def show_and_hide(p_json, p_points):
    Checks that there is a sprite that hides and shoes
    :param p_json: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: number of points this is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is hiding and showing of sprites going on (" +
        str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "We found hiding and showing of sprites!<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "Code does not have hiding and showing of sprites.<br>",
    test_show = match_string(r'looks_show', p_json)
    if test_show['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += test_show['fail_message']
    test_hide = match_string(r'looks_hide', p_json)
    if test_hide['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += test_hide['fail_message']
    if test_show['pass'] and test_hide['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
        p_test['pass'] = False
    return p_test
예제 #2
def green_flag(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that there is a green flag.  The rest of your code should be under the green flag.<br>"
        "There is also be a forever loop under the flag "
        "(" + str(p_points) + " points)",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        "You have a green flag with a forever.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        "Did not find a green flag AND forever under it. <br>",
    test_flag = match_string(r'event_whenflagclicked', p_scripts)
    if test_flag['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Did not find a green flag at all.'
    if test_flag['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Did not find a green flag at all.'
    test_flag_and_forever = match_string(
        r'event_whenflagclicked .+ (control_repeat|control_forever)',
    if test_flag_and_forever['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'There needs to be a forever under the flag.'
    if test_flag['pass'] and test_flag_and_forever['pass']:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def if_ifelse(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {"name": "Checking that the day_of_week custom block with one argument has good use of if/ifelse"
                      " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
              "pass": False,
              "pass_message": "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
                              "The day_of_week custom block with one argument has good use of if/ifelse.<br>",
              "fail_message": "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
                              "The day_of_week custom block with one argument does not appear to have good use "
                              "of if/ifelse.<br>",
              "points": 0
    if 'day_of_week %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        script = p_scripts['day_of_week %s']
        match_if = match_string(r"control_if'", script, num_matches=4)
        match_ifelse = match_string(r"control_if_else'", script, num_matches=4)

        if match_ifelse['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += 'Expect to see a bunch of if statements or if/else statements ' \
                                      'for this block to work.<br>'
        if match_if['pass']:
            p_test['fail_message'] += 'There are many if statements.  This block can be written more efficiently ' \
                                      'with if/elses.  Ask the teacher if this does not make sense.<br>'

        if match_if['pass'] is False and match_ifelse['pass'] is True:
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def press_zero(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script that has 'when 0 key is pressed' along with a "
        "pen down, goto 0 0, clear, and point 90. (" + str(p_points) +
        " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "We found the strings in the code!<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "Code does not find string we were looking for.<br>"
        "Be sure that there is only one 'when 0 key is pressed'<br>",
    test_pendown = match_string(
        r"\['event_whenkeypressed', '0'] .+ 'pen_penDown'", p_scripts)
    if test_pendown['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a when 0 pressed followed by a pen erase all.<br>"
    test_clear = match_string(r"\['event_whenkeypressed', '0'] .+ 'pen_clear'",
    if test_clear['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a when 0 pressed followed by an erase all.<br>"
    test_point = match_string(
        r"\['event_whenkeypressed', '0'] .+ \['motion_pointindirection', \s '90'],",
    if test_point['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a when 0 pressed followed by a point in direction 90.<br>"
    test_goto = match_string(
        r"\['event_whenkeypressed', '0'] .+ \['motion_gotoxy', \s '0', \s '0'],",
    if test_goto['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a when 0 pressed followed by goto 0 0.<br>"
    test_color = match_string(
        r"\['event_whenkeypressed', '0'] .+ \['pensetPenColorToColor'",
    if test_color['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a when 0 pressed followed by changing of pen color.<br>"
    if test_pendown and test_clear and test_point and test_goto and test_color:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def test_color_change(p_scripts, p_points):
    tests to see if stage changes color if it answers 'blue
    :param p_scripts: the scripts given by arrange_karel
    :param p_points: points this is worth
    :return: test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that there is a background change if the user answers 'blue' for favorite color"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " There is a background change if the user answers 'blue' for favorite color.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear to be  a background change if the user answers 'blue' for"
        " favorite color. <br>",
    test_if = match_string(
        r'control_if .+ operator_equals .+ VARIABLE_color .+ blue', p_scripts)
    if test_if['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Does not appear to be an if color = blue<br>' \
                                  'variable color must be exactly color (spelling and capitalization count) and ' \
                                  'blue must be exactly "blue" (spelling and capitalization count) <br>'
    test_if_change_nextbackdrop = match_string(
        r'control_if .+ operator_equals .+ VARIABLE_color .+ blue .+'
        r' (looks_switchbackdropto|looks_nextbackdrop)', p_scripts)
    test_receive_broadcast = match_string(
        r'event_whenbroadcastreceived .+ '
        r'(looks_switchbackdropto|looks_nextbackdrop)', p_scripts)
    test_if_broadcast = match_string(r'control_if .+ event_broadcast',
    if test_if['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Does not appear to be an if color = blue<br>' \
                                  'variable color must be exactly color (spelling and capitalization count) and ' \
                                  'blue must be exactly "blue" (spelling and capitalization count) <br>'
    if not (test_if_change_nextbackdrop['pass'] or
            (test_receive_broadcast['pass'] and test_if_broadcast['pass'])):
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'You must have a switchbackdrop OR nextbackdrop inside your if.<br>' \
                                  'Alternatively, you can broadcast a message to the stage and have' \
                                  ' the stage change background.<br>'
    if test_if['pass'] and (test_if_change_nextbackdrop['pass'] or
                             and test_if_broadcast['pass'])):
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points

    return p_test
def press_two(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string, unique_coordinates, is_equilateral_triangle
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite

    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle. (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "There is a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "There is not a script that has 'when 2 key is pressed' that draws an "
        "equilateral triangle.<br>",
    test_repeat = match_string(r"'control_repeat',\s'3'", p_scripts)
    test_two = match_string(r"'event_whenkeypressed',\s'2'", p_scripts)
    sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False)
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a 'when key 2 is pressed' in the code .<br>"
    if test_repeat['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a repeat block that repeats the expected number of times.<br>"
    move_success = False
    if test_two['pass']:
        for key in p_scripts:
            script = p_scripts[key]
            if len(script) > 1:
                if script[0] == ['event_whenkeypressed', '2']:
                    move_success = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
    coords = unique_coordinates(sprite.move_history)
    if len(coords) != 3:
            'fail_message'] += "After pressing 2, sprite should land on 3 unique coordinates, but does not.<br>"
    equilateral = is_equilateral_triangle(coords)
    if equilateral is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Failed test for equilateral triangle (all sides equal length) <br>.<br>"
    if test_two['pass'] and test_repeat[
            'pass'] and equilateral and move_success:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def find_else(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that there is an else if you don't answer between 1-4"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " There is an else if you don't answer between 1-4. <br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear that there is an else if you don't answer between 1-4.<br> "
        "You pretty much need 5 if/else blocks to make this work."

    test = match_string(
        r"control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize1 .+ \[\[ 'control_if .+ looks_say .+ "
        r"VARIABLE_prize2 .+ \[\[ 'control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize3 .+ "
        r"\[\[ 'control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize4 .+? looks_say",
    if test['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += r"Looked for <br> control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize1 .+ \[\[ 'control_if .+ " \
                                  r"looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize2 .+ \[\[ 'control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize3 .+ " \
                                  r"\[\[ 'control_if .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize4 .+? looks_say <br> inside this:" \
                                  r" <br>" + str(p_scripts)
    if test['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
        p_test['pass'] = True
    return p_test
def press_four(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script 'when 4 key is pressed' that calls happy birthday custom block "
        "with one argument. (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "There is a script 'when 4 key is pressed' that calls happy_birthday custom block "
        "with one argument.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "There is not a script 'when 4 key is pressed' that calls happy_birthday custom block "
        "with one argument.<br>"
        "The script must be named EXACTLY happy_birthday with exactly one input parameter.",
    test_four = match_string(
        r"'event_whenkeypressed', \s* '4'], \s* 'happy_birthday \s* \%s'",
    if test_four['pass']:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def any_conditional(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that at least one prize works"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " At least one prize works. <br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear that there at least one prize works.  You need an if, an 'equals' "
        "operator, and a say."

    test = match_string(r'control_if .+? operator_equals .+? looks_say',
    if test['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += 'Looked for <br> control_if .+ operator_equals .+? looks_say .+ inside this: <br>' + str(
    if test['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
        p_test['pass'] = True
    return p_test
def color_variables(p_scripts, p_points):
    tests to see if set color to answer
    :param p_scripts: the scripts given by arrange_karel
    :param p_points: points this is worth
    :return: test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that you are setting a variable 'color' to an answer to a question."
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " There is a setting a variable 'color' to an answer to a question.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear to be setting a variable 'color' to an answer to a question.<br>",

    for key in p_scripts:
        print("aaa script {}".format(p_scripts[key]))
        test_variable = match_string(
        if test_variable:
            p_test['pass'] = True
    print("aaa p_test['pass'] {}".format(p_test['pass']))
    if p_test['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def green_flag(p_json, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that there is a green flag.  The rest of your code should be under the green flag "
        "(" + str(p_points) + " points)",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        "You have a green flag with a question and variable setting under it.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        "Did not find a green flag AND a question under the green flag AND setting a "
        "variable setting under the green flag and question. <br>",
    test_flag = match_string(r'event_whenflagclicked', p_json)
    if test_flag['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Did not find a green flag at all.'
    if test_flag['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'Did not find a green flag at all.'
    test_flag_and_question = match_string(
        r'event_whenflagclicked .+ sensing_askandwait', p_json)
    if test_flag_and_question['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += 'There needs to be a question under the flag.'
    test_flag_and_question_and_variable = match_string(
        r'event_whenflagclicked .+ sensing_askandwait .+'
        r' data_setvariableto', p_json)

    test_flag_and_question_and_variable_2 = match_string(
        r'event_whenflagclicked .+ data_setvariableto .+ '
        r'sensing_askandwait .+', p_json)
    if test_flag_and_question_and_variable[
            'pass'] is False and test_flag_and_question_and_variable_2[
                'pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += 'There needs to be a question and setting a variable under the flag.'
    if test_flag['pass'] and test_flag_and_question['pass'] and (
            or test_flag_and_question_and_variable_2['pass']):
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def between_works_equal(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {"name": "Checking that the between custom block with three input parameters works when number1 "
                      "is EQUAL to number2 or number3"
                      " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
              "pass": False,
              "pass_message": "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
                              "The between custom block with three input parameters works.<br>",
              "fail_message": "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
                              "The between custom block with three input parameters does not appear to work in this "
                              "Is the input parameters named 'number1', 'number2', 'number3'?<br>"
                              "The script must say 'True' exactly (capital T, lowercase everything else).<br>",
              "points": 0
    if 'between %s %s %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        print("ppp STARTING")
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 5, "number2": 5, "number3": 2})
        script = p_scripts['between %s %s %s']
        day_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_1 = match_string(r'^True', sprite.say_history)
        if test_1['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 5, number2 = 5, number3 = 2<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 5, "number2": 6665, "number3": 5})
        day_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)

        test_2 = match_string(r'^True', sprite.say_history)
        if test_2['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 5, number2 = 6665, number3 = 5<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history
        if day_success_1 and day_success_2 and test_1['pass'] and test_2['pass']:
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def day_of_week_works(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {"name": "Checking that the day_of_week custom block with one input parameter works"
                      " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
              "pass": False,
              "pass_message": "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
                              "The day_of_week custom block with one input parameter works.<br>",
              "fail_message": "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
                              "The day_of_week custom block with one input parameter does not appear to work."
                              "Is the input parameter named day?<br>"
                              "BE SURE INPUT PARAMETER IS NAMED day OTHERWISE THIS TEST BREAKS.<br>",
              "points": 0
    if 'day_of_week %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"day": 1})
        script = p_scripts['day_of_week %s']
        day_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_1 = match_string(r'(sunday|Sunday|SUNDAY)', sprite.say_history)
        if test_1['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'sunday' or 'Sunday' or 'SUNDAY' " \
                                      "in say output when I called custom block day_of_week " \
                                      "with input parameter 1<br>  Got back this: <br>" \
                                      + sprite.say_history + "<br>"
        sprite2 = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"day": 5})
        script = p_scripts['day_of_week %s']
        day_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite2, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite2.say_history))
        test_2 = match_string(r'(friday|Friday|FRIDAY)', sprite2.say_history)
        if test_2['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'friday', 'Friday', or 'FRIDAY' " \
                                      "in say output when I called custom block day_of_week " \
                                      "with input parameter 6<br>  Got back this: <br>" \
                                      + sprite2.say_history + "<br>"
        if day_success_1 and day_success_2 and test_1['pass'] and test_2['pass']:
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def one_question(p_scripts, p_points):
    Tests to see if there is one reasonable question with an if/else and two says
    :param p_scripts: the scripts given by arrange_karel
    :param p_points: points this is worth
    :return: test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {
        "Testing that there is question being asked and a reply given depending on answer"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " There is question being asked and a reply given depending on answer.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear that there is question being asked and a reply given depending "
        "on answer. <br>",
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    test_q_and_if = match_string(r'sensing_askandwait .+ control_if_else',
    if test_q_and_if['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Does not appear that you have a question and an if/else.<br>" \
                                  "Need an if/else, because you will have a different response " \
                                  "depending on how the user answers the question.<br>"

    test_all_one = match_string(
        r'sensing_askandwait .+ control_if_else .+ \[ .+ \[ .+ looks_say .+ ] .+ '
        r'\[ .+ looks_say .+ ] .+ ] ', p_scripts)

    if test_all_one['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Does not appear that you have a question AND an if/else AND two 'says' inside " \
                                  "the if/else.  <br>"
    if test_q_and_if['pass'] and test_all_one['pass']:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def test_prizes_defined(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that 4 variables named prize1, prize2, prize3, and prize4 are set to values"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " There are 4 variables named prize1, prize2, prize3, and prize4 are set to values. <br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear that there are variables named prize1, prize2, prize3, and prize4 that "
        "are all set to values."
    test_one = match_string(
        r'data_setvariableto .+ prize1\', \s* .+? [a-z] .+? ] ', p_scripts)
    if test_one['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Value for variable prize1 does not appear to be set.<br>"
    test_two = match_string(
        r'data_setvariableto .+ prize2\', \s* .+? [a-z] .+? ] ', p_scripts)
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Value for variable prize2 does not appear to be set.<br>"
    test_three = match_string(
        r'data_setvariableto .+ prize3\', \s* .+? [a-z] .+? ] ', p_scripts)
    if test_three['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Value for variable prize3 does not appear to be set.<br>"
    test_four = match_string(
        r'data_setvariableto .+ prize4\', \s* .+? [a-z] .+? ] ', p_scripts)
    if test_four['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Value for variable prize4 does not appear to be set.<br>"
    if test_one['pass'] and test_two['pass'] and test_three[
            'pass'] and test_four['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
        p_test['pass'] = True
    return p_test
def four_prizes(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    p_test = {
        "Testing that at all four prizes work"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " At least all four prizes works. <br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear that all 4 prizes work.  You need an if, an 'equals' "
        "operator, and a say for each prize."
    test_one = match_string(
        r"control_if .+ operator_equals .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize1 .+",
    test_two = match_string(
        r"control_if .+ operator_equals .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize2 .+",
    test_three = match_string(
        r"control_if .+ operator_equals .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize3 .+",
    test_four = match_string(
        r"control_if .+ operator_equals .+ looks_say .+ VARIABLE_prize4 .+",
    if test_one['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Did not appear that prize1 works.<br>"
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Did not appear that prize2 works.<br>"
    if test_three['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Did not appear that prize3 works.<br>"
    if test_four['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Did not appear that prize4 works.<br>"
    if test_one['pass'] and test_two['pass'] and test_three[
            'pass'] and test_four['pass']:
        p_test['points'] += p_points
        p_test['pass'] = True
    return p_test
def min_works(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {"name": "Checking that the min custom block with two arguments works"
                      " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
              "pass": False,
              "pass_message": "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
                              "The  min custom block with two arguments works.<br>",
              "fail_message": "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
                              "The min custom block with two arguments does not appear to work."
                              "Is the input parameter named min?<br>"
                              "BE SURE INPUT PARAMETERS ARE NAMED number1 and numberr"
                              " OTHERWISE THIS TEST BREAKS.<br>",
              "points": 0
    if 'min %s %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 5, "number2": 8})
        print("aaa min test variables {}".format(sprite.variables))
        script = p_scripts['min %s %s']
        day_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_1 = match_string(r'5', sprite.say_history)
        if test_1['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'min' with number1 = 5 and number2 = 8 <br>" \
                                      "Expect '5', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 555, "number2": -8})
        day_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_2 = match_string(r'-8', sprite.say_history)
        if test_2['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'min' with number1 = 555 and number2 = -8 <br>" \
                                      "Expect '-8', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history
        if day_success_1 and day_success_2 and test_1['pass'] and test_2['pass']:
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
예제 #18
def press_one(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string, unique_coordinates, is_square
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite

    p_test = {
        "Checking that there is a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a square"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "There is a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a "
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "There is not a script that has 'when 1 key is pressed' that draws a "
    test_two = match_string(r"'event_whenkeypressed',\s'1'", p_scripts)
    sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False)
    if test_two['pass'] is False:
            'fail_message'] += "Did not find a 'when key 1 is pressed' in the code .<br>"
    move_success = False
    if test_two['pass']:
        for key in p_scripts:
            script = p_scripts[key]
            if len(script) > 1:
                if script[0] == ['event_whenkeypressed', '1']:
                    move_success = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
    coords = unique_coordinates(sprite.move_history)
    if len(coords) != 4:
            'fail_message'] += "After pressing 1, sprite should land on 4 unique coordinates, but does not.<br>"
    square = is_square(coords)
    if square is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Failed test for square <br>.<br>"
    if test_two['pass'] and square and move_success:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def name_variable_x4(p_scripts, p_points):
    Tests to see if name variable shows up 4x.
    :param p_scripts: the scripts given by arrange_karel
    :param p_points: points this is worth
    :return: test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {
        "Testing that you using the name variable when talking to user."
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points).",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        " You are using the name variable when talking to user.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        " Does not appear you using the name variable when talking to user. <br>"
        "The name variable needs to show up 4 times.<br>",
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    test_name_x4 = match_string(
        r'VARIABLE_name .+ VARIABLE_name .+ VARIABLE_name .+ VARIABLE_name  ',

    if test_name_x4['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += "Does not appear that you are using the name variable when asking questions.<br>" \
                                 "Your question should be something like 'Mr. Kann, what is your favorite food?'<br>" \
                                 "You should NOT hard-code a particular name like Mr. Kann.  <br>Instead" \
                                 " you should use a variable so if the person answering questions changes " \
                                 "who they are, the program still works."
    if test_name_x4['pass']:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
예제 #20
def test_top_1(p_scripts, p_points):
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string
    import re
    p_test = {
        "Testing that sprite goes to top of screen at beginning "
        "(" + str(p_points) + " points)",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass. <h5>"
        "Sprite goes to top of screen at beginning.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail. </h5>"
        "Sprite does NOT go to top of screen at beginning. <br>",
    test_flag_and_top = match_string(
        r'event_whenflagclicked .+ (motion_sety|motion_gotoxy)', p_scripts)
    if test_flag_and_top['pass'] is False:
        p_test['fail_message'] += 'There needs to be a block that moves the sprite to the top of the screen ' \
                                  'near the beginning of the script.'
    y = -300
    for key in p_scripts.keys():
        for block in p_scripts[key]:
            motion_sety ="'motion_sety'", str(block),
                                    re.X | re.M | re.S)
            if motion_sety:
                print("aaa motionsety")
                test_high_enough =
                    r"'motion_sety', \s+ '(-?[0-9]+)'", str(block),
                    re.X | re.M | re.S)
                if test_high_enough:
                    y =
            motion_gotoxy ="'motion_gotoxy'", str(block),
                                      re.X | re.M | re.S)
            if motion_gotoxy:
                motion_gotoxy ="'operator_random'", str(block),
                                          re.X | re.M | re.S)
                if motion_gotoxy:
                    test_high_enough =
                        r"'motion_gotoxy', \s+  \[ .+ ],\s+ '([0-9]+)",
                        str(block), re.X | re.M | re.S)
                    if test_high_enough:
                        y =
                    test_high_enough =
                        r"motion_gotoxy', \s+ '-*[0-9]+', \s+ '([0-9]+)",
                        str(block), re.X | re.M | re.S)
                    if test_high_enough:
                        y =
    print("this is y {} this is all {} wut {}".format(
    if int(y) < 125:
            'fail_message'] += 'Y position of sprite needs to be higher than 125.'
    if test_flag_and_top['pass'] and int(y) > 125:
        p_test['pass'] = True
        p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def happy_birthday_works(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {
        "Checking that the happy_birthday custom block with one argument works"
        " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
        "The happy_birthday custom block with one argument works.<br>",
        "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
        "The happy_birthday custom block with one argument does not appear to work."
        "Is the input parameter named name?<br>"
    if 'happy_birthday %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        sprite = brickLayer(0,
                            variables={"name": 'McGlathery'})
        script = p_scripts['happy_birthday %s']
        word_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_1a = match_string(r'McGlathery', sprite.say_history)
        test_1b = match_string(r'(birthday|Birthday|BIRTHDAY)',
        if test_1a['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'McGlathery' in say output when I called custom block" \
                                      "with input parameter 'McGlathery'<br>"
        if test_1b['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'birthday', 'Birthday', or 'BIRTHDAY'" \
                                      " in say output when I called custom block" \
                                      "with input parameter 'McGlathery'<br>"
        sprite = brickLayer(0,
                            variables={"name": 'MichaelJordan'})
        script = p_scripts['happy_birthday %s']
        word_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_2a = match_string(r'MichaelJordan', sprite.say_history)
        test_2b = match_string(r'(birthday|Birthday|BIRTHDAY)',
        if test_2a['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'MichaelJordan' in say output when I called custom block " \
                                      "with input parameter 'MichaelJordan'<br>"
        if test_2b['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Didn't find the word 'birthday', 'Birthday', or 'BIRTHDAY' " \
                                      "in say output when I called custom block " \
                                      "with input parameter 'MichaelJordan'<br>"

        if word_success_1 and word_success_2 and test_1a['pass'] and test_1b['pass'] and test_2a['pass'] and \
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points
    return p_test
def between_works_unequal(p_scripts, p_points):
    :param p_scripts: json data from file, which is the code of the scratch file. (dict)
    :param p_points: Number of points this test is worth (int)
    :return: The test dictionary
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch_2_2 import brickLayer, do_sprite
    from app.scratch_labs.scratch import match_string

    p_test = {"name": "Checking that the between custom block with three input parameters works when number1 "
                      "is NOT equal to number2 or number3"
                      " (" + str(p_points) + " points)<br>",
              "pass": False,
              "pass_message": "<h5 style=\"color:green;\">Pass!</h5>  "
                              "The between custom block with three input parameters works.<br>",
              "fail_message": "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Fail.</h5> "
                              "The between custom block with three input parameters does not appear to work in this "
                              "Is the input parameters named 'number1', 'number2', 'number3'?<br>"
                              "The script must say 'True' exactly (capital T, lowercase everything else)"
                              "or else 'False' exactly (capital F, lowercase everything else).<br>",
              "points": 0
    if 'between %s %s %s' in p_scripts.keys():
        print("ppp STARTING")
        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 1, "number2": 2, "number3": 3})
        print("aaa test 1 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))

        script = p_scripts['between %s %s %s']
        between_success_1 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        print("VALHALLA {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        test_1 = match_string(r'^False', sprite.say_history)
        if test_1['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 1, number2 = 2, number3 = 3<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'False', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 1, "number2": 3, "number3": 2})
        print("aaa test 2 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))

        between_success_2 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_2 = match_string(r'^False', sprite.say_history)
        if test_2['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 1, number2 = 3, number3 = 2<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'False', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 2, "number2": 1, "number3": 3})
        print("aaa test 3 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))
        between_success_3 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_3 = match_string(r'^True', sprite.say_history)
        if test_3['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 2, number2 = 1, number3 = 3<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 2, "number2": 3, "number3": 1})
        print("aaa test 4 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))
        between_success_4 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_4 = match_string(r'^True', sprite.say_history)
        print("test4 say history {}".format(sprite.say_history))
        if test_4['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 2, number2 = 3, number3 = 1<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 3, "number2": 1, "number3": 2})
        print("aaa test 5 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))
        between_success_5 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_5 = match_string(r'^False', sprite.say_history)
        if test_5['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 3, number2 = 1, number3 = 2<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        sprite = brickLayer(0, 0, 0, pendown=False, variables={"number1": 3, "number2": 2, "number3": 1})
        print("aaa test 6 unequals variables {}".format(sprite.variables))
        between_success_6 = do_sprite(sprite, script, True)
        test_6 = match_string(r'^False', sprite.say_history)
        if test_6['pass'] is False:
            p_test['fail_message'] += "Called custom block 'between' with number1 = 3, number2 = 2, number3 = 1<br>" \
                                      "Expect 'True', got this:<br>" + sprite.say_history + "<br>"

        if between_success_1 and between_success_2 and between_success_3 and between_success_4 and \
            between_success_5 and between_success_6 and test_1['pass'] and test_2['pass'] and test_3['pass'] and \
            test_4['pass'] and test_5['pass'] and test_6['pass']:
            p_test['pass'] = True
            p_test['points'] += p_points

    return p_test