예제 #1
    def put(self, request, stage_id, *args, **kwargs):
        json_body = json.loads(request.body)
        new_status = json_body.get('status')
        if not new_status or new_status not in ('running', 'paused'):
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='invalid stage status')

        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stage = self.get_stage(org, stage_id)
        if not stage:
            return JSENDError(status_code=404, msg='stage not found')

        cur_status = stage.status
        if cur_status != new_status:
            github_access_key = request.user.jwt_payload.get('access_token')
            task_change_stage_status.apply_async(args=[github_access_key, stage_id, new_status])
            new_status = 'changing'

        stage.title = json_body.get('title', stage.title)
        stage.repo = json_body.get('repo', stage.repo)
        stage.default_branch = json_body.get('default_branch', stage.default_branch)
        stage.branch = json_body.get('branch', stage.branch)
        stage.status = new_status

        stage_dict = model_to_dict(stage, fields=SERIALIZE_FIELDS)
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=204)
예제 #2
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        json_body = json.loads(request.body)
        title = json_body.get('title')
        repo = json_body.get('repo')
        branch= json_body.get('branch')
        default_branch= json_body.get('default_branch')
        run_on_create = json_body.get('run_on_create', False)

        if not (title and repo and default_branch and branch):
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='invalid stage info')

        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stage = Stage.objects.create(

        github_access_key = request.user.jwt_payload.get('access_token')
        task_provision_stage.apply_async(args=[github_access_key, stage.id, repo, branch, run_on_create])

        stage_dict = model_to_dict(stage, fields=SERIALIZE_FIELDS)
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=200, data=stage_dict)
예제 #3
    def get(self, request, stage_id, *args, **kwargs):
        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stage = self.get_stage(org, stage_id)
        if not stage:
            return JSENDError(status_code=404, msg='stage not found')

        stage_dict = model_to_dict(stage, fields=SERIALIZE_FIELDS)
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=200, data=stage_dict)
예제 #4
    def delete(self, request, stage_id, *args, **kwargs):
        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stage = self.get_stage(org, stage_id)
        if not stage:
            return JSENDError(status_code=404, msg='stage not found')

        github_access_key = request.user.jwt_payload.get('access_token')
        task_delete_stage.apply_async(args=[github_access_key, stage_id])

        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=204)
예제 #5
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stages_qs = Stage.objects.filter(org=org)
        stages = [model_to_dict(s, fields=SERIALIZE_FIELDS) for s in stages_qs]
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=200, data=stages)
예제 #6
    def post(self, request, stage_id, *args, **kwargs):
        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        stage = self.get_stage(org, stage_id)
        if not stage:
            return JSENDError(status_code=404, msg='stage not found')

        github_access_key = request.user.jwt_payload.get('access_token')
        task_refresh_stage.apply_async(args=[github_access_key, stage_id])

        stage.status = 'changing'

        stage_dict = model_to_dict(stage, fields=SERIALIZE_FIELDS)
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=204)
예제 #7
    def get(self, request, stage_id, *args, **kwargs):
        org = Membership.get_org_of_user(request.user)
        if not org:
            return JSENDError(status_code=400, msg='org not found')

        log_path = self.get_log_path(stage_id) 
        if not os.path.exists(log_path):
            return JSENDError(status_code=404, msg='log file not found')

        log_msgs = []
        with open(log_path, 'rt') as f:
            log_msg = f.read()
            log_msgs = [l for l in log_msg.split('\n') if l]

        ts = os.path.getmtime(log_path)
        tz = pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE)
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=tz)

        log_data = {'log_messages': log_msgs, 'log_time': dt.isoformat()}
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=200, data=log_data)
예제 #8
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        json_body = json.loads(request.body)
        email = json_body.get('email')
        access_token = json_body.get('access_token')

        # query email by access token and check if it is matched
        primary_email = GithubAgent(access_token).get_primary_email()
        if not primary_email or primary_email != email:
            return JSENDError(status_code=401, msg='not matched email')

        # get or create an user with jwt token
        user, created = self.get_or_create_user_with_token(primary_email, access_token)

        # create singleton organization and membership for the first time
        if created:

        # serialize
        user_dict = model_to_dict(user, fields=['id', 'email', 'token'])
        return JSENDSuccess(status_code=200, data=user_dict)