예제 #1
def changepass():
    form = forgot()
    form1 = getkey()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
      user = User.query.filter_by(email = form.email.data).first()
      if user :
          keys = id_generator()
          session['key'] = keys
          session['email'] = user.email
          reset_password(form, 'resetpass.html', keys)
          k = "o"       
          flash('chuyentay.com has been send email co your email adress, please visit to change your password')
          #form1 = getkey()
          return render_template("users/getkey.html",  form=form1)
      else :
        flash('email nay khong co trong he thong')
        return render_template("users/forgot.html",  form=form )

    if form1.validate_on_submit():
        email = session['email']
        keys = session['key']
        user = User.query.filter_by(email = email).first()
        if form1.key.data ==  session['key'] :
          user.password = generate_password_hash(form1.key.data)
          flash('ban da thay doi mat khau thanh cong'+ session['key'])
          return redirect(url_for('users.home')) 
        else :
          flash('key khong hop le'+ session['key'] + user.password)
          return redirect(url_for('users.home')) 

    else :
      return render_template("users/forgot.html",  form=form )
예제 #2
def dangsach():
  form = DangSach()
  if form.validate_on_submit():
    validatefile = request.files['imageFile']
    # save the image only when user chooses a file
    if validatefile and allowed_file(validatefile.filename):
      filename = id_generator() +  secure_filename(form.imageFile.data.filename)
      form.imageFile.data.save(uf + filename)
      flash('please choose image File')
      return render_template("users/dang-sach.html", form=form, is_auth = g.user.is_authenticated(), username = g.user.nickname)
    book = Book( truong=form.truong.data, khuvuc=request.form['khuvuc'], chuyennganh=request.form['chuyennganh'], giaovien=form.giaovien.data,\
        tensach=form.tensach.data, tacgia=form.tacgia.data, theloai=form.theloai.data, tinhtrang=form.tinhtrang.data, giaban=form.giaban.data, \
        noigapmat=form.noigapmat.data, thoigiangapmat=form.thoigiangapmat.data, lienhe=form.lienhe.data, \
        author=g.user, thoigiandang=datetime.utcnow(), image=(filename))
    # Insert the record in our database and commit it

    # Update number of books in db of that user
    g.user.sosachdang = g.user.sosachdang + 1
    flash(u'Đăng Sách Thành Công! ' )
    return redirect(url_for('users.home'))
  return render_template("users/dang-sach.html", form=form, is_auth = g.user.is_authenticated(), username = g.user.nickname)
예제 #3
def suathongtinsach(bookid):
  form = DangSach()
  book = Book.query.get(bookid)

  # Check if the book is not owned by user, then redirect to users.home
  if book not in g.user.books:
    flash(u"Bạn không sở hữu sách này")
    return redirect(url_for('users.home'))
  # This is the book is owned by user
  elif form.validate_on_submit():
        book.truong = form.truong.data
        book.khuvuc = request.form['khuvuc']
        book.chuyennganh = request.form['chuyennganh']
        book.giaovien = form.giaovien.data

        book.tensach = form.tensach.data
        book.tacgia = form.tacgia.data
        book.theloai = request.form['theloai']
        book.tinhtrang = request.form['tinhtrang']
        book.giaban = form.giaban.data
        book.noigapmat = form.noigapmat.data
        book.thoigiangapmat = form.thoigiangapmat.data
        book.lienhe = form.lienhe.data
        book.thoigiandang = datetime.utcnow()

        # Handling file upload
        filename = secure_filename(form.imageFile.data.filename)
        validatefile = request.files['imageFile']
        # save the image only when user chooses a file, otherwise keep the same picture
        if validatefile:
          form.imageFile.data.save(uf + filename)
          book.image = filename
        # Overwrite the current book in database
        validatefile = request.files['imageFile']
        if validatefile and allowed_file(validatefile.filename):
          os.remove(uf + book.image)
          filename = id_generator() + secure_filename(form.imageFile.data.filename)
          form.imageFile.data.save(uf + filename)
          book.image = filename
        flash(u'Cập Nhật Thông Tin Sách Thành Công!')
        return redirect(url_for('users.sachdadang'))
    form.truong.data = book.truong
    form.giaovien.data = book.giaovien
    form.tensach.data = book.tensach
    form.tacgia.data = book.tacgia
    form.giaban.data = book.giaban
    form.noigapmat.data = book.noigapmat
    form.thoigiangapmat.data = book.thoigiangapmat
    form.lienhe.data = book.lienhe

  return render_template("users/sua-thong-tin-sach.html", form=form, is_auth = g.user.is_authenticated(), username = g.user.nickname, \