async def logMessages(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Message Logging') notify.prepair() cfg['msgLogger'] = not cfg['msgLogger'] save(cfg) notify.success( content=f"Message Logger has been set to { cfg['msgLogger'] }")
async def deleteAllChannels(ctx, *, channelType: str.lower = ''): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title ='Deleting All Channels...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error(content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return if(channelType == 'text'): type = ctx.guild.text_channels elif(channelType == 'voice'): type = ctx.guild.voice_channels elif(channelType == 'category'): type = ctx.guild.categories elif(channelType == 'all'): type = ctx.guild.channels else: notify.error(content='Not provided channel type:\n Text | Voice | Category | All') return for channel in type: try: await channel.delete() await asyncio.sleep(0.33) except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: if(channelType != 'all'): notify.success(content=f'Successful deleted {channelType} channels')
async def renameAllChannels(ctx, *, args=''): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Renaming All Channels') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return args = params.split(args) if len(args) > 1: channelType = str.lower(args[1]) if (channelType == 'text'): type = ctx.guild.text_channels elif (channelType == 'voice'): type = ctx.guild.voice_channels elif (channelType == 'category'): type = ctx.guild.categories else: notify.error( content= f'The type of channel you provide ({args[1]}) is not supported' ) else: type = ctx.guild.channels for channel in type: try: await channel.edit(name=args[0]) await asyncio.sleep(0.33) except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: notify.success(content=f'Successful renamed all channels to {args[0]}')
async def sendToEveryone(ctx, *, message): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Sending To Everyone...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return await ctx.guild.subscribe( ) # Depending on server size this can take several minutes for member in ctx.guild.members: # Maybe multi-account support to increase speed? if ( != or (not isStaff(member)): try: await member.send(content=message) asyncio.sleep(30) #To avoid be Phone locked except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: notify.success( content= 'The message {} has been sent to all server users successfully'. format(message))
async def giftSniper(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Nitro Snipping') notify.prepair() cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] = not cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] save(cfg) if not token(cfg['sniperToken']['token']) and cfg['sniperToken']['enabled']: notify.alert(content=f'No valid token has been provided for claim, codes will be claimed in current account and codes stored on file') notify.success(content=f"Snipping has been set to { cfg['sniperToken']['enabled'] }")
async def reload(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Reloading') try: notify.success(content='Selfium will reload, please wait...') os.execv(sys.executable, ["python"] + sys.argv) except Exception as e: print(e) notify.error(content='Something goes wrong, verify the console logs!')
async def unban(ctx, id): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Unbaning Member...') notify.prepair() target = await getUser.byID(id) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await ctx.guild.unban(target.user) notify.success( content= f'You have successfully unbanned the user {target.user.display_name}!')
async def banbyid(ctx, id): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title="Banning User By ID") notify.prepair() try: target = await getUser.byID(id) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await ctx.guild.ban(target.user) notify.success(content=f'You have successfully banned the user {target.user.display_name}!') except Exception as e: notify.exception(content=e)
async def kick(ctx, Member: commands.Greedy[discord.Member]=None): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Kicking Member...') notify.prepair() try: for t in range(len(Member)): if not Member[t] or Member[t].id == notify.error(content='No users were informed');return await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await ctx.guild.kick(Member[t]) notify.success(content=f'You have successfully kicked the user {Member[t].display_name}!') except Exception as e: notify.exception(content=e)
async def kickbyid(ctx, id): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Kicking Member...') notify.prepair() try: target = await getUser.byID(id) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await ctx.guild.kick(target.user) notify.success(content=f'You have successfully kicked the user {target.user.display_name}!') except Exception as e: notify.exception(content=e)
async def tokenInfo(ctx, token): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Token Information') notify.prepair() if (auth.token(token)): userInfo = auth.parse(auth.token(token)) if (userInfo): if str(userInfo["phone"]) == "None": userInfo["phone"] = "❌" else: userInfo["phone"] = {str(userInfo["phone"])} if str(userInfo["verified"]) == "None": userInfo["verified"] = "❌" else: userInfo["verified"] = "✔️" if str(userInfo["mfa_enabled"]) == "False": userInfo["mfa_enabled"] = "❌" else: userInfo["mfa_enabled"] = "✔️" if str(userInfo["nsfw_allowed"]) == "False": userInfo["nsfw_allowed"] = "❌" else: userInfo["nsfw_allowed"] = "✔️" if "premium_type" in userInfo: if str(userInfo["premium_type"]) == "0": userInfo["premium_type"] = "❌" if str(userInfo["premium_type"]) == "1": userInfo["premium_type"] = "Nitro Classic" if str(userInfo["premium_type"]) == "2": userInfo["premium_type"] = "Nitro Gaming" else: userInfo["premium_type"] = "❌" text = f""" Username: ```{str(userInfo['username']) + '#' + str(userInfo['discriminator'])}``` ID: ```{str(userInfo['id'])}``` E-mail: ```{str(userInfo['email'])}``` Verified Mail: ```{str(userInfo['verified'])}``` premium_type: ```{str(userInfo['premium_type'])}``` Enabled NFSW: ```{str(userInfo['nsfw_allowed'])}``` 2FA: ```{str(userInfo['mfa_enabled'])}``` Phone: ```{userInfo['phone']}``` Token: ```{token}``` """ notify.success(content=text) else: notify.error(content='The token entered is invalid!')
async def renameAll(ctx, *, nick: str): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title = 'Renaming All Members...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error(content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return for member in ctx.guild.members: await member.edit(nick=nick) else: notify.success(content=f"All members have been successfully renamed to { nick }")
async def richpresence(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Rich Presence') notify.prepair() cfg['activity']['enabled'] = not cfg['activity']['enabled'] notify.success( content=f"Rich Presence has been set to { cfg['activity']['enabled'] }" ) if cfg['activity']['enabled']: await updatePresence(notify) else: await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity())
async def changeToken(ctx, token): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title="Changing Token") notify.prepair() if (token(token)): filesystem.cfg['token'] = token notify.success( content= f"Token was successfully changed, use \"{filesystem.cfg['prefix']}reload\" to apply the changes." ) else: notify.error(content='The provided token is not valid!')
async def simpleEmbed(ctx, *, args): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Embed') args = params.split(args) if not len(args) > 2: if len(args) == 2: notify.success(content=args[0], title=args[1], color=Colour.default()) else: notify.success(content=args[0], title='') else: notify.error( content=f'Bad Usage\nExample: {cfg["prefix"]}embed Message;;Title')
async def ban(ctx, Member: commands.Greedy[discord.Member] = None): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx,title='Banning member...') notify.prepair() if Member is None: notify.error(content='No users were informed') return try: for t in range(len(Member)): await asyncio.sleep(0.3) await ctx.guild.ban(Member[t]) notify.success(content=f'You have successfully banned the user {Member[t].display_name}!') except Exception as e: notify.exception(content=e)
async def notify(ctx, type: str): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Notify Type') notify.prepair() if (type == 'embed'): cfg['notifyType'] = 'embed' elif (type == 'message'): cfg['notifyType'] = 'message' else: notify.error( title='Invalid Notify Type', content= 'Available:\n ```embed | message```\nMessages will be used if embeds are not possible' ) return save(cfg) notify.success(content='Notify type set to: {}'.format(type))
async def deleteAllRoles(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title ='Deleting All Channels...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error(content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return for role in ctx.guild.roles: try: await role.delete() await asyncio.sleep(0.33) except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: notify.success(content=f'Successful deleted all roles')
async def deleteAllMessages(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Deleting All Channel Messages...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return async for message in try: await message.delete() await asyncio.sleep(0.33) except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: notify.success(content='All messages were deleted successfully')
async def raid(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Confirm Raid') if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error(content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: notify.alert(content=f'Confirm the command by typing *{}*') check = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: m.content ==, timeout=60) await check.delete() notify.success(title='Raiding Server',content='Starting Raid...') await banAll(ctx) await deleteAllChannels(ctx) await deleteAllRoles(ctx) notify.success(content='Raid Complete') except Exception as e: print(e) notify.error(content='Something goes wrong, verify the console logs!')
async def kickAll(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Kicking All Members...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return for member in ctx.guild.members: if != try: await member.kick() except Exception as e: error(e) pass else: notify.success(content=f'All members successfully kicked')
async def banAll(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title="Banning All Members...") notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return await ctx.guild.subscribe() try: for member in ctx.guild.members: if != await member.ban() else: notify.success(content='All members successfully banned') except Exception as e: notify.exception(content=e)
async def ignoreServer(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Ignoring Server...') notify.prepair() ignoreList = ignore.getIgnore() if str( in ignoreList: del ignoreList[str(] notify.success( title='', content= 'The server {} has been removed from the ignore list successfully'. format( else: ignoreList[str(] = [] notify.success( content='The server {} has been added in ignore list successfully'. format( ignore.saveIgnore(ignoreList)
async def createChannel(ctx, *, args = ''): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Creating Channel...') notify.prepair() args = params.split(args) if len(args) > 1: try: channelType = str.lower(args[0]) if len(args) == 2: args.append(None) if(channelType == 'text'): await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(args[1],category=get(ctx.guild.categories, name=args[2])) elif(channelType == 'voice'): await ctx.guild.create_voice_channel(args[1],category=get(ctx.guild.categories, name=args[2])) elif(channelType == 'category'): await ctx.guild.create_category(args[1]) else: notify.error(content=f'The type of channel you provide ({args[1]}) is not supported\n') return finally: notify.success(content=f'The {args[0]} channel \'{args[1]}\' was created successfully') else: notify.error(content=f'This command requires two parameters:\n {cfg["prefix"]}createChannel type;;name;;*category')
async def muteAllServers(ctx): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Muting All Servers...') notify.prepair() muted_servers = 0 Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **Starting...**", Message = await sendEmbed(ctx, Embed) for guild in client.guilds: if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.alert( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: await guild.mute() muted_servers = muted_servers + 1 if (Message.embeds): Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **In progress...**", await Message.edit(embed=Embed) else: await Message.edit( f"> Servers mutated until now: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **Starting...**" ) await asyncio.sleep(0.3) except Exception as e: error(e) pass notify.success( content= f"> Total number of mutated servers: **{int(muted_servers)}** / **{len(client.guilds)}**.\n> Current Status: **All Done!**" )
async def leaveServers(ctx): Total = 0 notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Leaving All Servers') notify.prepair() for server in client.guilds: if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.alert( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return try: await server.leave() Total = Total + 1 except Exception as e: if (e.text == 'Invalid Guild'): notify.exception( content= 'You probably own this server, or this server is invalid or blocked.' ) error(e) pass notify.success( content=f'You are out of a total of {Total} servers.' ) #How the f**k will this be sent if it leaves all servers???
async def deleteMyMessages(ctx, amount, status=True): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Deleting My Messages...') notify.prepair() if str( in ignore.getIgnore(): notify.error( content='The server {} is being ignored'.format( return DeletedCount = 0 MessageList = [] try: if (ctx.guild): await notify.success( content="Deleted {} messages from the chat".format(amount)) else: Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Deleted messages: **{int(DeletedCount)}** / **{len(MessageList)}**.\n> Current Status: **Starting...**", Message = await sendEmbed(ctx, Embed) async for message in try: if len(MessageList) < int( amount ) and message and not message == Message and == MessageList.append(message) except Exception as e: error(e) pass for message in MessageList: try: await message.delete() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) DeletedCount = DeletedCount + 1 if (Message.embeds): Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Deleted messages until now: **{int(DeletedCount)}** / **{len(MessageList)}**.\n> Current Status: **In progress...**", await Message.edit(embed=Embed) else: await Message.edit( f"> Deleted messages until now: **{int(DeletedCount)}** / **{len(MessageList)}**.\n> Current Status: **In progress...**" ) except Exception as e: error(e) pass if (Message.embeds): Embed = discord.Embed( description= f"> Total number deleted messages: **{int(DeletedCount)}** / **{len(MessageList)}**.\n> Current Status: **All Done!**", await Message.edit(embed=Embed) else: await Message.edit( f"> Total number deleted messages: **{int(DeletedCount)}** / **{len(MessageList)}**.\n> Current Status: **All done!**" ) await asyncio.sleep(5) await Message.delete() except Exception as e: notify.error(content="Something goes wrong, try again!")
async def setServerName(ctx, *, name): notify = Notify(ctx=ctx, title='Renaming Server...') await ctx.guild.edit(name=name) notify.success(content=f'Server Name was successful set to {name}')