def get_user_activity_collection(): return eval("MongoDbUtils.db." + ConfigUtils.get("mongodb", "user_activity"))
def get_comb_imp_collection(): return eval("MongoDbUtils.db.") + ConfigUtils.get("mongodb", "comb_imp")
def get_dict_collection(): return eval("MongoDbUtils.db." + ConfigUtils.get("mongodb", "dict"))
def get_od_imp_collection(): return eval("MongoDbUtils.db." + ConfigUtils.get("mongodb", "od_imp"))
def get_raw_info(time): pool = PooledDB( creator=MySQLdb, mincached=1, maxcached=20, host=ConfigUtils.get('mysql', 'host'), port=ConfigUtils.getint('mysql', 'port'), user=ConfigUtils.get('mysql', 'user'), passwd=ConfigUtils.get('mysql', 'passwd'), db=ConfigUtils.get('mysql', 'db'), cursorclass=Cursor, charset="utf8" ) conn = pool.connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = """ SELECT, AS name, IF(targeting_type=0, content_id, NULL) AS area, IF(targeting_type=1, content_id, NULL) AS platform, IF(targeting_type=24, content_id, NULL) AS channel, IF(targeting_type=27, content_id, NULL) AS album, step, step_num, frequency, words, deliver_type, roll_type, weight, order_item_formal.start_date, order_item_formal.end_date, IF(targeting_type=26, content_id, NULL) AS episode, cpm, ad_product_id, wave FROM order_item_formal LEFT OUTER JOIN targeting_unit_formal ON = targeting_unit_formal.order_item_id LEFT OUTER JOIN freq_formal ON targeting_unit_formal.order_item_id = freq_formal.biz_id LEFT OUTER JOIN keyword ON keyword.type = 1 AND targeting_unit_formal.order_item_id = keyword.ref_id LEFT OUTER JOIN creative_template ON order_item_formal.creative_template_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN priority ON order_item_formal.priority_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN schedule_day_formal ON = schedule_day_formal.order_item_id AND = '%s' WHERE order_item_formal.start_date <= '%s' AND order_item_formal.end_date >= '%s' AND order_item_formal.online_status = 1 AND order_item_formal.delete_flag = 0 AND (IF(targeting_type=0, content_id, NULL) IS NOT NULL OR IF(targeting_type=1, content_id, NULL) IS NOT NULL OR IF(targeting_type=24, content_id, NULL) IS NOT NULL OR IF(targeting_type=27, content_id, NULL) IS NOT NULL OR IF(targeting_type=26, content_id, NULL) IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY,, IF(targeting_type=0, content_id, NULL), IF(targeting_type=1, content_id, NULL), IF(targeting_type=24, content_id, NULL), IF(targeting_type=27, content_id, NULL), step, step_num, frequency, IF(targeting_type=26, content_id, NULL) """ % (time, time, time) cur.execute(sql) return cur.fetchall()