def get_uris(): cursor = admin.login_db() #perhaps change these to be arguments...there are a few other things to fix too. note_type = input( 'Please enter the type of resource-level note to search: ') repository_num = input('Please enter your repository number: ') #create list from ead ids in text file outfile = input('Please enter path to input EAD list: ') eadlist = open(outfile, 'r') eadlisty ='\n') #sometimes a newline gets stuck in there - this takes care of that if eadlisty[-1] == '': del eadlisty[-1] moveon = input('Please press enter to run query...') print(moveon) #text file to store eads that don't have notes of the selected type attached textfile = input('Please enter path to output text file: ') output = open(textfile, 'a') #CSV file to store query data csvfile = input('Please enter path to output CSV: ') #needs headers in output CSV for ead in eadlisty: print('querying ' + ead) cursor.execute(""" SELECT resource.ead_id AS EAD_ID , resource.identifier AS Identifier , resource.title AS Resource_Title # , ev.value AS Level # , CAST(note.notes as CHAR (20000) CHARACTER SET UTF8) AS Note_Text , CONCAT('/repositories/', resource.repo_id, '/resources/', AS Resource_URL # , note_persistent_id.persistent_id AS Persistent_ID FROM resource # LEFT JOIN note_persistent_id on note_persistent_id.note_id = # LEFT JOIN resource on note.resource_id = # LEFT JOIN enumeration_value ev on = resource.level_id WHERE resource.repo_id = """ + repository_num + """ # AND note.notes LIKE '%""" + note_type + """%' AND resource.ead_id LIKE '""" + ead + """'""") #add columns later... # columns = cursor.description result = cursor.fetchall() #if no results, write ead id to text file if not cursor.rowcount: print('No results found for: ' + ead) output.write(ead + '\n') #if results, write to CSV else: for row in result: print(row) with open(csvfile, 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as c: writer = csv.writer(c) writer.writerows([row]) output.close() cursor.close()
def get_class_uris(): cursor = admin.login_db() identifier = input('Please enter classification identifier (i.e. YRG): ') csvfile = input('Please enter path to output CSV: ') cursor.execute(""" SELECT title , identifier , description , parent_name , CONCAT('/repositories/12/classification_terms/', id) AS URI FROM classification_term WHERE identifier like '%""" + identifier + """%'""") result = cursor.fetchall() for row in result: print(row) with open(csvfile, 'a', newline='') as c: writer = csv.writer(c) writer.writerows([row]) cursor.close()
def get_class_rec_links(): cursor = admin.login_db() identifier = input('Please enter classification identifier (i.e. YRG): ') csvfile = input('Please enter path to output CSV: ') cursor.execute(""" SELECT ct.identifier AS classification_identifier , ct.title AS classification_title , resource.identifier AS resource_identifier , resource.title AS resource_title , CONCAT('/repositories/12/classification_terms/', AS classification_URI , CONCAT('/repositories/12/resources', AS resource_URI FROM classification_term ct LEFT JOIN classification_rlshp cr on cr.classification_term_id = LEFT JOIN resource on = cr.resource_id WHERE ct.identifier like '%""" + identifier + """%'""") result = cursor.fetchall() for row in result: print(row) with open(csvfile, 'a', newline='') as c: writer = csv.writer(c) writer.writerows([row]) cursor.close()
def search_by_id(): cursor = admin.login_db() #perhaps change these to be arguments...there are a few other things to fix too. repository_num = input('Please enter your repository number: ') #create list from ead ids in text file outfile = input('Please enter path to identifier list') eadlist = open(outfile, 'r') eadlisty ='\n') #sometimes a newline gets stuck in there - this takes care of that if eadlisty[-1] == '': del eadlisty[-1] moveon = input('Please press enter to run query...') print(moveon) #text file to store eads that don't have notes of the selected type attached textfile = input('Please enter path to output text file: ') output = open(textfile, 'a') #CSV file to store query data csvfile = input('Please enter path to output CSV: ') #needs headers in output CSV for ead in eadlisty: print('querying ' + ead) cursor.execute("""""") result = cursor.fetchall() #if no results, write ead id to text file if not cursor.rowcount: print('No results found for: ' + ead) output.write(ead + '\n') #if results, write to CSV else: for row in result: print(row) with open(csvfile, 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as c: writer = csv.writer(c) writer.writerows([row]) output.close() cursor.close()