예제 #1
def create_project_route(project: schemas.ProjectCreate,
                         request: Request,
                         user_id: int = Depends(get_user_id),
                         db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = get_user_by_id(db, user_id)
    if get_project_by_name(db, project.name) is not None:
        raise HTTPException(409,
                            "Project with the provided name already exists")
    db_project = create_project(db, project)
    add_org_to_project(db, db_project.id, user.organization_id)
    return db_project
예제 #2
def get_project_info(projectId: int,
                     request: Request,
                     user_id: int = Depends(get_user_id),
                     db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = get_user_by_id(db, user_id)
    db_project = get_project_by_id(db, projectId)
    if db_project is None:
        raise HTTPException(404, "The requested project could not be found.")
    if not is_org_in_project(db, db_project.id, user.organization_id):
        raise HTTPException(
            "You must be in the organization handling the project to be able to delete it."
    return db_project
예제 #3
def change_project_info_route(projectId: int,
                              project: schemas.ProjectEdit,
                              request: Request,
                              user_id: int = Depends(get_user_id),
                              db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = get_user_by_id(db, user_id)
    db_project = get_project_by_id(db, projectId)
    if db_project is None:
        raise HTTPException(404, "The requested project could not be found.")
    if not is_org_in_project(db, db_project.id, user.organization_id):
        raise HTTPException(
            "You must be in the organization handling the project to perform this operation."
    return change_project_info(db, projectId, project)
예제 #4
def get_project_org_list(projectId: int,
                         request: Request,
                         user_id: int = Depends(get_user_id),
                         db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = get_user_by_id(db, user_id)
    db_project = get_project_by_id(db, projectId)
    if db_project is None:
        raise HTTPException(404, "The requested project could not be found.")
    if not is_org_in_project(db, db_project.id, user.organization_id):
        raise HTTPException(
            "You must be in the organization handling the project to perform this operation."
    org_list = get_all_orgs_in_project(db, projectId)
    return {'orgs': org_list}
예제 #5
def add_project_org(projectId: int,
                    orgId: int,
                    request: Request,
                    user_id: int = Depends(get_user_id),
                    db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    user = get_user_by_id(db, user_id)
    db_project = get_project_by_id(db, projectId)
    if db_project is None:
        raise HTTPException(404, "The requested project could not be found.")
    if get_organization_by_id(db, orgId) is None:
        raise HTTPException(404,
                            "The request organization could not be found.")
    if not is_org_in_project(db, db_project.id, user.organization_id):
        raise HTTPException(
            "You must be in the organization handling the project to perform this operation."
    if is_org_in_project(db, db_project.id, orgId):
        raise HTTPException(
            409, "The organization is already a part of the given project.")
    add_org_to_project(db, projectId, orgId)
    return db_project