예제 #1
class AppMonitor(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.name = config['name']
        self.limits = config['limits'].split(",")

    def setup(self):
        client_id = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, self.name)
        self.logger = Logger(str(client_id))

    def monitor(self, process):
        if not process.alive():
            raise NoSuchProcess(self.process_id)

        state = process.get_current_state()

        if state['cpu_percent'] < float(self.limits[0]):

        level = "CAREFUL"

        if state["cpu_percent"] >= float(self.limits[1]):
            level = "WARNING"
        if state["cpu_percent"] >= float(self.limits[2]):
            level = "CRITICAL"

        status = state.copy()

        self.log(level, status)

    def host_status(self):
        # Add more stuff
        return { "system_cpu": psutil.cpu_percent() }

    def log(self, level, process):
        self.logger.log(level, process)

    def run(self, interval):
        process = Process(self.name)

        while True:
                with Timed(interval) as timed:
            except psutil.Error as e:
                if isinstance(e, AccessDenied):
                    print "access denied:", e
예제 #2
class Manager(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # create deck object
        self.deck = SerializableDeck()

        # save state
        self.states = {}

        # message logging
        self.logger = Logger("BlackJack State Manager")

        # boolean to determine whether a game is on going or not
        self.room_locked = False

        # boolean if new game is requested
        self.is_new_game_requested = False

        # boolean if deck newly created
        self.is_deck_refreshed = False

        # blackjack goal number
        self.winning_number = 21

        # create the game deck

    def get_states(self):
        return self.states

    def init_deck(self):
        # create the deck

        # shuffle the deck

    def new_game(self, identifier):
        if self.is_new_game_requested is False:
            for _, state in self.states.items():
                # make sure player is not ready
                state['is_ready'] = False

            # set back to false to allow deck refresh
            self.is_deck_refreshed = False

            # set to true to prevent executing this block on next call
            self.is_new_game_requested = True

        # increment the number of games played
        self.states[identifier]['games_played'] += 1

        # unlock hand
        self.states[identifier]['hand_locked'] = False

        # empty the cards on hand
        self.states[identifier]['cards_on_hand'] = []

        if self.logger != None:
            self.logger.log('new_game', "Starting a new game.")

    # TODO: throw error when number_of_cards is less than 1
    def draw_cards(self, identifier, number_of_cards=2):
        drawn_cards = []

        # do not invoke pluck when hand is locked
        if self.states[identifier]['hand_locked'] is False:
            drawn_cards = self.deck.pluck(number_of_cards)

        if identifier in self.states and not 'cards_on_hand' in self.states[
            self.states[identifier]['cards_on_hand'] = []

        if identifier in self.states:
            for card in drawn_cards:

            if self.logger != None:
                    "Drawn card. State of %s modified" % identifier,

        if self.logger != None:
            self.logger.log("Drawn card. Remaining cards",

        return drawn_cards

    def get_player_cards(self, exclude_uids=None):
        result = {}

        for identifier, state in self.states.items():
            # skip to the next iteration when the identifier needs to be excluded
            if exclude_uids is not None and identifier in exclude_uids:

            on_hand = []

            if 'cards_on_hand' in state:
                on_hand = state['cards_on_hand']

            result[identifier] = on_hand

        return result

    def get_player_card_total(self, identifier, count_only_first=False):
        card_total = 0
        ace_counter = 0

        if identifier in self.states:
            card_collection = self.states[identifier]['cards_on_hand']

            # extract the first card
            if count_only_first is True and len(card_collection) > 0:
                card_collection = [card_collection[0]]

            for card in card_collection:
                card_obj = TextToCardTransformer(card).transform()
                card_value = card_obj.get_normalized_value()

                # increment the ace counter if we enconter one
                if card_obj.get_face_value() == 'A':
                    ace_counter += 1

                card_total += card_value

            if card_total <= 10 and ace_counter == 1:
                # add eleven to the card total when user has 1 ace card if the card total is less than or eq to 10
                card_total += 11
            elif card_total > 10 and ace_counter >= 1:
                # add 1 for each ace the user has when the card total is greater than 10
                card_total += ace_counter
            elif card_total == 0 and ace_counter > 1:
                # if the user's card consists of all aces then add set the initial total to 11
                # and add 1 for each remaining ace card
                card_total += (11 + (ace_counter - 1))

        return card_total

    def determine_winners(self):
        is_all_locked = True

        # reset the flag
        self.is_new_game_requested = False

        scores_dict = {}
        for identifier, state in self.states.items():
            if state['hand_locked'] is False:
                is_all_locked = False

            card_total = self.get_player_card_total(identifier, False)

            tmp_score = self.winning_number - card_total

            # store identifiers and scores which is greater than or equal to 0
            if tmp_score >= 0:
                scores_dict[identifier] = tmp_score

        # before we determine the actual winner, all states must be hand_locked!
        if is_all_locked is False:
            return None

        min_val = 0

        if len(scores_dict) > 0:
            min_val = min(scores_dict.values())

        winners = []
        matching_score = 0
        for f_identifier, score in scores_dict.items():
            if score == min_val:
                matching_score = self.get_player_card_total(
                    f_identifier, False)

        # recreate the deck to prevent error from getting no cards
        if self.deck.get_remaining_cards(
        ) <= 15 and self.is_deck_refreshed is False:

            # set the flag to true to indicate that the deck has been refreshed
            self.is_deck_refreshed = True

            if self.logger != None:
                                "Creating new  and shuffling the deck.")

        return {'winners': winners, 'score': matching_score}

    def lock_hand(self, identifier, lock=True):
        if identifier in self.states:
            self.states[identifier]['hand_locked'] = lock

    def lock_game(self, lock=True):
        self.room_locked = lock

    def make_ready(self, identifier, ready=True):
        if identifier in self.states:
            self.states[identifier]['is_ready'] = ready

    def is_room_ready(self):
        player_ready_count = self.player_ready_count()

        if player_ready_count > 1:
            return True

        return False

    def player_count(self):
        return len(self.states)

    def player_ready_count(self):
        counter = 0

        for _, state in self.states.items():
            if state['is_ready'] is True:
                counter += 1

        return counter

    def get_player_uids(self):
        identifiter_list = []

        for identifier, _ in self.states.items():

        return identifiter_list

    def disconnect(self, identifier):
        if identifier in self.states:
            del self.states[identifier]

            if self.logger != None:
                self.logger.log("Player left: %s" % identifier, self.states)

            return True

        return False

    def connect(self, name):
        if self.room_locked is True:
            if self.logger != None:
                    "Player: %s is trying to connect a locked game." % name)
            return False

        key = name + ':uid-' + rand_uid(10)

        self.states[key] = {
            'games_played': 0,
            'total_wins': 0,
            'total_losses': 0,
            'is_ready': False,
            'hand_locked': False

        if self.logger != None:
            self.logger.log("Player Joined: %s" % key, self.states[key])

        return key