예제 #1
 def get_ids(kind, pop_url, pop_id):
     Return list of IDs for a given kind
     :param kind: Kind of the resources ids required
     :param pop_url: url of the PoP DB
     :param pop_id: PoP ID
     :return list: list of IDs
     results = list()
     if kind == 'switch':
         for existing_uuid in odl_glue.get_switches_ids(pop_url, pop_id):
     elif kind == 'switch-interface':
         for existing_uuid in odl_glue.get_switch_interfaces(pop_url, pop_id):
     elif kind == 'pop':
         for existing_uuid in epa_glue.get_pop_ids(pop_url):
         for existing_uuid in epa_glue.get_resource_openstack_ids(pop_url, pop_id, kind, []):
     return results
예제 #2
    def get_resource_entities(pop_url, pop_id, openstack_types, query):
        Retrieve a list of entities and their links
        for a given list of types
        :param pop_url: Url of PoP DB
        :param pop_id: PoP ID
        :param openstack_types: list of type
        :param query: optional query parameters
        :return dict: keys resources' uuids, values resources' properties
        results = {}
        for resource_type in openstack_types:
            # For switches call Opendaylight
            if resource_type == 'switch':
                for uuid in odl_glue.get_switches_ids(pop_url, pop_id):
                    entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(resource_type, uuid)
                    results[uuid] = entity

            # For switches' interfaces call Opendaylight
            elif resource_type == 'switch-interface':
                for uuid in odl_glue.get_switch_interfaces(pop_url, pop_id):
                    entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(resource_type, uuid)
                    results[uuid] = entity
            # For all others resources query EPA DB
                for uuid in epa_glue.get_resource_openstack_ids(pop_url, pop_id, resource_type, query):
                    entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(resource_type, uuid)
                    results[uuid] = entity

        # Retrieve links for the resources that should be returned
        links = {}
        for source_uuid in results:
            if results[source_uuid].kind.term == 'switch':
                for target_uuid in odl_glue.get_switch_interfaces_by_switch_id(pop_url, pop_id, source_uuid):
                    target_type = 'switch-interface'
                    link_uuid = source_uuid + '->' + target_uuid
                    source_entity = results[source_uuid]
                    kind = source_entity.kind.term + '_link'
                    target_entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(target_type, target_uuid)
                    links[link_uuid] = EPARegistry.get_occi_link(kind, link_uuid, source_entity, target_entity)
            elif results[source_uuid].kind.term == 'switch-interface':
                switch_uuid = odl_glue.get_switch_by_interface(pop_url, pop_id, source_uuid)
                if switch_uuid:
                    switch_type = 'switch'
                    source_entity = results[source_uuid]
                    kind = source_entity.kind.term + '_link'
                    switch_entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(switch_type, switch_uuid)
                    switch_link_uuid = uuid + '->' + switch_uuid
                    links[switch_link_uuid] = EPARegistry.get_occi_link(kind, switch_link_uuid,
                                                                        results[source_uuid], switch_entity)

                osdev_uuid = odl_glue.get_os_dev_by_switch_interface(pop_url, pop_id, source_uuid)

                if osdev_uuid:
                    osdev_type = 'osdev'
                    osdev_entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(osdev_type, osdev_uuid)
                    osdev_link_uuid = uuid + '->' + osdev_uuid
                    links[osdev_link_uuid] = EPARegistry.get_occi_link(kind, osdev_link_uuid,
                                                                       results[source_uuid], osdev_entity)
            elif results[source_uuid].kind.term == 'osdev':
                mac = epa_glue.get_mac_by_osdev_uuid(pop_url, pop_id, source_uuid)
                if mac:
                    switch_interface = odl_glue.get_switch_interface_by_mac(pop_url, pop_id, mac)
                    if switch_interface:
                        target_uuid = switch_interface
                        target_type = 'switch-interface'
                        link_uuid = source_uuid + '->' + target_uuid
                        source_entity = results[source_uuid]
                        kind = source_entity.kind.term + '_link'
                        target_entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(target_type, target_uuid)
                        links[link_uuid] = EPARegistry.get_occi_link(kind, link_uuid, source_entity, target_entity)
                for target_link in epa_glue.get_links_target_uuid(pop_url, pop_id, source_uuid):
                    target_uuid = target_link[0]
                    target_type = target_link[1]
                    link_uuid = source_uuid + '->' + target_uuid
                    source_entity = results[source_uuid]
                    kind = source_entity.kind.term + '_link'
                    target_entity = EPARegistry.get_occi_resource(target_type, target_uuid)
                    links[link_uuid] = EPARegistry.get_occi_link(kind, link_uuid, source_entity, target_entity)


        EPARegistry.add_pop_id_to_resources(results, pop_id)

        return results.values()