예제 #1
 def __call__(self, form, field):
     if not Account.objects(email=field.data).first():
         raise ValidationError(self.message)
예제 #2
 def num_students(self):
     return Account.objects(courses__contains=self).count()
예제 #3
 def __call__(self, form, field):
     if self.optional and field.data == "":
     if Account.objects(email=field.data).first():
         raise ValidationError(self.message)
예제 #4
def extra_credit(results_tsv, output_folder, division):
    team_scores, user_scores = dict(), dict()
    student_classes = dict()
    class_files = dict()
    names = dict()

    def format_fsuid(account):
        # Try and grab fsuid or email
        fsuid = account.fsuid or account.email

        #  See if user is an idiot and put their fsu email in the 'fsuid' field
        if 'my.fsu.edu' in fsuid:
            fsuid = fsuid.split('@')[0]

        # Make extra sure fsuids from accounts are lower case (see issue #37)
        return fsuid.lower()

    # Read the score for each team
    print("Reading results_tsv...")
    tsv = csv.reader(results_tsv, delimiter='\t')
    for row in tsv:  # skip header line
        teamid, solved = row[0], row[3]
        team_scores[teamid] = solved

    # Match competitors with questions solved
    print("Matching teams to scores...")
    for teamid, score in team_scores.items():
        team = Team.objects(teamID=teamid).first()
        if not (team and team.members):
        for account in team.members:
            if not account.signin:

            fsuid = format_fsuid(account)

            user_scores[fsuid] = team_scores[teamid]

            names[fsuid] = account.first_name, account.last_name

    # Get student classes
    print("Reading extra credit survey...")

    def open_class_file(c):
        name = str(c).replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_')
        fd = open('{}/{}.csv'.format(output_folder, name), 'w')
        csv_writer = csv.writer(fd)
        return csv_writer

    courses = Course.objects.all()

    for course in courses:
        students = Account.objects(courses=course)

        course_students = []

        for student in students:
            fsuid = format_fsuid(student)
            score = user_scores.get(fsuid, '0')
            first, last = names.get(fsuid, ('', ''))

            if type(score) != str:
                score = '0'
            if not student.team or student.team.division != division:

            course_students.append((fsuid, last, first, score,))

        if len(course_students) > 0:
            course_file = open_class_file(course)
            for s in sorted(course_students, key=lambda x: x[1]):

    # Put all students in 'all_students.csv'
    all_students = []
    students = Account.objects.all()
    for student in students:
        fsuid = format_fsuid(student)
        score = user_scores.get(fsuid, '0')
        first, last = names.get(fsuid, ('', ''))

        if type(score) != str:
            score = '0'
        if not student.team or student.team.division != division:

        all_students.append((fsuid, last, first, score,))

    all_students_file = open_class_file('all_students')
    for s in sorted(all_students, key=lambda x: x[1]):