예제 #1
파일: vs2010.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def getAdditionalLibraryDirectories(make, cfg, output_path):
	list = ''
	paths = make.getAcrossDependencies(cfg['deps'], 'lib_path', cfg['ctx'])
	if paths != None:
		for path in paths:
			list += api.getRelativePath(path, output_path, 'windows') + ';'
	return list + '%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)'
예제 #2
파일: vs2010.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def getAdditionalIncludes(make, cfg, output_path):
	list = ''
	includes = make.getAcrossDependencies(cfg['deps'], 'include_path', cfg['ctx'])
	if includes != None:
		for include in includes:
			list += api.getRelativePath(include, output_path, 'windows') + ';'
	return list + '%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)'
예제 #3
파일: vs2010_qt.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def outputCustomFileClDirective(base, f, make, project, file, output_path):
	base(f, make, project, file, output_path)

	ext = api.getFileExt(file['name'])

	if ext == '.h':
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if isQtSupportedTarget(cfg['ctx']['target']):
				basename = os.path.basename(file['name'])
				f.write('      <AdditionalInputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>$(QTDIR)\\bin\\moc.exe;%(FullPath)</AdditionalInputs>\n')
				f.write('      <Message ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>Moc%27ing ' + basename + '...</Message>\n')
				f.write('      <Outputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>.\GeneratedFiles\$(ConfigurationName)\moc_%(Filename).cpp</Outputs>\n')
				f.write('      <Command ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>"$(QTDIR)\\bin\\moc.exe" "%(FullPath)" -o ".\\GeneratedFiles\\$(ConfigurationName)\\moc_%(Filename).cpp" ')

				defines = vs2010.getDefines(make, cfg)
				def_list = defines.split(';')
				for define in def_list:
					if define != '%(PreprocessorDefinitions)':
						f.write('-D' + define + ' ')

				includes = vs2010.getAdditionalIncludes(make, cfg, output_path)
				inc_list = includes.split(';')
				for inc in inc_list:
					if inc != '%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)':
						if inc.startswith('..\\'):
							f.write('"-I.\\..\\..\\' + inc + '" ')
							f.write('"-I' + inc + '" ')

				# PCH support
				use_pch = make.get('use_pch', cfg['ctx'])
				if use_pch:
					f.write('"-f' + use_pch[0] + '" ')

				# end command
				f.write('"-f' + file['name'] + '"')

	elif ext == '.qrc':
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if isQtSupportedTarget(cfg['ctx']['target']):
				qrc_name = 'qrc_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file['name']))[0] + '.cpp'
				f.write('      <Message ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>Rcc%27ing %(Filename)%(Extension)...</Message>\n')
				f.write('      <Command ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>"$(QTDIR)\\bin\\rcc.exe" -name "%(Filename)" -no-compress "%(FullPath)" -o .\\GeneratedFiles\\' + qrc_name + '</Command>\n')

				resources = make.get('qt_res', cfg['ctx'])
				if resources:
					f.write('      <AdditionalInputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>%(FullPath);')
					for res in resources:
						f.write(api.getRelativePath(res, output_path, 'windows') + ';')

				f.write('      <Outputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>.\\GeneratedFiles\\' + qrc_name + ';%(Outputs)</Outputs>\n')
		f.write('      <SubType>Designer</SubType>\n')

	elif ext == '.ui':
		f.write('      <FileType>Document</FileType>\n')
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if isQtSupportedTarget(cfg['ctx']['target']):
				f.write('      <AdditionalInputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>$(QTDIR)\\bin\\uic.exe;%(AdditionalInputs)</AdditionalInputs>\n')
				f.write('      <Message ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>Uic%27ing %(Identity)...</Message>\n')
				f.write('      <Outputs ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>.\\GeneratedFiles\\ui_%(Filename).h;%(Outputs)</Outputs>\n')
				f.write('      <Command ' + vs2010.getCondition(cfg) + '>"$(QTDIR)\\bin\\uic.exe" -o ".\\GeneratedFiles\\ui_%(Filename).h" "%(FullPath)"</Command>\n')
예제 #4
파일: gnu_make.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def outputCompilationUnitBuildDirective(f, make, ctx, cflags, prj, unit, output_path):
	f.write('\t' + getCompilationUnitCommand(unit, ctx) + ' $(' + get_project_cflags_varname(prj) + ') ' + getCompilationUnitCFlags(unit, cflags, ctx) + ' -o ' + unit['obj'] + ' ' + api.getRelativePath(unit['file'], output_path) + '\n')
예제 #5
파일: gnu_make.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def getOutputFilename(file, output_path):
	return api.getRelativePath(file, output_path)
예제 #6
파일: gnu_make.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def outputProject(f, build_env, make, ctx, prj, projects, output_path):
	f.write("# Project '" + prj['name'] + "' object files.\n")

	# project cflags
	f.write(get_project_cflags_varname(prj) + ' = $(GLOBAL_CFLAGS) ')

	cflags = make.get('cflags', ctx)
	outputProjectCFlags(f, ctx, cflags)

	if len(prj['includes']) > 0 or len(prj['defines']) > 0:
		for include in prj['includes']:
			f.write('-I' + api.getRelativePath(include, output_path) + ' ')
		for define in prj['defines']:
			f.write('-D' + define + ' ')

	# project prerequesites rules
	prj_req_rules = []
	if prj['obj_path']:  # object output path
	if prj['bin_path']:  # binary output path

	# prepare links
	def getProject(name):
		for project in projects:
			if project['name'] == name:
				return project
		return None

	prj['plinks'] = []
	prj['llinks'] = []
	links = make.getLinksAcrossDependencies(prj['deps'], prj['ctx'])
	for link in links:
		link_prj = getProject(link)	 # is it a workspace project?
		if link_prj:
			if link_prj['type'] == 'staticlib':

	# compilation unit rule targets
	for unit in prj['units']:
		f.write(unit['obj'] + ': ')
		for dep in unit['deps']:
			f.write(api.getRelativePath(dep, output_path) + ' ')

		# directories are order-only prerequisites (right of the pipe, in a typical braindead GNU bullying way)
		f.write('| ' + ' '.join(prj_req_rules) + ' ')

		outputCompilationUnitBuildDirective(f, make, ctx, cflags, prj, unit, output_path)


	# project dependencies
	f.write(prj['obj'] + ': ')
	if prj['plinks']:
		for plink in prj['plinks']:
			f.write(plink['obj'] + ' ')
	for unit in prj['units']:
		f.write(unit['obj'] + ' ')

	outputProjectBuildDirective(f, make, ctx, prj, output_path)

예제 #7
파일: android_mk.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def outputProject(f, make, project, projects, output_path):
	# skip project
	if project['pflags'] != None and 'skip_build' in project['pflags']:

	ctx = project['ctx']
	deps = make.getDependencies(ctx)
	global_ctx = ctx.clone({'project': '@Exclude'})		# everything not in a project specific context

	f.write('# Begin project ' + ctx['project'] + '\n')
	f.write('include $(CLEAR_VARS)\n\n')

	f.write('LOCAL_MODULE := ' + ctx['project'] + '\n')

	# project cflags
	cflags = ''
	local_defines = api.substractLists(make.getAcrossDependencies(deps, 'define', ctx), make.get('define', global_ctx))
	if len(local_defines) > 0:
		for define in local_defines:
			cflags += '-D' + define + ' '

	local_cflags = api.substractLists(make.get('cflags', ctx), make.get('cflags', global_ctx))
	gflags = convertCFlags(local_cflags)
	for f in gflags:
		cflags += f + ' '

	if local_cflags != None:
		if 'short-commands' in local_cflags:
			f.write('LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS := true\n')
		if 'use-neon' in local_cflags:
			f.write('LOCAL_ARM_NEON := true\n')

	if cflags != '':
		f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS := ' + cflags + '\n')

	# includes
	includes = make.getAcrossDependencies(deps, 'include_path', ctx)
	if includes != None:
		f.write('LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := ')
		for include in includes:
			f.write(api.getRelativePath(include, output_path) + ' ')

	# output files
	f.write('LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \\\n')

	files = make.get('files', ctx)
	skip_files = make.get('skip_files', ctx)
	skip_files = [api.getRelativePath(file, output_path) for file in skip_files] if skip_files != None else []
	if files != None:
		for file in files:
			ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower()
			if ext in ['.c', '.cpp']:
				rel_path = api.getRelativePath(file, output_path)
				if rel_path not in skip_files:
					f.write(rel_path + ' \\\n')


	# linkage
	if project['type'] != 'staticlib':
		l_static = ''
		l_shared = ''
		l_ldlibs = ''

		links = make.getLinksAcrossDependencies(deps, ctx)
		for link in links:
			prj = getProject(link, projects)	# is it a workspace project?
			if prj != None:
				if prj['type'] == 'staticlib':
					l_static = l_static + prj['name'] + ' '
				elif prj['type'] == 'dynamiclib':
					l_shared = l_shared + prj['name'] + ' '
				l_ldlibs = l_ldlibs + '-l' + link + ' '

		if l_static != '': f.write('LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := ' + l_static + '\n')
		if l_shared != '': f.write('LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := ' + l_shared + '\n')
		if l_ldlibs != '': f.write('LOCAL_LDLIBS := ' + l_ldlibs + '\n')

		if l_static != '' or l_shared != '' or l_ldlibs != '': f.write('\n')	# some formatting doesn't hurt

	# output project type
	f.write('include $(' + api.translate(project['type'], {'staticlib': 'BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY', 'dynamiclib': 'BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY', 'executable': 'BUILD_EXECUTABLE'}, None) + ')\n')
예제 #8
파일: vs2010.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def outputProject(make, project, projects, output_path):
	project_ctx = project['ctx']

	api.log("Output project '" + project['name'] + "'", 1)
	f = open(output_path + '/' + project['name'] + '.vcxproj', 'w')

	f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
	f.write('<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">\n')

	# configurations
	f.write('  <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">\n')
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		cfg['qualified_name'] = cfg['name'] + '|' + cfg['vsplatform']
		f.write('    <ProjectConfiguration Include="' + cfg['qualified_name'] + '">\n')
		f.write('      <Configuration>' + cfg['name'] + '</Configuration>\n')
		f.write('      <Platform>' + cfg['vsplatform'] + '</Platform>\n')
		f.write('    </ProjectConfiguration>\n')
	f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# global properties
	f.write('  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">\n')
	f.write('    <ProjectGuid>{' + project['guid'] + '}</ProjectGuid>\n')
	f.write('    <RootNamespace>' + project['name'] + '</RootNamespace>\n')
	f.write('    <Keyword>' + getProjectKeyword(make, project_ctx) + '</Keyword>\n')
	f.write('  </PropertyGroup>\n')

	# store a few commonly used values directly in the configuration
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		cfg['deps'] = make.getDependencies(cfg['ctx'])
		cfg['links'] = make.getLinksAcrossDependencies(cfg['deps'], cfg['ctx'])
		cfg['type'] = make.getBestMatch('type', cfg['ctx'])
		cfg['cflags'] = make.get('cflags', cfg['ctx'])
		cfg['pflags'] = make.get('pflags', cfg['ctx'])

	# build the project link list across all configurations (we'll disable unused ones on a per project basis in the solution)
	project['all_link'] = None
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		project['all_link'] = api.appendToList(project['all_link'], cfg['links'])
	if project['all_link'] != None:
		project['all_link'] = list(set(project['all_link']))

	# cpp default properties
	f.write('  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />\n')

	# general project properties
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		f.write('  <PropertyGroup ' + getCondition(cfg) + ' Label="Configuration">\n')
		outputGeneralProjectProperty(f, make, project, cfg)
		f.write('  </PropertyGroup>\n')

	# cpp extension settings
	f.write('  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />\n')
	f.write('  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">\n')
	f.write('  </ImportGroup>\n')

	# default props
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		f.write('  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" ' + getCondition(cfg) + '>\n')
		f.write('    <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists(\'$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props\')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />\n')
		f.write('  </ImportGroup>\n')

	# user macros
	f.write('  <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />\n')

	# binary output
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		f.write('  <PropertyGroup ' + getCondition(cfg) + '>\n')
		f.write('    <OutDir>' + getBinaryPath(make, cfg) + '</OutDir>\n')
		f.write('    <IntDir>' + getIntermediatePath(make, cfg) + '</IntDir>\n')

		target_name = make.getBestMatch('target_name', cfg['ctx'])
		if not target_name:
			target_name = getBinaryName(project['name'], cfg['type'], cfg['ctx']['target'])

		suffix = make.getBestMatch('bin_suffix', cfg['ctx'])
		if suffix:
			target_name += suffix

		target_ext = make.getBestMatch('bin_ext', cfg['ctx'])
		if not target_ext:
			target_ext = getBinaryExt(cfg['type'], cfg['ctx']['target'])

		f.write('    <TargetName>' + target_name + '</TargetName>\n')
		f.write('    <TargetExt>' + target_ext + '</TargetExt>\n')
		f.write('  </PropertyGroup>\n')

	# compiler / linker properties
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		ctx = cfg['ctx']
		suffix = make.get('bin_suffix', ctx)

		f.write('  <ItemDefinitionGroup ' + getCondition(cfg) + '>\n')

		# compiler
		cflags = cfg['cflags']

		outDir = '$(OutDir)' if 'debug' in cfg['cflags'] else '$(IntDir)'

		f.write('    <ClCompile>\n')
		f.write('      <PrecompiledHeader>NotUsing</PrecompiledHeader>\n')
		f.write('      <WarningLevel>' + getWarningLevel(cflags) + '</WarningLevel>\n')
		f.write('      <PreprocessorDefinitions>' + getDefines(make, cfg) + '</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n')
		f.write('      <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>' + getAdditionalIncludes(make, cfg, output_path) + '</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n')
		f.write('      <DebugInformationFormat>' + getDebugInformation(cflags) + '</DebugInformationFormat>\n')
		f.write('      <ProgramDataBaseFileName>'+ outDir + getPDBName(project['name'], suffix) + '.pdb</ProgramDataBaseFileName>\n')
		f.write('      <Optimization>' + getOptimization(cflags) + '</Optimization>\n')
		f.write('      <ExceptionHandling>' + getUseExceptions(cflags) + '</ExceptionHandling>\n')
		f.write('      <RuntimeTypeInfo>' + getUseRTTI(cflags) + '</RuntimeTypeInfo>\n')
		f.write('      <FloatingPointModel>' + getFloatingPointModel(cflags) + '</FloatingPointModel>\n')
		if 'omit-frame-pointers' in cflags:
			f.write('      <OmitFramePointers>true</OmitFramePointers>\n')

		f.write('      <RuntimeLibrary>' + getRuntimeLibrary(make, cfg) + '</RuntimeLibrary>\n')

		f.write('      <MultiProcessorCompilation>' + getMultiProcessorCompilation(cflags) + '</MultiProcessorCompilation>\n')
		f.write('      <MinimalRebuild>' + getMinimalRebuild(cflags) + '</MinimalRebuild>\n')

		additionalClOptions = getAdditionalClOptions(make, cfg)
		if additionalClOptions != None:
			f.write('      <AdditionalOptions>' + additionalClOptions + ' %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>\n')

		align_dict = {'struct-member-align-1': 1, 'struct-member-align-2': 2, 'struct-member-align-4': 4, 'struct-member-align-8': 8, 'struct-member-align-16': 16}
		for key in align_dict.keys():
			if key in cflags:
				f.write('      <StructMemberAlignment>' + str(align_dict[key]) + 'Bytes</StructMemberAlignment>\n')

		if 'x64' not in ctx['arch'] and 'use-sse2' in cflags:
			f.write('      <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions2</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>\n')

		outputPrecompiledHeaderTags(f, make, cfg)
		f.write('    </ClCompile>\n')

		f.write('    <Link>\n')
		f.write('      <SubSystem>' + getSubSystem(make, cfg) + '</SubSystem>\n')
		f.write('      <AdditionalDependencies>' + getAdditionalDependencies(make, cfg, projects) + '</AdditionalDependencies>\n')
		f.write('      <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>' + getAdditionalLibraryDirectories(make, cfg, output_path) +'</AdditionalLibraryDirectories>\n')
		f.write('      <GenerateDebugInformation>' + ('True' if ('debug' in cfg['cflags'] or 'debug-info' in cfg['cflags']) else 'False') + '</GenerateDebugInformation>\n')

		ModuleDefFile = getModuleDefinitionFile(make, cfg);
		if (ModuleDefFile != None):
			f.write('      <ModuleDefinitionFile>' + ModuleDefFile + '</ModuleDefinitionFile>\n')

		additionalLinkOptions = getAdditionalLinkOptions(make, cfg)
		if additionalLinkOptions != None:
			f.write('      <AdditionalOptions>' + additionalLinkOptions + ' %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>\n')

		UACExecutionLevel = getUACExecutionLevel(make, cfg)
		if UACExecutionLevel != None:
			f.write('      <UACExecutionLevel>' + UACExecutionLevel + '</UACExecutionLevel>\n')

		outputAdditionalLinkTags(f, make, cfg)

		f.write('    </Link>\n')

		f.write('    <Lib>\n')

		additionalLibDependencies = getAdditionalLibDependencies(make, cfg)
		if additionalLibDependencies != None:
			f.write('      <AdditionalDependencies>' + additionalLibDependencies + '</AdditionalDependencies>\n')

		LibTargetMachine = getLibTargetMachine(make, cfg)
		if LibTargetMachine != None:
			f.write('      <TargetMachine>' + LibTargetMachine + '</TargetMachine>\n')

		f.write('    </Lib>\n')

		PreBuildEventCommand = getPreBuildEventCommand(make, cfg)
		PreBuildEventMessage = getPreBuildEventMessage(make, cfg)
		if (PreBuildEventCommand != None):
			f.write('    <PreBuildEvent>\n')
			f.write('      <Command>' + PreBuildEventCommand + '</Command>\n')
			if (PreBuildEventMessage != None):
				f.write('      <Message>' + PreBuildEventMessage + '</Message>\n')
			f.write('    </PreBuildEvent>\n')

		PreLinkEventCommand = getPreLinkEventCommand(make, cfg)
		PreLinkEventMessage = getPreLinkEventMessage(make, cfg)
		if (PreLinkEventCommand != None):
			f.write('    <PreLinkEvent>\n')
			f.write('      <Command>' + PreLinkEventCommand + '</Command>\n')
			if (PreLinkEventMessage != None):
				f.write('      <Message>' + PreLinkEventMessage + '</Message>\n')
			f.write('    </PreLinkEvent>\n')

		PostBuildEventCommand = getPostBuildEventCommand(make, cfg)
		PostBuildEventMessage = getPostBuildEventMessage(make, cfg)
		if (PostBuildEventCommand != None):
			f.write('    <PostBuildEvent>\n')
			f.write('      <Command>' + PostBuildEventCommand + '</Command>\n')
			if (PostBuildEventMessage != None):
				f.write('      <Message>' + PostBuildEventMessage + '</Message>\n')
			f.write('    </PostBuildEvent>\n')

		f.write('  </ItemDefinitionGroup>\n')

	# source files
	project['files'] = []
	for cfg in project['configurations']:	# grab across all configurations
		cfg['files'] = make.get('files', cfg['ctx'])
		if cfg['files']:
			cfg['files'] = [getSolutionFileName(file, output_path) for file in cfg['files']]

	project['files'] = list(set(project['files']))
	project['files'] = [{'name': file, 'skip_cfg': [], 'bigobj_cfg': [], 'nopch_cfg': []} for file in project['files']]

	if len(project['files']) == 0:
		api.warning("No files added to project '" + project['name'] + "' in context " + str(project_ctx), 1)

	# skipped configurations per file
	def getProjectFile(name):
		for file in project['files']:
			if file['name'] == name:
				return file
		return None

	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		skips = make.get('skip_files', cfg['ctx'])
		if skips:
			for skip in skips:
				file = getProjectFile(getSolutionFileName(skip, output_path))
				if file:

	for file in project['files']:
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if file['name'] not in cfg['files']:

	# PCH creation per configuration
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		create_pch = make.get('create_pch', cfg['ctx'])
		cfg['create_pch'] = api.getRelativePath(create_pch[0], output_path, 'windows') if create_pch != None else ''

	# big obj per file
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		nopchs = make.get('big_obj', cfg['ctx'])
		if nopchs:
			for nopch in nopchs:
				file = getProjectFile(getSolutionFileName(nopch, output_path))
				if file:

	for file in project['files']:
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if file['name'] not in cfg['files']:
	# no pch per file
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		nopchs = make.get('no_pch', cfg['ctx'])
		if nopchs:
			for nopch in nopchs:
				file = getProjectFile(getSolutionFileName(nopch, output_path))
				if file:

	for file in project['files']:
		for cfg in project['configurations']:
			if file['name'] not in cfg['files']:

	# distribute over file categories	
	distributeProjectFiles(make, project, output_path)

	# output include files
	f.write('  <ItemGroup>\n')
	for file in project['include_files']:
		openIncludeFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
		outputIncludeFileClDirective(f, make, project, file, output_path)
		closeIncludeFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
	f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# output compilation units
	f.write('  <ItemGroup>\n')
	for file in project['source_files']:
		openCompileFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
		outputCompileFileClDirective(f, make, project, file, output_path)
		outputPCHDirective(f, project, file)
		outputBigObjDirective(f, project, file)
		outputNoPchDirective(f, file)
		outputExcludeFileFromBuildDirective(f, file)
		closeCompileFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
	f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# output resource compilation
	f.write('  <ItemGroup>\n')
	for file in project['resource_files']:
		f.write('    <ResourceCompile Include=\"' + file['name'] + '\" />\n')
	f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# output custom units
	f.write('  <ItemGroup>\n')
	for file in project['custom_files']:
		openCustomFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
		outputCustomFileClDirective(f, make, project, file, output_path)
		outputPCHDirective(f, project, file)
		outputBigObjDirective(f, project, file)
		outputNoPchDirective(f, file)
		outputExcludeFileFromBuildDirective(f, file)
		closeCustomFileClDirective(f, project, file, output_path)
	f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# project dependencies
	common_links = copy.deepcopy(project['all_link'])	# links common to all configurations
	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		if cfg['links'] != None:
			common_links = [link for link in common_links if link in cfg['links']]

	for cfg in project['configurations']:				# links specific to this configuration
		if cfg['links'] != None:
			cfg['cfg_links'] = [link for link in cfg['links'] if link not in common_links]

	if common_links and len(common_links) > 0:
		f.write('  <ItemGroup>\n')
		for link in common_links:
			prj = getProject(projects, link)
			if prj != None:
				f.write('    <ProjectReference Include="' + prj['name'] +'.vcxproj">\n')
				f.write('      <Project>{' + prj['guid'] +'}</Project>\n')
				f.write('    </ProjectReference>\n')
		f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	for cfg in project['configurations']:
		if 'cfg_links' in cfg and len(cfg['cfg_links']) > 0:
			f.write('  <ItemGroup ' + getCondition(cfg) + '>\n')
			for link in cfg['cfg_links']:
				prj = getProject(projects, link)
				if prj != None:
					f.write('    <ProjectReference Include="' + prj['name'] +'.vcxproj">\n')
					f.write('      <Project>{' + prj['guid'] +'}</Project>\n')
					f.write('    </ProjectReference>\n')
			f.write('  </ItemGroup>\n')

	# extensions
	f.write('  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />\n')
	f.write('  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">\n')
	f.write('  </ImportGroup>\n')

	f.write('  <ProjectExtensions>\n')
	outputProjectExtensionTag(f, make, project)
	f.write('  </ProjectExtensions>\n')

	# project done, next!
예제 #9
파일: vs2010.py 프로젝트: ejulien/Smack
def getSolutionFileName(file, output_path):
	return api.getRelativePath(file, output_path, 'windows')