def signout(): if (current_user() is not None): invalidate_token(current_user()['session_token']) resp = make_response(redirect('/')) resp.set_cookie(CS542_TOKEN_COOKIE, '', 0) flash('Logged Out', 'success') return resp else: return redirect('/')
def SetRoutes(): db = database.get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: get_name_query = "SELECT U.userid, role, student_name from User U, UserRoles R WHERE R.role = %s AND U.userid=R.userid" cursor.execute(get_name_query, "setter") entries = cursor.fetchall() if request.method == "POST": file = request.files['file'] picture = "" if file and allowed_file(file.filename): strs = file.filename.split(".")[-1] picture = str(uuid.uuid1()) + "." + strs['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], picture)) with db.cursor() as cursor: difficulty = request.form["Difficulty"] if ("admin" not in current_user_roles()): set_by = current_user()["userid"] else: set_by = request.form["SetBy"] if (int(difficulty) < 10): add_route_query = "INSERT INTO Route (set_by, difficulty, picture) VALUES " + \ "(%s, %s, %s);" cursor.execute(add_route_query, (set_by, difficulty, picture)) db.commit() flash('Created a route', 'success') else: flash('Difficulty should in 1-10', 'danger') return render_template('SetRoute.html', entries=entries) else: return render_template('SetRoute.html', entries=entries)
def Scores(): db = database.get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: get_scores_query = "SELECT, T.score, E.tournament_result_unit AS unit from TournamentParticipants T, Event E WHERE T.eventid=E.eventid AND userid=%s" cursor.execute(get_scores_query, current_user()["userid"]) result = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('TournamentParticipants.html', records=result)
def show(): try: user = current_user() if (user is not None): d = database.get_db() with d.cursor() as cursor: tournament_participation = """SELECT SUM(total_time) AS hours, COUNT(total_time) AS count, "tournament" as type FROM TimeEntry T, Event E WHERE userid=%s AND E.eventid=T.eventid AND E.tournament_result_ordering is not NULL UNION SELECT SUM(total_time) AS hours, COUNT(total_time) AS count, "non-tournament" as type FROM TimeEntry T, Event E WHERE userid=%s AND E.eventid=T.eventid AND E.tournament_result_ordering is NULL; """ cursor.execute(tournament_participation, (user["userid"], user["userid"])) t_participation = { v["type"]: {k: b for k, b in v.items() if k != "type"} for v in cursor.fetchall() } op_events_query = "SELECT * FROM Event WHERE opener=%s AND end >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND end < DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 day) ORDER BY start;" cursor.execute(op_events_query, user["userid"]) opener_events = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('user.html', user=user, partitipation=t_participation, opener_events=opener_events) else: return redirect(url_for('accounts.signin')) except TemplateNotFound: abort(500)
def EditRoutes(id): db = database.get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: get_name_query = "SELECT U.userid, role,student_name from User U, UserRoles R WHERE R.role = %s AND U.userid=R.userid" cursor.execute(get_name_query, "setter") setters = cursor.fetchall() get_old_data = "SELECT * FROM Route WHERE routeid=%s" cursor.execute(get_old_data, id) old_data = cursor.fetchone() if request.method == "POST": file = request.files['file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) strs = filename.split(".")[-1] picture = str(uuid.uuid1()) + "." + strs['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], picture)) with db.cursor() as cursor: difficulty = request.form["Difficulty"] if ("admin" not in current_user_roles()): set_by = current_user()["userid"] else: set_by = request.form["SetBy"] if file: add_route_query = "UPDATE Route SET set_by=%s, difficulty=%s, picture= %s WHERE routeid = %s;" cursor.execute(add_route_query, (set_by, difficulty, picture, id)) else: add_route_query = "UPDATE Route SET set_by=%s, difficulty=%s WHERE routeid = %s;" cursor.execute(add_route_query, (set_by, difficulty, id)) if (int(difficulty) < 10): db.commit() flash('Updated a route', 'success') return redirect(url_for('routes.Route')) else: flash('Difficulty should in 1-10', 'danger') return render_template('EditRoute.html', setters=setters, old_data=old_data) else: return render_template('EditRoute.html', setters=setters, old_data=old_data)
def show_my_events(): try: user = current_user() if (user is not None): db = database.get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: get_event = "SELECT AS name, t.start AS start, t.end AS end, t.total_time AS total_time FROM " + \ "TimeEntry AS t, Event AS e WHERE e.eventid=t.eventid and t.userid=%s;" cursor.execute(get_event, user['userid']) entries = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('my_events.html', entries=entries) else: return redirect(url_for('accounts.signup')) except TemplateNotFound: abort(500)
def edit(id): current_u = current_user() if ((int(current_u["userid"]) != int(id) and ('admin' not in current_user_roles() and 'opener' not in current_user_roles()))): abort(403) mode = "" if (int(current_u["userid"]) == int(id)): mode = "self" elif ('admin' in current_user_roles()): mode = "admin" elif ('opener' in current_user_roles()): mode = "opener" db = database.get_db() with db.cursor() as cursor: usersel = "SELECT * FROM UserDataWithRole WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(usersel, id) userdata = cursor.fetchone() if ("admin" in userdata["roles"].split(", ") and "admin" not in current_user_roles()): flash("You cannot edit that user", "warning") return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin')) if (request.method == "GET"): return render_template('edit.html', user=userdata, mode=mode) elif (request.method == "POST"): if ("delete" in request.form): if (mode == "opener"): abort(403) with db.cursor() as cursor: userdel = "DELETE FROM User WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(userdel, (id)) db.commit() if ("admin" in current_user_roles()): return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin', **request.args)) else: return redirect(url_for('/', **request.args)) elif ("password" in request.form and "oldpassword" in request.form and "confirmpassword" in request.form): if (request.form["password"] == "" or request.form["confirmpassword"] == "" or request.form["confirmpassword"] != request.form["password"]): flash( "Please provide a new password, and make sure you've entered the same password twice", "danger") return redirect(url_for('accounts.edit', id=id, **request.args)) with db.cursor() as cursor: usersel = "SELECT password_hash FROM User WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(usersel, id) # Admins can change other user's passwords, or the user when providing the right password can change other user's passwords if (mode == "admin" or mode == "opener" or bcrypt.checkpw( request.form["oldpassword"].encode('utf-8'), cursor.fetchone()['password_hash'].encode('utf-8'))): with db.cursor() as cursor: changepw = "UPDATE User SET password_hash=%s WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(changepw, (bcrypt.hashpw( request.form["password"].encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()), id)) db.commit() if "admin" in current_user_roles( ) and current_u["userid"] != int(id): flash("Password Changed Successfully", "success") else: flash( "Password Changed Successfully. Please sign in with your new password.", "success") return redirect( url_for('accounts.edit', id=id, **request.args)) else: flash("Incorrect Password or Unauthorized", "danger") return redirect( url_for('accounts.edit', id=id, **request.args)) elif ("name" in request.form): with db.cursor() as cursor: userdel = "UPDATE UserData set student_name=%s WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(userdel, (request.form["name"], id)) db.commit() flash("Name changed successfully", "success") return redirect(url_for('accounts.edit', id=id, **request.args)) else: abort(400)
def admin(template="admin.html"): # Page Limit LIMIT = 12 db = database.get_db() if request.method == "GET": query_conditions = [] for arg, val in request.args.items(): if (arg == "paid"): query_conditions.append("paid=%s" % db.escape(val)) elif (arg == "waiver"): query_conditions.append("waiver=%s" % db.escape(val)) elif (arg == "cpr"): query_conditions.append("cpr_certified=%s" % db.escape(val)) elif (arg == "PE"): query_conditions.append("pe_credit=%s" % db.escape(val)) elif (arg == "name"): query_conditions.append("student_name LIKE %s" % db.escape("%" + val + "%")) elif (arg == "setter"): query_conditions.append("roles " + ("NOT " if val == "0" else "") + "LIKE '%setter%'") elif (arg == "opener"): query_conditions.append("roles " + ("NOT " if val == "0" else "") + "LIKE '%opener%'") elif (arg == "admin"): query_conditions.append("roles " + ("NOT " if val == "0" else "") + "LIKE '%admin%'") with db.cursor() as cursor: query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as ct FROM UserDataWithRole" if (len(query_conditions) > 0): query += " WHERE " + (" AND ".join(query_conditions)) cursor.execute(query) count = cursor.fetchone()["ct"] # Pagination calculations page = int(request.args["page"]) if "page" in request.args else 0 offset = page * LIMIT maxpage = math.ceil(count / LIMIT) - 1 pages = [] if (maxpage >= 2): if (page == 0): pages.append(0) pages.append(1) pages.append(2) elif (page == maxpage): pages.append(maxpage - 2) pages.append(maxpage - 1) pages.append(maxpage) else: pages.append(page - 1) pages.append(page) pages.append(page + 1) elif (maxpage == 1): pages.append(0) pages.append(1) else: pages.append(0) with db.cursor() as cursor: query = "SELECT * FROM UserDataWithRole" if (len(query_conditions) > 0): query += " WHERE " + (" AND ".join(query_conditions)) query += " LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" % (db.escape(LIMIT), db.escape(offset)) cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return render_template( template, userlist=result, pages=pages, page=page, maxpage=maxpage, limit=LIMIT, count=count, search_name=request.args["name"] if "name" in request.args else "") elif request.method == "POST": param = None val = None for attr in ["paid", "waiver", "cpr_certified", "pe_credit"]: if attr in request.form: param = attr val = request.form[attr] break if not param == None: if ('admin' in current_user_roles() or ((param == "paid" or param == "waiver") and int(val) == 1)): try: with db.cursor() as cursor: userupdate = "UPDATE UserData SET " + param + "=%s WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(userupdate, (val, request.form["userid"])) db.commit() except pymysql.InternalError as e: ### Trigger could create an error. Pass it thorugh here. flash(e.args[1], 'danger') return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin', **request.args)) else: abort(403) if ('admin' in current_user_roles()): for attr in ["setter", "opener", "admin"]: if attr in request.form: param = attr val = request.form[attr] break if (current_user()["userid"] == int(request.form["userid"]) and param == "admin" and int(val) == 0): flash("You cannot demote yourself", "danger") return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin', **request.args)) if not param == None: try: with db.cursor() as cursor: userupdate = None if (int(val) == 1): userupdate = "INSERT INTO UserRoles VALUES(%s,%s)" else: userupdate = "DELETE FROM UserRoles WHERE userid=%s AND role=%s" cursor.execute(userupdate, (request.form["userid"], param)) db.commit() except pymysql.InternalError as e: ### Trigger could create an error. Pass it thorugh here. flash(e.args[1], 'danger') return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin', **request.args)) if ("delete" in request.form): with db.cursor() as cursor: userdel = "DELETE FROM User WHERE userid=%s" cursor.execute(userdel, (request.form["delete"])) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('accounts.admin', **request.args)) abort(400) else: abort(403)