예제 #1
 def test_set_position_insert_before_first(self, m_pi):
     """Insert at first position if given number below 1."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 2
     p3.position = 3
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     ptest = Index()
     ptest.position = None
     assert ptest.position == 1
     assert p1.position == 2
     assert p2.position == 3
     assert p3.position == 4
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3, ptest]
     ptest2 = Index()
     ptest2.position = None
     assert ptest2.position == 1
     assert ptest.position == 2
     assert p1.position == 3
     assert p2.position == 4
     assert p3.position == 5
예제 #2
 def test_last(self, m_pi):
     """Return the highest positioned instance."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 2
     p3.position = 3
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     p = Index()
     assert p.last is p3
예제 #3
 def test_clean_positions_removes_self(self, m_pi):
     """Remove self from positioning if specified."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 5
     p3.position = 9
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     assert p2.position == 1
     assert p3.position == 2
예제 #4
 def test_auto_position_with_others(self, m_gai):
     p1 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2 = Index()
     p2.position = 2
     p3 = Index()
     p3.position = 3
     m_gai.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     p4 = Index()
     p4.position = None
     assert p4.position == 4
예제 #5
 def test_clean_positions_removes_gaps(self, m_pi):
     """Remove gaps in position when cleaning."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 5
     p3.position = 9
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     assert p1.position == 1
     assert p2.position == 2
     assert p3.position == 3
 def test__step_backward(self, db):
     """Get the previous instance in the sequence."""
     idx1 = Index()
     idx2 = Index()
     idx3 = Index()
     idx1.position = 1
     idx2.position = 3
     idx3.position = 4
     db.session.add_all([idx1, idx2, idx3])
     assert idx3._step(forward=False) is idx2
     assert idx2._step(forward=False) is idx1
     assert idx1._step(forward=False) is None
예제 #7
 def test_clean_positions_sets_nulls(self, m_pi):
     """Set positions for objects with no position set."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p4 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = None
     p3.position = 2
     p4.position = None
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
     assert p1.position == 1
     assert p3.position == 2
     assert p2.position == 3
     assert p4.position == 4
예제 #8
 def test_set_position_insert_after_last(self, m_pi):
     """Insert after last position if given arbitrarily larger position."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 2
     p3.position = 3
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     ptest = Index()
     ptest.position = None
     assert p1.position == 1
     assert p2.position == 2
     assert p3.position == 3
     assert ptest.position == 4
예제 #9
 def test_set_position_insert_first(self, m_pi):
     """Bump others up when inserting to start position."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 2
     p3.position = 3
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     ptest = Index()
     ptest.position = None
     assert ptest.position == 1
     assert p1.position == 2
     assert p2.position == 3
     assert p3.position == 4
예제 #10
 def test_set_position_inserts(self, m_pi):
     """Setting a position btwn first and last should insert there."""
     p1 = Index()
     p2 = Index()
     p3 = Index()
     p1.position = 1
     p2.position = 2
     p3.position = 3
     m_pi.return_value = [p1, p2, p3]
     ptest = Index()
     ptest.position = None
     assert p1.position == 1
     assert ptest.position == 2
     assert p2.position == 3
     assert p3.position == 4
예제 #11
 def test__eq__(self):
     """Return True if all columns are the same value."""
     idx1 = Index()
     idx2 = Index()
     idx1.id = 42
     assert idx1 != idx2
     idx2.id = 42
     assert idx1 == idx2
     idx1.position = 3
     idx1.name = 'Annual'
     idx1.slug = 'annual'
     idx1.description = 'Not built to last.'
     assert idx1 != idx2
     idx2.position = 3
     idx2.name = 'Annual'
     idx2.slug = 'annual'
     idx2.description = 'Not built to last.'
     assert idx1 == idx2
예제 #12
 def test_auto_position_first(self, m_gai):
     """Set position to 1 if no other instances exist."""
     m_gai.return_value = []
     p1 = Index()
     # Since Index is not a declarative model, but a mixin that
     # adds a column to models, p1.position needs to be set to None before
     # using auto_position to prevent a TypeError from being raised due to
     # attempting to interpret an unbound column as a boolean.
     p1.position = None
     assert p1.position == 1
예제 #13
 def test_dict__to_from_dict__(self, m_q):
     """An Index.dict_ fed to Index.from_dict_ creates identical Index."""
     m_q.get.return_value = None
     idx1 = Index()
     idx1.id = 42
     idx1.position = 3
     idx1.name = 'Annual'
     idx1.slug = 'annual'
     idx1.description = 'Not built to last.'
     d = idx1.dict_
     assert Index.from_dict_(d) == idx1
예제 #14
 def test_from_dict__index_exists(self, m_q):
     """Do not allow from_dict_ to create an Index w/ id already in use."""
     old_idx = Index()
     old_idx.id = 42
     m_q.get.return_value = old_idx
     idx = Index()
     idx.id = 42
     idx.position = 3
     idx.name = 'Annual'
     idx.slug = 'annual'
     idx.description = 'Not built to last.'
     d = idx.dict_
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):