def modify_dfc(c): """Edit or append a single index to global candle dataframe. @c: candle dict """ pair = c['pair'] freq = strtofreq(c['freqstr']) open_time = pd.Timestamp(c['open_time'].replace(tzinfo=None)) index = (pair, freq, open_time) # Modify existing DF index. if index in try:[index] = [c[n] for n in columns[3:]] except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) log.debug("candle: {}".format(c)) log.debug(" {}".format([index])) # Create index in new DF and append. else: c_ = c.copy() c_['freq'] = strtofreq(c_['freqstr']) c_['open_time'] = open_time c_ = { k:v for k,v in c_.items() if k in columns} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([c_], orient='columns')\ .set_index(['pair','freq','open_time']) = =
def macd_med_trend_filter(): TRD_FREQS = docs.botconf.TRD_FREQS DEF_KLINE_HIST_LEN = docs.botconf.DEF_KLINE_HIST_LEN for pair in for freqstr in TRD_FREQS: freq = strtofreq(freqstr) periods = int((strtoms("now utc") - strtoms(DEF_KLINE_HIST_LEN)) / ((freq * 1000))) #/2)) df =[pair,freq] dfh, phases = macd.histo_phases(df, pair, freqstr, periods) # Format for log output dfh = dfh.tail(3) idx = dfh.index.to_pydatetime() dfh.index = [ to_local(n.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M") for n in idx] dfh = dfh.rename(columns={ 'ampMean':'amp.mean', 'ampMax':'amp.max', 'priceY':'price.y', 'priceX':'price.x' }) scanlog("{} {} Macd Phases".format(pair, freqstr)) lines = dfh.to_string( columns=['bars','amp.mean','amp.max','price.y','price.x','capt'], formatters={ 'bars': ' {:} '.format, 'amp.mean': ' {:+.2f}'.format, 'amp.max': ' {:+.2f}'.format, 'price.y': ' {:+.2f}%'.format, 'price.x': ' {:+.2f}%'.format, 'capt': ' {:.2f}'.format } ).split("\n") [ scanlog(line) for line in lines] scanlog("")
def query_api(pair, freqstr, startstr=None, endstr=None): """Get Historical Klines (candles) from Binance. @freqstr: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, ettc """ client = t1 = Timer() ms_period = strtofreq(freqstr) * 1000 end = strtoms(endstr or "now utc") start = strtoms(startstr or DEF_KLINE_HIST_LEN) results = [] while start < end: try: data = client.get_klines( symbol=pair, interval=freqstr, limit=BINANCE_REST_QUERY_LIMIT, startTime=start, endTime=end) except Exception as e: log.exception("Binance API request error. e=%s", str(e)) continue if len(data) == 0: start += ms_period else: results += data start = data[-1][0] + ms_period log.debug('%s %s %s queried [%ss].', len(results), freqstr, pair, t1.elapsed(unit='s')) return results
def trades(trade_ids): db = app.get_db() cols = [ 'freq', "type", "Δprice", "macd", "rsi", "zscore", "time", "algo", "details" ] data, indexes = [], [] for _id in trade_ids: record = db.trades.find_one({"_id": _id}) indexes.append(record['pair']) ss1 = record['snapshots'][0] ss_new = record['snapshots'][-1] df =[record['pair'], strtofreq(record['freqstr'])].tail(100) if len(record['orders']) > 1: c1 = ss1['candle'] c2 = ss_new['candle'] data.append([ c2['freqstr'], 'SELL', pct_diff(c1['close'], c2['close']), ss_new['indicators']['macd']['value'], ss_new['indicators']['rsi'], ss_new['indicators']['zscore'], to_relative_str(now() - record['start_time']), record['algo'], record['details'][-1]['section'].title() ]) # Buy trade else: c1 = ss1['candle'] data.append([ c1['freqstr'], 'BUY', 0.0, ss_new['indicators']['macd']['value'], ss_new['indicators']['rsi'], ss_new['indicators']['zscore'], "-", record['algo'], record['details'][-1]['section'].title() ]) if len(data) == 0: return tradelog("0 trades executed") df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.Index(indexes), columns=cols) df = df[cols] lines = df.to_string( formatters={ cols[0]: ' {}'.format, cols[1]: ' {}'.format, cols[2]: ' {:+.2f}%'.format, cols[3]: ' {:+.3f}'.format, cols[4]: '{:.0f}'.format, cols[5]: '{}'.format, cols[5]: '{}'.format, cols[6]: '{}'.format }).split("\n") tradelog('-' * TRADELOG_WIDTH) tradelog("{} trade(s) executed:".format(len(df))) [tradelog(line) for line in lines]
def sma_med_trend_filter(): """Identify pairs in intermediate term uptrend via 1d SMA slope. Enable each filtered pair in real-time + load its historic data into memory. """ ################################################################ # TODO: Repeat on 1h after 1d to filter out recent dips. ################################################################ n_candles = len( trend = docs.botconf.TRD_PAIRS['midterm'] lbl = "sma{}_slope".format(trend['span']) freq = strtofreq(trend['freqstr']) filtered = trend['filters'][0](tickers.binance_24h()) results = [] for pair in filtered: bulk_append_dfc(api_update([pair], [trend['freqstr']], silent=True)) sma =[pair, freq]['close']\ .rolling(trend['span']).mean().pct_change()*100 if all([fn(sma) for fn in trend['conditions']]): set_pairs([pair], 'ENABLED') results.append({ 'pair': pair, lbl: sma.iloc[-1] }) time.sleep(3) df = pd.DataFrame(results)\ .set_index('pair').sort_values(lbl).round(1) lines = df.to_string( columns=[lbl], formatters={lbl:'{:+.1f}%'.format} ).split("\n") [scanlog(line) for line in lines] scanlog("") lock.acquire() print("Scanner thread: sma_med_trend completed.\n"\ "{} trading pairs enabled.\n "\ "{:+,} historic candles loaded."\ .format(len(get_pairs()), len( - n_candles)) lock.release() return df
def positions(): """Position summary. """ db = app.get_db() cols = ["freq", "price", "Δprice", "macd", "rsi", "zscore", "time", "algo"] data, indexes = [], [] opentrades = db.trades.find({'status': 'open'}) for record in opentrades: ss1 = record['snapshots'][0] c1 = ss1['candle'] ss_new = record['snapshots'][-1] freq = strtofreq(record['freqstr']) df =[record['pair'], freq] dfmacd, phases = macd.histo_phases(df, record['pair'], record['freqstr'], 100) data.append([ c1['freqstr'], df.iloc[-1]['close'], pct_diff(c1['close'], df.iloc[-1]['close']), phases[-1].iloc[-1], signals.rsi(df['close'], 14), signals.zscore(df['close'], df.iloc[-1]['close'], 21), to_relative_str(now() - record['start_time']), record['algo'] ]) indexes.append(record['pair']) if opentrades.count() == 0: tradelog("0 open positions") else: df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.Index(indexes), columns=cols) df = df[cols] lines = df.to_string( formatters={ cols[0]: ' {}'.format, cols[1]: ' {:g}'.format, cols[2]: ' {:+.2f}%'.format, cols[3]: ' {:+.3f}'.format, cols[4]: '{:.0f}'.format, cols[5]: '{}'.format, cols[6]: ' {}'.format }).split("\n") tradelog('-' * TRADELOG_WIDTH) tradelog("{} position(s):".format(len(df))) [tradelog(line) for line in lines] return df
def bulk_append_dfc(candlelist): """Append multiple indexes to global candle dataframe. @candles: list of candle dicts """ candles_ = [] # Rebuild candle list formatted for dataframe. for c in candlelist: c_ = c.copy() c_['freq'] = strtofreq(c_['freqstr']) c_['open_time'] = pd.Timestamp(c_['open_time'].replace(tzinfo=None)) c_ = { k:v for k,v in c_.items() if k in columns} candles_.append(c_) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(candles_, orient='columns')\ .set_index(['pair','freq','open_time']) = # Drop any rows that have duplicate (pair,freq,open_time) indexes. =['first')] = return
def snapshot(c): """Gather state of trade--candle, indicators--each tick and save to DB. """ global dfW book = None wick_slope = macd_value = amp_slope = np.nan pair, freqstr = c['pair'], c['freqstr'] buyratio = (c['buy_vol'] / c['volume']) if c['volume'] > 0 else 0.0 # MACD Indicators dfm_dict = {} df =[pair, strtofreq(freqstr)] try: dfmacd, phases = macd.histo_phases(df, pair, freqstr, 100, to_bson=True) except Exception as e: lock.acquire() print('snapshot exc') print(str(e)) lock.release() if len(dfmacd) < 1: dfm_dict['bars'] = 0 else: dfm_dict = dfmacd.iloc[-1].to_dict() dfm_dict['bars'] = int(dfm_dict['bars']) macd_value = phases[-1].iloc[-1] amp_slope = phases[-1].diff().ewm(span=min(3, len(phases[-1])), min_periods=0).mean().iloc[-1] if c['closed']: # Find price EMA WITHIN the wick (i.e. each trade). Very # small movements. #prices = dfW.loc[c['pair'], c['freqstr']]['close'] #wick_slope = prices.diff().ewm(span=len(prices)).mean().iloc[-1] # FIXME wick_slope = 0.0 return { 'pair': pair, 'time': now(), 'book': None, 'candle': c, 'indicators': { 'buyRatio': round(buyratio, 2), 'rsi': signals.rsi(df['close'].tail(100), 14), 'wickSlope': wick_slope, 'zscore': signals.zscore(df['close'], c['close'], 21), 'macd': { **dfm_dict, **{ 'ampSlope': round(amp_slope, 2), 'value': round(macd_value, 2) } } } }
def histo_hist(df, pair, freqstr, startstr, periods): df = df.loc[pair, strtofreq(freqstr)] return macd.histo_phases(df, pair, freqstr, periods)
def histo_phases(df, pair, freqstr, periods, to_bson=False): """Groups and analyzes the MACD histogram phases within given timespan. Determines how closely the histogram bars track with price. """ DF = pd.DataFrame freq = strtofreq(freqstr) df = df.copy() dfmacd = generate(df).tail(periods)['macd_diff'] np_arr, descs, phases = [], [], [] idx = 0 while idx < len(dfmacd): try: iloc, row, phase, desc = next_phase(dfmacd, freq, idx) except Exception as e:"{}".format(pair)) pprint(dfmacd) dfmacd = dfmacd #.drop_duplicates() if row is None: idx += 1 continue else: np_arr.append(row) descs.append(desc) phases.append(phase) idx = iloc[1] + 1 dfh = DF(np_arr, columns=['start', 'end', 'bars', 'phase', 'ampMean', 'ampMax']) # Gen labels and calc % price changes lbls, pxy_corr, pct_py, pct_px = [], [], [], [] j = 0 for i in range(0, len(dfh)): if j == len(abc): j = 0 lbls.append("{} ({})".format(abc[j].upper(), dfh.iloc[i]['phase'])) j += 1 # Determine correlation between histogram bars and price movement # Find overall histogram=>candle close correlation for i in range(0, len(dfh)): _slice = df.loc[slice(dfh.iloc[i]['start'], dfh.iloc[i]['end'])] py = pct_diff(_slice['low'].min(), _slice['high'].max()) if dfh['ampMean'].iloc[i] < 0: py *= -1 pct_py.append(py) pct_px.append( pct_diff(_slice.iloc[0]['open'], _slice.iloc[-1]['close'])) if len(phases[i]) == len(_slice): pxy_corr.append(phases[i].corr(_slice['close'])) else: pxy_corr.append(np.nan) dfh['lbl'] = lbls dfh['duration'] = dfh['end'] - dfh['start'] dfh['priceY'] = pct_py dfh['priceX'] = pct_px dfh['capt'] = abs(dfh['priceX'] / dfh['priceY']) dfh['corr'] = pxy_corr # Append cols/clean up formatting dfh.index = dfh['start'] dfh = dfh.sort_index() dfh = dfh[[ 'lbl', 'bars', 'duration', 'ampMean', 'ampMax', 'priceY', 'priceX', 'capt', 'corr' ]].round(2) if to_bson: dfh = dfh.reset_index() dfh['start'] = [ str(to_local(n.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc))) for n in dfh['start'] ] dfh['duration'] = dfh['duration'].apply( lambda x: str(x.to_pytimedelta())) dfh['bars'].astype('int') return (dfh, phases)
def plot(pairs=None, freqstr=None, trades=None, startstr=None, indicators=None, normalize=False): '''Generate plotly chart html file. Stacked Subplots with a Shared X-Axis ''' from import api_update, bulk_load, bulk_append_dfc db = app.db startdt = None annotations, indicators, traces, indices = [], [], [], [] def_start = strtodt(startstr or DEF_KLINE_HIST_LEN) if trades is not None: indices = [(n['pair'], strtofreq(n['freqstr'])) for n in trades] startdt = min([n['start_time'] for n in trades] + [def_start]) else: indices = [(n, strtofreq(freqstr)) for n in pairs] startdt = def_start # Price traces. for idx in set(indices): if idx not in bulk_load([idx[0]], [freqtostr(idx[1])], startdt=startdt) if idx not in bulk_append_dfc(api_update([idx[0]], [freqtostr(idx[1])])) df =[idx[0:2]] traces.append( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=signals.normalize(df['close']) if normalize else df['close'], name="{} {}".format(idx[0], freqtostr(idx[1])))) # Trade entry/exit annotations for trade in trades: yoffset = -20 df =[(trade['pair'], strtofreq(trade['freqstr']))] df_n = signals.normalize(df['close']) for n in [0, -1]: ss = trade['snapshots'][n] loc = df.index.get_loc(ss['candle']['open_time'].astimezone( pytz.utc)) #.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)) annotations.append( dict( x=ss['candle']['open_time'].astimezone( pytz.utc), #tzinfo=pytz.utc), y=df_n.iloc[loc], xref='x', yref='y', text='{} {}'.format(trade['algo'], 'entry' if n == 0 else 'exit'), showarrow=True, arrowhead=7, ax=0, ay=yoffset)) print("{} annotations".format(len(annotations))) # Indicators for indic in indicators: ''' dfmacd = generate(df) t2 = go.Bar( x=dfmacd.index, y=dfmacd['macd_diff'], name="MACD_diff (normalized)", yaxis='y2') t3 = go.Bar( x=dfmacd.index, y=dfmacd['volume'], name="Volume", yaxis='y3') data = [t1, t2, t3] ''' pass n_div = [len(traces) > 0, len(indicators) > 0].count(True) #len(annotations)>0].count(True) # Setup axes/formatting layout = go.Layout( title = '{} {} Trade Summary (24 Hours)'\ .format(pairs, freqstr), margin = dict( l=100, r=100, b=400, t=75, pad=25 ), xaxis = dict( anchor = "y3", #domain=[0.0, 0.1], title="<BR>" ), yaxis=dict( domain=[1/n_div, 1] ), annotations=annotations #yaxis2=dict( # domain=[0.2, 0.4] #), #yaxis3=dict( # domain=[0, 0.2] #), ) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return fig
def bulk_load(pairs, freqstrs, startstr=None, startdt=None): """Merge only newly updated DB records into dataframe to avoid ~150k DB reads every main loop. """ db = app.get_db() t1 = Timer() columns = ['open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'trades', 'volume', 'buy_vol'] exclude = ['_id', 'quote_vol','sell_vol', 'close_time'] proj = dict(zip(exclude, [False]*len(exclude))) query = { 'pair': {'$in':pairs}, 'freqstr': {'$in':freqstrs} } if startstr: query['open_time'] = {'$gte':parse(startstr)} elif startdt: query['open_time'] = {'$gte':startdt} batches = db.candles.find_raw_batches(query, proj) if batches.count() < 1: print("No db matches for query {}.".format(query)) return dtype = np.dtype([ ('pair', 'S12'), ('freqstr', 'S3'), ('open_time', np.int64), ('open', np.float64), ('close', np.float64), ('high', np.float64), ('low', np.float64), ('buy_vol', np.float64), ('volume', np.float64), ('trades', np.int32) ]) # Bulk load mongodb records into predefined, fixed-size numpy array. # 10x faster than manually casting mongo cursor into python list. try: ndarray = sequence_to_ndarray(batches, dtype, batches.count()) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return # Build multi-index dataframe from ndarray df = pd.DataFrame(ndarray) df['open_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['open_time'], unit='ms') df['freqstr'] = df['freqstr'].str.decode('utf-8') df['pair'] = df['pair'].str.decode('utf-8') # Convert freqstr->freq to enable index sorting df = df.rename(columns={'freqstr':'freq'}) [df['freq'].replace(n, strtofreq(n), inplace=True) for n in TRD_FREQS] df.sort_values(by=['pair','freq','open_time'], inplace=True) dfc = pd.DataFrame(df[columns].values, index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [df['pair'], df['freq'], df['open_time']], names = ['pair','freq','open_time']), columns = columns ).sort_index() n_bulk = len(dfc) = pd.concat([, dfc]) =['first')] n_merged = len(dfc) - n_bulk log.debug("{:,} docs loaded, {:,} merged in {:,.1f} ms."\ .format(n_bulk, n_merged, t1)) return