예제 #1
def calibrate_scan(scan,beam,basedir):
    #load ccal module
    ccal = apercal.ccal()
    ccal.crosscal_transfer_to_target = False #there is no target
    ccal.fluxcal = "WSRTA{0}_B{1:0>3}.MS".format(scan,beam)
    ccal.basedir = "{0}/{1}/".format(basedir,scan) #basedir for Apercal is different than my basedir, plus trailing slash
    #print "Setting fluxcal to WSRTA{0}_B{1:0>3}.MS".format(scan,beam)
    #print "Calibrating data set {2}00/raw/WSRTA{0}_B{1:0>3}.MS".format(scan,beam,ccal.basedir)
예제 #2
def get_bpsols(cfgfile):
    #function to read solutions and return arrays of values and freqs
    #now read solutions and put into array to return
    ccal = apercal.ccal(cfgfile)
    values, freqs = subs.readmirlog.get_bp(ccal.crosscaldir + '/' +
    #replace all zeros with nans before returning.
    values[values == 0] = np.nan
    print 'read calibration solutions into numpy array'
    return values, freqs
예제 #3
def cal_mult_bp(scanlist,
    #now do the bandpass solutions - the point of all of this!
    #define intervals by default
    #numbers don't matter overly much - will be full solution of short scan
    #sourcename is important! Make sure it's a recognized calibrator format!!!!

    #read cfgfile, not sure this will actually matter here since I set basedir manually
    ccal = apercal.ccal(cfgfile)

    #set-up utilities for bandpass calibration
    mfcal = lib.miriad('mfcal')
    # Comment the next line out if you don't want to solve for delays
    mfcal.options = 'delay'
    mfcal.stokes = 'XX'
    mfcal.interval = gainint + ',' + gapint + ',' + bpint
    mfcal.tol = 0.1  # Set the tolerance a bit lower. Otherwise mfcal takes a long time to finsh

    #IMPORTANT! source names have beam number, need to make sure miriad canrecongize
    #these parts are global, and I do specific scans below
    puthd = lib.miriad('puthd')
    puthd.value = sourcename
    #Now iterate and
    # Execute the bandpass calibration
    #reading into different arrays

    #now iterate through scans and do calibration

    for i, scan in enumerate(scanlist):
        print i, scan
        ccal.basedir = basedir + '_' + str(i) + '/'
        ccal.crosscaldir = ccal.basedir + '00/crosscal/'
        #print ccal.basedir
        #print ccal.fluxcal
        #print ccal.crosscaldir
        puthdstring = ccal.crosscaldir + sourcename + '.mir/source'
        #print puthdstring
        puthd.in_ = puthdstring  #extra underscore because python has a global in
        #print ccal.crosscaldir
        if os.path.exists(ccal.crosscaldir):
            print 'doing calibration'
            mfcal.vis = ccal.crosscaldir + ccal.fluxcal
예제 #4
def do_bp(cfgfile, inttime='30'):
    #function to do the bandpass solution, for given interval
    #inttime is the solution interval for bandpass, in minutes
    ccal = apercal.ccal(cfgfile)
    #change to working directory
    #workaround for long path names
    ccal.director('ch', ccal.crosscaldir)
    gainint = inttime
    gapint = inttime
    bpint = inttime
    mfcal = lib.miriad('mfcal')
    mfcal.vis = ccal.fluxcal
    print mfcal.vis
    #print mfcal.vis
    # Comment the next line out if you don't want to solve for delays
    mfcal.options = 'delay'
    mfcal.stokes = 'XX'
    mfcal.interval = gainint + ',' + gapint + ',' + bpint
    mfcal.tol = 0.1  # Set the tolerance a bit lower. Otherwise mfcal takes a long time to finsh
    print 'calibration finished'
예제 #5
def get_bp_sols_mult_bp(scanlist, cfgfile, basedir):
    ccal = apercal.ccal(cfgfile)
    all_values = []
    for i, scan in enumerate(scanlist):
        print i, scan
        ccal.basedir = basedir + '_' + str(i) + '/'
        ccal.crosscaldir = ccal.basedir + '00/crosscal/'
        #print ccal.basedir
        #print ccal.fluxcal
        #print ccal.crosscaldir
        #print ccal.crosscaldir
        if os.path.exists(ccal.crosscaldir):
            #print ccal.crosscaldir  + ccal.fluxcal
            values, freqs = subs.readmirlog.get_bp(ccal.crosscaldir +
            #create master array
            if len(all_values) == 0:
                all_values = np.copy(values)
                all_values = np.append(all_values, values, axis=2)

    return all_values
예제 #6
#I am getting two different datasets:
#180216005 (Dwingeloo 1)
#180302009 (DR21)
#Will create almost empty configuration files for both
cfg1 = '/home/adams/apertif/AAF/180216005.cfg'
cfg2 = '/home/adams/apertif/AAF/180302009.cfg'

#Now in miriad need to use uvimage to create image cube
#Want to limit number of channels
#Want to include near 9330, 20 subbands
#Subbands start at multiples of 64
#take subbands 130-149
#channels 8320, 9599

#move to directory where data is
ccal = apercal.ccal(cfg1)
ccal.director('ch', ccal.crosscaldir)

uvimage = lib.miriad('uvimage')
uvimage.vis = ccal.target + 'mir'  #uvaver.out
uvimage.view = 'amplitude'
targetname = ccal.target
uvimage.out = targetname + '_amp_freq.im'
#still too much data so also select a time range
#parentheses in command so need double quote
uvimage.select = "'-auto,time(11:00:00,12:00:00)'"
uvimage.line = 'channel,1280,8320,1'
uvimage.options = 'freq'
uvimage.mode = 3