예제 #1
class TestCategory(unittest.TestCase):
    These are tests for Category methods.
       The Category methods are;
          1. Add recipe
          2. Edit recipe
          3. Delete recipe 
    def setUp(self):
        Sets up tests Category object : 
            Category(categorytitle, categorydescription)

        The constructor of the Category class is; 
            self.categorytitle = categorytitle
            self.categorydescription = categorydescription
        self.sample_category = Category('Kenyan dishes',
                                        'Dishes made in Kenya')

    def test_add_recipe(self):
        """ Test whether a recipe has been saved """
        before_add = len(self.sample_category.recipes)
        self.sample_category.add_recipe('chapati', 'round brown and good')
        after_add = len(self.sample_category.recipes)
        self.assertEqual(after_add - before_add, 1)

    def test_edit_recipe(self):
        """ Test whether  an recipe has been edited """
        id = self.sample_category.add_recipe('not chapati',
                                             'not round or brown or good')
        self.sample_category.edit_recipe(id, 'chapati', 'round brown and good')
        recipe = self.sample_category.recipes[id]
        self.assertEqual(recipe.recipetitle, 'chapati')

    def test_delete_recipe(self):
        """Test whether a recipe has been deleted"""
        id = self.sample_category.add_recipe('not chapati',
                                             'not round or brown or good')
        size_before = len(self.sample_category.recipes)
        size_after = len(self.sample_category.recipes)
        self.assertTrue(size_before - size_after, 1)
예제 #2
class BasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    These are tests for the url enpoints for the app.
       The url endpoints are;
          1. / (get)
          2. /index (get)
          3. /addcategory (get, post)
          4. /addrecipe/<categoryid> (get, post)
          5. /category/<categoryid> (get)
          6. /editcategory/<id> (get, post)
          7. /editrecipe/<categoryid>/<recipeid> (get, post)
          8. /viewcategory (get)
          9. /viewrecipe (get)
          10. /deletecategory/<id> (get)
          11. /deleterecipe/<categoryid>/<recipeid> (get)
          12. /profile (get)
          13. /recipe/<categoryid>/<recipeid> (get)
          14. /signin (get, post)
          15. /signup (get, post)
          16. /logout
    def setUp(self):
        Sets up tests Category object : 
            Category(categorytitle, categorydescription)

        The constructor of the Category class is; 
            self.categorytitle = categorytitle
            self.categorydescription = categorydescription
        self.new_user = User('sylvance', 'sylvance@mail', 'I am good',
        self.categoryid = self.new_user.create_category(
            'Chinese dishes', 'Dishes made in China')
        self.sample_category = Category('Kenyan dishes',
                                        'Dishes made in Kenya')
        self.recipeid = self.sample_category.add_recipe(
            'not chapati', 'not round or brown or good')
        APP.secret_key = 'A0Zr98j/3yX R~XHH!jmN]LWX/,?RT'

    def test_index(self):
            A test for loading of the landing page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    / (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

    def test_home(self):
            A test for loading of the home page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /index (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/index', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

    def test_addcategory(self):
            A test for loading of the addcategory page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /addcategory (get, post)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/addcategory', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_addrecipe(self):
            A test for loading of the addrecipe page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /addrecipe/<categoryid> (get, post)
        with APP.test_request_context('/addrecipe/?categoryid=Kenyan'):
            assert flask.request.path == '/addrecipe/'
            assert flask.request.args['categoryid'] == 'Kenyan'

    def test_category(self):
            A test for loading of the category page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /category/<categoryid> (get)
        with APP.test_request_context('/category/?categoryid=Kenyan'):
            assert flask.request.path == '/category/'
            assert flask.request.args['categoryid'] == 'Kenyan'

    def test_editcategory(self):
            A test for loading of the editcategory page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /editcategory/<id> (get, post)
        with APP.test_request_context('/editcategory/?categoryid=Kenyan'):
            assert flask.request.path == '/editcategory/'
            assert flask.request.args['categoryid'] == 'Kenyan'

    def test_profile(self):
            A test for loading of the profile page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /profile (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/profile', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_signin(self):
            A test for loading of the signin page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /signin (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/signin', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

    def test_signup(self):
            A test for loading of the signup page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /signup (get, post)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/signup', content_type='html/text')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

    def test_logout(self):
            A test for loading of the editrecipe page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /logout (get)
        r = APP.test_client(self)
        return r.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True)

    def test_viewcategory(self):
            A test for loading of the editrecipe page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /viewcategory (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/viewcategory',
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

    def test_viewrecipe(self):
            A test for loading of the editrecipe page
            The url endpoint is;
                =>    /viewrecipe (get)
        tester = APP.test_client(self)
        response = tester.get('/viewrecipe',
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)