def transaction_already_sent(self, did, did_request, memo): rows = Didtx.objects(did=did, status="Processing") if rows: return rows[0] rows = Didtx.objects(did=did, status="Pending") if rows: row = rows[0] row.memo = memo row.didRequest = did_request return row return None
def transaction_already_sent(self, did, did_request, memo): rows = Didtx.objects(did=did) if rows: for row in rows: # Only check transactions that are in Pending state if row.status == config.SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING: # Check if header is the same(whether create or update operation) if row.didRequest["header"] == did_request["header"]: # Check if payload is the same(the info to be published) if row.didRequest["payload"] == did_request["payload"]: # Check if memo is the same. If not, just update the row with the new memo passed if row.memo != memo: row.memo = memo else: # If payload is not the same, update the row with new didRequest row.didRequest = did_request else: # If header is not the same, update the row with new didRequest row.didRequest = did_request return row # If another transaction for this DID is already Processing, return it because we # don't want to create a new request without that first being processed successfully elif row.status == config.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSING: return row return None
def on_get(self, req, res, did):'Enter /v2/didtx/recent/did/{did}') rows = Didtx.objects(did=did.replace("did:elastos:", "").split("#") [0]).order_by('-modified')[:5] if rows: obj = [each.as_dict() for each in rows] self.on_success(res, obj) else:"Error /v2/didtx/recent/did/{did}") raise NotFoundError()
def on_get(self, req, res, confirmation_id):'Enter /v2/didtx/confirmation_id/{confirmation_id}') try: rows = Didtx.objects(id=confirmation_id) if rows: row = [each.as_dict() for each in rows][0] self.on_success(res, row) else:"Error /v2/didtx/id/{confirmation_id}") raise NotFoundError() except Exception as e:"Error /v2/didtx/id/{confirmation_id}: {str(e)}") raise NotFoundError()
def on_post(self, req, res):'Enter /v2/didtx/create') data = did_request = data["didRequest"] memo = data["memo"] did_request_payload = did_request["payload"] did_request_payload = did_request_payload + "=" * divmod( len(did_request_payload), 4)[1] did_request_payload = json.loads( base64.urlsafe_b64decode(did_request_payload)) did_request_did = did_request_payload["id"].replace( "did:elastos:", "").split("#")[0] try: caller_did = data["did"].replace("did:elastos:", "").split("#")[0] # Verify whether the DID who's making the call, is valid did_sidechain_rpc = DidSidechainRpcV2() did_resolver_result = did_sidechain_rpc.resolve_did(caller_did) if not did_resolver_result: err_message = f"Invalid DID: {caller_did}""Error /v2/didtx/create: {err_message}") raise UserNotExistsError(description=err_message) except: f"Info /v2/didtx/create: Defaulting to DID found inside didRequest payload" ) caller_did = did_request_did # First verify whether this is a valid payload did_publish = Web3DidAdapter() tx, err_message = did_publish.create_transaction( config.WALLETSV2[0], 1, did_request) if err_message: err_message = f"Could not generate a valid transaction out of the given didRequest. Error Message: {err_message}""Error /v2/didtx/create: {err_message}") raise InvalidParameterError(description=err_message) # Check the number of times this did has used the "did_publish" service count = self.retrieve_service_count(caller_did, config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH) count_did_request_did = self.retrieve_service_count( did_request_did, config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH) if count_did_request_did > count: count = count_did_request_did result = {} # Check if the row already exists with the same didRequest transaction_sent = self.transaction_already_sent( caller_did, did_request, memo) if transaction_sent: result["duplicate"] = True result["service_count"] = count result["confirmation_id"] = str( else: result["service_count"] = self.retrieve_service_count( caller_did, config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH) result["duplicate"] = False # If less than limit, increment and allow, otherwise, not allowed as max limit is reached if count < config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH_DAILY_LIMIT: row = Didtx(did=caller_did, requestFrom=data["requestFrom"], didRequestDid=did_request_did, didRequest=did_request, memo=memo, version="2", status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING) result["confirmation_id"] = str( self.add_service_count_record(caller_did, config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH) self.add_service_count_record(did_request_did, config.SERVICE_DIDPUBLISH) else: f"Error /v2/didtx/create: Daily limit reached for this DID" ) raise DailyLimitReachedError() self.on_success(res, result)
def cron_send_tx_to_did_sidechain():'Started cron job: send_tx_to_did_sidechain') # Verify the DID sidechain is reachable response = did_sidechain_rpc.get_block_count() if not (response and response["result"]):"DID sidechain is currently not reachable...") return current_height = response["result"] - 1 # Retrieve the current height from the database rows = Didstate.objects() if rows: row = rows[0] # Verify whether a new block has been added since last time if current_height > row.currentHeight: row.currentHeight = current_height else: "There hasn't been any new block since last cron job was run..." ) return else: row = Didstate(currentHeight=current_height) pending_transactions = [] current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y @ %I:%M:%S %p") slack_blocks = [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "" } }, { "type": "divider" }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "" } }, { "type": "divider" }] try: # Create raw transactions rows_pending = Didtx.objects(status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING, version="1") for row in rows_pending: time_since_created = datetime.utcnow() - row.created if (time_since_created.total_seconds() / 60.0) > 60: f"The id '{}' with DID '{row.did}' has been in Pending state for the last hour. Changing " f"its state to Cancelled") row.status = config.SERVICE_STATUS_CANCELLED row.extraInfo = { "reason": "Was in pending state for more than 1 hour" } continue tx = did_publish.create_raw_transaction(row.did, row.didRequest) if not tx: continue tx_decoded = binascii.hexlify(tx).decode(encoding="utf-8") pending_transactions.append(tx_decoded) if pending_transactions:"Pending: Found transactions. Sending " + str(len(pending_transactions)) + " transactions to DID " "sidechain now...") # Send transaction to DID sidechain response = did_sidechain_rpc.send_raw_transaction( pending_transactions) if not response: return tx_id = response["result"] for row in rows_pending: # If for whatever reason, the transactions fail, put them in quarantine and come back to it later if tx_id: row.status = config.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSING row.blockchainTxId = tx_id "Pending: Successfully sent transaction from wallet: " + did_publish.wallets[did_publish.current_wallet_index] ["address"] + " to the blockchain for id: " + str( + " DID: " + row.did + " tx_id: " + tx_id) else: row.extraInfo = response["error"] row.status = config.SERVICE_STATUS_QUARANTINE "Pending: Error sending transaction from wallet: " + did_publish.wallets[did_publish.current_wallet_index] ["address"] + " for id: " + str( + " DID:" + row.did + " Error: " + str(row.extraInfo)) slack_blocks[0]["text"][ "text"] = f"The following transaction was sent to quarantine at {current_time}" slack_blocks[2]["text"]["text"] = f"Wallet used: {did_publish.wallets[did_publish.current_wallet_index]['address']}\n" \ f"Transaction ID: {str(}\n" \ f"DID: {row.did}\n" \ f"Error: {str(row.extraInfo)}" send_slack_notification(slack_blocks) # Get info about all the transactions and save them to the database rows_processing = Didtx.objects( status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSING, version="1") for row in rows_processing: blockchain_tx = did_sidechain_rpc.get_raw_transaction( row.blockchainTxId) row.blockchainTx = blockchain_tx"Processing: Blockchain transaction info from wallet: " + did_publish.wallets[ did_publish.current_wallet_index]["address"] + " for id: " + str( + " DID:" + row.did) if blockchain_tx["result"]: confirmations = blockchain_tx["result"]["confirmations"] if confirmations > 2 and row.status != config.SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED: row.status = config.SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED row.blockchainTx["result"]["confirmations"] = "2+" # Try to process quarantined transactions one at a time rows_quarantined = Didtx.objects( status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_QUARANTINE, version="1") binary_split_resend(rows_quarantined) except Exception as err: message = "Error: " + str(err) + "\n" exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() message += "Unexpected error: " + str(exc_type) + "\n" message += ' File "' + exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename + '", line ' + str( exc_tb.tb_lineno) + "\n" slack_blocks[0]["text"][ "text"] = f"Error while sending tx to the blockchain at {current_time}" slack_blocks[2]["text"]["text"] = f"Wallet used: {did_publish.wallets[did_publish.current_wallet_index]['address']}\n" \ f"Error: {message}" send_slack_notification(slack_blocks)"Error while running cron job: {message}")'Completed cron job: send_tx_to_did_sidechain')
def cron_send_daily_stats_v2():'Started cron job: cron_send_daily_stats_v2') to_email = config.EMAIL["SENDER"] subject = "Assist Backend Daily Stats" if config.NETWORK == "testnet": subject = "Assist Backend Daily Stats - Testnet" current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y @ %I:%M:%S %p") slack_blocks = [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"These are the daily stats for Assist for {current_time}" } }, { "type": "divider" }] wallets_stats = "<table><tr><th>Address</th><th>Balance</th><th>Type</th></tr>" # Used for testing purposes test_address = "0x365b70f14e10b02bef7e463eca6aa3e75ca3cdb1" test_balance = "{:.4f}".format(did_sidechain_rpc.get_balance(test_address)) wallets_stats += f"<tr><td>{test_address}</td><td>{test_balance}</td><td>Testing</td></tr>" slack_blocks.append({ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*Wallets and Current Balances*\n {test_address} | {test_balance} | Testing\n" } }) for wallet in config.WALLETSV2: address = json.loads(wallet)["address"] balance = "{:.4f}".format( did_sidechain_rpc.get_balance(f"0x{address}")) wallets_stats += f"<tr><td>0x{address}</td><td>{balance}</td><td>Production</td></tr>" slack_blocks[2]["text"][ "text"] += f"{address} | {balance} | Production\n" wallets_stats += "</table>" service_stats = "<table><tr><th>Service</th><th>Users</th><th>Today</th><th>All time</th></tr>" slack_blocks.append({ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*Service Stats*\n" } }) for service, stats in get_service_count().items(): service_stats += f"<tr><td>{service}</td><td>{stats['users']}</td><td>{stats['today']}</td><td>{stats['total']}</td></tr>" slack_blocks[3]["text"][ "text"] += f"{service} | {stats['users']} total users | {stats['today']} tx today | {stats['total']} tx total\n" service_stats += "</table>" didtx_stats = "<table><tr><th>Application</th><th>Today</th><th>All time</th></tr>" slack_blocks.append({ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*DID Transactions*\n" } }) didtx_by_app = get_didtx_count() for app in didtx_by_app["total"].keys(): didtx_stats += f"<tr><td>{app}</td><td>{didtx_by_app['today'].get(app, 0)}</td><td>{didtx_by_app['total'].get(app, 0)}</td></tr>" slack_blocks[4]["text"][ "text"] += f"{app} | {didtx_by_app['today'].get(app, 0)} tx today | {didtx_by_app['total'].get(app, 0)} tx total\n" didtx_stats += "</table>" quarantined_transactions = "<table><tr><th>Transaction ID</th><th>DID</th><th>From</th><th>Extra " \ "Info</th><th>Created</th></tr>" slack_blocks.append({ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": f"*Quarantined Transactions*\n" } }) for transaction in Didtx.objects(status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_QUARANTINE, version='2'): id = did = transaction.did request_from = transaction.requestFrom created = transaction.created extra_info = json.dumps(transaction.extraInfo) quarantined_transactions += f"<tr><td>{id}</td><td>{did}</td><td>{request_from}</td><td>{extra_info}</td><td>{created}</td></tr>" slack_blocks[5]["text"][ "text"] += f"{id} | {did} | {request_from} | {extra_info} | {created}\n" quarantined_transactions += "</table>" slack_blocks.append({"type": "divider"}) content_html = f""" <html> <head> <style> table {{ font-family: arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; }} td, th {{ border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; }} tr:nth-child(even) {{ background-color: #dddddd; }} </style> </head> <body> <h2>These are the daily stats for Assist for {current_time}</h1> <h3>Wallets and Current Balances</h3> {wallets_stats} <h3>Service Stats</h3> {service_stats} <h3>DID Transactions</h3> {didtx_stats} <h3>Quarantined Transactions</h3> {quarantined_transactions} </body> </html> """ if config.PRODUCTION: send_email(to_email, subject, content_html) send_slack_notification(slack_blocks) cron_reset_didpublish_daily_limit()'Completed cron job: cron_send_daily_stats')
def cron_send_tx_to_did_sidechain_v2(): current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y @ %I:%M:%S %p")'Started cron job: cron_send_tx_to_did_sidechain_v2') try: # Verify the DID sidechain is reachable response = did_sidechain_rpc.get_block_count() if not response:"DID sidechain is currently not reachable...") return rows_pending = Didtx.objects(status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING, version='2') rows_processing = Didtx.objects( status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSING, version='2')"rows pending {len(rows_pending)}") current_height = response - 1 # Retrieve the current height from the database rows = Didstate.objects() if rows: row = rows[0] # Verify whether a new block has been added since last time if current_height > row.currentHeightv2: if len(rows_pending) == 0 and len(rows_processing) == 0:'Completed cron job: send_tx_to_did_sidechain_v2') return row.currentHeightv2 = current_height else: "There hasn't been any new block since last cron job was run..." ) return else: row = Didstate(currentHeight=0, currentHeightv2=0) return slack_blocks = [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "" } }, { "type": "divider" }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "" } }, { "type": "divider" }] # Create raw transactions if len(rows_pending) > config.NUM_WALLETSV2: rows_pending = rows_pending[:config.NUM_WALLETSV2] wallets = config.WALLETSV2 for index, row in enumerate(list(rows_pending)): process_pending_tx(wallets[index], row, slack_blocks, current_time) rows_processing = Didtx.objects( status=config.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSING, version='2')"rows processing {len(rows_processing)}") pool = multiprocessing.Pool() for row in rows_processing: pool.apply_async(process_processing_tx, args=(, slack_blocks, current_time, )) pool.close() pool.join()'Completed cron job: send_tx_to_did_sidechain_v2') except Exception as err: message = "Error: " + str(err) + "\n" exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() message += "Unexpected error: " + str(exc_type) + "\n" message += ' File "' + exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename + '", line ' + str( exc_tb.tb_lineno) + "\n""Error while running cron job: {message}") slack_blocks[0]["text"][ "text"] = f"Error while sending tx to the blockchain at {current_time}" slack_blocks[2]["text"]["text"] = f"Error: {message}" send_slack_notification(slack_blocks)