예제 #1
def update_app_state(app_id):
    app = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if app is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)

    state_json = request.get_json()
    state = state_json["state"]
    if state != APP_STATE["REGISTERED"] and state != APP_STATE["UNREGISTERED"] and state != APP_STATE["ACTIVE"]:
        return util.error_response(f"{state} is not valid state", 400)

    previous_state = app["state"]
    app["state"] = state

    updated_doc = appstate.update_and_get_app(app_id, app)
    if not updated_doc:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not update app {app_id}.", 404)

    # NOTE: Currently the UI is only calling this generic update API to update SLO and k8s objects.
    # Therefore we have to intercept here to start the diagnosis flow, since we need app SLO
    # to start it.
    # TODO: We should only try to start the diagnosis flow once, and also it's not gurantee we
    # have all the information we need already....
    if "slo" in updated_doc:
        if updated_doc["state"] == APP_STATE["ACTIVE"]:
            Analyzer().diagnosis.run_new_app(app_id, updated_doc)
        elif previous_state == APP_STATE["ACTIVE"] and updated_doc["state"] != APP_STATE["ACTIVE"]:

    result = jsonify(data=updated_doc)
    result.status_code = 200
    return result
예제 #2
def update_app_features(app_id, feature_name):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if feature_name != FEATURE_NAME["INTERFERENCE"] and feature_name != FEATURE_NAME["BOTTLENECK"] and feature_name != \
        return util.error_response(f"{feature_name} is not valid feature name", 400)
    if "management_features" not in application:
        return util.error_response(f"management features do not exist in application {app_id}", 400)

    new_feature = request.get_json()
    if "name" not in new_feature:
        return util.error_response(f"name field is not exist in update feature", 400)
    new_feature_name = new_feature["name"]
    if new_feature_name != feature_name:
        return util.error_response(f"Input json does not have the correct feature name", 400)

    for idx, feature in enumerate(application['management_features']):
        if feature["name"] == feature_name:
            idx = -1
    if idx == -1:
        application['management_features'][idx] = new_feature
    return util.update_and_return_doc(app_id, application)
예제 #3
def delete_app(app_id):
    # Method to keep app in internal system but with unregistered state.

    # Check for existence
    app = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if not app:
        return util.error_response(f"Tried to delete app {app_id} but app not found.", 404)
    result = appstate.update_app(app_id, {"state": APP_STATE["UNREGISTERED"]})
    if result.modified_count > 0:
        return jsonify(status=200, deleted_id=app_id)
    return util.error_response(f"Could not delete app {app_id}.", 404)
예제 #4
def get_app_slo(app_id):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if "slo" not in application:
        return util.error_response(f"SLO is not found", 400)
    return util.ensure_document_found(application['slo'])
예제 #5
def get_app_all_features(app_id):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if "management_features" not in application:
        return util.error_response(f"management_features are not found", 400)
    return util.ensure_document_found(application['management_features'])
예제 #6
def get_app_microservices(app_id):
    microservices = appstate.get_app_microservices(app_id)
    if microservices is not None:
        response = jsonify(data=microservices)
        response.status_code = 200
        return response
    return util.error_response("Could not find application microservices.", 404)
예제 #7
def add_problem():
    problem_json = request.get_json()
    if problem_json is None:
        return util.error_response(f"No body found in request", 400)
    if "problem_id" not in problem_json:
        return util.error_response(f"problem id is not found", 400)
    problem_id = problem_json["problem_id"]
    problem = resultstate.get_problem(problem_id)

    if problem is not None:
        return util.error_response(f"problem with id {problem_id} already exist", 400)
    except InvalidOperation:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not create problem {problem_id}.", 400)

    return util.ensure_document_found({"problem_id": problem_id})
예제 #8
def add_app_slo(app_id):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if "slo" in application:
        return util.error_response(f"SLO already set", 400)

    slo = request.get_json()
    return util.update_and_return_doc(app_id, {"slo": slo})
예제 #9
def update_app_slo(app_id):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if "slo" not in application:
        return util.error_response(f"SLO is not added in application: {app_id}", 400)

    application['slo'] = request.get_json()
    return util.update_and_return_doc(app_id, application)
예제 #10
def add_diagnosis(app_id):
    diagnosis_json = request.get_json()
    if diagnoses_json is None:
        return util.error_response(f"No body found in request", 400)
    if "incident_id" not in diagnosis_json:
        return util.error_response(f"incident id is not found", 400)

    incident_id = diagnosis_json["incident_id"]
    diagnosis = resultstate.get_incident_diagnosis(app_id, incident_id)

    if diagnosis is not None:
        return util.error_response(f"diagnosis of app ({app_id}) with incident ({incident_id}) already exist", 400)
    except InvalidOperation:
        return util.error_response(
            f"Could not create diagnosis of app id ({app_id}) with incident ({incident_id}) already exist", 400)
    return util.ensure_document_found({"app_id": app_id, "incident_id": incident_id})
예제 #11
def add_app_features(app_id):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if "management_features" in application:
        return util.error_response(f"management features already exist in application {app_id}", 400)

    features = request.get_json()
    return util.update_and_return_doc(app_id, {"management_features": features})
예제 #12
def add_risks():
    req = request.get_json()
    if req is None:
        return util.error_response(f"risk data is no available", 400)
    if "id" not in req:
        return util.error_response(f"risk id is not found", 400)
    risks = resultdb[risks_collection].find_one(
        {"id": req["id"]},
        {"_id": 0}
    risk_id = req["id"]
    if risks is not None:
        return util.error_response(f"risk with id {risk_id} already exist", 400)
        return util.ensure_document_found({"risk_id": risk_id})
    except InvalidOperation:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not create risk {risk_id}.", 400)
예제 #13
def get_app_one_feature(app_id, feature_name):
    application = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if application is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    if feature_name != FEATURE_NAME["INTERFERENCE"] and feature_name != FEATURE_NAME["BOTTLENECK"] and feature_name != \
        return util.error_response(f"{feature_name} is not valid feature name", 400)
    if "management_features" not in application:
        return util.error_response(f"management_features is not exist", 400)

    for idx, feature in enumerate(application['management_features']):
        if feature["name"] == feature_name:
            idx = -1
    if idx == -1:
        return util.error_response(f'{feature_name} is not found', 400)
        return util.ensure_document_found(feature)
예제 #14
def add_opportunities():
    opportunity_json = request.get_json()
    if opportunity_json is None:
        return util.error_response(f"opportunities data is no available", 400)
    if "id" not in opportunity_json:
        return util.error_response(f"opportunity id is not found", 400)

    opportunities = resultdb[opportunities_collection].find_one(
        {"id": opportunity_json["id"]},
        {"_id": 0}
    opportunity_id = opportunity_json["id"]

    if opportunities is not None:
        return util.error_response(f"opportunity with id {opportunity_id} already exist", 400)
        return util.ensure_document_found({"opportunity_id": opportunity_id})
    except InvalidOperation:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not create opportunity {opportunity_id}.", 400)
    return util.ensure_document_found(None)
예제 #15
def create_application():
    app_json = request.get_json()

        app_name = app_json["name"]
    except KeyError:
        return util.error_response("App name not found in application json.", 400)

    if "type" not in app_json:
        return util.error_response("App type not found in application json.", 400)

    app_id = app_name + "-" + str(uuid1())
    app_json["app_id"] = app_id
    app_json["state"] = APP_STATE["REGISTERED"]

        result = appstate.create_app(app_json)
        response = jsonify(data=app_json)
        response.status_code = 200
        return response
    except InvalidOperation:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not create application {app_name}.", 404)
예제 #16
def create_k8s_service():
    service_json = request.get_json()
    # TODO: Pick a better service id name
    service_id = "service-" + str(uuid1())
    service_json["service_id"] = service_id
    # TODO: Validate the json?
        response = jsonify(data=service_id)
        response.status_code = 200
        return response
    except InvalidOperation as e:
        return util.error_response(f"Could not create service: " + str(e), 500)
예제 #17
def get_pod_names(app_id):
    app = appstate.get_app_by_id(app_id)
    if app is None:
        return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    pod_names = []
    for microservice in app["microservices"]:
        service_id = microservice["service_id"]
        microservice_doc = k8sservicestate.get_service(service_id)
        if microservice_doc is None:
            return util.error_response("Microservice with id %s not found" %
                                       service_id, 400)
        pod_names += microservice_doc["pods"]
    return jsonify(pod_names)
예제 #18
def get_problems_interval():
    req = request.get_json()
    if req is None or ("start_time" not in req or "end_time" not in req):
        end_ts = round(time.time()) * 1000000000
        start_ts = end_ts - 5 * 60 * 1000000000
        start_ts = req["start_time"]
        end_ts = req["end_time"]

    if end_ts < start_ts:
        return util.error_response(f"end_time is before start_time", 400)

    problems = resultstate.get_problems_between_time(start_ts, end_ts)
    return util.ensure_document_found(problems)
예제 #19
def get_opportunities():
    req = request.get_json()
    if req is None or ("start_time" not in req or "end_time" not in req):
        end_ts = round(time.time()) * 1000000000
        start_ts = end_ts - 5 * 60 * 1000000000
        start_ts = req["start_time"]
        end_ts = req["end_time"]

    if end_ts < start_ts:
        return util.error_response(f"end_time is before the start_time", 400)
    opportunities = resultdb[opportunities_collection]. \
        find({"$and": [{"timestamp": {"$gte": start_ts}},
                       {"timestamp": {"$lte": end_ts}}]},
             {"_id": 0}
    return util.ensure_document_found(opportunities)
예제 #20
def get_app_diagnosis(app_id):
    request_json = request.get_json()

    query_type = check_diagnosis_input(request_json)
    if query_type == 0:
        # query by name
        diagnosis = resultstate.get_last_app_diagnosis(app_Id)
        if diagnosis.count() == 0:
            return util.ensure_document_found(None)
    elif query_type == 1:
        # query by name & incident_id
        diagnosis = resultstate.get_incident_diagnosis(app_id, request_json["incident_id"])
    elif query_type == 2:
        # query by name & interval
        start_ts = request_json["start_time"]
        end_ts = request_json["end_time"]
        if end_ts < start_ts:
            return util.error_response(f"end_time is before the start_time", 400)
        diagnosis = resultstate.get_diagnosis_between_time(app_id, start_ts, end_ts)
    return util.ensure_document_found(diagnosis)