def get_config(request, which): is_god = check_god(request) if not is_god: raise PermissionDenied if which == "groups.dav": groups = get_groups_to_render() return render_to_response('configs/groups.dav', locals(), mimetype="text/plain" ) pass elif not which in share_types: return HttpResponse(which + " is a invalid share type. Supported are: " + ", ".join(share_types)) shares = get_shares_to_render(which) return render_to_response('configs/' + which + '.config', {'shares': shares}, mimetype="text/plain", )
for m in Member.objects.filter(user__is_active=False, print "The member", m.user, "became active at", m.expires, m.user.first_name, m.user.last_name, "will be activated" m.user.is_active = True request_apache_reload() enabled_members.append(m) mail_body = render_to_string("email/account_activated.txt", {'member': m}) try: sent = send_mail("Account activated", mail_body, admins_emails[0], [admins_emails[0],]) except Exception, e: email_problem = True # vcs and dav configs share_types = [s[0] for s in SHARE_TYPE_CHOICES] for typ in share_types: shares = get_shares_to_render(typ) for share in shares: filename = os.path.join(settings.GENERATE_FOLDER, typ + ".config") try: with open(filename, "wb") as apache_config_file: apache_config_file.write(render_to_string("configs/" + typ + ".config", { 'shares': shares, },)) apache_config_file.close() except Exception, e: error = "Could not write config file " + os.path.abspath(filename) + "\n" + "Exception: " + str(e) raise e return answer(message=_("There was a problem."), error=error)