def __init__(self, settings, response): """ Constructs the response object. :param settings: The setting info :type settings: OneLogin_Saml2_Setting object :param response: The base64 encoded, XML string containing the samlp:Response :type response: string """ self.__settings = settings self.__error = None self.response = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.b64decode(response) self.document = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(self.response) self.decrypted_document = None self.encrypted = None self.valid_scd_not_on_or_after = None # Quick check for the presence of EncryptedAssertion encrypted_assertion_nodes = self.__query( '/samlp:Response/saml:EncryptedAssertion') if encrypted_assertion_nodes: decrypted_document = deepcopy(self.document) self.encrypted = True self.decrypted_document = self.__decrypt_assertion( decrypted_document)
def get_id(request): """ Returns the ID of the Logout Request :param request: Logout Request Message :type request: string|DOMDocument :return: string ID :rtype: str object """ elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(request) return elem.get('ID', None)
def get_issuer(request): """ Gets the Issuer of the Logout Request Message :param request: Logout Request Message :type request: string|DOMDocument :return: The Issuer :rtype: string """ elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(request) issuer = None issuer_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:Issuer') if len(issuer_nodes) == 1: issuer = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text(issuer_nodes[0]) return issuer
def get_session_indexes(request): """ Gets the SessionIndexes from the Logout Request :param request: Logout Request Message :type request: string|DOMDocument :return: The SessionIndex value :rtype: list """ elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(request) session_indexes = [] session_index_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/samlp:LogoutRequest/samlp:SessionIndex') for session_index_node in session_index_nodes: session_indexes.append( OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text(session_index_node)) return session_indexes
def get_nameid_data(request, key=None): """ Gets the NameID Data of the the Logout Request :param request: Logout Request Message :type request: string|DOMDocument :param key: The SP key :type key: string :return: Name ID Data (Value, Format, NameQualifier, SPNameQualifier) :rtype: dict """ elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(request) name_id = None encrypted_entries = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:EncryptedID') if len(encrypted_entries) == 1: if key is None: raise OneLogin_Saml2_Error( 'Private Key is required in order to decrypt the NameID, check settings', OneLogin_Saml2_Error.PRIVATE_KEY_NOT_FOUND) encrypted_data_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:EncryptedID/xenc:EncryptedData') if len(encrypted_data_nodes) == 1: encrypted_data = encrypted_data_nodes[0] name_id = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.decrypt_element( encrypted_data, key) else: entries = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:NameID') if len(entries) == 1: name_id = entries[0] if name_id is None: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'NameID not found in the Logout Request', OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.NO_NAMEID) name_id_data = {'Value': OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text(name_id)} for attr in ['Format', 'SPNameQualifier', 'NameQualifier']: if attr in name_id.attrib: name_id_data[attr] = name_id.attrib[attr] return name_id_data
def __init__(self, settings, response=None): """ Constructs a Logout Response object (Initialize params from settings and if provided load the Logout Response. Arguments are: * (OneLogin_Saml2_Settings) settings. Setting data * (string) response. An UUEncoded SAML Logout response from the IdP. """ self.__settings = settings self.__error = None = None if response is not None: self.__logout_response = compat.to_string( OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.decode_base64_and_inflate( response, ignore_zip=True)) self.document = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(self.__logout_response) = self.document.get('ID', None)
def add_x509_key_descriptors(metadata, cert=None, add_encryption=True): """ Adds the x509 descriptors (sign/encryption) to the metadata The same cert will be used for sign/encrypt :param metadata: SAML Metadata XML :type metadata: string :param cert: x509 cert :type cert: string :param add_encryption: Determines if the KeyDescriptor[use="encryption"] should be added. :type add_encryption: boolean :returns: Metadata with KeyDescriptors :rtype: string """ if cert is None or cert == '': return metadata try: root = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(metadata) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Error parsing metadata. ' + str(e)) assert root.tag == '{%s}EntityDescriptor' % OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.NS_MD try: sp_sso_descriptor = next( root.iterfind('.//md:SPSSODescriptor', namespaces=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.NSMAP)) except StopIteration: raise Exception('Malformed metadata.') if add_encryption: OneLogin_Saml2_Metadata.__add_x509_key_descriptors( sp_sso_descriptor, cert, False) OneLogin_Saml2_Metadata.__add_x509_key_descriptors( sp_sso_descriptor, cert, True) return OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_string(root)
def get_metadata(url, validate_cert=True): """ Gets the metadata XML from the provided URL :param url: Url where the XML of the Identity Provider Metadata is published. :type url: string :param validate_cert: If the url uses https schema, that flag enables or not the verification of the associated certificate. :type validate_cert: bool :returns: metadata XML :rtype: string """ valid = False if validate_cert: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) else: ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE response = urllib2.urlopen(url, context=ctx) xml = if xml: try: dom = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(xml) idp_descriptor_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( dom, '//md:IDPSSODescriptor') if idp_descriptor_nodes: valid = True except Exception: pass if not valid: raise Exception('Not valid IdP XML found from URL: %s' % (url)) return xml
def decrypt_element(encrypted_data, key, debug=False, inplace=False): """ Decrypts an encrypted element. :param encrypted_data: The encrypted data. :type: lxml.etree.Element | DOMElement | basestring :param key: The key. :type: string :param debug: Activate the xmlsec debug :type: bool :param inplace: update passed data with decrypted result :type: bool :returns: The decrypted element. :rtype: lxml.etree.Element """ if isinstance(encrypted_data, Element): encrypted_data = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree( str(encrypted_data.toxml())) if not inplace and isinstance(encrypted_data, OneLogin_Saml2_XML._element_class): encrypted_data = deepcopy(encrypted_data) elif isinstance(encrypted_data, OneLogin_Saml2_XML._text_class): encrypted_data = OneLogin_Saml2_XML._parse_etree(encrypted_data) xmlsec.enable_debug_trace(debug) manager = xmlsec.KeysManager() manager.add_key(xmlsec.Key.from_memory(key, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, None)) enc_ctx = xmlsec.EncryptionContext(manager) return enc_ctx.decrypt(encrypted_data)
def is_valid(self, request_data, raise_exceptions=False): """ Checks if the Logout Request received is valid :param request_data: Request Data :type request_data: dict :param raise_exceptions: Whether to return false on failure or raise an exception :type raise_exceptions: Boolean :return: If the Logout Request is or not valid :rtype: boolean """ self.__error = None try: root = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(self.__logout_request) idp_data = self.__settings.get_idp_data() idp_entity_id = idp_data['entityId'] get_data = ('get_data' in request_data and request_data['get_data']) or dict() if self.__settings.is_strict(): res = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.validate_xml( root, 'saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd', self.__settings.is_debug_active()) if isinstance(res, str): raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'Invalid SAML Logout Request. Not match the saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd', OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT) security = self.__settings.get_security_data() current_url = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.get_self_url_no_query( request_data) # Check NotOnOrAfter if root.get('NotOnOrAfter', None): na = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.parse_SAML_to_time( root.get('NotOnOrAfter')) if na <= raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'Could not validate timestamp: expired. Check system clock.)', OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.RESPONSE_EXPIRED) # Check destination if root.get('Destination', None): destination = root.get('Destination') if destination != '': if current_url not in destination: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'The LogoutRequest was received at ' '%(currentURL)s instead of %(destination)s' % { 'currentURL': current_url, 'destination': destination, }, OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError. WRONG_DESTINATION) # Check issuer issuer = OneLogin_Saml2_Logout_Request.get_issuer(root) if issuer is not None and issuer != idp_entity_id: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'Invalid issuer in the Logout Request (expected %(idpEntityId)s, got %(issuer)s)' % { 'idpEntityId': idp_entity_id, 'issuer': issuer }, OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.WRONG_ISSUER) if security['wantMessagesSigned']: if 'Signature' not in get_data: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'The Message of the Logout Request is not signed and the SP require it', OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.NO_SIGNED_MESSAGE) return True except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=R0801 self.__error = str(err) debug = self.__settings.is_debug_active() if debug: print(err) if raise_exceptions: raise return False
def parse(idp_metadata, required_sso_binding=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants. BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, required_slo_binding=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants. BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, entity_id=None): """ Parses the Identity Provider metadata and return a dict with extracted data. If there are multiple <IDPSSODescriptor> tags, parse only the first. Parses only those SSO endpoints with the same binding as given by the `required_sso_binding` parameter. Parses only those SLO endpoints with the same binding as given by the `required_slo_binding` parameter. If the metadata specifies multiple SSO endpoints with the required binding, extract only the first (the same holds true for SLO endpoints). :param idp_metadata: XML of the Identity Provider Metadata. :type idp_metadata: string :param required_sso_binding: Parse only POST or REDIRECT SSO endpoints. :type required_sso_binding: one of OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT or OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.BINDING_HTTP_POST :param required_slo_binding: Parse only POST or REDIRECT SLO endpoints. :type required_slo_binding: one of OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT or OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.BINDING_HTTP_POST :param entity_id: Specify the entity_id of the EntityDescriptor that you want to parse a XML that contains multiple EntityDescriptor. :type entity_id: string :returns: settings dict with extracted data :rtype: dict """ data = {} dom = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(idp_metadata) idp_entity_id = want_authn_requests_signed = idp_name_id_format = idp_sso_url = idp_slo_url = certs = None entity_desc_path = '//md:EntityDescriptor' if entity_id: entity_desc_path += "[@entityID='%s']" % entity_id entity_descriptor_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( dom, entity_desc_path) if len(entity_descriptor_nodes) > 0: entity_descriptor_node = entity_descriptor_nodes[0] idp_descriptor_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( entity_descriptor_node, './md:IDPSSODescriptor') if len(idp_descriptor_nodes) > 0: idp_descriptor_node = idp_descriptor_nodes[0] idp_entity_id = entity_descriptor_node.get('entityID', None) want_authn_requests_signed = entity_descriptor_node.get( 'WantAuthnRequestsSigned', None) name_id_format_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( idp_descriptor_node, './md:NameIDFormat') if len(name_id_format_nodes) > 0: idp_name_id_format = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text( name_id_format_nodes[0]) sso_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( idp_descriptor_node, "./md:SingleSignOnService[@Binding='%s']" % required_sso_binding) if len(sso_nodes) > 0: idp_sso_url = sso_nodes[0].get('Location', None) slo_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( idp_descriptor_node, "./md:SingleLogoutService[@Binding='%s']" % required_slo_binding) if len(slo_nodes) > 0: idp_slo_url = slo_nodes[0].get('Location', None) signing_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( idp_descriptor_node, "./md:KeyDescriptor[not(contains(@use, 'encryption'))]/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate" ) encryption_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( idp_descriptor_node, "./md:KeyDescriptor[not(contains(@use, 'signing'))]/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate" ) if len(signing_nodes) > 0 or len(encryption_nodes) > 0: certs = {} if len(signing_nodes) > 0: certs['signing'] = [] for cert_node in signing_nodes: certs['signing'].append(''.join( OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text( cert_node).split())) if len(encryption_nodes) > 0: certs['encryption'] = [] for cert_node in encryption_nodes: certs['encryption'].append(''.join( OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text( cert_node).split())) data['idp'] = {} if idp_entity_id is not None: data['idp']['entityId'] = idp_entity_id if idp_sso_url is not None: data['idp']['singleSignOnService'] = {} data['idp']['singleSignOnService']['url'] = idp_sso_url data['idp']['singleSignOnService'][ 'binding'] = required_sso_binding if idp_slo_url is not None: data['idp']['singleLogoutService'] = {} data['idp']['singleLogoutService']['url'] = idp_slo_url data['idp']['singleLogoutService'][ 'binding'] = required_slo_binding if want_authn_requests_signed is not None: data['security'] = {} data['security'][ 'authnRequestsSigned'] = want_authn_requests_signed if idp_name_id_format: data['sp'] = {} data['sp']['NameIDFormat'] = idp_name_id_format if certs is not None: if (len(certs) == 1 and (('signing' in certs and len(certs['signing']) == 1) or ('encryption' in certs and len(certs['encryption']) == 1))) or \ (('signing' in certs and len(certs['signing']) == 1) and ('encryption' in certs and len(certs['encryption']) == 1 and certs['signing'][0] == certs['encryption'][0])): if 'signing' in certs: data['idp']['x509cert'] = certs['signing'][0] else: data['idp']['x509cert'] = certs['encryption'][0] else: data['idp']['x509certMulti'] = certs return data
def validate_metadata_sign(xml, cert=None, fingerprint=None, fingerprintalg='sha1', validatecert=False, debug=False): """ Validates a signature of a EntityDescriptor. :param xml: The element we should validate :type: string | Document :param cert: The public cert :type: string :param fingerprint: The fingerprint of the public cert :type: string :param fingerprintalg: The algorithm used to build the fingerprint :type: string :param validatecert: If true, will verify the signature and if the cert is valid. :type: bool :param debug: Activate the xmlsec debug :type: bool :param raise_exceptions: Whether to return false on failure or raise an exception :type raise_exceptions: Boolean """ if xml is None or xml == '': raise Exception('Empty string supplied as input') elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(xml) xmlsec.enable_debug_trace(debug) xmlsec.tree.add_ids(elem, ["ID"]) signature_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/md:EntitiesDescriptor/ds:Signature') if len(signature_nodes) == 0: signature_nodes += OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/md:EntityDescriptor/ds:Signature') if len(signature_nodes) == 0: signature_nodes += OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/md:EntityDescriptor/md:SPSSODescriptor/ds:Signature') signature_nodes += OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '/md:EntityDescriptor/md:IDPSSODescriptor/ds:Signature') if len(signature_nodes) > 0: for signature_node in signature_nodes: # Raises expection if invalid OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_node_sign(signature_node, elem, cert, fingerprint, fingerprintalg, validatecert, debug, raise_exceptions=True) return True else: raise Exception( 'Could not validate metadata signature: No signature nodes found.' )
def validate_sign(xml, cert=None, fingerprint=None, fingerprintalg='sha1', validatecert=False, debug=False, xpath=None, multicerts=None): """ Validates a signature (Message or Assertion). :param xml: The element we should validate :type: string | Document :param cert: The public cert :type: string :param fingerprint: The fingerprint of the public cert :type: string :param fingerprintalg: The algorithm used to build the fingerprint :type: string :param validatecert: If true, will verify the signature and if the cert is valid. :type: bool :param debug: Activate the xmlsec debug :type: bool :param xpath: The xpath of the signed element :type: string :param multicerts: Multiple public certs :type: list :param raise_exceptions: Whether to return false on failure or raise an exception :type raise_exceptions: Boolean """ if xml is None or xml == '': raise Exception('Empty string supplied as input') elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(xml) xmlsec.enable_debug_trace(debug) xmlsec.tree.add_ids(elem, ["ID"]) if xpath: signature_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query(elem, xpath) else: signature_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_XPATH) if len(signature_nodes) == 0: signature_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.ASSERTION_SIGNATURE_XPATH) if len(signature_nodes) == 1: signature_node = signature_nodes[0] if not multicerts: return OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_node_sign( signature_node, elem, cert, fingerprint, fingerprintalg, validatecert, debug, raise_exceptions=True) else: # If multiple certs are provided, I may ignore cert and # fingerprint provided by the method and just check the # certs multicerts fingerprint = fingerprintalg = None for cert in multicerts: if OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_node_sign( signature_node, elem, cert, fingerprint, fingerprintalg, validatecert, False, raise_exceptions=False): return True raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected.', OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNATURE) else: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( 'Expected exactly one signature node; got {}.'.format( len(signature_nodes)), OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SIGNATURES)
def add_sign(xml, key, cert, debug=False, sign_algorithm=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA1, digest_algorithm=OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.SHA1): """ Adds signature key and senders certificate to an element (Message or Assertion). :param xml: The element we should sign :type: string | Document :param key: The private key :type: string :param cert: The public :type: string :param debug: Activate the xmlsec debug :type: bool :param sign_algorithm: Signature algorithm method :type sign_algorithm: string :param digest_algorithm: Digest algorithm method :type digest_algorithm: string :returns: Signed XML :rtype: string """ if xml is None or xml == '': raise Exception('Empty string supplied as input') elem = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_etree(xml) sign_algorithm_transform_map = { OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.DSA_SHA1: xmlsec.Transform.DSA_SHA1, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA1: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA256: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA256, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA384: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA384, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.RSA_SHA512: xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA512 } sign_algorithm_transform = sign_algorithm_transform_map.get( sign_algorithm, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) signature = xmlsec.template.create(elem, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, sign_algorithm_transform, ns='ds') issuer = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query(elem, '//saml:Issuer') if len(issuer) > 0: issuer = issuer[0] issuer.addnext(signature) elem_to_sign = issuer.getparent() else: entity_descriptor = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( elem, '//md:EntityDescriptor') if len(entity_descriptor) > 0: elem.insert(0, signature) else: elem[0].insert(0, signature) elem_to_sign = elem elem_id = elem_to_sign.get('ID', None) if elem_id is not None: if elem_id: elem_id = '#' + elem_id else: generated_id = generated_id = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.generate_unique_id( ) elem_id = '#' + generated_id elem_to_sign.attrib['ID'] = generated_id xmlsec.enable_debug_trace(debug) xmlsec.tree.add_ids(elem_to_sign, ["ID"]) digest_algorithm_transform_map = { OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.SHA1: xmlsec.Transform.SHA1, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.SHA256: xmlsec.Transform.SHA256, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.SHA384: xmlsec.Transform.SHA384, OneLogin_Saml2_Constants.SHA512: xmlsec.Transform.SHA512 } digest_algorithm_transform = digest_algorithm_transform_map.get( digest_algorithm, xmlsec.Transform.SHA1) ref = xmlsec.template.add_reference(signature, digest_algorithm_transform, uri=elem_id) xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.ENVELOPED) xmlsec.template.add_transform(ref, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N) key_info = xmlsec.template.ensure_key_info(signature) xmlsec.template.add_x509_data(key_info) dsig_ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() sign_key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(key, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM, None) sign_key.load_cert_from_memory(cert, xmlsec.KeyFormat.PEM) dsig_ctx.key = sign_key dsig_ctx.sign(signature) return OneLogin_Saml2_XML.to_string(elem)