def stopRouteRequest(stopID, routeID, devStoreKey): logging.debug("Stop/Route Request started") # got fetch all of the data for this stop sid = stopID + str(devStoreKey) + str(time.time()) routes = asynch.aggregateBusesAsynch(sid,stopID,routeID) if routes is None: response_dict = {'status':'0', 'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp(), 'info':'No routes found' } return response_dict response_dict = {'status':'0', 'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp() } # there should only be results. we assume the results are sorted by time stop_dict = {'stopID':stopID,} route_results = [] for r in routes: if not utils.inthepast(r.arrivalTime): route_results.append(dict({'routeID':r.routeID, 'vehicleID':'unknown', 'minutes':str(utils.computeCountdownMinutes(r.arrivalTime)), 'arrivalTime':r.arrivalTime, 'destination':r.destination, })) # add the populated stop details to the response stop_dict.update({'route':route_results}); response_dict.update({'stop':stop_dict}) return response_dict
def getRoutes(refresh): if refresh is False: # do we already have it in the datastore? api = db.GqlQuery('select * from StaticAPIs where method = :1', utils.GETROUTES).get() if api is not None: logging.debug('---> datastore hit'); return api.json logging.debug('---> datastore lookup starting!') offset = 0 q = RouteListing.all() routes = q.fetch(1000) hits = {} response_dict = {'status':0,'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp()} while len(routes) > 0: offset += len(routes) ## stopped here trying to create a map of unique routes and endpoints ## for r in routes: # are we tracking this route/direction pair? key = r.route + ':' + r.direction hits[key] = hits.get(key,0) + 1 # get more routes routes = q.fetch(1000,offset) routeMap = {} for k,v in hits.iteritems(): key = k.split(':') routeID = key[0] direction = key[1] directionLabel = utils.getDirectionLabel(direction) logging.debug('adding direction %s to route %s' % (directionLabel,routeID)) if routeID in routeMap: routeMap[routeID].append(directionLabel) else: routeMap[routeID] = list() routeMap[routeID].append(directionLabel) route_results = [] for k,v in routeMap.iteritems(): route_results.append(dict({'routeID':k,'directions':routeMap[k]})) # add the populated route details to the response response_dict.update({'routes':route_results}) json = simplejson.dumps(response_dict) static = StaticAPIs() static.method = utils.GETROUTES static.json = json static.put() return json
def stopRequest(stopID, devStoreKey): logging.debug("Stop Request started") response_dict = {'status':'0', 'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp() } # unique key to track this request t = str(time.time()).split('.')[0] sid = stopID + str(devStoreKey) + t # got fetch all of the data for this stop routes = asynch.aggregateBusesAsynch(sid,stopID) if routes is None or len(routes) == 0: response_dict['status'] = '-1' response_dict['description'] = 'No routes found for this stop' response_dict['stopID'] = stopID return response_dict # get the stop details stop_dict = {'stopID':stopID,} # take the first 10 results. we assume the results are sorted by time #route_results = sorted(route_results, key=attrgetter('time')) route_results = [] for r in routes: minutes = utils.computeCountdownMinutes(r.arrivalTime) if minutes > 0: route_results.append(dict({'routeID':r.routeID, 'vehicleID':'unknown', 'minutes':str(minutes), 'arrivalTime':r.arrivalTime, 'destination':r.destination, })) # add the populated stop details to the response stop_dict.update({'route':route_results}); response_dict.update({'stop':stop_dict}) # cleanup the results asynch.clean(sid) return response_dict
def routeRequest(routeID,destination): # @fixme memcache these results! if destination is not None: q = db.GqlQuery('select * from StopLocation where routeID = :1 and direction = :2 order by routeID', routeID, destination) else: q = db.GqlQuery('select * from StopLocation where routeID = :1 order by routeID', routeID) stops = q.fetch(200) if stops is None: response_dict = {'status':'0', 'info':'No stops found' } return response_dict response_dict = {'status':'0', 'timestamp':utils.getLocalTimestamp(), 'routeID':routeID } stop_results = [] for s in stops: if s.location is None: logging.error('API: ERROR, no location!?') else: logging.debug('API: latitude is %s' % stop_results.append(dict({'stopID':s.stopID, 'intersection':s.intersection, 'latitude':'0.0' if s.location is None else, 'longitude':'0.0' if s.location is None else s.location.lon, 'destination':s.direction, })) # add the populated stop details to the response response_dict.update({'stops':stop_results}) return response_dict