def write_data(vid_path, out_dir, train_frac=0.75): im_dir = ut.mkdir(pj(out_dir, 'ims')) in_data = [] meta_files = sorted(ut.glob(vid_path, 'train', '*.txt')) print 'meta files:' for x in meta_files: print x print for meta_idx, meta_file in enumerate(meta_files): last_prev_time = 0. vid_file = meta_file.replace('.txt', '.mp4') for clip_idx, ex in enumerate(ut.read_lines(meta_file)): prev_time = last_prev_time vid_idx = '%05d_%05d' % (meta_idx, clip_idx) print ex s, time = ex.split() time = float(time) if s == 'p': label = 1 elif s == 'n': label = 0 last_prev_time = time else: raise RuntimeError() in_data.append((vid_file, time, label, vid_idx, im_dir, prev_time)) print 'Writing:', len(in_data), 'sequences' meta_examples = ut.flatten(ut.parmap(extract_frames, in_data)) meta_examples = ut.shuffled_with_seed(meta_examples) # add manu examples db_files = sorted( ut.sys_with_stdout('find ../data/manu-press -name "*.hdf5"').split()) db_files = ut.shuffled_with_seed(db_files) print 'Train fraction:', train_frac num_train = int(train_frac * len(db_files)) db_train = db_files[:num_train] db_test = db_files[num_train:] train_db_examples = ut.flatten( ut.parmap(examples_from_db, [(x, im_dir) for x in db_train])) test_db_examples = ut.flatten( ut.parmap(examples_from_db, [(x, im_dir) for x in db_test])) print 'Number of db train examples:', len(train_db_examples) print 'Number of meta examples:', len(meta_examples) train_examples = ut.shuffled_with_seed(meta_examples + train_db_examples) ut.write_lines(pj(out_dir, 'train.csv'), ['%s,%s,%d,%s' % x for x in train_examples]) test_examples = ut.shuffled_with_seed(test_db_examples) ut.write_lines(pj(out_dir, 'test.csv'), ['%s,%s,%d,%s' % x for x in test_examples])
def find_best_iter(pr, gpu, num_iters=10, sample_rate=10, dset_name='val'): [gpu] = mu.set_gpus([gpu]) best_iter = (np.inf, '') model_paths = sorted( ut.glob(pj(pr.train_dir, 'slow', 'net*.index')), key=lambda x: int(x.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]))[-5:] model_paths = list(reversed(model_paths)) assert len(model_paths), 'no model paths at %s' % pj( pr.train_dir, 'slow', 'net*.index') for model_path in model_paths: model_path = model_path.split('.index')[0] print model_path clf = NetClf(pr, model_path, gpu=gpu) clf.init() if dset_name == 'train': print 'train' tf_files = sorted(ut.glob(pj(pr.train_list, '*.tf'))) elif dset_name == 'val': tf_files = sorted(ut.glob(pj(pr.val_list, '*.tf'))) else: raise RuntimeError() import sep_eval losses = [] for ims, _, pair in sep_eval.pair_data(tf_files, pr): if abs(hash(pair['ytid_gt'])) % sample_rate == 0: res = clf.predict_unmixed(ims, pair['samples_gt'], pair['samples_bg']) # loss = np.mean(np.abs(res['spec_pred_fg'] - res['spec0'])) # loss += np.mean(np.abs(res['spec_pred_bg'] - res['spec1'])) loss = 0. if 'pit' in pr.loss_types: loss += pit_loss([res['spec0']], [res['spec1']], [res['spec_pred_fg']], [res['spec_pred_bg']], pr) if 'fg-bg' in pr.loss_types: loss += np.mean(np.abs(res['spec_pred_fg'] - res['spec0'])) loss += np.mean(np.abs(res['spec_pred_bg'] - res['spec1'])) losses.append(loss) print 'running:', np.mean(losses) loss = np.mean(losses) print model_path, 'Loss:', loss best_iter = min(best_iter, (loss, model_path)) ut.write_lines(pj(pr.resdir, 'model_path.txt'), [best_iter[1]])
def write_data(out_dir, rebalance_data=True, train_frac=0.75, val_frac=0.0, n=None, seed=0): #def write_data(out_dir, rebalance_data = True, train_frac = 0.75, val_frac = 0.0, n = 10): assert not os.path.exists(out_dir) ut.mkdir(out_dir) base_data = '../data/grasp/' ut.sys_check('find -L %s -name "*.hdf5" > %s/all_db_files.txt' % (base_data, out_dir)) all_db_files = map(os.path.abspath, ut.read_lines(pj(out_dir, 'all_db_files.txt'))[:n]) all_db_files = ut.shuffled_with_seed(all_db_files, seed) all_db_files = filter(db_ok, all_db_files) ut.write_lines(pj(out_dir, 'db_files.txt'), all_db_files) by_name = ut.accum_dict((name_from_file(x), x) for x in all_db_files) names = ut.shuffled_with_seed(sorted(by_name.keys()), seed) num_names = len(names) num_train = int(train_frac * num_names) num_val = int(val_frac * num_names) i = 0 train_names = names[i:num_train] i += num_train val_names = names[i:i + num_val] i += num_val test_names = names[i:] print num_train, num_val, len(test_names) splits = [('train', train_names), ('val', val_names), ('test', test_names)] print 'Number of objects in each split:' for s, o in splits: print s, '->', len(o) #press_clf = press.NetClf(press_model_file, gpu = write_data_gpu) press_clf = None #press.NetClf(press_model_file, gpu = write_data_gpu) for dset_name, names in splits: ut.write_lines(pj(out_dir, '%s_objects.txt' % dset_name), names) tf_file = pj(out_dir, '' % dset_name) pk_file = pj(out_dir, '' % dset_name) full_pk_file = pj(out_dir, '' % dset_name) if os.path.exists(tf_file): os.remove(tf_file) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tf_file) split_db_files = ut.flatten(by_name[name] for name in names) split_db_files = ut.shuffled_with_seed(split_db_files, dset_name) data = [] for db_file in ut.time_est(split_db_files): with h5py.File(db_file, 'r') as db: #print 'keys =', db.keys() def im(x, crop=False, compress=True): x = ig.uncompress(x) x = np.array(x) if crop: x = crop_kinect(x) x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1) if compress: x = ig.compress(x) return x def depth(x): x = np.array(x).astype('float32') x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1) return x def parse_ee(x): names = [ 'angle_of_EE_at_grasping', 'location_of_EE_at_grasping' ] vs = [x[name].value for name in names] ee = np.concatenate([np.array(v).flatten() for v in vs]).astype('float32') return ee label_file = pj( label_path, db_file.split('/')[-1].replace('.hdf5', '.txt')) if os.path.exists(label_file): print 'Reading label from file' is_gripping = bool(ut.read_file(label_file)) else: is_gripping = int(np.array(db['is_gripping'])) pre, mid, _ = milestone_frames(db) # Estimate the probability that the robot is initially gripping the object if 0: press_a = press_clf.predict( im(db['/GelSightA_image'].value[mid], compress=False), im(db['/GelSightA_image'].value[pre], compress=False)) press_b = press_clf.predict( im(db['/GelSightB_image'].value[mid], compress=False), im(db['/GelSightB_image'].value[pre], compress=False)) initial_press_prob = 0.5 * (press_a + press_b) else: initial_press_prob = np.float32(-1.) #print initial_press_prob,['/GelSightA_image'].value[mid], compress = False)) d = dict( gel0_pre=im(db['/GelSightA_image'].value[pre]), gel1_pre=im(db['/GelSightB_image'].value[pre]), gel0_post=im(db['/GelSightA_image'].value[mid]), gel1_post=im(db['/GelSightB_image'].value[mid]), im0_pre=im(db['/color_image_KinectA'].value[pre], crop=True), im0_post=im(db['/color_image_KinectA'].value[mid], crop=True), im1_pre=im(db['/color_image_KinectB'].value[pre], crop=True), im1_post=im(db['/color_image_KinectB'].value[mid], crop=True), depth0_pre=depth( crop_kinect(db['/depth_image_KinectA'].value[pre])), depth0_post=depth( crop_kinect(db['/depth_image_KinectA'].value[mid])), initial_press_prob=initial_press_prob, is_gripping=int(is_gripping), end_effector=parse_ee(db), object_name=str(np.array(db['object_name'].value)[0]), db_file=db_file) data.append(d) # for db files, data) # rebalance data? if rebalance_data: by_label = [[], []] for x in ut.shuffled_with_seed(data, 'rebalance1'): by_label[x['is_gripping']].append(x) n = min(map(len, by_label)) print len(data), 'before rebalance' data = ut.shuffled_with_seed(by_label[0][:n] + by_label[1][:n], 'rebalance2') print len(data), 'after rebalance' writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tf_file) for d in data: fbl = lambda x: tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList( value=[x])) fl = lambda x: tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList( value=map(float, x.flatten()))) il = lambda x: tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value =x)) feat = { 'gel0_pre': fbl(d['gel0_pre']), 'gel1_pre': fbl(d['gel1_pre']), 'gel0_post': fbl(d['gel0_post']), 'gel1_post': fbl(d['gel1_post']), 'im0_pre': fbl(d['im0_pre']), 'im0_post': fbl(d['im0_post']), 'im1_pre': fbl(d['im1_pre']), 'im1_post': fbl(d['im1_post']), 'depth0_pre': fl(d['depth0_pre']), 'depth0_post': fl(d['depth0_post']), 'end_effector': fl(d['end_effector']), 'initial_press_prob': fl(d['initial_press_prob']), 'is_gripping': il([d['is_gripping']]) } ex = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feat)) writer.write(ex.SerializeToString()) writer.close(), data) print dset_name, '->', len(data), 'examples'
def write_data(out_dir, train_frac=0.75, val_frac=0.05): ut.mkdir(out_dir) base_data = '../data/grasp/' ut.sys_check('find %s -name "*.hdf5" > %s/db_files.txt' % (base_data, out_dir)) all_db_files = ut.read_lines(pj(out_dir, 'db_files.txt')) all_db_files = ut.shuffled_with_seed(all_db_files) name_from_file = lambda x: '_'.join(x.split('/')[-1].split('_')[2:]) by_name = ut.accum_dict((name_from_file(x), x) for x in all_db_files) names = ut.shuffled_with_seed(sorted(by_name.keys())) num_names = len(all_db_files) num_train = int(train_frac * num_names) num_val = int(val_frac * num_names) i = 0 train_names = names[i:num_train] i += num_train val_names = names[i:i + num_val] i += num_val test_names = names[i:] for dset_name, names in [('train', train_names), ('val', val_names), ('test', test_names)]: ut.write_lines(pj(out_dir, '%s_objects.txt' % dset_name), names) tf_file = pj(out_dir, '' % dset_name) pk_file = pj(out_dir, '' % dset_name) if os.path.exists(tf_file): os.remove(tf_file) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tf_file) data = [] for name in names: for db_file in by_name[name]: with h5py.File(db_file, 'r') as db: def im(x): x = np.array(x) x = ig.scale(x, (256, 256), 1) return ig.compress(x) if 'is_gripping' in db: label = int(np.array(db['is_gripping'])) elif 'Is gripping?' in db: label = int(np.array(db['Is gripping?'])) else: print 'Skipping: %s. Missing is_gripping' % db_file print 'Keys:', ' '.join(db.keys()) continue data.append({ 'gel0_pre': im(db['GelSightA_image_pre_gripping']), 'gel1_pre': im(db['GelSightB_image_pre_gripping']), 'gel0_post': im(db['GelSightA_image_post_gripping']), 'gel1_post': im(db['GelSightB_image_post_gripping']), 'is_gripping': label }) fbl = lambda x: tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train. BytesList(value=[x])) feat = { 'gel0_pre': fbl(im(db['GelSightA_image_pre_gripping'])), 'gel1_pre': fbl(im(db['GelSightB_image_pre_gripping'])), 'gel0_post': fbl(im(db['GelSightA_image_post_gripping'])), 'gel1_post': fbl(im(db['GelSightB_image_post_gripping'])), 'is_gripping': tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List( value=[label])) } ex = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features( feature=feat)) writer.write(ex.SerializeToString()) writer.close(), data) print dset_name, '->', len(data), 'examples'