def add_order(): insert_dict = {} for column in oc.get_columns(): if column != "_id" and column != "id": if column == "customer_info": value = {} value["first_name"] = input('first_name : ') value["last_name"] = input('last_name: ') value["address"] = input('address: ') value["phone"] = input('phone: ') elif column == "products": running = True value = [] while running: dict_values = { "product_name": input('product_name: '), "retail_price": int(input('retail_price: ')), } value.append(dict_values) print('Do you want to add more products?\n' '1: Yes\n' '2: No') if int(f_input()) == 1: continue else: running = False else: value = input(f'{column}: ') insert_dict[column] = value divider() order = oc.add_order(insert_dict) if order is not None: print_tablerow(order)
def delete_product_by_id(): print("Enter a product id to delete product") p_id = f_input() deleted = pc.delete_product(p_id) if deleted: print(f'Product {p_id} was successfully deleted') divider()
def add_product(): insert_dict = {} for column in pc.get_columns(): if column != "_id" and column != "id": # hook up associates # hook up storage info # empty orders [] if column == 'associate': value = choose_associate() elif column == 'storage_info': value = {} value["shop_id"] = choose_shop() value["product_amount"] = input('product amount: ') value["min_amount"] = input('minimum amount: ') value["reorder_amount"] = input('re-order amount: ') value["internal_order"] = [] elif column == 'orders': value = [] else: value = input(f'{column}: ') insert_dict[column] = value divider() product = pc.add_product(insert_dict) if product is not None: print_tablerow(product)
def add_car(): insert_dict = {} for column in cc.get_columns(): if column != "_id": insert_dict[column] = input(f'{column}: ') car = cc.add_car(insert_dict) if car: print_tablerow(car) divider() return car
def add_shop(): insert_dict = {} for column in sc.get_columns(): if column != '_id' and column != 'id': if column == 'employees': value = [] else: value = input(f'{column}: ') insert_dict[column] = value divider() sc.add_shop(insert_dict)
def add_employee(): get_all_shops() print('============================================') print('Enter a shop id to add employee to that shop') s_id = f_input() insert_dict = {} for column in ec.get_columns(): if column == 'shop_id': insert_dict['shop_id'] = s_id elif column != '_id': insert_dict[column] = input(f'{column}: ') divider() employee = ec.add_employee(insert_dict) value = employee._id if employee is not None: shop = sc.get_shop_by_id(s_id) sc.update_shop_column(shop, 'employees', value)
def add_customer(): insert_dict = {} for column in cc.get_columns(): if column != "_id" and column != "id": if column == "cars": value = choose_cars() elif column == "address_info": value = {} value["address_line_one"] = input('address_line_one: ') value["address_line_two"] = input('address_line_two: ') value["zip_code"] = input('zip_code: ') value["country"] = input('country: ') elif column == "orders": value = [] else: value = input(f'{column}: ') insert_dict[column] = value divider() customer = cc.add_customer(insert_dict) if customer is not None: print_tablerow(customer)
def get_product_by_id(): print("Enter a Product Id") p_id = f_input() product = pc.get_product_by_id(p_id) print_tablerow(product) divider()