def validate(terms, uobj): # Get current user's subreddits rinfo = RedditData(uobj.redtoken, uobj.redrefresh) user_subs = set(rinfo.get_subs()) all_subs = [] for term in terms: # Search and parse results = search_reddit(term) names_results = [sub['name'] for sub in results] [all_subs.append(sub) for sub in names_results] sub_matches = user_subs.intersection(names_results) # Make results object res_ob = { 'term': term, 'num_results': len(names_results), 'num_matches': len(sub_matches) } # Save to database Stats.add_data(res_ob, uobj) # Find number of user subs that matched all_matches = user_subs.intersection(all_subs) Stats.add_data( { 'term': 'allsubs', 'num_results': len(user_subs), 'num_matches': len(all_matches) }, uobj)
def index(): """ Home page. Has a jumbotron explaining the site, with a search-box call to action. Lists latest addeed replays, latest archived replays, some public stats about the state of the site. """ # Redirect to "goodbye-world" blug return redirect(url_for('goodbye_world')) last_added_replays = get_last_added_replays() last_archived_replays = get_last_archived_replays() most_favourited_replays = get_most_favourited_replays() most_liked_replays = get_most_liked_replays() most_downloaded = get_most_downloaded_replays() most_downloaded_30days = get_most_downloaded_30days_replays() stats = Stats() search_form = SearchForm() return render_template("dotabank.html", last_added_replays=last_added_replays, last_archived_replays=last_archived_replays, most_favourited_replays=most_favourited_replays, most_liked_replays=most_liked_replays, most_downloaded=most_downloaded, most_downloaded_30days=most_downloaded_30days, stats=stats, search_form=search_form)
def scrape_channel(channel_id): for videoId in get_channel_videos(channel_id): videoData = get_video_data(videoId) video = db.session.query(Video).filter_by(videoId=videoId).first() if video: pass else: video = Video(videoId=videoId, title=videoData['title'], channelId=channel_id, publishedAt=videoData['publishedAt'], description=videoData['description'], thumbnail=videoData['thumbnail']) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit() if videoData['tags']: for tag in videoData['tags']: video.tags.append(get_or_create_tag(tag)) db.session.commit() stats = Stats(, viewCount=videoData['viewCount'], commentCount=videoData['commentCount'], likeCount=videoData['likeCount'], dislikeCount=videoData['dislikeCount'], favoriteCount=videoData['favoriteCount']) db.session.add(stats) db.session.commit()
def before_request(): visits = Stats.query.filter_by(day_visits = if visits is None: new_day_visits = Stats() db.session.add(new_day_visits) db.session.commit() else: visits.visits += 1 db.session.commit()
def addToStats(track, listeningPercentage, user): if Stats.objects.filter(user=user, track=track).count() == 0: stat = Stats() stat.track = track stat.user = user stat.playCounter = 1 stat.listeningPercentage = listeningPercentage else: stat = Stats.objects.get(user=user, track=track) stat.playCounter += 1 stat.listeningPercentage += listeningPercentage
def test_check_threshold(self): clients = self.get_client_nodes() data = Main().parse_client(clients[0]) stats = Stats.get_or_create(**data) with patch("app.tasks.send_email.delay"): data = Main().parse_client(clients[0]) stats.cpu_usage = 18 stats.mem_usage = 55 cpu_alert, mem_alert = check_threshold(stats) self.assertEqual(cpu_alert, False) self.assertEqual(mem_alert, True)
def CV_count(): db.create_all() today = str([:10] a = Stats.is_date_in_database(today) if a: object = Stats.get_object_by_date(today) object.visits += 1 Stats.save_to_db(object) else: new = Stats(date=today, visits=1) Stats.save_to_db(new) return redirect(url_for('report'))
def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = RegistrationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User(, user.set_password( stat = Stats(login_timestamp =, user_id=current_user.get_id()) db.session.add(user) db.session.add(stat) db.session.commit() flash('congratulations, you are in the database') # session['logged_in_user'] = True return redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template('register.html',title='register', form=form)
def index(): stat_obj = Stats.query.get(1) if (not stat_obj): tot_users = User.query.count() tot_urls = Links.query.count() tot_clicks_obj = db.session.query(Links, db.func.sum(Links.clicks)) tot_clicks = tot_clicks_obj[0][1] stat_obj = Stats(total_clicks=tot_clicks, total_urls=tot_urls, total_users=tot_users) db.session.add(stat_obj) db.session.commit() tot_users = stat_obj.total_users tot_urls = stat_obj.total_urls tot_clicks = stat_obj.total_clicks return render_template('index.html', tot_clicks=tot_clicks, tot_urls=tot_urls, tot_users=tot_users)
def initialize_db(): # initialize Kalman Filter u = Kalman(Q=Q, R=R, X0=X0, P0=P0, z=0, placement=0) db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() l = Stats(requests_admitted=0, requests_rejected=0, requests_locally=0, predicted_workload=0, placement=0, total_requests=0, vdu1_requests=0, vdu2_requests=0, vdu3_requests=0, average_computation_time_vdu1=0, average_computation_time_vdu2=0, average_computation_time_vdu3=0) db.session.add(l) db.session.commit() return ("OK")
def temp_record_deamon(): """loops the hat""" sense = SenseHat() sense.low_light = True c_hist = [] while True: sense.clear() draw_temp_scale_in_col(0, sense) current_temp = round(sense.get_temperature(), 1) stat_record = Stats(temp=current_temp) db.session.add(stat_record) db.session.commit() print(current_temp) c_hist.append(current_temp) if len(c_hist) > 7: c_hist.pop(0) for i in range(min(len(c_hist), 7)): current_c_hist = c_hist[-(i + 1)] draw_temp_in_col(i + 1, current_c_hist, sense) sleep(10)
def get(self, segment): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return {'err': 'auth'}, 401 # See the model for details val = Stats(segment).val if 'traffic' == segment: return {segment: val}, 200 elif 'users' == segment: return {segment: val}, 200 elif 'sales' == segment: return {segment: val}, 200 elif 'perf' == segment: return {segment: val}, 200 else: return {'err': 'unknown'}, 404
def charts_input(request): context = {'segment': 'charts_from_input'} html_template = loader.get_template('charts-from-input.html') # ----------------------------------------------- # Use data from STATS Table # ----------------------------------------------- stats, labels = Stats.get_report() data = [{ 'y': year, 'a': '{:.2f}'.format(stats[year].get('prod1_sales')), 'b': '{:.2f}'.format(stats[year].get('prod2_sales')), 'c': '{:.2f}'.format(stats[year].get('prod3_sales')) } for year in stats] context['chart_data'] = json.dumps({ 'element': 'morris-bar-chart', 'data': data, 'xkey': 'y', 'barSizeRatio': 0.70, 'barGap': 3, 'resize': True, 'responsive': True, 'ykeys': ['a', 'b', 'c'], # it can be custom 'labels': labels, 'barColors': ['0-#1de9b6-#1dc4e9', '0-#899FD4-#A389D4', '#04a9f5'] # it can be custom }) return HttpResponse(html_template.render(context, request))
def post(id): #View for full post, since the blog and index view only display title + description post = Post.query.filter_by(id=id).first() page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int) comments = Comment.query.filter_by(post_id=id).order_by(Comment.timestamp.desc()).paginate( page, app.config['COMMENTS_PER_POST'], False) next_page = url_for('post', id=id, page=comments.next_num) if comments.has_next else None prev_page = url_for('post', id=id, page=comments.prev_num) if comments.has_prev else None form = CommentForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): #Post a new comment comment = Comment(email =, name =, comment =, post_id=id) db.session.add(comment) db.session.commit() stat_comment = Stats.query.filter_by(day_comments = if stat_comment is None: #Probably will never happen since need visit first new_stat = Stats() db.session.add(new_stat) db.session.commit() else: stat_comment.comments += 1 db.session.commit() flash('Your comment has been added.') return redirect(url_for('post', id=id)) return render_template('post.html', title=post.title, form=form, post=post, comments=comments.items, next_page=next_page, prev_page=prev_page)
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( if user is None or not user.check_password( flash('Invalid username or password') return redirect(url_for('login')) login_user(user,True) print(user) # session['logged_in_user'] = True flash("User logged in.") stat = Stats(login_timestamp =, user_id=current_user.get_id()) db.session.add(stat) db.session.commit() next_page = request.args.get('next') # check if the value in the next parameter is null, next page or a whole domain # the domain in checked using netloc if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '': next_page = url_for('index') return redirect(next_page) return render_template('login.html',title='Sign In', form=form)
def handle(self,*args,**options): """ Initializing variables """ daily_rate = [] daily_projects=[] point_list=[] start = date(2015,8,1) end = y = end.year m = end.month d = end = date(y,m,d) dateList = date_range(start, end) """ Recolect data for daily_rate & daily_projects """ for n in dateList: #mydates.append(n.strftime("%d/%m")) #used for x axis in stats files = File.objects.filter(time=n) daily_rate.append(files.aggregate(Avg("score"))["score__avg"]) for k in daily_rate: if k == None: daily_rate[daily_rate.index(k)]= 0 for i in files: #mastery_list.append(i.score) point_list.append(i.score) daily_projects.append(len(files)) """ Stats by CT level """ master = 0 development = 0 basic = 0 totalProjects = File.objects.count() for i in point_list: if i >= 15: master = master + 1 elif i > 7: development = development + 1 else: basic = basic + 1 basic = basic*100/totalProjects development=development*100/totalProjects master=master*100/totalProjects """This section calculates the average score by programming skill """ parallelism = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("parallelization")) parallelism = int(parallelism["parallelization__avg"]) abstraction = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("abstraction")) abstraction = int(abstraction["abstraction__avg"]) logic = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("logic")) logic = int(logic["logic__avg"]) synchronization = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("synchronization")) synchronization = int(synchronization["synchronization__avg"]) flowControl = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("flowControl")) flowControl = int(flowControl["flowControl__avg"]) userInteractivity = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("userInteractivity")) userInteractivity = int(userInteractivity["userInteractivity__avg"]) dataRepresentation = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("dataRepresentation")) dataRepresentation = int(dataRepresentation["dataRepresentation__avg"]) """This section calculates the average score by code smell""" deadCode = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("deadCode")) deadCode = int(deadCode["deadCode__avg"]) duplicateScript = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("duplicateScript")) duplicateScript = int(duplicateScript["duplicateScript__avg"]) spriteNaming = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("spriteNaming")) spriteNaming = int(spriteNaming["spriteNaming__avg"]) initialization = File.objects.all().aggregate(Avg("initialization")) initialization = int(initialization["initialization__avg"]) """This section calculates the average score by code smell""" self.stdout.write("Doing all the stats!") stats_today = Stats(daily_score=daily_rate, basic= basic, development = development, master = master, daily_projects=daily_projects, parallelism=parallelism, abstraction = abstraction, logic = logic, synchronization = synchronization, flowControl = flowControl, userInteractivity = userInteractivity, dataRepresentation = dataRepresentation, deadCode = deadCode, duplicateScript = duplicateScript, spriteNaming = spriteNaming, initialization = initialization )
def update_stats(self): # Should be called whenever there is a change in the stats - New games atm games = game_data.loadUser(['games'] games_played = len(games) games_won = total_points = total_points_against = 0 users_played = [] for game_id in games: game = game_data.loadGame(game_id) if int(game['winner']) == games_won += 1 if int(game['player1']['id']) == # If player is P1 total_points += game['player1']['score'] total_points_against += game['player2']['score'] users_played.append(int(game['player2']['id'])) elif int(game['player2']['id']) == # If player is P2 total_points += game['player2']['score'] total_points_against += game['player1']['score'] users_played.append(int(game['player1']['id'])) counted = Counter(users_played).most_common(1) if counted: most_played, games_against_most_played = counted[0] else: most_played = None games_against_most_played = 0 # compute averages if games_played: # Don't compute if no games (ZeroDivisionError) avg_points = round(total_points / games_played, 1) avg_points_against = round(total_points_against / games_played, 1) win_ratio = round(games_won / games_played, 2) else: avg_points = avg_points_against = win_ratio = 0 # Save to db if self.user.stats: self.user.stats.games_played = games_played self.user.stats.games_won = games_won self.user.stats.total_points = total_points self.user.stats.total_points_against = total_points_against self.user.stats.avg_points = avg_points self.user.stats.avg_points_against = avg_points_against self.user.stats.most_played = most_played self.user.stats.games_against_most_played = games_against_most_played self.user.stats.win_ratio = win_ratio else: user_stats = Stats(, games_played=games_played, games_won=games_won, total_points=total_points, total_points_against=total_points_against, avg_points=avg_points, avg_points_against=avg_points_against, most_played=most_played, games_against_most_played=games_against_most_played, win_ratio=win_ratio ) db.session.add(user_stats) db.session.commit()
def api_latest(game_code): game = Games.query.filter_by(code=game_code).first_or_404() if game_code[0] == "H": # If home game... stands = { "east": { "main": ["ES-EA", "ES-EB", "ES-EC", "ES-ED", "ES-EE"] }, "south": { "upper": ["SU-SUF", "SU-SUG", "SU-SUHB", "SU-SUHY", "SU-SUI", "SU-SUJ"], "lower": ["SL-SLK", "SL-SLL", "SL-SLMB", "SL-SLMY", "SL-SLN", "SL-SLO"] }, "west": { "family": ["WS-WP", "WS-WQ", "WS-WR"], "main": ["WS-WS", "WS-WT", "WS-WU", "WS-WV", "WS-WW"], "x": ["WS-WX"] }, "north": { "yz": ["NS-NWW"] } } output = { "east": {"main": [0, 0]}, "south": {"upper": [0, 0], "lower": [0, 0]}, "west": {"family": [0, 0], "main": [0, 0], "x": [0, 0]}, "north": {"yz": [0, 0]}, "total": [0, 0] } if not game.east_stand: del stands["east"]; del output["east"] if not game.south_stand: del stands["south"]; del output["south"] if not game.x_block: del stands["west"]["x"]; del output["west"]["x"] if not game.yz_block: del stands["north"]["yz"]; del output["north"]["yz"] if not game.west_stand: del stands["west"]; del output["west"] for stand in stands: for area in stands[stand]: for block in stands[stand][area]: data = seating_req_json.format(block, game_code) response = "", data=data, headers={'content-type': "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} ) response.encoding = "unicode-escape" x = xmltodict.parse(json.loads(response.text)["d"])["seats"]["s"] total_sold = sum(1 for d in x if d.get("@a") == "." and "Segregation" not in d.get("@rsDesc")) total_available = sum(1 for d in x if d.get("@a") == "A") + sum(1 for d in x if d.get("@a") == "X") output[stand][area][0] += total_sold # Total seats output[stand][area][1] += total_available # Total available output["total"][0] += total_sold output["total"][1] += total_available output["time"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S") new = Stats(, time=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), total_sold=output["total"][0], total_available=output["total"][1] ) db.session.add(new) db.session.commit() return jsonify(output) elif game_code[0] == "A": output = {"total": [0, 0], "away": True} response = requests.get( "", headers={'content-type': "application/json; charset=UTF-8"}, verify=False ) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html5lib") game_soup = soup.find_all("div", {"class": game_code})[1] inputs = game_soup.find_all("input") value = int(inputs[3]["value"]) output["total"][1] = value # Total available. try: first_stat = Stats.query.filter_by( output["total"][0] = first_stat.total_available - value # Total sold. (very rough/fragile) except AttributeError: # Usually if it's the first time running... output["total"][0] = 0 # This is where we get the inaccuracy. output["time"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S") new = Stats(, time=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), total_sold=output["total"][0], total_available=output["total"][1] ) db.session.add(new) db.session.commit() return jsonify(output) return abort(500)
def test_get_or_create(self): clients = self.get_client_nodes() data = Main().parse_client(clients[0]) stats = Stats.get_or_create(**data) self.assertEqual(stats.ip, "")
def update_kalman_placement(): kalman = Kalman.query.first() ###TODO accumulate stats for this interval p = db.session.query(func.max( s = Stats.query.filter_by(id=p).first() s.placement = kalman.placement s.requests = s.requests_admitted + s.requests_rejected s.predicted_workload = kalman.X0 try: s.average_computation_time_vdu1 = s.average_computation_time_vdu1 / s.vdu1_requests except ZeroDivisionError: s.average_computation_time_vdu1 = 0 try: s.average_computation_time_vdu2 = s.average_computation_time_vdu2 / s.vdu2_requests except ZeroDivisionError: s.average_computation_time_vdu2 = 0 try: s.average_computation_time_vdu3 = s.average_computation_time_vdu3 / s.vdu3_requests except ZeroDivisionError: s.average_computation_time_vdu3 = 0 # start of kalman update Q = kalman.Q p0 = kalman.P0 x0 = kalman.X0 R = kalman.R z = kalman.z # z is given by the actual requests processed in this interval xkp = x0 pkp = p0 + Q Kk = pkp / (pkp + R) xke = xkp + Kk * (z - xkp) pk = (1 - Kk) * pkp x0 = xke # return please p0 = pk # return please print("new X0 for Kalman: " + str(x0)) print("z for this interval: " + str(z)) print("new P0 for Kalman: " + str(p0)) kalman.X0 = x0 # x0 are the requests predicted for the next interval!! kalman.P0 = p0 kalman.z = 0 # choose proper placement for load balancing for item in placement_requests: if x0 <= item: topology = placement_requests.index(item) break print("new topology index for the next interval:" + str(topology)) kalman.placement = topology db.session.commit() # new interval new stats l = Stats(requests_admitted=0, requests_rejected=0, requests_locally=0, predicted_workload=0, placement=0, total_requests=0, vdu1_requests=0, vdu2_requests=0, vdu3_requests=0, average_computation_time_vdu1=0, average_computation_time_vdu2=0, average_computation_time_vdu3=0) db.session.add(l) db.session.commit()