def getexporttechnicalSupport(): try: startdate = request.args["startdate"] enddate = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(request.args["enddate"], "%Y-%m-%d") + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print(startdate, type(startdate)) print(enddate, type(enddate)) #startdate = '2020-2-25' #enddate = '2020-2-26' day1 = time.strptime(startdate, '%Y-%m-%d') day2 = time.strptime(enddate, '%Y-%m-%d') daynum = (int(time.mktime(day2)) - int(time.mktime(day1))) / (24 * 60 * 60) print(abs(int(daynum)), type(abs(int(daynum)))) if (abs(int(daynum)) > 30): response = {"success": "false", "msg": "日期间隔请小于30天~"} else: db = "jira" #sql = "select t2.SUMMARY,t2.CREATOR,t2.ASSIGNEE,t4.pname,t3.customvalue,t2.CREATED from (select ISSUE,STRINGVALUE from customfieldvalue where CUSTOMFIELD = 17807 and STRINGVALUE in ('20565','20566','19626','19630','20584','20568','19627','19628','19631','19633','19632','19634','19635','19636','19884')) t1 left join jiraissue t2 on t1.ISSUE=t2.ID left join customfieldoption t3 on t1.STRINGVALUE=t3.ID left join issuestatus t4 on t4.ID=t2.issuestatus where t2.PROJECT =13117 and t2.issuetype =14806 and t2.CREATED between '%s' and '%s' order by t2.CREATED"%(startdate,enddate) sql = "select tmp1.SUMMARY, case when tuser1.name_cn is null then tmp1.CREATOR else tuser1.name_cn end as CREATOR, case when tuser2.name_cn is null then tmp1.ASSIGNEE else tuser2.name_cn end as ASSIGNEE, tmp1.pname, tmp1.CREATED, tmp1.customvalue from (select t2.SUMMARY, t2.CREATOR, t2.ASSIGNEE, t4.pname, t2.CREATED, t3.customvalue from (select ISSUE, STRINGVALUE from customfieldvalue where CUSTOMFIELD = 17807 and STRINGVALUE in ('20565', '20566', '19626', '19630', '20584', '20568', '19627', '19628', '19631', '19633', '19632', '19634', '19635', '19636', '19884')) t1 left join jiraissue t2 on t1.ISSUE = t2.ID left join customfieldoption t3 on t1.STRINGVALUE = t3.ID left join issuestatus t4 on t2.issuestatus = t4.ID where t2.PROJECT = 13117 and t2.issuetype = 14806 and t2.CREATED between '%s' and '%s' order by t2.CREATED) tmp1 left join t_oa_user tuser1 on tmp1.CREATOR = tuser1.name_en left join t_oa_user tuser2 on tmp1.ASSIGNEE = tuser2.name_en" % ( startdate, enddate) fromSql = queryFromSql(db, sql) list = fromSql.sqlToList() #print(list) response = {"success": "true", "msg": "OK", "data": list} except Exception as e: raise e response = {"success": "false", "msg": "查询失败~~"} response = json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False) return response
def oa_member(): ''' 建立部门人员名称带不带数字的对应关系 希望一个部门不要有重名的哈哈😀 :return: ''' sql = "select name_cn from t_oa_user where dept_fir = '系统产品研发BU'" d = queryFromSql('jira', sql).querySql() member = {} for i in d[1:]: for y in i: res = y.translate(remove_digits) member[res] = y return member
def jajj(data): page = Page(layout=Page.SimplePageLayout) map = None for i in data: title = i['title'] db = i['db'] sql = i['sql'] type = i['type'] d_soure = queryFromSql(db, sql, 0).toechart() y_bar_list = [] y_line_list = [] x_list = [] bar_line_list = [] for i in range(len(d_soure)): try: if type[i] == 0: x = d_soure[i][1:] x_list.append(x) elif type[i] == 1: y = {d_soure[i][0]: d_soure[i][1:]} y_bar_list.append(y) elif type[i] == 2: y = {d_soure[i][0]: d_soure[i][1:]} y_line_list.append(y) try: bar = bar_datazoom_slider(x_list, y_bar_list, title) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) try: if y_line_list != []: line = line_markpoint(x_list, y_line_list, title) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) finally: if 2 in type: map = bar.overlap(line) else: map = bar except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) page.add(map) return Markup(page.render_embed())
def getEpicinfo(): try: infos=[] db="jira" #select * from project_key where project_key in ('FIN','MST','MID','TNTMC','TWEEKER') sql="select distinct,b.reporter,b.issuenum,b.summary,c.pname,d.project_key,count( as cnt from issuelink a, jiraissue b, issuestatus c,project_key d where linktype=10200 and issuetype=10000 and and project in (20505) and project=PROJECT_ID and group by( order by desc limit 30" fromSql=queryFromSql(db,sql) list=fromSql.sqlToList() # topiclist = ['系统产品研发-应用'] for i in list: status=foo(i["pname"] ) # sql1="select sum(a. numbervalue) as sumpoint from customfieldvalue a where CUSTOMFIELD = 10408 and issue in (select id from jiraissue where id in(select destination from issuelink where linktype=10200 and SOURCE =%d))"%(int(i["id"])) # fromSql = queryFromSql(db, sql1) # list1 = fromSql.sqlToList() # for j in list1: # print("aa========================================") # point=list1[0]["sumpoint"] # if point=="": # sumpoint=0 # else: # sumpoint=point # teamtopic = topiclist[0] # if i["project_key"]== 'FIN': # teamtopic =topiclist[0] # elif i["project_key"]== 'MID': # teamtopic =topiclist[1] # else : # teamtopic =topiclist[2] infos.append({'value': i["id"],'label':i["summary"] ,'status':status,'issuenum':i['issuenum'],'project_key':i["project_key"],'reporter':i["reporter"],'cnt':i["cnt"]}) # print (infos+'\n'+infos1+'\n'+infos2) response = {"success": "true", "msg": "OK", "data": infos} print(response) except Exception as e: raise e response = {"success": "false", "msg": "查询失败~~"} response =jsonify (response) return response
def getEpicxmind(): epic = request.args['epic'] print(epic) id= int(request.args['id'] ) print(id) issuenum= request.args['issuenum'] print(issuenum) project_key=request.args['project_key'] print(project_key) infos = [] try: uni=0 preVer="" preteamName="" preId="" db="jira" sql="select,b.stringvalue ,, issuenum,project,d.project_key,reporter,issuetype,summary,issuestatus,e.pname from jiraissue a left join customfieldvalue b on =b.issue and b.customfield=10300 left join AO_60DB71_SPRINT c on join project_key d on a.project=d.project_id join issuestatus e on where in(select destination from issuelink where linktype=10200 and SOURCE=%d) order by stringvalue desc"%(id) fromSql=queryFromSql(db,sql) list=fromSql.sqlToList() url = "" + project_key + "-" + issuenum print(url) infos.append({'id': 'root', 'isroot': 'True', 'topic': epic,'url':url}) for i in list: url = "" + i["project_key"] + "-" + i["issuenum"] # print(url) if i["name"]!="": name=i["name"].replace("-","_") name = name.replace(" ", "_") nameArr=name.split("_",2) ver=nameArr[0] #版本 teamName=nameArr[1] #团队名称 issuenum=str(i["issuenum"]) verId = i["stringvalue"] teamId = verId + teamName if ver!=preVer: infos.append({'id': verId, 'parentid': 'root', 'topic': ver,'url':""}) infos.append({'id': teamId, 'parentid': verId, 'topic': teamName,'url':""}) infos.append({'id': issuenum, 'parentid': teamId, 'topic': i["pname"]+"-"+i["summary"],'url':url}) else: if teamName !=preteamName: infos.append({'id': teamId, 'parentid': preId, 'topic': teamName,'url':""}) infos.append({'id': issuenum, 'parentid': teamId, 'topic': i["pname"]+"-"+i["summary"],'url':url}) else: infos.append({'id': issuenum, 'parentid': teamId, 'topic': i["pname"]+"-"+i["summary"],'url':url}) preVer=ver preteamName=teamName preId=verId else : if uni ==0: infos.append({'id': 'sub1', 'parentid': 'root', 'topic': '未排期','url':"", 'direction': 'right', 'expanded': 'False', 'background-color': '#0000ff'}) infos.append({'id': i["issuenum"], 'parentid': 'sub1', 'topic': i["pname"]+"-"+i["summary"], 'url': url}) uni=1 else: infos.append({'id': i["issuenum"], 'parentid': 'sub1', 'topic': i["pname"]+"-"+i["summary"],'url':url}) response = {"success": "true", "msg": "OK", "data": infos} print(response) except Exception as e: raise e response = {"success": "false", "msg": "查询失败~~"} response =jsonify (response) return response
data = '' con1 = '' for i in args: data = '' db = i['db'] total = 0 for x in i['sqlList']: sql = x['sql'] desc = x['desc'] con1 = '' if BUILD_URL == '': title = "{}{}{}".format('**', desc, '**') + '\n' else: title = f"##### [{desc}]({BUILD_URL}parameters) \n" d = queryFromSql(db, sql).querySql() total += len(d) ''' #感觉应该先判断行 但是之前没有考虑行 后边可以优化噻 后边考虑如果没有数据 把title也不要了 101行 列名1 列名2 1 2 如果行数>1 列>2 显示从第一行开始 列<=2 显示从第二行开始 行数<=1 即 行数=1 仅有列名行 不显示 ''' # 如果大于2列 显示列名 否则不显示 # if len(d[0]) > 2: # for k in d: # # 如果大于1行显示列名 否则不显示
def jira_tuniu_test(start_time, end_time): #自定义时间: #start_time = '2019-08-09' #end_time = '2019-08-15' #start_time, end_time, start, end, day = timer.time_l() year = int(end_time.split('-')[0]) month = int(end_time.split('-')[1]) day = int(end_time.split('-')[2]) week = str(, month, day).isocalendar()[1]) + 'W' db = 'jira' excelWriter = pd.ExcelWriter('OnlineBU'+'-'+week+'.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') # 只是为了部门在第一个sheet l = pd.DataFrame(['', '']) l.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='部门人员统计') # 查询worklog表中数据 sql = f''' SELECT b.name_cn AS 姓名, b.dept_sec AS 组织架构, STR_TO_DATE(STARTDATE, '%Y-%m-%d') AS 日期 ,a.timeworked / 3600 / 8 AS 工时 , CONCAT(d.pkey, '-', c.issuenum) AS 单号 , e.pname AS 类型,, g.LINKNAME , IF(e.pname IN ('技术需求', '业务需求', '新技术支持'),, f.SOURCE) AS SOURCE FROM worklog a LEFT JOIN t_oa_user b ON a.AUTHOR = b.name_en LEFT JOIN jiraissue c ON = a.issueid LEFT JOIN project d ON c.PROJECT = d.ID LEFT JOIN issuetype e ON c.issuetype = LEFT JOIN issuelink f ON f.DESTINATION = LEFT JOIN issuelinktype g ON f.LINKTYPE = WHERE b.dept_fir = '系统产品研发BU' AND b.dept_sec in ("研发TeamI","研发TeamJ","研发TeamK","研发TeamL","研发TeamM","设计TeamN","产品TeamP","质量TeamS") AND e.pname IN ('子事务', 'Sub-task') AND = 10100 -- 取jira为('子事务', 'Sub-task') 链接类型是jira_subtask_link AND STARTDATE BETWEEN '{start_time}' AND '{end_time}' UNION ALL SELECT b.name_cn AS 姓名, b.dept_sec AS 组织架构, STR_TO_DATE(STARTDATE, '%Y-%m-%d') AS 日期 , a.timeworked / 3600 / 8 AS 工时 , CONCAT(d.pkey, '-', c.issuenum) AS 单号 , e.pname AS 类型,, g.LINKNAME , IF(e.pname IN ('技术需求', '业务需求', '新技术支持'),, f.SOURCE) AS SOURCE -- 限制父级jira在('技术需求', '业务需求', '新技术支持') FROM worklog a LEFT JOIN t_oa_user b ON a.AUTHOR = b.name_en LEFT JOIN jiraissue c ON = a.issueid LEFT JOIN project d ON c.PROJECT = d.ID LEFT JOIN issuetype e ON c.issuetype = LEFT JOIN issuelink f ON f.DESTINATION = LEFT JOIN issuelinktype g ON f.LINKTYPE = WHERE b.dept_fir = '系统产品研发BU' AND b.dept_sec in ("研发TeamI","研发TeamJ","研发TeamK","研发TeamL","研发TeamM","设计TeamN","产品TeamP","质量TeamS") AND e.pname NOT IN ('子事务', 'Sub-task') AND STARTDATE BETWEEN '{start_time}' AND '{end_time}' -- 取其他jira 此时不限制 ''' data = queryFromSql(db, sql).querySql() res = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0]) ids = res['SOURCE'] ids = ids.tolist() l = list(set(ids)) ids = '' for i in l: if i != "": ids += i + ',' ids = ids.strip().strip(',') # 查询jra父级相关属性或本身 ('业务需求','技术需求','新技术支持')属性 sql_2 = f''' SELECT distinct AS SOURCE, CONCAT(d.pkey, '-', c.issuenum) AS 父级jira , e.pname AS 类型 -- , f.SOURCE 父级id , c.SUMMARY 主题 , c.DESCRIPTION 描述, (SELECT b.name_cn FROM customfieldvalue af left join t_oa_user b on b.name_en = af.STRINGVALUE WHERE af.ISSUE=c.ID AND CUSTOMFIELD=10023) AS 需求提出人, (SELECT cfd.customvalue FROM customfieldvalue af LEFT JOIN customfieldoption cfd ON WHERE af.ISSUE=c.ID AND af.CUSTOMFIELD=17905) AS 需求提出部门, IFNULL((SELECT cfop.customvalue FROM customfieldvalue cfvp,customfieldoption cfop WHERE c.ID= cfvp.ISSUE AND cfvp.CUSTOMFIELD = 12100 AND cfop.ID = cfvp.STRINGVALUE),'未立项()') AS 立项项目名称, (SELECT STRINGVALUE FROM customfieldvalue af WHERE af.ISSUE = c.ID AND CUSTOMFIELD = 10304) Epic FROM jiraissue c LEFT JOIN worklog a ON = a.issueid LEFT JOIN t_oa_user b ON a.AUTHOR = b.name_en LEFT JOIN project d ON c.PROJECT = d.ID LEFT JOIN issuetype e ON c.issuetype = LEFT JOIN issuelink f ON f.DESTINATION = WHERE in ({ids}) AND e.pname in ('业务需求','技术需求','新技术支持') ''' # 序号 ID LINKNAME INWARD OUTWARD pstyle # 1 10000 Blocks is blocked by blocks # 2 10001 Cloners is cloned by clones # 3 10002 Duplicate is duplicated by duplicates # 4 10003 Relates relates to relates to # 5 10100 jira_subtask_link jira_subtask_inward jira_subtask_outward jira_subtask # 6 10200 Epic-Story Link has Epic is Epic of jira_gh_epic_story data_2 = queryFromSql(db, sql_2).querySql() res_2 = pd.DataFrame(data_2[1:], columns=data_2[0]) df = pd.DataFrame.merge(res, res_2, how='left', on='SOURCE') # 取所有的填写工时的人 members = tuple(set(df['姓名'])) # 工时列 字符串转数字 df[['工时']] = df[['工时']].apply(pd.to_numeric) df.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='明细', index=None) #print('df11111====',type(df),df) # 从excel中取数据 wb2 = openpyxl.load_workbook('OnlineBU'+'-'+week+'.xlsx') sheet = wb2["明细"] # excel 行数 列数 max_column = sheet.max_column max_row = sheet.max_row # 查询部门当中时间段内未填写工时的人员 sql_mem_0 = f''' select name_cn as 姓名,dept_sec as 组织架构 from t_oa_user where dept_fir ='系统产品研发BU' AND dept_sec in ("研发TeamI","研发TeamJ","研发TeamK","研发TeamL","研发TeamM","设计TeamN","产品TeamP","质量TeamS") and level_cn !='已离职' and name_cn not in {members} order by dept_sec, name_cn ''' data = queryFromSql(db, sql_mem_0).querySql() #print('data1111====',type(data),data) # 未填写工时的人加入excel for i in data[1:]: for y in range(0, len(i)): sheet.cell(max_row + 1, y + 1).value = i[y] # 默认立项项目名称 未立项() sheet.cell(max_row + 1, 16).value = '未立项()' # 默认工时0 sheet.cell(max_row + 1, 4).value = '0' max_row += 1'OnlineBU'+'-'+week+'.xlsx') df = pd.read_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='明细') df = df.sort_values(by=['姓名', '日期']) #print('df22222====',type(df),df) #print("value=2222===,",df.get_values()) df1 = df.groupby(by=['立项项目名称', '姓名'])['工时'].sum() df1 = df1.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).nlargest(200) df1.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='项目预估与投入填写') #df.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='明细', index=None) df2 = df.groupby(by=['组织架构', '姓名'])['工时'].sum() df2 = df2.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).nlargest(200) df2.to_excel(excelWriter, sheet_name='部门人员统计') excelWriter.close() return df