def leave_room(user: OnlineUser, room: str) -> None: rooms_for_user = redis_client.hget('rooms_per_user', user.username) users_for_room = redis_client.hget('users_per_room', room) rooms_for_user.pop(rooms_for_user.index(room)) users_for_room.pop(users_for_room.index(user.username)) redis_client.hset('rooms_per_user', user.username, rooms_for_user) redis_client.hset('users_per_room', room, users_for_room)
def scenario(): error = None scenario_time = 0 scenario_list = {'Fuse': '5', 'Circuit': '10', 'CO2leak': '5', 'Quiz': '5'} if request.method == 'POST': base_time = request.form['base-time'] if not isInteger(base_time): flash('CORRECT Entry Error and RESUBMIT') error = " Base time must be an integer " is_checked = request.form if error is None: #scenarios default to NO for key in scenario_list: redis_client.hset("scenarios", key, "NO") #scenarios checked set to YES for key, value in is_checked.items(): redis_client.hset("scenarios", key, key) scenario_time += int(is_checked[key]) session['scenario_time'] = scenario_time else: is_checked = "" base_time = 40 scenario_time = 40 session['scenario_time'] = scenario_time return render_template('scenario.html', title='Scenarios', scenario_list=scenario_list, is_checked=is_checked, base_time=base_time, error=error, scenario_time=scenario_time)
def goto_room(user: OnlineUser, room: str) -> None: rooms_for_user = redis_client.hget('rooms_per_user', user.username) users_for_room = redis_client.hget('users_per_room', room) rooms_for_user.append(room) users_for_room.append(user.username) redis_client.hset('rooms_per_user', user.username, rooms_for_user) redis_client.hset('users_per_room', room, users_for_room)
def reset_threshold(): pipes = { "WPA-H2O-pot-out", "WPA-H2O-in-CO2", "WPA-H2O-in-CDRA", "WPA-H2O-in-SRA", "SRA-H2O-out", "SRA-H2-in", "SRA-CH4-out", "SRA-N2-in", "OGA-O2-out", "OGA-H2-out", "OGA-H2O-pot-in", "CDRA-H2O-out", "CDRA-CO2-out" } for pipe in pipes: redis_client.hset("threshold", pipe, "10000") pipe_thresh_dict = redis_client.hgetall("threshold") print('threshold', pipe_thresh_dict)
def get_roles_from_redis(user): result = redis_client.hget("user_{user_id}".format(, "roles") if result: return json.loads(result.decode('utf-8')) roles = set() if user.roles: for role in user.roles: roles.add( redis_client.hset("user_{user_id}".format(, "roles", json.dumps(list(sorted(roles)))) redis_client.expire("user_{user_id}".format(, current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES']) return list(sorted(roles))
def save_property_listing_images_to_redis(image_files): """ Saves the image files to redis in a hash map. The image_files_redis_key will be used to get the images in redis for resizing. The image_files_redis_key will also be used a folder name where the processed images will be saved. """ image_files_redis_key = uuid.uuid4().__str__()[:15].replace("-", "") image_data_dict = {} for image_file in image_files: _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(image_file.filename) new_image_filename = uuid.uuid4().__str__()[:8] image_data_dict[ f"{new_image_filename}{file_extension}"] = # update to use redis_client.hset("myKey", mapping=data) as a resolve to deprecated redis_client.hmset() redis_client.hset(image_files_redis_key, mapping=image_data_dict) return image_files_redis_key
def get_permissions_from_redis(user_id): result = redis_client.hget("user_{user_id}".format(user_id=user_id), "permissions") if result: return json.loads(result.decode('utf-8')) permissions = set() user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() if user.roles: for role in user.roles: for permission in role.permissions: permissions.add(permission.path) if permissions: redis_client.hset("user_{user_id}".format(user_id=user_id), "permissions", json.dumps(list(sorted(permissions)))) redis_client.expire("user_{user_id}".format(user_id=user_id), current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES']) return list(sorted(permissions))
def piping(): error = None #is this the first time to this page and came from scenario? url = request.referrer if "scenario" in url: #set initial time for countdown timer session['starttime'] = time.time() #place times into redis for retrival by a different browser redis_client.set("starttime", time.time()) redis_client.set("scenariotime", session.get("scenario_time")) if (int(session.get("scenario_time")) == 0): return redirect(url_for('scenario')) else: countdown = (session.get("scenario_time")) * 60 else: #account for time elapsed since countdown started elapsed_time = (time.time()) - (session.get('starttime')) countdown = (session.get("scenario_time")) * 60 - elapsed_time if request.method == 'POST': pipe_data = request.form for key, value in pipe_data.items(): if value: #was a value entered in the field? if not isInteger(value): flash('correct your error and RESUBMIT') error = " Threshold value must be an integer " else: print("threshold", key, value) redis_client.hset("threshold", key, value) pipe_thresh = redis_client.hgetall("threshold") return render_template('piping.html', title='Piping', countdown=countdown, error=error, pipe_thresh=pipe_thresh)
def save(self): redis_client.hset('sess_token', self.value)
def save_result_to_redis(result, session_id): try: json_str_data = json.dumps(result) redis_client.hset(session_id, session_id, json_str_data) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e)
def post(self): starTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) parser = RequestParser() parser.add_argument('type', required=True, location='json') parser.add_argument('sesskey', required=True, location='json') parser.add_argument('question', required=True, location='json') parser.add_argument('roundkey', location='json') args = parser.parse_args() question = args.question sesskey = args.sesskey type = args.type roundkey = args.roundkey #如果没有roundkey则是第一次对话 if not roundkey: roundkey = "R1" # 获取算法数据 name = [ "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋", "张三盗窃电动⻋" ] bamj = [ "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥", "邹⼩⻥" ] ajxz = [ "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案", "盗窃案" ] place = [ "深圳市南⼭区粤海街道科苑路23号讯美科技⼴场3栋23A", "深圳市南⼭区粤海街道科苑路23号讯美科技⼴场3栋23A", "深圳市南⼭区粤海街道科苑路23号讯美科技⼴场3栋23A", "深圳市南⼭区粤海街道科苑路23号" ] people = [ "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬", "张⼩⾬" ] table = { "案件ID": [ "A83", "B45", "A32", "A79", "B98", "C23", "A24", "A25", "A26", "B78" ], "案件名称": name, "案发时间": [ "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 14:23", "2018.07.02 23:34" ], "案发地点": place, "办案⺠警": bamj, "案件性质": ajxz, "报警⼈": people, "联系电话": [ "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892", "13522511892" ] } datasource = ["本地", "浙江省"] Rcondic = {"F1": "查询主类:案件", "F2": "案发时间:2020-02-19", "F3": "案件地址:南山区"} roundinfo = { "roundkey": roundkey, "roundID": roundkey, "Rcondic": Rcondic, "datasource": datasource } roundinfo_list = [] try: s = SessionInfo.query.options(load_only(SessionInfo.sessKey,SessionInfo.sessCondic,SessionInfo.number,SessionInfo.roundInfo)).\ filter(SessionInfo.sessKey == sesskey).first() if s: r = json.loads(s.roundInfo) r.append(roundinfo) SessionInfo.query.options(load_only(SessionInfo.sessKey)).filter(SessionInfo.sessKey ==s.sessKey).\ update( {"endTime":time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime()), "number":s.number + 1, "roundInfo":json.dumps(r)} ) else: roundinfo_list.append(roundinfo) data = SessionInfo(sessName=sesskey, sessID=sesskey, sessCondic=json.dumps(Rcondic), sessKey=sesskey, starTime=starTime, endTime=time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), number=1, owner=g.userid, roundInfo=json.dumps(roundinfo_list)) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return {"message": "error", "data": "数据库保存错误!"} # 将算法返回的数据保存到数据库 try: data = RoundInfo(roundName="案件筛选", roundID=roundkey, roundCondic=json.dumps(Rcondic), starTime=starTime, endTime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), roundKey=roundkey, query=question, tableInfo=table) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error(e) return {"message": "error", "data": "数据库保存失败!"} result = { "RoundID": roundkey, "query": "查⼀下深圳这三个⽉的犯罪记录", "RoundName": "案件筛选", "qtime": "2020021801", "roundKey": roundkey, "Rcondic": Rcondic, "datasource": datasource, "tablelLen": "10", "tableName": "案件信息表", "table": table } try: data = json.dumps(result) redis_client.hset(sesskey, roundkey, data) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.erroer(e) return {"message": "error", "data": "redis保存失败"} return result
def record_event(bid_id, imp_id, event): # Record given event in stored bid entry. redis_client.hset(KEY_SPACE_BID + bid_id, event + ':' + imp_id, 1)
def store_response(bid_id, bid_response): # Store bid response. redis_client.hset( KEY_SPACE_BID + bid_id, 'response', json.dumps(bid_response))
def store_request(bid_id, bid_request): # Store bid request for a short period. redis_client.hset( KEY_SPACE_BID + bid_id, 'request', json.dumps(bid_request)) redis_client.expire(KEY_SPACE_BID + bid_id, PERSIST_SHORT_SECONDS) return bid_id