def delete_comments(): parsed_json_body = request.get_json(force=True) if not parsed_json_body: raise errors.ErrorResponse('not json request body') input_comment_ids = parsed_json_body.get('comment_ids', None) if not input_comment_ids: raise errors.ErrorResponse('not found required field', payload={'field': 'comment_ids'}) comments_ids = [] try: comments_ids.append(int(input_comment_ids)) except: if isinstance(input_comment_ids, list): for comment_id in input_comment_ids: comments_ids.append(comment_id) else: raise errors.ErrorResponse( 'must be comment id or arrays of comments ids', payload={'field': 'comment_ids'}) delete_stmt = 'DELETE FROM comments WHERE comment_id IN({})' try: db_instance = db.PostgresDB() deleted_count = db_instance.delete( delete_stmt.format(','.join(comments_ids))) return jsonify({'status': True, 'deleted': deleted_count}), 200 except errors.DatabaseException: raise errors.ErrorResponse('Internal service problem')
def _cache_regions_details(): query_stmt = """ SELECT region_name, r.region_id, city_name, c.city_id FROM regions r JOIN cities c ON r.region_id = c.region_id ORDER BY region_name, city_name; """ regions_details = dict() db_instance = db.PostgresDB() for rc in db_instance.query(query_stmt): regions_details[rc[0]] = region = regions_details.get(rc[0], {}) if len(region) == 0: region['region_id'] = rc[1] region['region_name'] = rc[0] region['cities'] = [] region['cities'].append(dict(city_id=rc[3], city_name=rc[2])) cache_list.add_entry(_cached_region_key, regions_details) return regions_details
def statistic(): stat_count_path = 'statistic.count' conf = config.load_config(config.get_config_path(), {stat_count_path: 5}) query_stmt = """ SELECT r.region_id, region_name, COUNT(region_name) FROM regions r JOIN cities c ON r.region_id = c.region_id JOIN comments cm ON c.city_id = cm.city_id GROUP BY r.region_id HAVING COUNT(r.region_id) > {COUNT} ORDER BY COUNT(region_name) DESC; """ try: header_only = False comment_statistics = [] db_instance = db.PostgresDB() for region_stat in db_instance.query( query_stmt.format(COUNT=conf[stat_count_path])): region_statistic = collections.OrderedDict() url = Markup('<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format( url_for('get_comments', regions=region_stat[0]), region_stat[1])) region_statistic['Region'] = url region_statistic['Comments'] = region_stat[2] comment_statistics.append(region_statistic) if not len(comment_statistics): comment_statistics.append( collections.OrderedDict(Region='', Comments='')) header_only = True print(comment_statistics) return render_template('stat.html', comment_statistics=comment_statistics, header_only=header_only) except: flash('Internal service problem:(', category='alert-danger') return redirect(url_for('comments'))
def comments(): comment_form = CommentForm(request.form) regions_details = cache.get_regions_from_cache() region_choices = ['Select region...'] + sorted(regions_details) comment_form.region.choices = [(rc, rc) for rc in region_choices] city_choices = ['Select city...'] if != 'None': city_choices.append( = [(rc, rc) for rc in city_choices] if request.method == 'POST' and comment_form.validate(): insert_stmt = """ INSERT INTO comments ( first_name, last_name, middle_name, email, phone, comment_text, city_id ) VALUES ( '{FIRST_NAME}', '{LAST_NAME}', '{MIDDLE_NAME}', '{EMAIL}', '{PHONE}', '{COMMENT}', '{CITY}' ) """ try: city_id = '' for city_details in regions_details[]['cities']: if city_details['city_name'] == city_id = city_details['city_id'] break db_instance = db.PostgresDB() db_instance.insert( insert_stmt.format(,,,,,, CITY=city_id)) flash(u'{} {}, thanks for comment!'.format(,, category='alert-success') return redirect(url_for('comments')) except: flash('Unfortunately, we can not save your comment now.', category='alert-danger') return redirect(url_for('comments')) return render_template('form.html', form=comment_form)
def get_comments(): default_sort_col = 'created_at' date_format = 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' _sort_fields = [ # db column name and alias ('comment_id', 'id'), ('first_name', 'First name'), ('last_name', 'Last name'), ('middle_name', 'Middle name'), ('email', 'Email'), ('phone', 'Phone'), ('region_name', 'Region'), ('city_name', 'City'), ('comment_text', 'Comment'), (default_sort_col, 'Created') ] page = request.args.get('page', default=1, type=int) if page <= 0: page = 1 limit = request.args.get('limit', default=50, type=int) if limit <= 0: limit = 100 regions_ids = request.args.get('regions', 'none').split(',') regions_ids = list(filter(lambda _id: _id.isdigit(), regions_ids)) cities_ids = request.args.get('city', 'none').split(',') cities_ids = list(filter(lambda _id: _id.isdigit(), cities_ids)) sort_order = 'DESC' sort_field = request.args.get('sort', default=default_sort_col, type=string) if sort_field[0] in '-+': sort_order = {'+': 'ASC', '-': 'DESC'}.get(sort_field[0]) sort_field = sort_field[1:] if sort_field not in sum(_sort_fields, ()): sort_field = default_sort_col where = '' if len(regions_ids): where = 'WHERE (r.region_id IN({}))'.format(','.join(regions_ids)) if len(cities_ids): where = (where if where + ' AND (c.city_id IN({}))' else 'WHERE c.city_id IN({})'). \ format(','.join(cities_ids)) query_stmt = """ SELECT {COLUMNS} FROM regions r JOIN cities c ON r.region_id = c.region_id JOIN comments cm ON c.city_id = cm.city_id {WHERE} {ORDERED_BY} {OFFSET} {LIMIT}; """ try: select_columns = ', '.join( ["{} \"{}\"".format(col[0], col[1]) for col in _sort_fields[:-1]]) select_columns += (", to_char({}, '{}') \"{}\"".format( default_sort_col, date_format, _sort_fields[-1][-1])) query = query_stmt.format(COLUMNS=select_columns, WHERE=where, ORDERED_BY='ORDER BY {} {}'.format( sort_field, sort_order), OFFSET='OFFSET {}'.format( (int(page) - 1) * int(limit)), LIMIT='LIMIT {}'.format(limit)) header_only = False ordered_comments = [] db_instance = db.PostgresDB() for comment in db_instance.query(query): ordered_comments.append( collections.OrderedDict( zip([col[-1] for col in _sort_fields], comment))) if not len(ordered_comments): ordered_comments.append( collections.OrderedDict( zip([col[-1] for col in _sort_fields], ('', ) * len(_sort_fields)))) header_only = True return render_template('comments.html', comments=ordered_comments, header_only=header_only) except: flash('Internal service problem:(', category='alert-danger') return redirect(url_for('comments'))