예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, n_options=4):
        self.api_io = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_IO,
        self.api_store = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE,

        self.n_options = n_options
예제 #2
def count_lemmas(filename):
    # Read file
    lines = []
    for line in open(filename, encoding='utf-8').readlines():
    print(u"%d lines" % len(lines))

    # Tokenize words
    punctuation = u"""¡,.;:!"#$%&'()*+-/<=>¿?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
    words = [word.strip(punctuation) for line in lines for word in line.split()]
    print(u"%d words" % len(words))

    apiculture = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN, "example")  # create API proxy
    #apiculture.set_throttle(60, 60)  # 20 messages every 60 seconds (~bronze suscription)

    # Lemmatize -- APICULTUR ;D
    counter = Counter()
    for word in words:
        lemmas = apiculture.lematiza2(word=word)
        if lemmas:
            lema = lemmas['lemas'][0]  # TODO: Desambiguation!
            print(u'%s => %s' % (word, lema['lema']))
            counter[(lema['lema'], lema['categoria'])] += 1
    return counter
def cervantes_level(filename):
    # We are going to request Cevantes level for each lematized word

    # Read file
    lines = []
    for line in open(filename, encoding='utf-8').readlines():
    print(u"%d lines" % len(lines))

    # Tokenize words
    punctuation = u"""¡,.;:!"#$%&'()*+-/<=>¿?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
    words = [word.strip(punctuation) for line in lines for word in line.split()]
    print(u"%d words" % len(words))

    apiculture = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN, "example")  # create API proxy
    # Lemmatize -- APICULTUR ;D
    print(u"=== 1) Lematizar")
    counter = Counter()
    for word in words:
        lemmas = apiculture.lematiza2(word=word)
        if lemmas:
            lema = lemmas['lemas'][0]  # TODO: Desambiguation!
            print(u'%s => %s' % (word, lema['lema']))
            counter[(lema['lema'], lema['categoria'])] += 1

    # Get Cervantes level for each lemma -- APICULTUR
    print(u"=== 2) Nivel de cada lema")
    sum_levels = 0
    n_lemmas = 0
    for (lemma, cat), count in counter.most_common():
        level = apiculture.damenivel(word = lemma)
        if level:
            level = level['valor']
            if level != 0:  # TODO: level == 0 for non categorized words
                print(u'%s (%s) => level %s' % (lemma, cat, level))            
                sum_levels += level*count
                n_lemmas += count

    # Return medium value
    return sum_levels, n_lemmas
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, n_options=4):
        self.api_io = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, cfg_data='apicultur.io')
        self.api_store = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, cfg_data='store.apicultur.com')

        self.n_options = n_options
예제 #5
class Game(GameBase):
    LEVELS = 10
    POOL_SIZE = 10
    question_pool = [deque([]) for _ in range(LEVELS)]  # Structure: [[(q1, r1), (q2, r2)], []]
    thr = threading.Thread()
    description = ugettext_lazy("""This challenge is about word definitions. You have to choose the correct definition for the query word among several options.""")

    def __init__(self, ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, n_options=4):
        self.api_io = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, cfg_data='apicultur.io')
        self.api_store = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, cfg_data='store.apicultur.com')

        self.n_options = n_options

    def populate_questions(self):
        populate = True
        while populate:
            populate = False
            for i in range(self.LEVELS):
                log.info(" - level %d" % i)
                if len(self.question_pool[i]) < self.POOL_SIZE:
                    q, r = self._make_question(i, self.n_options)
                    self.question_pool[i].append((q, r))
                    log.info("\t%s" % q['query'])
                    populate = True

    def make_question(self, level, *args, **kwargs):
        assert (level >= 0 and level < Game.LEVELS), "Level out of bounds"
            return self.question_pool[level].popleft()
        except Exception as e:
            if not self.thr.is_alive():
                self.thr = threading.Thread(target=self.populate_questions, args=(), kwargs={})
            raise QuestionError()

    def _make_question(self, level, n_options, *args, **kwargs):
        word, options, answer = self.random_question(level, n_options)
        return Game.build_question(word, options, answer, level)

    def build_question(cls, word, options, answer, level):
        question = {'query': word, 'options': [it[1] for it in options], 'level':level}
        rae_url = 'http://lema.rae.es/drae/srv/search?' + urlencode({'word': options[answer][0].encode('utf-8')})
        info = "<a href=\"%s\"><strong>%s</strong></a>: %s" % (rae_url, options[answer][0].title(), options[answer][1])
        response = {'answer': answer, 'options': options, 'info': info, 'level':level}
        return question, response

    def score(self, response, user_answer):
        level = response.get('level')
        r = response.get('answer')
        u = user_answer.get('answer', None)
            u = int(u)
        except TypeError:
            return 0
            return 1 if u == response.get('answer') else 0

    def random_question(self, level, n_options):
        words = self.lookup_words(level, n_options)
        word, options, answer = self.get_random_question(words, n_options)
        return word, options, answer

    def lookup_words(self, level, n):
        log.debug("Game::lookup_words(level=%s, n=%s)" % (level, n))
        words = []
        while (n>len(words)):
                r = self.api_io.aleatorias_nivel(frecuencia=level)
                for word in r['response']:
                    lema = word['lema']
                    if lema not in [y[0] for y in words]:
                            r_def = self.api_store.definicion_10(word=lema)
                            definition = r_def['definicion']
                            words.append((lema, definition))
                            log.debug(" - %s: %s" % (lema, definition))
                        except Exception as e:
                            log.error(" - Exception: %s" % str(e))
            except Exception as e:
                log.error(" - Exception: %s" % str(e))

        return words[:n]

    def get_random_question(cls, words, n_options=4, do_shuffle=False):
        log.debug("Game::random_question(words=[], n_options=%d, do_shuffle=%s)" % (n_options, do_shuffle))
        if n_options > len(words):
            raise AttributeError('Not enough options to choose')
        # Randomize?
        if do_shuffle:
        # Choose first word as question an 'n_options' options
        word = words[0][0]
        options = words[:n_options]
        # Shuffle answers and get the index for the correct one
        answer = [y[0] for y in options].index(word)
        # Return
        return word, options, answer

    def user_level(cls, user_input=True):
        level = randint(0, 9)
        if user_input:
            nivel = input('Indica tu nivel de español de 0 a 9 y pulsa ENTER: ')
            level = int(nivel)
        return level

    # Functions to play (user_console)
    def play_config(self):
        level = self.user_level()
        return {'level': level, 'n_options': 3 }

    def play_options(self, question):
        for i in range(len(question['options'])):
            i += 1
        user_input = input("\nIntroduce el número de la respuesta: ")
        user_answer = {'answer': int(user_input)-1}
        return user_answer
예제 #6
class Game(GameBase):
    LEVELS = 10
    POOL_SIZE = 10
    question_pool = [deque([]) for _ in range(LEVELS)
                     ]  # Structure: [[(q1, r1), (q2, r2)], []]
    thr = threading.Thread()
    description = ugettext_lazy(
        """This challenge is about word definitions. You have to choose the correct definition for the query word among several options."""

    def __init__(self, ACCESS_TOKEN_IO, ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE, n_options=4):
        self.api_io = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_IO,
        self.api_store = ApiculturRateLimitSafe(ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE,

        self.n_options = n_options

    def populate_questions(self):
        populate = True
        while populate:
            populate = False
            for i in range(self.LEVELS):
                log.info(" - level %d" % i)
                if len(self.question_pool[i]) < self.POOL_SIZE:
                    q, r = self._make_question(i, self.n_options)
                    self.question_pool[i].append((q, r))
                    log.info("\t%s" % q['query'])
                    populate = True

    def make_question(self, level, *args, **kwargs):
        assert (level >= 0 and level < Game.LEVELS), "Level out of bounds"
            return self.question_pool[level].popleft()
        except Exception as e:
            if not self.thr.is_alive():
                self.thr = threading.Thread(target=self.populate_questions,
            raise QuestionError()

    def _make_question(self, level, n_options, *args, **kwargs):
        word, options, answer = self.random_question(level, n_options)
        return Game.build_question(word, options, answer, level)

    def build_question(cls, word, options, answer, level):
        question = {
            'query': word,
            'options': [it[1] for it in options],
            'level': level
        rae_url = 'http://lema.rae.es/drae/srv/search?' + urlencode(
            {'word': options[answer][0].encode('utf-8')})
        info = "<a href=\"%s\"><strong>%s</strong></a>: %s" % (
            rae_url, options[answer][0].title(), options[answer][1])
        response = {
            'answer': answer,
            'options': options,
            'info': info,
            'level': level
        return question, response

    def score(self, response, user_answer):
        level = response.get('level')
        r = response.get('answer')
        u = user_answer.get('answer', None)
            u = int(u)
        except TypeError:
            return 0
            return 1 if u == response.get('answer') else 0

    def random_question(self, level, n_options):
        words = self.lookup_words(level, n_options)
        word, options, answer = self.get_random_question(words, n_options)
        return word, options, answer

    def lookup_words(self, level, n):
        log.debug("Game::lookup_words(level=%s, n=%s)" % (level, n))
        words = []
        while (n > len(words)):
                r = self.api_io.aleatorias_nivel(frecuencia=level)
                for word in r['response']:
                    lema = word['lema']
                    if lema not in [y[0] for y in words]:
                            r_def = self.api_store.definicion_10(word=lema)
                            definition = r_def['definicion']
                            words.append((lema, definition))
                            log.debug(" - %s: %s" % (lema, definition))
                        except Exception as e:
                            log.error(" - Exception: %s" % str(e))
            except Exception as e:
                log.error(" - Exception: %s" % str(e))

        return words[:n]

    def get_random_question(cls, words, n_options=4, do_shuffle=False):
            "Game::random_question(words=[], n_options=%d, do_shuffle=%s)" %
            (n_options, do_shuffle))
        if n_options > len(words):
            raise AttributeError('Not enough options to choose')
        # Randomize?
        if do_shuffle:
        # Choose first word as question an 'n_options' options
        word = words[0][0]
        options = words[:n_options]
        # Shuffle answers and get the index for the correct one
        answer = [y[0] for y in options].index(word)
        # Return
        return word, options, answer

    def user_level(cls, user_input=True):
        level = randint(0, 9)
        if user_input:
            nivel = input(
                'Indica tu nivel de español de 0 a 9 y pulsa ENTER: ')
            level = int(nivel)
        return level

    # Functions to play (user_console)
    def play_config(self):
        level = self.user_level()
        return {'level': level, 'n_options': 3}

    def play_options(self, question):
        for i in range(len(question['options'])):
            i += 1
        user_input = input("\nIntroduce el número de la respuesta: ")
        user_answer = {'answer': int(user_input) - 1}
        return user_answer