def change_email(): g = Gui() current_user = g.user questions = [inquirer.Email("email", message="nouvelle email")] answers = inquirer.prompt(questions) if "email" not in answers.keys(): return False email = answers["email"] if len(Personne.where("`email`='{}'".format(email))) > 0: print("Un utilisateur possède déjà cette email...") Page.wait_input() return False query = "UPDATE personne SET email='{}' WHERE id = {}".format( answers["email"], logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: print("Email mis à jour") else: print("Echec de la mise à jour") Page.wait_input() return True
def register_(): print("Hello new user, please fill out the following form \n\n") entity = Personne() answers = None fields = [ "nom", "prenom", ] questions = [ inquirer.Text("nom", message="Nouveau nom"), inquirer.Text("prenom", message="Nouveau prénom"), inquirer.List("genre", message="Genre", choices=["Homme", "Femme", "Agender", "Pangender", "Androgyne", "Genre fluide"]), inquirer.Email("email","Email"), inquirer.Password("mot_de_passe", message="Mot de passe") ] while "Create a user uniquely with his email": answers = inquirer.prompt(questions) if answers is None or not len(answers.keys()) : return False #check if user doesn't aready exist #TODO change he email field to actual email table field if len(Personne.where("`email` = '{}'".format(answers["email"]))) > 0: print("Un utilisateur avec l'email {} existe déjà...\n\n".format(answers["email"])) else: break logging.debug("Creating user (%s) with values %s", entity, answers) for field, value in answers.items(): setattr(entity, field, value) logging.debug("Entite personne %s", entity) print("\nMerci, maintenant nous voulons encore recuillir votre adresse \n") ad_data = get_address() if not len(ad_data.keys()): return False adresse = Addresse.create(**ad_data) p = Personne(**answers) p.adresse_id = logging.debug("personne %s", p) g = Gui() g.user = p print("Utilisateur crée avec succès!") Page.wait_input() return True
def change_address(): g = Gui() current_user = g.user query = "DELETE FROM adresse WHERE id = {}".format(current_user.adresse_id) logging.debug("EXECUTING QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: address = Addresse.create(**get_address()) current_user.adresse_id = print("Mise à jour de l'adresse effectué!") else: print("Impossible de mettre à jour l'adresse actuel") Page.wait_input() return True
def change_password(): g = Gui() current_user = g.user questions = [inquirer.Password("password", message="nouveau mot de passe")] answers = inquirer.prompt(questions) if "password" not in answers.keys(): return False query = "UPDATE personne SET mot_de_passe='{}' WHERE id = {}".format( answers["password"], logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: print("Mot de passe mis à jour") else: print("Echec de la mise à jour") Page.wait_input() return True
def change_data(): g = Gui() current_user = g.user questions = [ inquirer.Text("nom", message="Nouveau nom"), inquirer.Text("prenom", message="Nouveau prénom"), inquirer.List("genre", message="Genre", choices=[ "Homme", "Femme", "Agender", "Pangender", "Androgyne", "Genre fluide" ], default=current_user.genre) ] answers = inquirer.prompt(questions) if "genre" not in answers.keys(): return False fields = {k: v for k, v in answers.items() if v} if len(fields.keys()) <= 0: return False set_query = "SET " for k, v in fields.items(): set_query += "{} = '{}', ".format(k, v) query = "UPDATE personne {} WHERE id = {}".format(set_query[:-2], logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: print("Mot de passe mis à jour") else: print("Echec de la mise à jour") Page.wait_input() return True print("Mise à jour de vos donnée personnel effectué avec succès") Page.wait_input()
def rentals_future(): Page.clear() g = Gui() current_user = g.user logging.debug("Current user id %s", #Print my buildings cursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "SELECT *, location_id, location.date_arrivee, DATE_ADD(location.date_arrivee, INTERVAL location.duree DAY) date_depart FROM location_prioprietaire INNER JOIN location on location.bien_immobilier_id = location_prioprietaire.bien_id WHERE proprietaire_id = {} AND estConfirme = 1 AND DATE_ADD(location.date_arrivee, INTERVAL location.duree DAY) > DATE(NOW())".format( logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor.execute(query) my_rentals = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() logging.debug("LOCATION EN ATTENTE : %s", my_rentals) headers = [ "id", "Type de bien", "description", "addresse", "date arrivée", "date départ" ] def build_addresse(ad): if ad is None: return "" return "" + ad["rue"] + " " + ad["numero"] + " " + ad[ "etat"] + "(" + ad["commune"] + ")" data = list( map( lambda x: (x["bien_id"], x["type_bien"], x["description"][:20], build_addresse(x), x["date_arrivee"], x["date_depart"]), my_rentals)) if len(data) <= 0: data = [["" for i in range(len(headers))]] string = tt.to_string( data, header=headers, style=tt.styles.ascii_thin_double, ) print(string) #Actions on buildings mapping_actions = {"Refuser la location": "refuse", "Retour": "return"} actions = [ inquirer.List("action", message="Que voulez vous faire?", choices=["Refuser la location", "Retour"]) ] action = inquirer.prompt(actions) logging.debug("CHOOSING TO DO %s ON BUILDING", action) if action is None or "action" not in action.keys(): return False action = mapping_actions[action["action"]] if action == "return": return False #Check that it actually is our building building_id = input("\n Numéro du bien: ") if not len(building_id): return False building_id = int(building_id) building_by_id = {x["bien_immobilier_id"]: x for x in my_rentals} logging.debug(building_by_id) if building_id not in building_by_id.keys(): print("Vous ne pouvez editer ce bien.") Page.wait_input() return False #Build query query = "" if action == "refuse": query = "UPDATE location SET `estConfirme` = NULL WHERE bien_immobilier_id = {}".format( building_id) logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) try: db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: print("Location mis à jour avec succès") return True else: print("Impossible de mettre à jour la location") return False except: db.rollback() Page.wait_input()
def my_properties_(): Page.clear() g = Gui() current_user = g.user logging.debug("Current user id %s", #Print my buildings cursor = db.cursor(dictionary=True) query = "SELECT * FROM search_biens WHERE proprietaire = {}".format( logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor.execute(query) my_rentals = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() logging.debug(my_rentals) headers = ["id", "Type de bien", "description", "addresse"] def build_addresse(ad): if ad is None: return "" return "" + ad["rue"] + " " + ad["numero"] + " " + ad[ "etat"] + "(" + ad["commune"] + ")" data = list( map( lambda x: (x["bien_id"], x["type_bien"], x["description"][:20], build_addresse(x)), my_rentals)) if len(data) <= 0: data = [["" for i in range(len(headers))]] string = tt.to_string( data, header=headers, style=tt.styles.ascii_thin_double, ) print(string) #Actions on buildings mapping_actions = { "Créer un nouveau bien": "create", "Mettre à jour un bien": "update", "Supprimer un bien": "delete", "Retour": "return" } actions = [ inquirer.List("action", message="Que voulez vous faire?", choices=[ "Créer un nouveau bien", "Mettre à jour un bien", "Supprimer un bien", "Retour" ]) ] action = inquirer.prompt(actions) logging.debug("CHOOSING TO DO %s ON BUILDING", action) if action is None or "action" not in action.keys(): return False action = mapping_actions[action["action"]] if action == "return": return False if action == "create": b = building_modal() if b: print("Nouvelle imeuble créé!") Page.wait_input() return True building_id = input("\n Numéro du bien: ") if not len(building_id): return False building_id = int(building_id) building_by_id = {x["bien_id"]: x for x in my_rentals} logging.debug("MES APPARTEMENTS %s", building_by_id) if building_id not in building_by_id.keys(): print("Vous ne pouvez editer ce bien.") Page.wait_input() return False current_building = building_by_id[building_id] if action == "update": building_modal(current_building) Page.wait_input() elif action == "delete": #get building query = "DELETE from bien_immobilier WHERE id = {}".format(building_id) logging.debug("QUERY: %s", query) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) try: db.commit() if cursor.rowcount > 0: print("Bien immobilier supprimé avec succès") return True else: print("Impossible de supprimer le bien immobilier") return False except: db.rollback() Page.wait_input()