def snapshot_revert(self, snapshot_id): snapshots = self.vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList snapshot_db = snapshot_nanage.get_snapshot_by_snapshot_id( self.vm, snapshot_id) snapshot_name = # print(snapshot_name) for snapshot in snapshots: print( if snapshot_name == snap_obj = snapshot.snapshot task = snap_obj.RevertToSnapshot_Task() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: if len(snapshot.childSnapshotList) > 0: snap_obj = find_snapshot(snapshot, snapshot_name) if snap_obj: task = snap_obj.snapshot.RevertToSnapshot_Task() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: raise Exception( 'unable to find snapshot,revert failed') else: raise Exception('unable to find snapshot,revert failed')
def add_snapshot(self, snapshot_name, description): dumpMemory = False quiesce = True task = self.vm.CreateSnapshot(snapshot_name, description, dumpMemory, quiesce) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) snapshot_nanage.sync_snapshot(self.platform_id, self.vm)
def delete_disk(self, disks, languag=None): language = 'English' # disks = json.loads(disks) for disk_id in disks: # 获取根据云盘id 获取 disk 信息 disk = disk_manage.get_disk_by_disk_id(disk_id) hdd_prefix_label = disk.label # hdd_prefix_label = get_hdd_prefix_label(language) if not hdd_prefix_label: raise RuntimeError('Hdd prefix label could not be found') # hdd_label = hdd_prefix_label + str(disk_number) hdd_label = hdd_prefix_label + str(4) virtual_hdd_device = None for dev in self.vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk) \ and dev.deviceInfo.label == hdd_label: virtual_hdd_device = dev if not virtual_hdd_device: raise RuntimeError('Virtual {} could not ' 'be found.'.format(virtual_hdd_device)) virtual_hdd_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() virtual_hdd_spec.operation = \ vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.remove virtual_hdd_spec.device = virtual_hdd_device spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() spec.deviceChange = [virtual_hdd_spec] task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) sync_disk(self.platform_id, self.vm)
def clone(self, new_vm_name, ds_id, dc_id=None, resourcepool=None): template = try: ds = db.datastores.get_ds_by_id(ds_id) dc = db.vcenter.vcenter_tree_by_id(dc_id) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore or DataCenter') if dc: datacenter = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datacenter], validate_input( else: datacenter = self.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0] vmfolder = datacenter.vmFolder hosts = datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity relospec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() if ds: datastore = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], validate_input(ds.ds_name)) if datastore: # print "Using datastore " + validate_input(ds) relospec.datastore = datastore else: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore') else: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore') if resourcepool: resource_pool = get_obj(self.content, [vim.ResourcePool], validate_input(resourcepool)) else: resource_pool = hosts[0].resourcePool # resource_pool = cluster.resourcePool if resource_pool: relospec.pool = resource_pool else: print "Cloud not find resource pool, using resource pool of origin VM" clonespec = vim.vm.CloneSpec() clonespec.location = relospec clonespec.powerOn = False template = get_obj(self.content, [vim.VirtualMachine], validate_input(template)) if not template: # print "VM or template not found" raise Exception('VM or template not found') try: task = template.Clone( folder=vmfolder, name=validate_input(new_vm_name), spec=clonespec, ) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Perform a clone operation error')
def add_disk(self, disks): print('disks:', disks) disks = json.loads(disks) controller = vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController() controller.sharedBus = vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController.Sharing.noSharing virtual_device_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() virtual_device_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add virtual_device_spec.device = controller config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() config_spec.deviceChange = [virtual_device_spec] task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(config_spec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) for disk in disks: print('disk:', disk) disk_size = disk.get('size') disk_type = disk.get('type') if not all([disk_size, disk_type]): raise Exception('parameter error') spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() # get all disks on a VM, set unit_number to the next available unit_number = 0 for dev in self.vm.config.hardware.device: if hasattr(dev.backing, 'fileName'): unit_number = int(dev.unitNumber) + 1 # unit_number 7 reserved for scsi controller if unit_number == 7: unit_number += 1 if unit_number >= 16: print "we don't support this many disks" raise Exception("we don't support this many disks") if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController): controller = dev # add disk here dev_changes = [] new_disk_kb = int(disk_size) * 1024 * 1024 disk_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() disk_spec.fileOperation = "create" disk_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add disk_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk() disk_spec.device.backing = \ vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo() if disk_type == 'thin': disk_spec.device.backing.thinProvisioned = True disk_spec.device.backing.diskMode = 'persistent' disk_spec.device.unitNumber = unit_number disk_spec.device.capacityInKB = new_disk_kb disk_spec.device.controllerKey = controller.key dev_changes.append(disk_spec) spec.deviceChange = dev_changes task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) sync_disk(self.platform_id, self.vm)
def start(self): try: task = self.vm.PowerOn() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local() except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm start failed')
def add_network(self, networks): networks = json.loads(networks) devs = self.vm.config.hardware.device # nic_prefix_label = 'Network adapter ' for network in networks: # 获取网络设备信息 local_network_port_group = network_port_group_manage.get_network_by_id( network) # 开始添加网卡信息 spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() nic_changes = [] nic_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() nic_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add nic_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualE1000() nic_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() nic_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = 'vCenter API test' # content = network = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Network], if isinstance(network, vim.OpaqueNetwork): nic_spec.device.backing = \ vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.OpaqueNetworkBackingInfo() nic_spec.device.backing.opaqueNetworkType = \ network.summary.opaqueNetworkType nic_spec.device.backing.opaqueNetworkId = \ network.summary.opaqueNetworkId else: nic_spec.device.backing = \ vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo() nic_spec.device.backing.useAutoDetect = False nic_spec.device.backing.deviceName = nic_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo( ) nic_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = True nic_spec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True nic_spec.device.connectable.connected = False nic_spec.device.connectable.status = 'untried' nic_spec.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = True nic_spec.device.addressType = 'assigned' nic_changes.append(nic_spec) spec.deviceChange = nic_changes task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) # 同步云主机网卡信息 sync_network_device(self.platform_id, self.vm)
def stop(self, force=True): try: if not force: task = self.vm.ShutdownGuest() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: task = self.vm.PowerOff() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local() except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm stop failed')
def suspend(self, force=True): try: if not force: task = self.vm.StandbyGuest() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: task = self.vm.Suspend() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local() except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm suspend failed')
def update_vmemory(self, new_memory, old_memory): try: # if self.local_vm.memory == old_memory: print('cccc') cspec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() cspec.memoryMB = int(new_memory) task = self.vm.Reconfigure(cspec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local() # else: # raise Exception('参数错误') except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm memory update failed')
def update_vcpu(self, new_cpu, old_cpu): try: # if self.local_vm.cpu == old_cpu: cspec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() cspec.numCPUs = int(new_cpu) cspec.numCoresPerSocket = 1 task = self.vm.Reconfigure(cspec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local() # else: # raise Exception('参数错误') except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm cpu update failed')
def ip_assignment(self, ip, subnet, gateway, dns, domain=None): try: vm = self.vm vm_name = if vm.runtime.powerState != 'poweredOff': raise Exception('Power off your VM before reconfigure') adaptermap = vim.vm.customization.AdapterMapping() globalip = vim.vm.customization.GlobalIPSettings() adaptermap.adapter = vim.vm.customization.IPSettings() adaptermap.adapter.ip = vim.vm.customization.FixedIp() adaptermap.adapter.ip.ipAddress = ip adaptermap.adapter.subnetMask = subnet adaptermap.adapter.gateway = gateway globalip.dnsServerList = dns if not domain: domain = '' adaptermap.adapter.dnsDomain = domain globalip = vim.vm.customization.GlobalIPSettings() # For Linux . For windows follow sysprep ident = vim.vm.customization.LinuxPrep( domain=domain, hostName=vim.vm.customization.FixedName(name=vm_name)) customspec = vim.vm.customization.Specification() # For only one adapter customspec.identity = ident customspec.nicSettingMap = [adaptermap] customspec.globalIPSettings = globalip # Configuring network for a single NIC # For multipple NIC configuration contact me. print "Reconfiguring VM Networks . . ." task = vm.Customize(spec=customspec) # Wait for Network Reconfigure to complete wait_for_tasks(, [task]) except vmodl.MethodFault, e: # print "Caught vmodl fault: %s" % e.msg raise Exception('Caught vmodl fault: %s' % e.msg)
def add_image(self, image_id): image = db.images.get_image_by_image_id(image_id) # ds = image_path.split(']') # datastore_name = ds[0][1:] image_path = image.path datastore_name = image.ds_name # content = service_instance.RetrieveContent() controller = vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController() for dev in self.vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController): controller = dev cdspec = None cdspec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() cdspec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add cdspec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom() cdspec.device.key = 3000 cdspec.device.controllerKey = controller.key # unit number == ide controller slot, 0 is first ide disk, 1 second cdspec.device.unitNumber = 0 cdspec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() cdspec.device.deviceInfo.label = 'CD/DVD drive 1' cdspec.device.deviceInfo.summary = 'ISO' cdspec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo() cdspec.device.backing.fileName = image_path datastore = get_obj(content=self.content, vimtype=[vim.Datastore], name=datastore_name) cdspec.device.backing.datastore = datastore # cdspec.device.backing.dynamicType = # cdspec.device.backing.backingObjectId = '0' cdspec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() cdspec.device.connectable.startConnected = True cdspec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = True cdspec.device.connectable.connected = False cdspec.device.connectable.status = 'untried' vmconf = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() vmconf.deviceChange = [cdspec] dev_changes = [] dev_changes.append(cdspec) vmconf.deviceChange = dev_changes task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=vmconf) wait_for_tasks(, [task])
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id): snapshots = self.vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList snapshot_db = snapshot_nanage.get_snapshot_by_snapshot_id( self.vm, snapshot_id) snapshot_name = for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot_name == snap_obj = snapshot.snapshot task = snap_obj.RemoveSnapshot_Task(True) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: if len(snapshot.childSnapshotList) > 0: snap_obj = find_snapshot(snapshot, snapshot_name) task = snap_obj.snapshot.RemoveSnapshot_Task(True) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) snapshot_nanage.sync_snapshot(self.platform_id, self.vm)
def del_network(self, networks): try: networks = json.loads(networks) devs = self.vm.config.hardware.device # 获取network device label for device_id in networks: # 根据id 获取 network device device = network_device_manage.device_list_by_id( self.platform_id, self.uuid, device_id) if device: for dev in devs: virtual_nic_device = None if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard) \ and device.label == dev.deviceInfo.label: virtual_nic_device = dev if virtual_nic_device: virtual_nic_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec( ) virtual_nic_spec.operation = \ vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.remove virtual_nic_spec.device = virtual_nic_device spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() spec.deviceChange = [virtual_nic_spec] task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) else: raise Exception('unable find vm network device') # 同步云主机网卡信息 sync_network_device(self.platform_id, self.vm) except Exception as e: Exception('vm network delete failed')
def restart(self): task = self.vm.ResetVM_Task() wait_for_tasks(, [task]) self.update_vm_local()
def boot(self, new_cpu, new_memory, dc_id, ds_id, vm_name, networks, disks, image_id): try: if disks: new_disks = json.loads(disks) for disk in new_disks: if not disk.get('type'): raise Exception( 'The disk information format is incorrect.') if not disk.get('size'): raise Exception( 'The disk information format is incorrect.') except Exception as e: raise Exception('The disk information format is incorrect.') try: dc_info = db.vcenter.vcenter_tree_by_id(dc_id) dc = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datacenter], except Exception as e: raise Exception('dc get failed') vm_folder = dc.vmFolder hosts = dc.hostFolder.childEntity resource_pool = hosts[0].resourcePool # ds = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(dc, [vim.Datastore], True) ds = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], 'datastore1') # datastore_path = '[' + ds + '] ' + vm_name datastore_path = '[datastore1] ' + vm_name print datastore_path vmx_file = vim.vm.FileInfo(logDirectory=None, snapshotDirectory=None, suspendDirectory=None, vmPathName=datastore_path) config = vim.vm.ConfigSpec(name=vm_name, memoryMB=int(new_memory), numCPUs=int(new_cpu), files=vmx_file, guestId='rhel6_64Guest', version='vmx-09') try: task = vm_folder.CreateVM_Task(config=config, pool=resource_pool) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) vm = get_obj(self.content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) self.vm = vm self.update_vm_local() except Exception as e: raise Exception('task to create failed') try: # 获取vm 并为vm 添加network if networks: self.add_network(networks) except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm network attach failed') try: if disks: self.add_disk(disks) except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm disk attach failed') try: if image_id: self.add_image(image_id) # vm_add_network(self.platform_id, vm.summary.config.uuid, networks, vm) except Exception as e: raise Exception('vm image attach failed')
def cold_migrate(self, host_name=None, ds_id=None, dc_id=None, resourcepool=None): vm_name_tmp = + '_tmp' template = try: ds = db.datastores.get_ds_by_id(ds_id) dc = db.vcenter.vcenter_tree_by_id(dc_id) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore or DataCenter') if dc: datacenter = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datacenter], validate_input( else: datacenter = self.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0] vmfolder = datacenter.vmFolder clusters = datacenter.hostFolder.childEntity target_cluster = None for cluster in clusters: for host in if == host_name: target_cluster = cluster break relospec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() if ds: datastore = get_obj(self.content, [vim.Datastore], validate_input(ds.ds_name)) if datastore: # print "Using datastore " + validate_input(ds) relospec.datastore = datastore else: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore') else: raise Exception('Unable to get DataStore') if resourcepool: resource_pool = get_obj(self.content, [vim.ResourcePool], validate_input(resourcepool)) else: resource_pool = target_cluster.resourcePool # resource_pool = cluster.resourcePool if resource_pool: relospec.pool = resource_pool else: print "Cloud not find resource pool, using resource pool of origin VM" target_host = get_obj(self.content, [vim.HostSystem], host_name) # relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() # for datastore in target_host.datastore: # # Store the OVS vApp VM in local datastore of each host # if datastore.summary.type == 'VMFS': # print " Moving the VM in %s" % # relocate_spec.datastore = datastore # break # = target_host clonespec = vim.vm.CloneSpec() clonespec.location = relospec clonespec.powerOn = False # template = get_obj(self.content, [vim.VirtualMachine], validate_input(template)) # if not template: # # print "VM or template not found" # raise Exception('VM or template not found') try: task = self.vm.Clone(folder=vmfolder, name=vm_name_tmp, spec=clonespec) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) vmconf = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() = vmconf.uuid = self.vm.summary.config.uuid print "Destroying the source VM" task = self.vm.Destroy() # wait_for_task(task, si) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) print "Configuring the VM with old name and uuid" new_vm = get_obj(self.content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name_tmp) task = new_vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vmconf) wait_for_tasks(, [task]) # relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec(host=target_host) # task = new_vm.Relocate(relocate_spec) # wait_for_tasks(, [task]) print "Successfully cold migrated" except Exception as e: raise Exception('cold migrate failed')
def delete(self): task = self.vm.Destroy() wait_for_tasks(, [task])