예제 #1
def main():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if not ok:
    meeting_list = api.meeting_list()

    owners = []
    for meeting in meeting_list:
        if username.lower() in settings.admins or username.lower() in meeting.get("moderator_users"):
        is_running = api.is_running(meeting.get("id"))
        if is_running:
            meeting["status"] = "running"
            meeting["status"] = "stopped"

    if username.lower() in settings.admins:
        is_admin = True
        users = api.suggest("")
        is_admin = users = None
    message = request.params.get("message")
    return jinja2_template(
예제 #2
def remove_user():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        username = request.params.get("username")
        print username
예제 #3
def join():
    meeting_id = request.params.get("meeting_id")
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        url = api.join_meeting(username, password, meeting_id)
        if url:
예제 #4
def add_user():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        username = request.params.get("username")
        password = request.params.get("password")
        api.add_user(username, password)
예제 #5
    def test_factorials_limited(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Factorials are correctly Limited ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "factorial(1000)"
        target_str = "1"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" in response, 'Unexpected lack of "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["error"] == "Parsing Test Expression Failed.", "Error message not as expected '%s'." % response["error"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #6
def login():
    if request.method == "POST":
        username = request.params.get("username")
        password = request.params.get("password")
        ok = api.check(username, password)
        if ok:
            response.set_cookie("username", username, settings.cookie_secret)
            response.set_cookie("password", password, settings.cookie_secret)
        return jinja2_template("login.html")
예제 #7
    def test_single_variables_unequal(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Two Single Variables can be found Unequal ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x"
        target_str = "y"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "false", 'Expected "equal" to be "false", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #8
def delete():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        meeting_id = request.params.get("meeting_id")
        if username in settings.admins:
            info = api.get_meeting_info(meeting_id)
            if username in info.get("moderator_users"):
예제 #9
    def test_large_bracket_expression(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Lots of Brackets and ^ in Expression ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "720 + 1764 x + 1624 x^2 + 735 x^3 + 175 x^4 + 21 x^5 + x^6"
        target_str = "(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)(x+4)(x+5)(x+6)"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #10
    def test_sqrt_x_squared(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Square Root of x Squared ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "sqrt(x**2)"
        target_str = "x"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "numeric", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "numeric", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #11
    def test_extra_test_variables(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test N+1 Variable Test Expression ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "sin(exp(sqrt(2*x)))**2 + cos(exp(sqrt(x))**sqrt(2))**2"
        target_str = "1"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "numeric", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "numeric", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #12
    def test_brackets_expand_symbolic(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Brackets can be Expanded for Symbolic Match ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "(x + 1)(x + 1)"
        target_str = "x**2 + 2*x + 1"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #13
    def test_simplify_fractions_symbolic(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Fractions can be Simplified for Symbolic not Exact Match ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "(2*x*y*x)/(2*x*y*y)"
        target_str = "x/y"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #14
    def test_logarithms(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Logarithms Work ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x*log(x)/log(10) + ln(3) + ln(2)"
        target_str = "log(x,10)*x + ln(6)"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #15
    def test_strict_inequalities(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Strict Inequalities Can be Distinguished ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x**2 + x + 1 > 0"
        target_str = "x + 1 + x**2 >= 0"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "false", 'Expected "equal" to be "false", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #16
    def test_differential_equations(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test Differential Equations ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "Derivative(Derivative(y, x), x) == y*cos(x) + sin(x)*Derivative(y, x)"
        target_str = "Derivative(y, x, x) == Derivative(sin(x) * y, x)"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #17
    def test_derivatives(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Derivatives Work ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "2 * y * Derivative(y, x)"
        target_str = "Derivative(y**2, x)"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #18
    def test_plus_or_minus(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if The ± Symbol Works ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "a ± b"
        target_str = "a ± b"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #19
    def test_equations(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Equations Can be Parsed and Checked ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x**2 + x + 1 == 0"
        target_str = "x + 1 + x**2 == 0"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #20
    def test_addition_order_exact_match(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Addition Order matters for Exact Match ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "1 + x"
        target_str = "x + 1"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #21
    def test_main_trig_functions_symbolic(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if sin, cos and tan and inverses Work Symbolically ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "arcsin(x) + arccos(x) + arctan(x) + sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2 + tan(x)"
        target_str = "1 + tan(x) + arcsin(x) + arccos(x) + arctan(x)"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #22
    def test_simple_brackets_ignored_exact(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test that Simple Brackets are Ignored for Exact Match ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "((x))"
        target_str = "x"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #23
    def test_variable_ordering_ignored_exact(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test that Variable Ordering is Ignored for Exact Match ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x * y * z"
        target_str = "z * x * y"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #24
    def test_implicit_multiplication(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test that Implicit Multiplication Works ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "xyz"
        target_str = "x * y * z"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #25
    def test_single_variables_equal(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Test if Single Variables can be Equal ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "x"
        target_str = "x"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "true", 'Expected "equal" to be "true", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "exact", 'For these expressions, expected "equality_type" to be "exact", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #26
    def test_disallowed_extra_variables(self):
        print "\n\n\n" + " Enforce Only Allowed Symbols ".center(75, "#")
        test_str = "sin(exp(sqrt(2*x)))**2 + cos(exp(sqrt(x))**sqrt(2))**2"
        target_str = "1"
        symbols = None
        response = api.check(test_str, target_str, symbols, check_symbols=True)

        self.assertTrue("error" not in response, 'Unexpected "error" in response!')
        self.assertTrue("equal" in response, 'Key "equal" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equal"] == "false", 'Expected "equal" to be "false", got "%s"!' % response["equal"])
        self.assertTrue("equality_type" in response, 'Key "equality_type" not in response!')
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] in EQUALITY_TYPES, 'Unexpected "equality_type": "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        self.assertTrue(response["equality_type"] == "symbolic", 'For enforced symbols, expected "equality_type" to be "symbolic", got "%s"!' % response["equality_type"])
        print "   PASS   ".center(75, "#")
예제 #27
def change_password():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return jinja2_template("change_password.html")
        username = request.params.get("username")
        old_password = request.params.get("old_passwd")
        new_passwd = request.params.get("new_passwd")
        retype = request.params.get("retype")
        ok = api.check(username, old_password)
        if ok and new_passwd == retype:
            api.change_password(username, new_passwd)
            response.set_cookie("password", new_passwd, settings.cookie_secret)
예제 #28
def create():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)

    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        name = request.params.get("name")
        if not api.is_valid(name):
            return "Choose other name"

        attendee_users = request.params.get("to_users").split(",")
        attendee_users.remove("")  # remove last comma ","
        moderator_users = [username.lower()]
        meeting_id = api.create_meeting(name, attendee_users, moderator_users)
        if meeting_id:
            url = api.join_meeting(username, password, meeting_id)
예제 #29
def edit():
    username = request.get_cookie("username", settings.cookie_secret)
    password = request.get_cookie("password", settings.cookie_secret)
    ok = api.check(username, password)
    if ok:
        username = username.lower()
        if request.method == "GET":
            meeting_id = request.params.get("meeting_id")
            info = api.get_meeting_info(meeting_id)

            if username not in info.get("moderator_users") and username not in settings.admins:

            users = api.suggest("")

            #      username = username.lower()
            #      if username in users:
            #        users.remove(username)
            attendee_users = info.get("attendee_users")
            if "" in info.get("attendee_users"):

            attendee_users = [x.strip() for x in attendee_users]  # remove start/end space

            if username not in attendee_users:

            info["attendee_users"] = attendee_users

            users = [x for x in users if x not in attendee_users]

            return jinja2_template("edit.html", users=users, info=info)
            meeting_id = request.params.get("meeting_id")
            name = request.params.get("name")
            attendee_users = request.params.get("attendee_users").split(",")
            attendee_users = [x.strip() for x in attendee_users if x != ""]
            api.update(username, meeting_id, name, attendee_users)
예제 #30
"""Module for interacting with the problems."""

from random import randint

import pymongo
from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, Range, Required, Schema

import api
from api import PicoException, check, validate

problem_schema = Schema(
        check(("The problem's display name must be a string.", [str])),
        check(("The problems's sanitized name must be a string.", [str])),
        check(("Score must be a positive integer.", [int, Range(min=0)])),
        check(("Author must be a string.", [str])),
        check(("Category must be a string.", [str])),
        check(("The instances must be a list.", [list])),
        check(("Hints must be a list.", [list])),
        check(("The problem walkthrough must be a string.", [str])),
        check(("The problem description must be a string.", [str])),
예제 #31
from voluptuous import Length, Required, Schema

import api
from api import cache, check, log_action, PicoException
from api.cache import memoize

PROBLEMSOLVED_FILTER = ['category', 'name', 'score', 'solve_time']

new_team_schema = Schema(
            ("The team name must be between 3 and 40 characters.",
             [str, Length(min=3, max=40)]),
            ("This team name conflicts with an existing user name.",
             [lambda name: api.user.get_user(name=name) is None]),
            ("A team with that name already exists.",
             [lambda name: api.team.get_team(name=name) is None]),
        check(("Passwords must be between 3 and 20 characters.",
               [str, Length(min=3, max=20)]))

def get_team(tid=None, name=None):
    Retrieve a team based on a property (tid, name, etc.).

예제 #32
"""Helper functions required for v0 endpoints."""

from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps

from bson import json_util
from flask import request, session
from voluptuous import Length, Required, Schema

import api
from api import check

user_login_schema = Schema({
    check(("Usernames must be between 3 and 50 characters.",
           [str, Length(min=3, max=50)]), ),
    check(("Passwords must be between 3 and 50 characters.",
           [str, Length(min=3, max=50)]))

def WebSuccess(message=None, data=None):
    """Legacy successful response wrapper."""
    return json_util.dumps({'status': 1, 'message': message, 'data': data})

def WebError(message=None, data=None):
    """Legacy failure response wrapper."""
    return json_util.dumps({'status': 0, 'message': message, 'data': data})
예제 #33
"""Module for interacting with bundles."""

from voluptuous import Required, Schema

import api
from api import check, validate

bundle_schema = Schema({
    check(("The bundle name must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle author must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle categories must be a list.", [list])),
    check(("The bundle problems must be a list.", [list])),
    check(("The bundle description must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle organization must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle dependencies must be a dict.", [dict])),
    check(("The dependencies enabled state must be a bool.",
           [lambda x: type(x) == bool])),
    check(("The package dependencies must be a list.",
           [lambda x: type(x) == list]))

예제 #34
"""Module for interacting with bundles."""

from voluptuous import Required, Schema

import api
from api import check, validate

bundle_schema = Schema({
    check(("The bundle author must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle name must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle description must be a string.", [str])),
    check(("The bundle dependencies must be a dict.", [dict])),
    check(("The dependencies enabled state must be a bool.",
           [lambda x: type(x) == bool])),

def get_bundle(bid):
    Return the bundle dict corresponding to the given bid.

        bid: bundle ID

        The associated bundle dict, or None if not found
예제 #35
파일: problem.py 프로젝트: 6r0k3d/picoCTF
"""Module for interacting with the problems."""

from random import randint

import pymongo
from flask import current_app
from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, Range, Required, Schema

import api
from api import check, PicoException, validate
from api.cache import memoize

problem_schema = Schema(
        Required("name"): check(
            ("The problem's display name must be a string.", [str])
        Required("sanitized_name"): check(
            ("The problems's sanitized name must be a string.", [str])
        Required("score"): check(
            ("Score must be a positive integer.", [int, Range(min=0)])
        Required("author"): check(("Author must be a string.", [str])),
        Required("category"): check(("Category must be a string.", [str])),
        Required("instances"): check(("The instances must be a list.", [list])),
        Required("organization"): check(("Organization must be string.", [str])),
        Required("event"): check(("Event must be string.", [str])),
        Required("unique_name"): check(
            ("The problems's unique name must be a string.", [str])
예제 #36
파일: group.py 프로젝트: syclops/ctflab
"""Module for handling groups of teams."""

from voluptuous import Required, Schema

import api
from api import cache, check, log_action, PicoException, validate

group_settings_schema = Schema({
        "Email filter must be a list of emails.",
        [lambda emails: type(emails) == list],
        "Hidden property of a group is a boolean.",
        [lambda hidden: type(hidden) == bool],

def get_group(gid=None, name=None, owner_tid=None):
    Retrieve a group based on its name or gid.

        name: the name of the group
        gid: the gid of the group
        owner_tid: the tid of the group owner
        The group dict, or None if not found.
예제 #37
"""Module for handling flag submissions."""

from datetime import datetime

import api
from api import cache, check, log_action, PicoException, validate
from api.cache import memoize
from voluptuous import Length, Required, Schema

submission_schema = Schema(
        Required("tid"): check(
            ("This does not look like a valid tid.", [str, Length(max=100)])
        Required("pid"): check(
            ("This does not look like a valid pid.", [str, Length(max=100)])
        Required("key"): check(
            ("This does not look like a valid key.", [str, Length(max=100)])


def grade_problem(pid, key, tid=None):
    Grade the problem with its associated flag.

예제 #38
"""Module for handling flag submissions."""

from datetime import datetime

from voluptuous import Length, Required, Schema

import api
from api import cache, check, log_action, PicoException, validate

submission_schema = Schema({
    check(("This does not look like a valid tid.", [str, Length(max=100)])),
    check(("This does not look like a valid pid.", [str, Length(max=100)])),
    check(("This does not look like a valid key.", [str, Length(max=100)]))


def grade_problem(pid, key, tid=None):
    Grade the problem with its associated flag.

        tid: tid if provided
        pid: problem's pid
        key: user's submission

예제 #39
"""Module for handling problem feedback."""

from datetime import datetime

from voluptuous import Length, Required, Schema

import api
from api import check, log_action, PicoException, validate

feedback_schema = Schema({
    check(("liked must be a boolean", [lambda x: type(x) == bool])),
    check(("The comment must be no more than 500 characters",
           [str, Length(max=500)])),
    check(("Time spend must be a number", [int])),
    check(("The source must be no more than 500 characters",
           [str, Length(max=10)]))

def get_problem_feedback(pid=None, tid=None, uid=None, count_only=False):
    Retrieve feedback for a given problem, team, or user.

        pid: the problem id
        tid: the team id
        uid: the user id