def response(api, request: http.Request, params, **kwarg): params = dict(params) headers = dict(request.headers) if doc[api]['Method'] == 'POST': body = eval(request.body.decode('utf-8')) else: body = {} headers_doc = doc[api]['REQUEST']['Headers'] for k in headers_doc: if headers_doc[k] != headers.get(k.lower()): return http.JSONResponse(f'Headers is not matching\ndoc \ {k}:{headers_doc[k]}\nreal {k}:{headers.get(k)}', status_code=404) body = dict(body, **params) for data in doc[api]: if 'DATA' in data: result = check_body(doc[api][data]['REQUEST'], body, **kwarg) if result: if doc[api][data].get('delay'): sleep(doc[api][data]['delay']) return http.JSONResponse(doc[api][data]['RESPONSE'], \ status_code=doc[api][data].get('status_code', 200), headers=doc[api]['RESPONSE']['Headers']) return http.JSONResponse('No body data matching', status_code=404)
def response(api, request: http.Request, params, **kwarg): params = dict(params) headers = dict(request.headers) if doc[api]['方法'] == 'POST': body = eval(request.body.decode('utf-8')) else: body = {} headers_doc = doc[api]['REQUEST']['Headers'] for k in headers_doc: if headers_doc[k] != headers.get(k.lower()): return http.JSONResponse(f'Headers is not matching\ndoc \ {k}:{headers_doc[k]}\nreal {k}:{headers.get(k)}', status_code=404) req_data_doc = doc[api]['REQUEST']['Data'] res_data_doc = doc[api]['RESPONSE']['Data'] body = dict(body, **params) for i in range(len(req_data_doc)): result = check_body(req_data_doc[i], body, **kwarg) if result: if doc[api].get('delay'): sleep(doc[api]['delay'][i]) return http.JSONResponse(res_data_doc[i], status_code=doc[api]['status_code'][i], headers=doc[api]['RESPONSE']['Headers']) return http.JSONResponse('No body data matching', status_code=404)
def push_transaction(transaction: Transaction) -> http.JSONResponse: if not validate_transaction(transaction): return http.JSONResponse({'status': 'Error'}, status_code=400) client.txns_pool.append(transaction) if len(client.txns_pool) == client.TXNS_POOL_SIZE: miner.process_txns_pool(client.txns_pool, client.blockchain.tail_block) client.txns_pool = [] return http.JSONResponse({'status': 'Success'}, status_code=200)
def delete_route(source: str) -> types.Route: try: route = { "source": source, "target": ROUTER.lookup(source), "settings": ROUTER.lookup_settings(source), } ROUTER.delete(source) return http.JSONResponse(types.Route(route), status_code=204) except RedisRouter.LookupNotFound: return http.JSONResponse( {"message": f"Route with source {source} doesn't exist"}, status_code=404)
def drop(session: Session) -> http.JSONResponse: """ Drop resource collection. """ num_records = session.query(model).count() session.query(model).delete() return http.JSONResponse({'deleted': num_records}, status_code=204)
def hello_world(accept_language: http.Header) -> http.JSONResponse: if 'de' in accept_language: data = {'text': 'Hallo, Welt!'} else: data = {'text': 'Hello, world!'} headers = {'Vary': 'Accept-Language'} return http.JSONResponse(data, status_code=200, headers=headers)
def on_error(self, error: Exception, app: App) -> http.Response: """ Handle error """ code = 999 message = None if error.args: if not isinstance(error.args[0], (tuple, list)) \ or len(error.args[0]) < 2: if isinstance(error.args[0], int): code = error.args[0] else: message = error.args[0] else: code, message = error.args[0][:2] code = int(code) # apistar不支持在on_request时打断后续执行直接返回response # 所以在只能通过raise异常来通过异常参数传递响应。 if isinstance(message, http.Response): return message if message is None: message = self.errors.get(code, "Not configured error") payload = { "type": "normal", "code": code, "errcode": code, "message": message, } if app.debug: payload["detail"] = "".join(traceback.format_exc()) traceback.print_exc() return http.JSONResponse(payload)
def drop(cls) -> DropOutput: """ Drop resource collection. """ num_records = model.delete().execute() return http.JSONResponse(DropOutput({"deleted": num_records}), status_code=204)
def delete_route(source: str) -> types.Route: try: route = { 'source': source, 'target': ROUTER.lookup(source), 'settings': ROUTER.lookup_settings(source), } ROUTER.delete(source) return http.JSONResponse( types.Route(route), status_code=204, ) except RedisRouter.LookupNotFound: return http.JSONResponse( {'message': f'Route with source {source} doesn\'t exist'}, status_code=404, )
def add_item(data: cls.schema_add, obj: ActesPermissions): # obj.medicaments.create(**data) try: item = cls.model(ordonnance=obj, **data) except TypeError as exc: raise MapistarBadRequest("acte_id doit correspondre à une ordonnance") return http.JSONResponse(item.dico, status_code=201)
def create(cls, session: Session, element: input_type) -> output_type: """ Create a new element for this resource. """ record = model(**element) session.add(record) session.flush() return http.JSONResponse(output_type(record), status_code=201)
def drop(cls, session: Session) -> DropOutput: """ Drop resource collection. """ num_records = session.query(model).count() session.query(model).delete() return http.JSONResponse(DropOutput({"deleted": num_records}), status_code=204)
def add(patient: PatientCreateSchema) -> http.JSONResponse: """ Ajouter un nouveau patient Args: patient: données du nouveau patient """ a = db.Patient(**patient) return http.JSONResponse(a.dico, status_code=201)
def astrologer_root(astrologer: str) -> http.JSONResponse: if AManager.is_valid_astrologer(astrologer): data = { 'message': "ERR0R: Sorry but " + astrologer + " is away at the moment" } else: data = {'message': "ERR0R: No astrologer accepted!"} return http.JSONResponse(data, status_code=400)
def create_puppy(session: Session, puppy: PuppyType, raise_exception: http.QueryParam) -> http.JSONResponse: if raise_exception: raise Exception model = PuppyModel(**puppy) session.add(model) session.flush() return http.JSONResponse(PuppyType(model), status_code=201)
def add_block(block: Block) -> http.JSONResponse: if not verify_block(block): return http.JSONResponse({'status': 'Error'}, status_code=400) # NOTE: this is done in separete thread, hooray client.announce_mined_block(block) miner.stop_mining() client.update_utxo(block.txns) client.txns_pool = filter( lambda txn: any(b_txn._dict == txn._dict for b_txn in block.txns), client.txns_pool ) client.blockchain.set_block(block.mined_hash, block) client.blockchain.tail_block = block return http.JSONResponse({'status': 'Success'}, status_code=200)
def datain(request: http.Request) -> http.JSONResponse: data = DataIn(name='EventLog', request_id='fd', payload=request.body.decode('utf-8').strip()) headers = {'Vary': 'Accept-Language'} return http.JSONResponse(data, status_code=200, headers=headers)
def run(request: http.Request, words, scale=1, level='L'): try: qr =, scale=int(scale), version=1, level=level) imgByteArr = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') return http.Response(imgByteArr.getvalue(), headers={'Content-Type': 'image/png'}) except Exception as e: return http.JSONResponse({'message': e.args}, status_code=400)
def delete(cls, session: Session, element_id: str) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Delete an element of this resource. """ if session.query(model).filter_by(id=element_id).count() == 0: raise NotFound session.query(model).filter_by(id=element_id).delete() return http.JSONResponse(None, status_code=204)
def create_user(userData: UserType): """ Create a new user """ if User.check_username(userData.username): msg = f"The username: {userData.username} isn't available. Please try another." return http.JSONResponse({"message": msg}, status_code=409) user = User() user = user.create(userData) msg = "User created successfully.""{msg} - ID: {}") headers = {"Content-Location": f"/users/{}"} return http.JSONResponse({"message": msg}, status_code=201, headers=headers)
def astrologer_sign(astrologer: str, sign: str) -> http.JSONResponse: if AManager.is_valid_astrologer(astrologer): data = { 'message': "ERR0R: Sorry but there is currently no horoscope of the " + sign + " readed by " + astrologer } else: data = {'message': "ERR0R: No astrologer accepted!"} return http.JSONResponse(data, status_code=400)
def create(cls, element: input_type) -> output_type: """ Create a new element for this resource. """ fields = dict(element) if fields.get("id") is None: del fields["id"] record = model.create(**fields) return http.JSONResponse(output_type(record), status_code=201)
async def create_article(app: App, data: http.RequestData, password: http.Header) -> http.JSONResponse: # if not is_auth(password): # raise exceptions.BadRequest() if not data['title']: raise exceptions.BadRequest() article_id = repo.add_article({'title': data['title']}) url = app.reverse_url('get_article', article_id=article_id) headers = {'Location': url} return http.JSONResponse({}, status_code=201, headers=headers)
def token_login(user: schemas.TokenUser): from django_apistar.authentication.models import Token if not user: return http.JSONResponse({"message": "Invalid credentials."}, status_code=400) user = authenticate(username=user['username'], password=user['password']) if user: try: return user.auth_token.key except ObjectDoesNotExist: token = Token(user=user) return user.auth_token.key else: return http.JSONResponse({"message": "Invalid credentials."}, status_code=400)
def update(new_data: PatientUpdateSchema, patient_id: int) -> http.JSONResponse: """modify patients Args: new_data: Rien n'est requis. id: patient id. """ to_update = get_or_404(db.Patient, patient_id) to_update.set(**{k: v for k, v in new_data.items() if v}) return http.JSONResponse(to_update.dico, status_code=201)
def delete(cls, element_id: str) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Delete an element of this resource. """ try: record = model.get_by_id(element_id) except DoesNotExist: raise NotFound record.delete_instance() return http.JSONResponse(None, status_code=204)
def data_fetcher(accept_language: http.Header) -> http.JSONResponse: headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' } # TODO: check if this Access-Control definition is the best approach, since it may leave the app insecure filename = "data.json" with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, filename)) as f: jsonarray = json.load(f) return http.JSONResponse(jsonarray, status_code=200, headers=headers)
def update(cls, session: Session, element_id: str, element: input_type) -> output_type: """ Update an element of this resource. """ record = session.query(model).get(element_id) if record is None: raise NotFound for k, value in element.items(): setattr(record, k, value) return http.JSONResponse(output_type(record), status_code=200)
def welcome() -> http.JSONResponse: data = { "project": "Horoscofox", 'author': { "Username": "******", "link": "" }, "contributor": { "Username": "******", "link": "" } } return http.JSONResponse(data, status_code=200)
def login(userData: UserType): """ Login """ user = User.where("username", userData.username).first() if user and user.check_password(userData.password):"Login user with id: {} successfully") payload = { "user_id":, "exp": datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=jwt_settings.get("exp")), } token = jwt.encode(payload, jwt_settings.get("secret"), jwt_settings.get("algorithm")) return http.JSONResponse({"token": token.decode("utf-8")}) msg = f"Wrong credentials" return http.JSONResponse({"message": msg}, status_code=400)