def topo_subset(llcrnrlon=-42, urcrnrlon=-35, llcrnrlat=-23, urcrnrlat=-14, tfile='topo30.grd'): """ Get a subset from an etopo1, etopo2 or Smith and Sandwell topography file. OBS: Modified from oceans.datasets.etopo_subset() function by Filipe Fernandes ([email protected]). """ topo = Dataset(tfile, 'r') if 'smith_sandwell' in tfile.lower() or 'etopo1' in tfile.lower(): lons = topo.variables["lon"][:] lats = topo.variables["lat"][:] lons = lon360to180(lons) elif 'etopo2' in tfile.lower(): lons = topo.variables["x"][:] lats = topo.variables["y"][:] else: np.disp('Unknown topography file.') return res = get_indices(llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon, lons, lats) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons[res[0]:res[1]], lats[res[2]:res[3]]) bathy = topo.variables["z"][int(res[2]):int(res[3]), int(res[0]):int(res[1])] return lon, lat, bathy
##---- if CALC_AICE: iceconc_thresh = 0.15 # Ice concentration threshold. fnames = [fnamen.replace('ocn', 'ice') for fnamen in fnames] fnames = [fnamen.replace('.pop.h.', '.cice.h.') for fnamen in fnames] AICE = np.array([]) nfirst = True nmo = 0 for fnamen in fnames: yeari = fnamen.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-2] yeari2 = yeari[:-3] print(yeari) nci = Dataset(fnamen) if nfirst: tarea = nci['tarea'][:].data * 1e-6 # [km2] lon = lon360to180(nci['TLON'][:].data) lat = nci['TLAT'][:].data tmask = nci['tmask'][:] nfirst = False Aice = nci.variables['aice'][ 0, : fcap, :] / 100. # Convert to fractional sea ice concentration (0-1). # Calculate total ice area for valid ice cells. # iarea=aice(aice>=dc & aice<=1.0 & aice~=0).*tarea(aice>=dc & aice<=1.0 & aice~=0).*1e-6; fice = np.logical_and(Aice >= iceconc_thresh, Aice <= 1.0) aice = np.sum(Aice[fice] * tarea[fice]) t.append(yeari) AICE = np.append(AICE, aice) t = np.array([Timestamp(str(ti) + '-15').to_pydatetime() for ti in t]) savez(fname_out_aice, icearea=AICE, lon=lont, lat=latt, tarea=tarea, t=t)
def wind_subset(times=(datetime(2009,12,28), datetime(2010,1,10)), dt='daily', llcrnrlon=-45, urcrnrlon=-35, llcrnrlat=-25, urcrnrlat=-18): """ USAGE ----- u,v = wind_subset(...) Gets wind vectors from the NCDC/NOAA Blended Seawinds L4 product, given a given lon, lat, time bounding box. Input ----- * times: A tuple with 2 datetime objects marking the start and end of the desired subset. If dt=='clim', this should be an integer indicating the desired month, from 1 (January) through 12 (December). This climatology is built from the 1995-2005 data. * dt: Time resolution wanted. Choose `six-hourly`, `daily` (default) or `monthly`. * llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon: Longitude band wanted. * llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat: Latitude band wanted. Returns ------- u,v: pandas Panels containing the data subsets. Example ------- TODO. """ head = '' tail = {'six-hourly':'6hr','daily':'dly','monthly':'mon','clim':'clm-agg'} url = head + tail[dt] nc = Dataset(url) lon = nc.variables.pop('lon')[:] lon = lon360to180(lon) # Longitude is in the [0,360] range, BB is in the [-180,+180] range. lat = nc.variables.pop('lat')[:] time = nc.variables.pop('time') time = num2date(time[:],time.units,calendar='standard') # Subsetting the data. maskx = np.logical_and(lon >= llcrnrlon, lon <= urcrnrlon) masky = np.logical_and(lat >= llcrnrlat, lat <= urcrnrlat) # Ignoring more precise time units than # the resolution in the desired dataset. nt = time.size if dt=='six-hourly': for i in xrange(nt): time[i] = time[i].replace(minute=0,second=0) elif dt=='daily': for i in xrange(nt): time[i] = time[i].replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0) elif dt=='monthly': for i in xrange(nt): time[i] = time[i].replace(day=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0) elif dt=='clim': time[1] = time[1].replace(month=2) # Fixing February. aux = []; [aux.append(Time.month) for Time in time] time = np.copy(aux); del aux else: pass # If the time wanted is a single month/day/hour, # get the nearest time available in the dataset. if dt=='clim': maskt=time==times else: if np.size(times)<2: idxt = np.abs(time-times).argmin() maskt=time==time[idxt] else: maskt = np.logical_and(time >= times[0], time <= times[1]) np.disp('Downloading subset...') lon, lat, time = lon[maskx], lat[masky], time[maskt] u = nc.variables['u'][maskt,0,masky,maskx] v = nc.variables['v'][maskt,0,masky,maskx] np.disp('Downloaded.') lat,lon,time,u,v = map(np.atleast_1d, [lat,lon,time,u,v]) # Sets the panels. U = Panel(data=u, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon) V = Panel(data=v, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon) # Sorting major axis (longitude) to fix the crossing of the 0º meridian. U = U.sort_index(axis=2) V = V.sort_index(axis=2) # Retrieves the u,v arrays to fix masked values. u,v,lon,lat = map(np.atleast_1d, (U.values,V.values,U.minor_axis.values,U.major_axis.values)) fill_value = -9999. u =, fill_value) v =, fill_value) # Resets the Panels with the sorted and masked u,v arrays. U = Panel(data=u, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon) V = Panel(data=v, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon) return U,V
## Get model topography and grid. # head = '/lustre/atlas1/cli115/proj-shared/apaloczy/POP_full_simulation_from_monthly_outputs/' fname_grd = '/home/andre/sio/phd/papers/pathways_antarctica/mkfigs/data_reproduce_figs/' # fname_grd = '/home/andre/sio/phd/papers/pathways_antarctica/mkfigs/data_reproduce_figs/' ncg = Dataset(fname_grd) lont = ncg.variables['TLONG'][:] latt = ncg.variables['TLAT'][:] lonu = ncg.variables['ULONG'][:] latu = ncg.variables['ULAT'][:] HTE = ncg.variables['HTE'][:] * cm2m HTN = ncg.variables['HTN'][:] * cm2m HUW = ncg.variables['HUW'][:] * cm2m HUS = ncg.variables['HUS'][:] * cm2m ht = ncg.variables['HT'][:] * cm2m lont = lon360to180(lont) lonu = lon360to180(lonu) nx = lonu.shape[1] ny = np.sum(latu[:, 0] <= LATCROP) fSO = latu <= LATCROP # Mask to get the Southern Ocean part of the grid. sh = (ny, nx) ht = ht[fSO].reshape(sh) latt = latt[fSO].reshape(sh) lont = lont[fSO].reshape(sh) latu = latu[fSO].reshape(sh) lonu = lonu[fSO].reshape(sh) HTE = HTE[fSO].reshape(sh) HTN = HTN[fSO].reshape(sh) HUW = HUW[fSO].reshape(sh) HUS = HUS[fSO].reshape(sh) lonurad, laturad = lonu.ravel() * deg2rad, latu.ravel() * deg2rad
fcap = 501 cm2m = 1e-2 W2TW = 1e-12 rho_sw = 1026.0 # [kg/m3]. cp0 = 39960000.0 # [erg/g/K]. cp0 = cp0 * 1e-7 * 1e3 # [J/kg/degC]. T2Q = rho_sw * cp0 * W2TW Tf0 = -2.6431782684654603 # [degC] use the minimum freezing temperature found on the wanted isobath during the entire run. CALC_PSIMEAN_ONLY = False # Calculate subsegment averages of h(x), pseudo-cross isobath distance # and the south and north row indices for each subsegment. nc0 = Dataset(fnames[0]) ht = nc0.variables['HT'][:fcap, :] * cm2m # [m]. lattx = nc0.variables['TLAT'][:fcap, :] lontx = lon360to180(nc0.variables['TLONG'][:fcap, :]) lontx0 = lontx[100, :] hshallow, hdeep = 100, 2000 fhshs = dict() fhdeeps = dict() xdists = dict() hx_yavgs = dict() loslices = dict() laslices = dict() Lattxs = dict() Lontxs = dict() Lys = dict() nlat_stretch = 25 for subseg in segbrys_psi.keys(): lol, lor = segbrys_psi[subseg] flol, flor = near(lontx0, lol, return_index=True), near(lontx0,