예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: doctor-said/kanvas
def update_field(request, pk, field):
    This is function and not a CreateView/Update as it points to a template with less fields
    :param request:
    :param pk: primary key of Canvas
    :param field: which field to update
    widgets = {}
    if field=='logo':
        widgets[field] = ClearableFileInput()
        widgets[field] = Textarea(attrs={'rows':4, 'cols':150})
    CanvasForm = modelform_factory(Canvas, fields=(field,), widgets=widgets)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = CanvasForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            obj = Canvas.objects.get(id=pk)
            if obj.originalauthor == request.user: # more maintainable than dfunckt/django-rules
                if 'logo' in request.FILES:
                    data = ContentFile(request.FILES['logo'].file.read())
                    filename = request.FILES['logo'].name
                    form.cleaned_data['logo'] = filename
                    default_storage.save(filename, data)
                setattr(obj, field, form.cleaned_data[field])
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/canvas/'+pk)
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')
        form = CanvasForm(instance = Canvas.objects.get(id=pk))

    return render(request, 'app/canvas_form.html', {'formfield': form})
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: doctor-said/kanvas
def create_canvas(request):
    This is function and not a CreateView/Update as it points to a template with less fields
    :param request:
    :param pk: primary key of Canvas
    :param field: which field to update
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = CanvasForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            form.cleaned_data['originalauthor'] = request.user
            if 'logo' in request.FILES:
                data = ContentFile(request.FILES['logo'].file.read())
                filename = request.FILES['logo'].name
                form.cleaned_data['logo'] = filename
                default_storage.save(filename, data)
            obj = Canvas.objects.create(**form.cleaned_data)
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/canvas/%d" % obj.id)
        form = CanvasForm() # blank form

    return render(request, 'app/canvas_new.html', {'company': form['company'],'description': form['description'],'logo': form['logo']})
예제 #3
def canvas():
    form = CanvasForm()
    form2 = NoiseForm()

    # If post request with form1, tracks the star selected
    if form.validate_on_submit() and form.submit.data:
        x = form.data['x']
        y = form.data['y']
        # outFolder = form.data['outputFolder']
        '''This accounts for cases where x and y are close to edges
        Note: Done, but can probably be made more pythonic. I have left it as is because stars
        are rarely, if ever, near edges of images
        TODO: Unhardcode the image size parameters here if I decide to improve this section
        TODO: Account for edges without reducing the template size (to avoid reducing accuracy)'''
        # This part makes the template bounds so that the star is in the center
        template_rect = {'x': x - 100, 'y': y - 100, 'h': 200, 'w': 200}
        if x < 100 or x > 1948:  # I hard coded a width bound here, change in the future
            template_rect['x'] = x
            template_rect['w'] = 2 * x
            if x > 1948:
                template_rect['x'] = 2048 - x
        if y < 100 or y > 1948:  # I hard coded a height bound here, change in the future
            template_rect['y'] = y
            template_rect['h'] = 2 * y
            if y > 1948:
                template_rect['y'] = 2048 - y

        '''TODO: I'm leaving previous code, which makes a dictionary, as is for now. Potentially hange this in the future'''
        x = template_rect['x']
        y = template_rect['y']
        height = template_rect['h']
        width = template_rect['w']
        img = cv2.imread('app/static/images/Initial_Image.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        template = img[y:y+height, x:x+width]

        # print('Warning: The tracking parameters are currently in testing mode (no rotation, 200 pixel translation steps)')  # Warns user
        # track_matrix_fast('Testing', 'Data/Testing/Denoised', template, img.shape, 360, 200)  # This is just for testing, very large steps=fast but inaccurate
        track_matrix_fast('Testing', 'Data/Testing/Denoised', template, img.shape)  # This is for real tracking
        # track_matrix('Testing', 'Data/Testing/Denoised', template_rect)
        # track('Testing', 'Data/Testing/Denoised', template_rect)
        return redirect('/lightcurve')

    # If post request with form2, adjusts the denoising parameter
    elif form2.validate_on_submit() and form2.submit.data:
        response = make_response(render_template('canvas.html', form=form, form2=form2))

        if form2.data['adjust'] == 'reset':
            response.set_cookie('threshold', '.35')  # If user chooses reset, resets threshold to .35
            denoise(.35)  # Denoises with .35 as threshold
            # Otherwise, increases/decreases threshold by amount specified by user
            threshold = round(float(request.cookies.get('threshold')) + float(form2.data['adjust']), 2)  # Rounds to 2 decimals
            print(str(threshold))  # Just for testing
            denoise(threshold)  # Denoises with new threshold
            response.set_cookie('threshold', str(threshold))  # Sets new threshold

        return response

    response = make_response(render_template('canvas.html', form=form, form2=form2))
    if 'threshold' not in request.cookies:  # Sets cookie holding threshold if it hasn't been set
        response.set_cookie('threshold', '.35')  # Note: Threshold has to be a string, can't use a float
    return response