def show_num_bins(slider_value): """ Display the number of bins. """ df = get_tweet_data() total_tweets = len(df) return "Total number of tweets streamed during last 3 hours: " + str( int(total_tweets))
def update_graph_bar(interval): # query tweets from the database df = get_tweet_data() print(df) # get the counter for all the tokens word_counter = bag_of_words(df.text) # get the most common n tokens # n is specified by the slider top_n = word_counter.most_common(10)[::-1] # get the x and y values X = [cnt for word, cnt in top_n] Y = [word for word, cnt in top_n] # plot the bar chart bar_chart = go.Bar( x=X, y=Y, name='Word Counts', orientation='h', marker=dict(color=chart_colors[::-1]) ) # specify the layout layout = go.Layout( xaxis={ 'type': 'log', 'autorange': True, 'title': 'Number of Words' }, height=300, plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": app_color["graph_font"]}, autosize=True, margin=go.layout.Margin( l=100, r=25, b=75, t=25, pad=4 ), ) return go.Figure( data=[bar_chart], layout=layout )
def update_graph_sentiment(interval): # query tweets from the database df = get_tweet_data() # get the number of tweets for each keyword cnt = bag_of_words(df['text']) # get top-N words top_N = cnt.most_common(num_tags_scatter) top_N_words = [keyword for keyword, cnt in top_N] # preprocess the text column df['text'] = df.text.apply(preprocess_nltk) sentiments = {keyword: [] for keyword in top_N_words} for row in df['text']: # print(row) for keyword in top_N_words: # print(keyword) if keyword.lower() in row.lower(): # print(sid.polarity_scores(row)['compound']) sentiments[keyword].append( sid.polarity_scores(row)['compound']) # print(sentiments) avg_sentiments = {} for keyword, score_list in sentiments.items(): avg_sentiments[keyword] = [np.mean(score_list), np.std(score_list)] # get the current time for x-axis time ='%D, %H:%M:%S') X_universal.append(time) to_pop = [] for keyword, score_queue in sentiment_dict.items(): if score_queue: while score_queue and (score_queue[0][1] <= X_universal[0]): score_queue.popleft() else: to_pop.append(keyword) for keyword in to_pop: sentiment_dict.pop(keyword) for keyword, score in avg_sentiments.items(): if keyword not in sentiment_dict: sentiment_dict[keyword] = deque(maxlen=30) sentiment_dict[keyword].append([score, time]) else: sentiment_dict[keyword].append([score, time]) new_colors = chart_colors[:len(sentiment_dict)] # plot the scatter plot data = [ go.Scatter(x=[time for score, time in score_queue], y=[score[0] for score, time in score_queue], error_y={ "type": "data", "array": [score[1] / 30 for score, time in score_queue], "thickness": 1.5, "width": 1, "color": "#000", }, name=keyword, mode='markers', opacity=0.7, marker=dict(color=color)) for color, ( keyword, score_queue) in list(zip(new_colors, sentiment_dict.items())) ] # specify the layout layout = go.Layout( xaxis={ 'automargin': False, 'range': [min(X_universal), max(X_universal)], 'title': 'Current Time (GMT)', 'nticks': 2, }, yaxis={ 'autorange': True, 'title': 'Sentiment Score' }, height=400, plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": app_color["graph_font"]}, autosize=False, legend={ 'orientation': 'v', # 'xanchor': 'right', # 'yanchor': 'middle', # 'x': 0.5, # 'y': 1.025 }, margin=go.layout.Margin(l=75, r=25, b=70, t=25, pad=4), ) return go.Figure( data=data, layout=layout, )
def update_graph_scatter(n): # query tweets from the database df = get_tweet_data() # get the number of tweets for each keyword cnt = bag_of_words(df['text']) # get the current time for x-axis time ='%D, %H:%M:%S') X_universal.append(time) to_pop = [] for keyword, cnt_queue in scatter_dict.items(): if cnt_queue: while cnt_queue and (cnt_queue[0][1] < X_universal[0]): cnt_queue.popleft() else: to_pop.append(keyword) for keyword in to_pop: scatter_dict.pop(keyword) top_N = cnt.most_common(num_tags_scatter) for keyword, cnt in top_N: if keyword not in scatter_dict: scatter_dict[keyword] = deque(maxlen=30) scatter_dict[keyword].append([cnt, time]) else: scatter_dict[keyword].append([cnt, time]) new_colors = chart_colors[:len(scatter_dict)] # plot the scatter plot data = [ go.Scatter( x=[time for cnt, time in cnt_queue], y=[cnt for cnt, time in cnt_queue], name=keyword, mode='lines+markers', opacity=0.5, marker=dict( size=10, color=color, ), line=dict( width=6, # dash='dash', color=color, )) for color, (keyword, cnt_queue) in list(zip(new_colors, scatter_dict.items())) ] # specify the layout layout = go.Layout( xaxis={ 'automargin': False, 'range': [min(X_universal), max(X_universal)], 'title': 'Current Time (GMT)', 'nticks': 6 }, yaxis={ 'type': 'log', 'autorange': True, 'title': 'Number of Tweets' }, height=700, plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": app_color["graph_font"]}, autosize=False, legend={ 'orientation': 'h', 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top', 'x': 0.5, 'y': 1.025 }, margin=go.layout.Margin(l=75, r=25, b=45, t=25, pad=4), ) return go.Figure( data=data, layout=layout, )
'#00BDFF', '#A5E82C', '#FFBD42', '#FFCA30' ] # the number of most frequently mentioned tags num_tags_scatter = 5 # initalize a dictionary to store the number of tweets for each game scatter_dict = {} sentiment_dict = {} # initialize x and y coordinates for scatter plot # use duque here to store the changing trend of number of tweets # X is the x-axis with time stamps X_universal = deque(maxlen=30) df = get_tweet_data() # add layout to the app app.layout = html.Div( [ # header html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.A(html.H4( "Mosquito-borne disease TWITTER STREAMING", ), href='', target='_blank', className="app__header__title"), html.P(