def main(): global args args = parser.parse_args() init_distributed_mode(args) fix_random_seeds(args.seed) logger, training_stats = initialize_exp(args, "epoch", "loss") # build data train_dataset = MultiCropDataset( args.data_path, args.size_crops, args.nmb_crops, args.min_scale_crops, args.max_scale_crops, pil_blur=args.use_pil_blur, ) sampler = train_loader =, sampler=sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)"Building data done with {} images loaded.".format( len(train_dataset))) # build model model = resnet_models.__dict__[args.arch]( normalize=True, hidden_mlp=args.hidden_mlp, output_dim=args.feat_dim, nmb_prototypes=args.nmb_prototypes, ) # synchronize batch norm layers if args.sync_bn == "pytorch": model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) elif args.sync_bn == "apex": process_group = None if args.world_size // 8 > 0: process_group = apex.parallel.create_syncbn_process_group( args.world_size // 8) model = apex.parallel.convert_syncbn_model(model, process_group=process_group) # copy model to GPU model = model.cuda() if args.rank == 0:"Building model done.") # build optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=args.base_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.wd, ) optimizer = LARC(optimizer=optimizer, trust_coefficient=0.001, clip=False) warmup_lr_schedule = np.linspace(args.start_warmup, args.base_lr, len(train_loader) * args.warmup_epochs) iters = np.arange(len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)) cosine_lr_schedule = np.array([args.final_lr + 0.5 * (args.base_lr - args.final_lr) * (1 + \ math.cos(math.pi * t / (len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))) for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, cosine_lr_schedule))"Building optimizer done.") # init mixed precision if args.use_fp16: model, optimizer = apex.amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level="O1")"Initializing mixed precision done.") # wrap model model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) # optionally resume from a checkpoint to_restore = {"epoch": 0} restart_from_checkpoint( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), run_variables=to_restore, state_dict=model, optimizer=optimizer, amp=apex.amp, ) start_epoch = to_restore["epoch"] # build the queue queue = None queue_path = os.path.join(args.dump_path, "queue" + str(args.rank) + ".pth") if os.path.isfile(queue_path): queue = torch.load(queue_path)["queue"] # the queue needs to be divisible by the batch size # args.queue_length -= args.queue_length % (args.batch_size * args.world_size) cudnn.benchmark = True ## initialize queue print('start initialize queue') queue = init_queue(train_loader, model, args) print('queue initialize finish') for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): # train the network for one epoch"============ Starting epoch %i ... ============" % epoch) # set sampler train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # optionally starts a queue # queue shape : (Ncrops, Lqueue, feat) --> (NClass, NCrops, Lqueue, feat) # if queue is None: # queue = torch.randn(1000, args.feat_dim).cuda() # queue = nn.functional.normalize(queue, dim=1, p=2) # train the network scores, queue = train(train_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, lr_schedule, queue, args) training_stats.update(scores) # save checkpoints if args.rank == 0: save_dict = { "epoch": epoch + 1, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } if args.use_fp16: save_dict["amp"] = apex.amp.state_dict() save_dict, os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), ) if epoch % args.checkpoint_freq == 0 or epoch == args.epochs - 1: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), os.path.join(args.dump_checkpoints, "ckp-" + str(epoch) + ".pth"), ) if queue is not None:{"queue": queue}, queue_path)
def main(): global args args = parser.parse_args() init_distributed_mode(args) fix_random_seeds(args.seed) logger, training_stats = initialize_exp(args, "epoch", "loss") # build data train_dataset = MultiCropDataset( args.data_path, args.size_crops, args.nmb_crops, args.min_scale_crops, args.max_scale_crops, return_index=True, ) sampler = train_loader =, sampler=sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)"Building data done with {} images loaded.".format( len(train_dataset))) # build model model = resnet_models.__dict__[args.arch]( normalize=True, hidden_mlp=args.hidden_mlp, output_dim=args.feat_dim, nmb_prototypes=args.nmb_prototypes, ) # synchronize batch norm layers if args.sync_bn == "pytorch": model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) elif args.sync_bn == "apex": process_group = None if args.world_size // 8 > 0: process_group = apex.parallel.create_syncbn_process_group( args.world_size // 8) model = apex.parallel.convert_syncbn_model(model, process_group=process_group) # copy model to GPU model = model.cuda() if args.rank == 0:"Building model done.") # build optimizer # base_lr=4.8 wd=1e-6 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=args.base_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.wd, ) # Using Dist LARC Optimizer optimizer = LARC(optimizer=optimizer, trust_coefficient=0.001, clip=False) # LR Scheduling warmup_lr_schedule = np.linspace(args.start_warmup, args.base_lr, len(train_loader) * args.warmup_epochs) iters = np.arange(len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)) cosine_lr_schedule = np.array([args.final_lr + 0.5 * (args.base_lr - args.final_lr) * (1 + \ math.cos(math.pi * t / (len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))) for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, cosine_lr_schedule))"Building optimizer done.") # wrap model model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) # optionally resume from a checkpoint to_restore = {"epoch": 0} restart_from_checkpoint( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), run_variables=to_restore, state_dict=model, optimizer=optimizer, ) start_epoch = to_restore["epoch"] # build the memory bank mb_path = os.path.join(args.dump_path, "mb" + str(args.rank) + ".pth") if os.path.isfile(mb_path): mb_ckp = torch.load(mb_path) local_memory_index = mb_ckp["local_memory_index"] local_memory_embeddings = mb_ckp["local_memory_embeddings"] else: local_memory_index, local_memory_embeddings = init_memory( train_loader, model) cudnn.benchmark = True for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): # train the network for one epoch"============ Starting epoch %i ... ============" % epoch) # set sampler train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # train the network scores, local_memory_index, local_memory_embeddings = train( train_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, lr_schedule, local_memory_index, local_memory_embeddings, ) training_stats.update(scores) # save checkpoints if args.rank == 0: save_dict = { "epoch": epoch + 1, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } save_dict, os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), ) if epoch % args.checkpoint_freq == 0 or epoch == args.epochs - 1: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), os.path.join(args.dump_checkpoints, "ckp-" + str(epoch) + ".pth"), ) { "local_memory_embeddings": local_memory_embeddings, "local_memory_index": local_memory_index }, mb_path)
def main(): global args args = parser.parse_args() init_distributed_mode(args) fix_random_seeds(args.seed) logger, training_stats = initialize_exp(args, "epoch", "loss") print(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), flush=True) train_paths, train_labs, dev_paths, dev_labs, test_paths, test_labs = get_patches_labels('./sc/arion/work/millej37/ML-project/patches', './sc/arion/work/millej37/ML-project/swav') color_transform = [get_color_distortion(), transforms.GaussianBlur(kernel_size=int(.1*224)+1,sigma=(0.1, 2.0))] mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] std = [0.228, 0.224, 0.225] swav_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.RandomResizedCrop(), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), transforms.Compose(color_transform), transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) ]) # build data train_dataset = PatchDataset(train_paths, transform=swav_transform) sampler = train_loader = train_dataset, sampler=sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True )"Building data done with {} images loaded.".format(len(train_dataset))) # build model model = resnet_models.__dict__[args.arch]( normalize=True, hidden_mlp=args.hidden_mlp, output_dim=args.feat_dim, nmb_prototypes=args.nmb_prototypes, ) print(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), flush=True) # synchronize batch norm layers if args.sync_bn == "pytorch": model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) elif args.sync_bn == "apex": # with apex syncbn we sync bn per group because it speeds up computation # compared to global syncbn process_group = apex.parallel.create_syncbn_process_group(args.syncbn_process_group_size) model = apex.parallel.convert_syncbn_model(model, process_group=process_group) # copy model to GPU model = model.cuda() if args.rank == 0:"Building model done.") # build optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=args.base_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.wd, ) optimizer = LARC(optimizer=optimizer, trust_coefficient=0.001, clip=False) warmup_lr_schedule = np.linspace(args.start_warmup, args.base_lr, len(train_loader) * args.warmup_epochs) iters = np.arange(len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)) cosine_lr_schedule = np.array([args.final_lr + 0.5 * (args.base_lr - args.final_lr) * (1 + \ math.cos(math.pi * t / (len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))) for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, cosine_lr_schedule))"Building optimizer done.") # init mixed precision if args.use_fp16: model, optimizer = apex.amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level="O1")"Initializing mixed precision done.") # wrap model model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) # optionally resume from a checkpoint to_restore = {"epoch": 0} restart_from_checkpoint( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), run_variables=to_restore, state_dict=model, optimizer=optimizer, amp=apex.amp, ) start_epoch = to_restore["epoch"] # build the queue queue = None queue_path = os.path.join(args.dump_path, "queue" + str(args.rank) + ".pth") if os.path.isfile(queue_path): queue = torch.load(queue_path)["queue"] # the queue needs to be divisible by the batch size args.queue_length -= args.queue_length % (args.batch_size * args.world_size) cudnn.benchmark = True for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): # train the network for one epoch"============ Starting epoch %i ... ============" % epoch) # set sampler train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # optionally starts a queue if args.queue_length > 0 and epoch >= args.epoch_queue_starts and queue is None: queue = torch.zeros( len(args.crops_for_assign), args.queue_length // args.world_size, args.feat_dim, ).cuda() # train the network scores, queue = train(train_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, lr_schedule, queue) training_stats.update(scores) # save checkpoints if args.rank == 0: save_dict = { "epoch": epoch + 1, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } if args.use_fp16: save_dict["amp"] = apex.amp.state_dict() save_dict, os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), ) if epoch % args.checkpoint_freq == 0 or epoch == args.epochs - 1: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), os.path.join(args.dump_checkpoints, "ckp-" + str(epoch) + ".pth"), ) if queue is not None:{"queue": queue}, queue_path)
def main(): global args args = parser.parse_args() init_distributed_mode(args) fix_random_seeds(args.seed) logger, training_stats = initialize_exp(args, "epoch", "loss") writer = SummaryWriter() # build data if args.dataset == 'imagenet': train_dataset = MultiCropDataset( args.data_path, args.size_crops, args.nmb_crops, args.min_scale_crops, args.max_scale_crops, ) sampler = train_dataset) train_loader =, sampler=sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) elif args.dataset == 'stl10': swav_train_transform = SwAVTrainDataTransform( normalize=stl10_normalization(), size_crops=args.size_crops, nmb_crops=args.nmb_crops, min_scale_crops=args.min_scale_crops, max_scale_crops=args.max_scale_crops, gaussian_blur=args.gaussian_blur, jitter_strength=args.jitter_strength) datamodule = STL10DataModule(data_dir=args.data_path, train_dist_sampler=True, num_workers=args.workers, batch_size=args.batch_size) datamodule.prepare_data() datamodule.setup() datamodule.train_dataloader = datamodule.train_dataloader_mixed datamodule.train_transforms = swav_train_transform train_loader = datamodule.train_dataloader_mixed() if args.dataset == 'imagenet':"Building data done with {} images loaded.".format( len(train_dataset))) elif args.dataset == 'stl10':"Building data done with {} images loaded.".format( datamodule.num_unlabeled_samples + datamodule.num_labeled_samples)) # build model model = resnet_models.__dict__[args.arch]( normalize=True, hidden_mlp=args.hidden_mlp, output_dim=args.feat_dim, nmb_prototypes=args.nmb_prototypes, ) if args.dataset == 'stl10': model.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=1, stride=1) # synchronize batch norm layers if args.sync_bn == "pytorch": model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) elif args.sync_bn == "apex": process_group = None if args.world_size // 8 > 0: process_group = apex.parallel.create_syncbn_process_group( args.world_size // 8) model = apex.parallel.convert_syncbn_model(model, process_group=process_group) # copy model to GPU model = model.cuda() if args.rank == 0:"Building model done.") params = None if args.exclude_bn_bias: params = exclude_from_wt_decay(model.named_parameters(), weight_decay=args.wd) # build optimizer if args.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( params if args.exclude_bn_bias else model.parameters(), lr=args.base_lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=args.wd, ) elif args.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( params if args.exclude_bn_bias else model.parameters(), lr=args.base_lr, weight_decay=args.wd) optimizer = LARC(optimizer=optimizer, trust_coefficient=0.001, clip=False) warmup_lr_schedule = np.linspace(args.start_warmup, args.base_lr, len(train_loader) * args.warmup_epochs) iters = np.arange(len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)) cosine_lr_schedule = np.array([args.final_lr + 0.5 * (args.base_lr - args.final_lr) * (1 + \ math.cos(math.pi * t / (len(train_loader) * (args.epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))) for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, cosine_lr_schedule))"Building optimizer done.") # init mixed precision if args.use_fp16: model, optimizer = apex.amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level="O1")"Initializing mixed precision done.") # wrap model model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) # optionally resume from a checkpoint to_restore = {"epoch": 0} restart_from_checkpoint( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), run_variables=to_restore, state_dict=model, optimizer=optimizer, amp=apex.amp, ) start_epoch = to_restore["epoch"] # build the queue queue = None queue_path = os.path.join(args.dump_path, "queue" + str(args.rank) + ".pth") if os.path.isfile(queue_path): queue = torch.load(queue_path)["queue"] # the queue needs to be divisible by the batch size args.queue_length -= args.queue_length % (args.batch_size * args.world_size) cudnn.benchmark = True for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): # train the network for one epoch"============ Starting epoch %i ... ============" % epoch) # set sampler train_loader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # optionally starts a queue if args.queue_length > 0 and epoch >= args.epoch_queue_starts and queue is None: queue = torch.zeros( len(args.crops_for_assign), args.queue_length // args.world_size, args.feat_dim, ).cuda() # train the network scores, queue = train(train_loader, model, optimizer, epoch, lr_schedule, queue) training_stats.update(scores) writer.add_scalar("Loss/train", scores[1], scores[0]) # save checkpoints if args.rank == 0: save_dict = { "epoch": epoch + 1, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } if args.use_fp16: save_dict["amp"] = apex.amp.state_dict() save_dict, os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), ) if epoch % args.checkpoint_freq == 0 or epoch == args.epochs - 1: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), os.path.join(args.dump_checkpoints, "ckp-" + str(epoch) + ".pth"), ) if queue is not None:{"queue": queue}, queue_path) writer.flush()
def main(): global args args = parser.parse_args() if args.distributed: args.rank, args.world_size, args.gpu_to_work_on = init_distributed_mode( ) fix_random_seeds(args.seed) logger, training_stats = initialize_exp(args, "epoch", "loss", "acc", "acc_val") writer = SummaryWriter(args.dump_path) dataloaders = {} num_classes = 10 if args.dataset_type == 'STL10' else 100 for split in ['train', 'test']: dataset = get_custom_dataset(args.dataset_type, root=args.data_path, split=split, download=args.download_dataset, return_target_word=True) sampler = dataset) if args.distributed else None dataloaders[split] = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=sampler, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) word_embeddings = None if args.sim_loss: word_embeddings = ViCoWordEmbeddings(root=args.embed_path, num_classes=num_classes, vico_mode=args.vico_mode, one_hot=args.one_hot, linear_dim=args.linear_dim, no_hypernym=args.no_hypernym, no_glove=args.no_glove, pool_size=None) if args.distributed: word_embeddings = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm( word_embeddings) word_embeddings = word_embeddings.cuda() model = resnet_models.__dict__['resnet{}'.format(args.num_layers)]( small_image=True, hidden_mlp=0, output_dim=num_classes, returned_featmaps=[3, 4, 5], multi_cropped_input=False) # synchronize batch norm layers if args.distributed: model = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model) model = model.cuda() if args.rank == 0:"Building model done.") lr = params = model.parameters() if args.optimizer == 'SGD': optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=lr, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=1e-4) elif args.optimizer == 'Adam': opt = optim.Adam(params, lr=lr, weight_decay=1e-4) else: assert (False), 'optimizer not implemented' # objective criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1) # optimizer and schedulers optimizer = LARC(optimizer=optimizer, trust_coefficient=0.001, clip=False) # warm up warmup_lr_schedule = np.linspace( args.start_warmup,, len(dataloaders['train']) * args.warmup_epochs) # cosine/step iters = np.arange( len(dataloaders['train']) * (args.num_epochs - args.warmup_epochs)) if args.cosine: final_lr = * (args.lr_decay_rate)**3 cosine_lr_schedule = np.array([final_lr + 0.5 * ( - final_lr) * (1 + \ math.cos(math.pi * t / (len(dataloaders['train']) * (args.num_epochs - args.warmup_epochs)))) for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, cosine_lr_schedule)) else: steps = np.array([ int(item.strip()) * len(dataloaders['train']) for item in args.lr_decay_epochs.split(',') ]) step_lr_schedule = np.array( [ * args.lr_decay_rate**(t >= steps).sum() for t in iters]) lr_schedule = np.concatenate((warmup_lr_schedule, step_lr_schedule))"Building optimizer done.") # wrap models if args.distributed: model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) if args.sim_loss: word_embeddings = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( word_embeddings, device_ids=[args.gpu_to_work_on], find_unused_parameters=True, ) # optionally resume from a checkpoint to_restore = {"epoch": 0, "val_acc": 0, "best_val_acc": 0} restart_from_checkpoint(os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), run_variables=to_restore, state_dict=model, optimizer=optimizer, distributed=args.distributed) eval_score = to_restore["val_acc"] start_epoch = to_restore["epoch"] best_val_acc = to_restore["best_val_acc"] for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.num_epochs):"============ Starting epoch %i ... ============" % epoch) # set sampler if args.distributed: dataloaders['train'].sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # train for one epoch scores = train_model(model, word_embeddings, dataloaders['train'], optimizer, criterion, epoch, lr_schedule, writer) # evaluate if needed if epoch % args.val_freq == 0 and args.rank == 0: if args.distributed: dataloaders['test'].sampler.set_epoch(epoch) eval_score = eval_model(model, word_embeddings, dataloaders['test'], epoch, writer) if eval_score > best_val_acc: best_val_acc = eval_score training_stats.update(scores + (eval_score, )) if args.rank == 0: # after epoch: save checkpoints save_dict = { "epoch": epoch + 1, "val_acc": eval_score, "best_val_acc": best_val_acc, "state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } save_dict, os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), ) if epoch % args.checkpoint_freq == 0 or epoch == args.num_epochs - 1: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(args.dump_path, "checkpoint.pth.tar"), os.path.join(args.dump_checkpoints, "ckp-" + str(epoch) + ".pth"), ) writer.close()