE['COM'], TREE)

def calculateOrbits(TREE):
    TOTAL = 0
    for K in TREE.keys():
        TOTAL += len(TREE[K].anchestors)

ROOT, TREE = constructTree("orbits2.txt")
FIRST_COMMON_ANCESTOR = commonancestors(TREE["YOU"], TREE["SAN"])[-1]

def distanceToTargetNode(Node, Target):
    DISTANCE = 0
    ANCH = list(Node.anchestors)
    for A in ANCH:
        if A == Target:
            DISTANCE += 1
    return DISTANCE

 def get_common_ancestors(p1, p2):
     return commonancestors(p1, p2)
예제 #10
from anytree.util import commonancestors, leftsibling, rightsibling

inputs = []
input_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input.txt')
with open(input_file) as f:
    inputs = f.read().splitlines()

# inputs = ['COM)B','B)C','C)D','D)E','E)F','B)G','G)H','D)I','E)J','J)K','K)L','K)YOU','I)SAN',]

orbit_map = {}

for i in inputs:
    obj, in_orbit = i.split(')')

    if obj not in orbit_map:
        orbit_map[obj] = Node(obj)

    if in_orbit in orbit_map:
        # set parent
        orbit_map[in_orbit].parent = orbit_map[obj]
        orbit_map[in_orbit] = Node(in_orbit, parent=orbit_map[obj])

ca = commonancestors(orbit_map['YOU'], orbit_map['SAN'])[-1]
you_a = commonancestors(orbit_map['YOU'].parent)
you_dist = len(you_a[you_a.index(ca):])
san_a = commonancestors(orbit_map['SAN'].parent)
san_dist = len(san_a[san_a.index(ca):])

print(you_dist + san_dist)
예제 #11
# inputs = ['COM)B', 'B)C', 'C)D', 'D)E', 'E)F', 'B)G', 'G)H', 'D)I', 'E)J', 'J)K', 'K)L']
# inputs = ['B)C', 'COM)B', 'C)D', 'D)E', 'E)F', 'B)G', 'G)H', 'D)I', 'E)J', 'J)K', 'K)L']
# inputs = ['B)C', 'COM)B', 'C)D', 'E)F', 'B)G', 'D)E', 'G)H', 'D)I', 'E)J', 'J)K', 'K)L']

orbit_map = {}

for i in inputs:
    obj, in_orbit = i.split(')')

    if obj not in orbit_map:
        orbit_map[obj] = Node(obj)

    if in_orbit in orbit_map:
        # update parent
        orbit_map[in_orbit].parent = orbit_map[obj]
        orbit_map[in_orbit] = Node(in_orbit, parent=orbit_map[obj])

total_orbits = 0

seen_orbits = set()
# print(RenderTree(orbit_map['COM']))
for node in PreOrderIter(orbit_map['COM']):
    ca = commonancestors(node)
    # print(node.name, ca)
    total_orbits += len(ca)

예제 #12
            orbiterNode = Node(orbiter, parent=centerNode)

    return COM

def verifymap(orbitmap):
    """Verifies an orbitmap, returns the checksum
    >>> verifymap(readmap("COM)B\\nB)C\\nC)D\\nD)E\\nE)F\\nB)G\\nG)H\\nD)I\\nE)J\\nJ)K\\nK)L"))
    count = 0
    orbiters = findall(orbitmap, filter_=lambda node: node.name != "COM")
    for orbiter in orbiters:
        count += orbiter.depth

    return count

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("data") as data:
        orbitmap = data.readlines()
    orbitmap = readmap(orbitmap)

    YOU = find_by_attr(orbitmap, "YOU")
    SAN = find_by_attr(orbitmap, "SAN")

    ancestors = commonancestors(YOU.parent, SAN.parent)
    print("To move from YOU's parent to SAN's parent requires: %d" %
          (YOU.parent.depth + SAN.parent.depth - 2 * ancestors[-1].depth))