def test_non_mpi(self): """Test that node and cpu count are set to zero if MPI isn't used.""" parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', False) line = ('"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023' ' 0 0 1089406862 "raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/st' 'ep3c" "" "/af/step3c-362.txt" "/af/epc-362.txt" "1089290023.69' '9195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" "/af/ 362 7 8" 277.2100 ' '17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "de' 'fault" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') record = parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertEquals(cont['NodeCount'], 0, "Node count not zero for non-mpi parser") self.assertEquals(cont['Processors'], 0, "Processors not zero for non-mpi parser")
def test_non_mpi(self): """Test that node and cpu count are set to zero if MPI isn't used.""" parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', False) line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023' ' 0 0 1089406862 "raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/st' 'ep3c" "" "/af/step3c-362.txt" "/af/epc-362.txt" "1089290023.69' '9195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" "/af/ 362 7 8" 277.2100 ' '17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "de' 'fault" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') record = parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertEquals(cont['NodeCount'], 0, "Node count not zero for non-mpi parser") self.assertEquals(cont['Processors'], 0, "Processors not zero for non-mpi parser")
class ParserLSFTest(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test case for LSF parser ''' def setUp(self): self.parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', True) def test_parse(self): fields = ('JobName', 'LocalUserID', 'LocalUserGroup', 'WallDuration', 'CpuDuration', 'StartTime', 'StopTime', 'MemoryReal', 'MemoryVirtual', 'NodeCount', 'Processors') lines = ( ('"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/" "1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 362 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""' ), # MPI information ('"JOB_FINISH" "7.06" 1302184020 436491 10001 33816691 16 1302184001 0 0 1302184004 "viglen" "normal" ' '" span[ptile=8] cu[maxcus=1]" "" "" "comp000" "benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/bsub" "" "IMB.%J.%I.out" ' '"IMB.%J.%I.err" "1302184001.436491" 0 16 "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" ' '"comp042" "comp042" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" 32' ' 60.0 "imb_sr[1-90]" "#!/bin/bash; #BSUB -n 16;#BSUB -R \'span[ptile=8]\';#BSUB -R \'cu[maxcus=1]\';#BSUB ' '-x;#BSUB -J imb_sr[1-90];####BSUB -m ""comp000 comp001"";#BSUB -o IMB.%J.%I.out;#BSUB -e IMB.%J.%I.err; ' '# Output some env vars;echo ""LSB_HOSTS: $LSB_HOSTS"";echo ""LSB_MCPU_HOSTS: $LSB_MCPU_HOSTS"";echo ' '""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE: $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE"";echo ""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE (cat):""; cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE; ' 'HOSTLIST=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | tr ""\n"" "" ""`; . /etc/profile; module add MPI/PMPI;cd ' '/home/test/viglen/benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/ ;#mpirun -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen ' '-map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;#mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC -hostlist ""comp000 comp001"" ' './imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC ' '-hostlist ""$HOSTLIST"" ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv" 0.472928 1.112830 ' '0 0 -1 0 0 149746 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1907 1746 -1 "" "default" 65280 16 "" "" 23 2 25 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 0 ""' ' -1 "/viglen" "" "default" "" -1 "" "" 6160 "" 1302184004 "" "" 0' ), # LSF 9 log (Mixed quotes used to handle mixed quotes in string) ('"JOB_FINISH" "9.11" 1380043655 31255091 386919 36175899 1 1380043614 0 0 1380043630 "oops17" "abcgrid" ' '"" "" "" "" "" "/dev/null" "/dev/null" "" "191/1380043614.31255091" 0 1 "a0052" 64 ' '78.0 "cream_123456789" "#!/bin/bash;# LSF job wrapper generated by;# on Tue Sep 24 19:2' '6:51 CEST 2013;#;# LSF directives:;#BSUB -L /bin/bash;#BSUB -J cream_123456789;#BSUB -q abcgrid;#BSUB -n' '1;#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_Somewhere' 'NGI_Somewhere_Role_NULL_Capability_NULL_ops017/18/CREAM123456789/ > CREAM18173' '"";#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___So' 'meone_Somewhere/proxy/426e0fbced998f1b9162bb6a0db0eeedc2c_18361079272219 > cream_123456789.proxy"";#BSUB' '-f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_Somewhere/18/CREAM123456789/StandardOutput <' 'out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"";#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_S' 'omewhere/18/CREAM123456789/StandardError < err_cream_181730262_StandardError""; # Check whet' 'her we need to move to the LSF original CWD:;if [ -d ""$CERN_STARTER_ORIGINAL_CWD"" ]; then; cd $CERN' '_STARTER_ORIGINAL_CWD;fi;old_home=`pwd`;new_home=${old_home}/home_cream_123456789;mkdir $new_home;trap ' "'wait $job_pid; cd $old_home; rm -rf $new_home; exit 255' 1 2 3 15 24;trap 'wait $job_pid; cd $old_home;" "rm -rf $new_home' 0;# Copy into new home any shared input sandbox file;# Move into new home any relative" 'input sandbox file;mv """" ""$new_home/CREAM123456789' '"" &> /dev/null;mv ""cream_123456789.proxy"" ""$new_home/cream_123456789.proxy"" &> /dev/n' 'ull;export HOME=$new_home;cd $new_home;# Resetting proxy to local position;export X509_USER_PROXY=$new_h' 'ome/cream_123456789.proxy; # Command to execute:;if [ ! -x ./ ]; then chmod ' 'u+x ./; fi;if [ -x ${GLITE_LOCATION:-/opt/glite}/libexec/jobwrapper ];then;$' '{GLITE_LOCATION:-/opt/glite}/libexec/jobwrapper ./ > ""out_cream_123456789_' 'StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" & elif [ -x /opt/lcg/libexec/jobwrapper ];then' ';/opt/lcg/libexec/jobwrapper ./ > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2>' '""err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" & elif [ -x $BLAH_AUX_JOBWRAPPER ];then;$BLAH_AUX_JOBWRAPPER ./CRE' ' > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cream_123456789_StandardErr' 'or"" & else;$new_home/ > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cr' 'eam_123456789_StandardError"" & fi;job_pid=$!; # Wait for the user job to finish;wait $job_pid;user_retc' 'ode=$?; # Move all relative outputsand paths out of temp home;cd $new_home;mv ""out_cream_123456789_Stan' 'dardOutput"" ""$old_home/out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> /dev/null;mv ""err_cream_123456789_Stan' 'dardError"" ""$old_home/err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" 2> /dev/null;# Move any remapped outputsand ' 'file to shared directories; # Remove the staged files, if any;rm """" 2> /de' 'v/null;rm ""cream_123456789.proxy"" 2> /dev/null;cd $old_home; exit $user_retcode" 15.093705 8.511706 52' '96 0 -1 0 0 26452 0 0 0 16 -1 0 0 0 242 171 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "/bin/bash" "" 0 1495304 0 "" "" "" "" 0' '"" 0 "" -1 "/ops/ops017" "" "" "" -1 "" "" 6160 "" 1380043630 "" "" 0 0 -1 0 441780 "select[ type == any' '] order[-ut] rusage[r1m=0.91:duration=2m:decay=0] " "" -1 "" -1 0 "" 0 0 "" 25 "" 0 ""' )) values = (('699195', 'raortega', None, 544, 294, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089406862), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089407406), 310424, 339112, 1, 1), ('436491', 'viglen', None, 16, 2, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184004), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184020), 2, 25, 2, 16), ('31255091', 'oops17', None, 25, 24, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1380043630), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1380043655), 1495304, 0, 1, 1)) cases = {} for line, value in zip(lines, values): cases[line] = dict(zip(fields, value)) for line in cases.keys(): record = self.parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertEqual(cont['Site'], 'testSite') self.assertEqual(cont['MachineName'], 'testHost') self.assertEqual(cont['Infrastructure'], 'APEL-CREAM-LSF') for field in cases[line].keys(): self.assertTrue(field in cont, "Field '%s' not in record: %s" % (field, cont)) for key in cases[line].keys(): self.assertEqual( cont[key], cases[line][key], "%s != %s for key %s" % (cont[key], cases[line][key], key)) def test_invalid_expr(self): # two fields are not separated by space line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/""1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""' ) self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.parser.parse, line) def test_wall_value_error(self): """Check that stop before start raises a ValueError.""" line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023' ' 0 0 1089409862 "raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/st' 'ep3c" "" "/step3c-362.txt" "/berr-step3c-362.txt" "1089290023.' '699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" "/artEachset.j 362 7 8" 277.2' '10000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 ' '"" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.parser.parse, line) def test_unfinished(self): """Check that a valid line without JOB_FINISH returns None.""" line = ( '"JOB_RESIZE" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023' ' 0 0 1089406862 "raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/st' 'ep3c" "" "/step3c-362.txt" "/berr-step3c-362.txt" "1089290023.' '699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" "/artEachset.j 362 7 8" 277.2' '10000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 ' '"" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') self.assertEqual(self.parser.parse(line), None) def test_non_mpi(self): """Test that node and cpu count are set to zero if MPI isn't used.""" parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', False) line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023' ' 0 0 1089406862 "raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/st' 'ep3c" "" "/af/step3c-362.txt" "/af/epc-362.txt" "1089290023.69' '9195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" "/af/ 362 7 8" 277.2100 ' '17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "de' 'fault" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') record = parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertEquals(cont['NodeCount'], 0, "Node count not zero for non-mpi parser") self.assertEquals(cont['Processors'], 0, "Processors not zero for non-mpi parser")
def setUp(self): self.parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', True)
class ParserLSFTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for LSF parser """ def setUp(self): self.parser = LSFParser("testSite", "testHost", True) def test_parse(self): fields = ( "JobName", "LocalUserID", "LocalUserGroup", "WallDuration", "CpuDuration", "StartTime", "StopTime", "MemoryReal", "MemoryVirtual", "NodeCount", "Processors", ) lines = ( ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/" "1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 362 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""' ), # MPI information ( '"JOB_FINISH" "7.06" 1302184020 436491 10001 33816691 16 1302184001 0 0 1302184004 "viglen" "normal" ' '" span[ptile=8] cu[maxcus=1]" "" "" "comp000" "benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/bsub" "" "IMB.%J.%I.out" ' '"IMB.%J.%I.err" "1302184001.436491" 0 16 "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" ' '"comp042" "comp042" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" 32' " 60.0 \"imb_sr[1-90]\" \"#!/bin/bash; #BSUB -n 16;#BSUB -R 'span[ptile=8]';#BSUB -R 'cu[maxcus=1]';#BSUB " '-x;#BSUB -J imb_sr[1-90];####BSUB -m ""comp000 comp001"";#BSUB -o IMB.%J.%I.out;#BSUB -e IMB.%J.%I.err; ' '# Output some env vars;echo ""LSB_HOSTS: $LSB_HOSTS"";echo ""LSB_MCPU_HOSTS: $LSB_MCPU_HOSTS"";echo ' '""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE: $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE"";echo ""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE (cat):""; cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE; ' 'HOSTLIST=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | tr ""\n"" "" ""`; . /etc/profile; module add MPI/PMPI;cd ' "/home/test/viglen/benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/ ;#mpirun -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen " '-map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;#mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC -hostlist ""comp000 comp001"" ' "./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC " '-hostlist ""$HOSTLIST"" ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv" 0.472928 1.112830 ' '0 0 -1 0 0 149746 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1907 1746 -1 "" "default" 65280 16 "" "" 23 2 25 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 0 ""' ' -1 "/viglen" "" "default" "" -1 "" "" 6160 "" 1302184004 "" "" 0' ), # LSF 9 log (Mixed quotes used to handle mixed quotes in string) ( '"JOB_FINISH" "9.11" 1380043655 31255091 386919 36175899 1 1380043614 0 0 1380043630 "oops17" "abcgrid" ' '"" "" "" "" "" "/dev/null" "/dev/null" "" "191/1380043614.31255091" 0 1 "a0052" 64 ' '78.0 "cream_123456789" "#!/bin/bash;# LSF job wrapper generated by;# on Tue Sep 24 19:2' "6:51 CEST 2013;#;# LSF directives:;#BSUB -L /bin/bash;#BSUB -J cream_123456789;#BSUB -q abcgrid;#BSUB -n" '1;#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_Somewhere' "NGI_Somewhere_Role_NULL_Capability_NULL_ops017/18/CREAM123456789/ > CREAM18173" '"";#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___So' 'meone_Somewhere/proxy/426e0fbced998f1b9162bb6a0db0eeedc2c_18361079272219 > cream_123456789.proxy"";#BSUB' '-f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_Somewhere/18/CREAM123456789/StandardOutput <' 'out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"";#BSUB -f ""/var/cream_sandbox/ops/CN_Robot__grid_client___Someone_S' 'omewhere/18/CREAM123456789/StandardError < err_cream_181730262_StandardError""; # Check whet' 'her we need to move to the LSF original CWD:;if [ -d ""$CERN_STARTER_ORIGINAL_CWD"" ]; then; cd $CERN' "_STARTER_ORIGINAL_CWD;fi;old_home=`pwd`;new_home=${old_home}/home_cream_123456789;mkdir $new_home;trap " "'wait $job_pid; cd $old_home; rm -rf $new_home; exit 255' 1 2 3 15 24;trap 'wait $job_pid; cd $old_home;" "rm -rf $new_home' 0;# Copy into new home any shared input sandbox file;# Move into new home any relative" 'input sandbox file;mv """" ""$new_home/CREAM123456789' '"" &> /dev/null;mv ""cream_123456789.proxy"" ""$new_home/cream_123456789.proxy"" &> /dev/n' "ull;export HOME=$new_home;cd $new_home;# Resetting proxy to local position;export X509_USER_PROXY=$new_h" "ome/cream_123456789.proxy; # Command to execute:;if [ ! -x ./ ]; then chmod " "u+x ./; fi;if [ -x ${GLITE_LOCATION:-/opt/glite}/libexec/jobwrapper ];then;$" '{GLITE_LOCATION:-/opt/glite}/libexec/jobwrapper ./ > ""out_cream_123456789_' 'StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" & elif [ -x /opt/lcg/libexec/jobwrapper ];then' ';/opt/lcg/libexec/jobwrapper ./ > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2>' '""err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" & elif [ -x $BLAH_AUX_JOBWRAPPER ];then;$BLAH_AUX_JOBWRAPPER ./CRE' ' > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cream_123456789_StandardErr' 'or"" & else;$new_home/ > ""out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> ""err_cr' 'eam_123456789_StandardError"" & fi;job_pid=$!; # Wait for the user job to finish;wait $job_pid;user_retc' 'ode=$?; # Move all relative outputsand paths out of temp home;cd $new_home;mv ""out_cream_123456789_Stan' 'dardOutput"" ""$old_home/out_cream_123456789_StandardOutput"" 2> /dev/null;mv ""err_cream_123456789_Stan' 'dardError"" ""$old_home/err_cream_123456789_StandardError"" 2> /dev/null;# Move any remapped outputsand ' 'file to shared directories; # Remove the staged files, if any;rm """" 2> /de' 'v/null;rm ""cream_123456789.proxy"" 2> /dev/null;cd $old_home; exit $user_retcode" 15.093705 8.511706 52' '96 0 -1 0 0 26452 0 0 0 16 -1 0 0 0 242 171 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "/bin/bash" "" 0 1495304 0 "" "" "" "" 0' '"" 0 "" -1 "/ops/ops017" "" "" "" -1 "" "" 6160 "" 1380043630 "" "" 0 0 -1 0 441780 "select[ type == any' '] order[-ut] rusage[r1m=0.91:duration=2m:decay=0] " "" -1 "" -1 0 "" 0 0 "" 25 "" 0 ""' ), ) values = ( ( "699195", "raortega", None, 544, 294, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089406862), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089407406), 310424, 339112, 1, 1, ), ( "436491", "viglen", None, 16, 2, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184004), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184020), 2, 25, 2, 16, ), ( "31255091", "oops17", None, 25, 24, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1380043630), datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1380043655), 1495304, 0, 1, 1, ), ) cases = {} for line, value in zip(lines, values): cases[line] = dict(zip(fields, value)) for line in cases.keys(): record = self.parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertEqual(cont["Site"], "testSite") self.assertEqual(cont["MachineName"], "testHost") self.assertEqual(cont["Infrastructure"], "APEL-CREAM-LSF") for field in cases[line].keys(): self.assertTrue(field in cont, "Field '%s' not in record: %s" % (field, cont)) for key in cases[line].keys(): self.assertEqual( cont[key], cases[line][key], "%s != %s for key %s" % (cont[key], cases[line][key], key) ) def test_invalid_expr(self): # two fields are not separated by space line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/""1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""' ) self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.parser.parse, line) def test_invalid_version(self): # unsupported version line = ( '"JOB_FINISH" "10.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/" "1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""' ) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.parser.parse, line)
def setUp(self): self.parser = LSFParser("testSite", "testHost", True)
class ParserLSFTest(TestCase): ''' Test case for LSF parser ''' def setUp(self): self.parser = LSFParser('testSite', 'testHost', True) def test_parse(self): line1 = ('"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/" "1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 362 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') line1_values = {"JobName": "699195", "LocalUserID":"raortega", "LocalUserGroup": None, "WallDuration":544, "CpuDuration": 294, "StartTime": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089406862), "StopTime": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1089407406), "MemoryReal":310424, "MemoryVirtual": 339112, "NodeCount": 1, "Processors": 1 } # MPI information line2 = ('"JOB_FINISH" "7.06" 1302184020 436491 10001 33816691 16 1302184001 0 0 1302184004 "viglen" "normal" ' '" span[ptile=8] cu[maxcus=1]" "" "" "comp000" "benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/bsub" "" "IMB.%J.%I.out" ' '"IMB.%J.%I.err" "1302184001.436491" 0 16 "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" "comp042" ' '"comp042" "comp042" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" "comp043" 32' ' 60.0 "imb_sr[1-90]" "#!/bin/bash; #BSUB -n 16;#BSUB -R \'span[ptile=8]\';#BSUB -R \'cu[maxcus=1]\';#BSUB ' '-x;#BSUB -J imb_sr[1-90];####BSUB -m ""comp000 comp001"";#BSUB -o IMB.%J.%I.out;#BSUB -e IMB.%J.%I.err; ' '# Output some env vars;echo ""LSB_HOSTS: $LSB_HOSTS"";echo ""LSB_MCPU_HOSTS: $LSB_MCPU_HOSTS"";echo ' '""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE: $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE"";echo ""LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE (cat):""; cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE; ' 'HOSTLIST=`cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE | uniq | tr ""\n"" "" ""`; . /etc/profile; module add MPI/PMPI;cd ' '/home/test/viglen/benchmarks/IMB_3.0/bin/ ;#mpirun -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen ' '-map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;#mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC -hostlist ""comp000 comp001"" ' './imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv;mpirun -d -prot -np $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC ' '-hostlist ""$HOSTLIST"" ./imb-pmpi -msglen ./IMB_msglen -map 2x8 -npmin 16 sendrecv" 0.472928 1.112830 ' '0 0 -1 0 0 149746 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1907 1746 -1 "" "default" 65280 16 "" "" 23 2 25 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 0 ""' ' -1 "/viglen" "" "default" "" -1 "" "" 6160 "" 1302184004 "" "" 0') line2_values = {"JobName": "436491", "LocalUserID":"viglen", "LocalUserGroup": None, "WallDuration":16, "CpuDuration": 2, "StartTime": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184004), "StopTime": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1302184020), "MemoryReal":2, "MemoryVirtual": 25, "NodeCount": 2, "Processors": 16 } cases = {} cases[line1] = line1_values cases[line2] = line2_values for line in cases.keys(): record = self.parser.parse(line) cont = record._record_content self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("Site")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("JobName")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("LocalUserID")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("LocalUserGroup")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("WallDuration")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("CpuDuration")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("StartTime")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("StopTime")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("MemoryReal")) self.assertTrue(cont.has_key("MemoryVirtual")) for key in cases[line].keys(): self.assertEqual(cont[key], cases[line][key], "%s != %s for key %s" % (cont[key], cases[line][key], key)) def test_invalid_expr(self): # two fields are not separated by space line = ('"JOB_FINISH" "5.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/""1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.parser.parse, line) def test_invalid_version(self): # unsupported version line = ('"JOB_FINISH" "9.1" 1089407406 699195 283 33554482 1 1089290023 0 0 1089406862 ' '"raortega" "8nm" "" "" "" "lxplus015" "prog/step3c" "" "/afs/" ' '"/afs/" "1089290023.699195" 0 1 "tbed0079" 64 3.3 "" ' '"/afs/ 7 8" 277.210000 17.280000 0 0 -1 0 0 927804' ' 87722 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 "" "default" 0 1 "" "" 0 310424 339112 "" "" ""') self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.parser.parse, line)