예제 #1
def build_psq_classifier(end_date_str=None):
    """Build a predictor of whether or not a question will be closed as 
    homework / for 'lack of context'.  This is accomplished by building a 
    linear SVC model, trained on old post data. 

    If end_date_str isn't specified, it is initialized to two weeks prior.

    Pickles the classifier, an instance of sklearn.svm.LinearSVC. Also stores
    some basic data metrics.

    Note that we only use posts written after 2013-06-25, the date on which 
    the first such closure reason was instituted.

    if end_date_str == None:
        ts = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 14
        end_date_str = from_timestamp(ts)

    con = connect_db()
    cur = con.cursor()

    trf = TfidfVectorizer(

    reg = LogisticRegression()

    clf = Pipeline([('vectorizer', trf), ('reg', reg)])
    X_raw = []
    Y_raw = []

    # Fetch closed questions from database
    query = """SELECT * FROM questions WHERE creation_date < '{}' AND 
               closed_reason='off-topic' AND (closed_desc LIKE '%context%'
               OR closed_desc LIKE '%homework%');""".format(end_date_str)


    for q in cur:

    num_closed = len(X_raw)

    # Fetch an equal number of un-closed questions
    query = """SELECT * FROM questions WHERE creation_date < %s AND 
               closed_reason IS NULL ORDER BY creation_date LIMIT %s"""
    cur.execute(query, [end_date_str, num_closed])

    for q in cur:
    X_raw = [X_raw[i] for i in shuff]
    Y_raw = [Y_raw[i] for i in shuff]

    # Hold back 20% of examples as test set
    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(
            X_raw, Y_raw, test_size=0.2)

    test_size = len(X_test)
    train_size = len(X_train)

    # Perform grid search to tune parameters for F1-score
    params = [
                'vectorizer__ngram_range': [(2,2), (2,4), (2,6), (2,8)],
                'reg__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],
                'reg__C': [.01, .03, .1, .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100],
                'reg__intercept_scaling': [.1,1,10,100]

    gridsearch = GridSearchCV(clf, params, scoring='f1', n_jobs=4, \

    gridsearch.fit(X_train, Y_train)
    clf = gridsearch.best_estimator_
    print("Done training classifier!")
    print("Parameters from CV:")
    for k,v in gridsearch.best_params_.items():
        print("{}: {}".format(k,v))
    preds = clf.predict(X_test)
    print("Done making predictions for test set.")

    clf.stats = dict()
    clf.stats['train_size'] = train_size
    clf.stats['train_pos'] = np.sum(Y_train)
    clf.stats['train_neg'] = train_size - np.sum(Y_train)
    clf.stats['test_size'] = test_size
    clf.stats['test_pos'] = np.sum(Y_test)
    clf.stats['test_neg'] = test_size - np.sum(Y_test)
    clf.stats['accuracy'] = clf.score(X_test, Y_test)
    clf.stats['precision'] = precision_score(Y_test, preds)
    clf.stats['recall'] = recall_score(Y_test, preds)
    for k in clf.stats:
        print("  {}: {}".format(k, clf.stats[k]))

    with open('psq.pickle', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(clf, f)
예제 #2
def process_api_questions(items, check_quality=True):
    """Add question/answer list to the database.

    items -- 'items' object returned from Math.SE query against questions with
             specific filters set (as in fetch_recent_questions)
    check_quality -- if True, questions are run through the effort predictor
    if len(items) == 0:
    con = connect_db()
    cur = con.cursor()
    qids = [item['question_id'] for item in items]
    query = "SELECT id FROM questions WHERE id IN ("
    query += ','.join([str(i) for i in qids])
    query += ');'
    existing = [q['id'] for q in cur]
    for item in items:
        question = {
                'id': item['question_id'],
                'body_html': item['body'],
                'body_markdown': item['body_markdown'],
                'creation_date': from_timestamp(item['creation_date']),
                'link': item['link'],
                'score': item['score'],
                'title': item['title'],
                'historic': True
        if 'owner' in item and len(item['owner']) > 0:
            question['author_id'] = item['owner']['user_id']
            question['author_id'] = None

        if 'accepted_answer_id' in item:
            question['accepted_answer_id'] = item['accepted_answer_id']
            question['accepted_answer_id'] = None

        if 'closed_date' in item:
            question['closed_date'] = from_timestamp(item['closed_date'])
            question['closed_desc'] = item['closed_details']['description']
            question['closed_reason'] = item['closed_reason']
            question['closed_date'] = None
            question['closed_desc'] = None
            question['closed_reason'] = None
        if question['id'] not in existing:
            query = 'INSERT INTO questions ('
            query += ','.join(sorted(question.keys()))
            query += ') VALUES ('
            query += ','.join('%s' for i in range(len(question.keys())))
            query += ');'
            query = "UPDATE questions SET "
            query += ','.join(k + '=%s' for k in sorted(question.keys()))
            query += ' WHERE id=' + str(question['id']) + ';'
        cur.execute(query, [question[k] for k in sorted(question.keys())])

        query = "DELETE FROM question_tags WHERE question_id=%s"
        cur.execute(query, [question['id']])

        query = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tags.name IN ("
        query += ','.join("'{}'".format(t) for t in item['tags'])
        query += ");"
        tagids = [t['id'] for t in cur]
        query = "INSERT INTO question_tags (question_id, tag_id) VALUES (%s,%s)"
        for tagid in tagids:
            cur.execute(query, [question['id'], tagid])

        if 'answers' in item:
            answers = []
            for answer in item['answers']:
                a = {
                        'id': answer['answer_id'],
                        'body_html': answer['body'],
                        'body_markdown': answer['body_markdown'],
                        'is_accepted': answer['is_accepted'],
                        'last_activity_date': from_timestamp(answer['last_activity_date']),
                        'link': answer['link'],
                        'question_id': answer['question_id'],
                        'score': answer['score']

                if 'owner' in answer and len(answer['owner']) > 0:
                    a['author_id'] = answer['owner']['user_id']
                    a['author_id'] = None
            query = "SELECT id FROM answers WHERE id IN ("
            query += ','.join(str(a['id']) for a in answers)
            query += ') ORDER BY id ASC;'
            existinga = [a['id'] for a in cur]
            for a in answers:
                if a['id'] not in existinga:
                    query = 'INSERT INTO answers ('
                    query += ','.join(sorted(a.keys()))
                    query += ') VALUES ('
                    query += ','.join('%s' for i in range(len(a.keys())))
                    query += ');'
                    query = 'UPDATE answers SET '
                    query += ','.join(k + '=%s' for k in sorted(a.keys()))
                    query += ' WHERE id=' + str(a['id']) + ';'
                cur.execute(query, [a[k] for k in sorted(a.keys())])

    if check_quality:
        query = "SELECT id, body_html FROM questions WHERE id IN ("
        query += ','.join([str(i) for i in qids])
        query += ') ORDER BY id ASC;'
        quals = []
        bodies = [item['body_html'] for item in cur]
        with open('psq.pickle', 'rb') as f:
            clf = pickle.load(f)
        probs = clf.predict_proba(bodies)[:, 0]
        for i in range(len(qids)):
            query = "UPDATE questions SET quality_score=%s WHERE id=%s".format(
                    int(100*probs[i]), qids[i])
            cur.execute(query, [int(100*probs[i]), qids[i]])
