예제 #1
def authorized(request):
        if not request.method == 'GET':
            raise Http404
        get = request.GET
        auth_token_key = get.get('auth_token_key')

        params = {'app_id': APP_ID,
                  'auth_token_key': auth_token_key}
        params.update({'auth_sig': sign_request(params)})
        response = make_api_request(AUTH_TOKEN_API_URL, params, method="POST")
        if not response:
            raise Http404

        user_id = get.get('user_id')
        next = get.get('next')
        auth_token = response.get('auth_token')

        user = User.get_by_key_name(user_id)
        if user:
            user.auth_token = auth_token
            user = User(user_id=user_id, auth_token=auth_token, auth_token_key=auth_token_key, date_joined=datetime.datetime.now(), key_name=user_id)
        if next:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/test/?hn_user_id=' + user.user_id)
    except DeadlineExceededError:
        # App Engine will throw DeadlineExceededErrors from time to time
        # catch them and handle rather than returning Server Error 500
        raise Http404
예제 #2
def ws_thays(request):
    cl = request.form.cleaned_data
    user = request.user
    if not user:
        raise Http404

    # store the last response
    if cl['question_id'] and cl['response_id']: #NOTE: this includes cl['response_id'] == '0'
        tr = set_thay_response(user, cl)
        params = {'auth_token': user.auth_token,
                  'question_id': cl['question_id'],
                  'response_id': cl['response_id'],
        make_api_request(config.THAY_API_URL, params)

    # get the current responses and see what can be asked next
    trs = user.thayresponse_set

    question_ids = set([tr.question_id for tr in trs])
    num_thays_answered = len([tr for tr in trs if tr.response_id != '0'])

    question_id = None
    for id in QUESTION_IDS:
        if id not in question_ids:
            question_id = id

    # get the question data for the response

    if question_id:
        params = {
            'app_id': APP_ID,
            'auth_token': user.auth_token,
            'question_id': question_id,
        params['auth_sig'] = sign_request(params)
        response = make_api_request(GET_QUESTION_API_URL, params)

        if not response: raise Http404('BAD RESPONSE!', response, params)

        data = response
        data = {'no_questions': True}

    data['num_thays_answered'] = num_thays_answered

    return json_response(data)