def re_crawl_mack_error_node(plan, app, device, page_before_run, node, activity): appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, activity) page_now = get_page_info(plan, app, device) if nodeController.recover_node_shown(plan, app, device, page_now, page_before_run, node): device.save_make_error_node_screen(node) if node.crawlOperation == 'tap': appController.tap_node(device, node) elif node.crawlOperation == 'longclick': appController.long_click_node(device, node) elif node.crawlOperation == 'type': t = appController.get_random_text(8) appController.type_text(device, node, t) if not appController.app_is_running(device, app): Saver.save_error_logcat(plan, device) HtmlMaker.make_failed_result_html(plan, app) MailSender.send_failed_mail_necessary(plan, app, device, node) del plan, app, device, page_before_run, node, activity, page_now return False else: HtmlMaker.make_failed_result_html(plan, app) MailSender.send_failed_mail_un_necessary(plan, app, device) del plan, app, device, page_before_run, node, activity, page_now return True
def check_activity_after_operation(plan, app, device, crawl_activity, page_before_run, node): Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "Step : Check page after operation") # if app crashed after crawl , save log & start app ,comtinue if Setting.TimeModel == 'Limit': time_now = if (time_now - device.beginCrawlTime).seconds > (Setting.LimitTime * 60): Saver.save_crawler_log_both(plan.logPath, device.logPath, "Step : crawl time out , finish crawl.") del plan, app, device, crawl_activity, time_now return None del time_now while True: info = get_top_activity_info(device) package = info['packagename'] activity = info['activity'] if len(package) != 0: break times = 0 while activity != crawl_activity: if not appController.app_is_running(device, app): Saver.save_error_logcat(plan, device) appController.clean_device_logcat(device) HtmlMaker.make_failed_result_html(plan, app) MailSender.send_failed_mail_first(plan, app, device) if not re_crawl_mack_error_node(plan, app, device, page_before_run, node, crawl_activity) and Setting.KeepRun: appController.kill_app(app) appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, crawl_activity) else: Saver.save_crawler_log_both(plan.logPath, device.logPath, "Step : crawl app " + device.crawlStatue + ', break crawling..') return None Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, 'back to ' + crawl_activity) device.save_screen_jump_out(package, activity) appController.click_back(device) time.sleep(2) times += 1 top_activity_info = get_top_activity_info(device) package = top_activity_info['packagename'] activity = top_activity_info['activity'] if times > 3: Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "can't back to " + crawl_activity + " after click back 3 times , Restart app") appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, crawl_activity) top_activity_info = get_top_activity_info(device) top_app_package = top_activity_info['packagename'] if top_app_package == app.packageName: del package, top_activity_info, top_app_package break del plan, app, device, crawl_activity, activity return get_page_info(plan, app, device)
def recover_node_shown(plan, app, device, page_now, page_before_run, node): t = 1 if node.nodeInfo in page_now.nodesInfoList: return True else: result = False while page_now is not None and page_now.nodesNum != 0 and node.nodeInfo not in page_now.nodesInfoList: if get_node_recover_way(app, device, page_now, page_before_run, node, []): result = True break Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "Step : no recover way , click back") device.save_screen_jump_out(page_now.package, page_now.currentActivity) appController.click_back(device) page_now = pageController.get_page_info(plan, app, device) t += 1 if t > 2: Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "can't find the node after back 3 times, restart app.") appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, app.launcherActivity) page_now = pageController.get_page_info(plan, app, device) if t > 3: Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "can't find the node after restart app") break if result: Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "Step : get recover way , begin to recover node shown") for n in node.recoverWay: device.save_screen(n, False) if n.crawlOperation == 'tap': appController.tap_node(device, n) elif n.crawlOperation == 'longclick': appController.long_click_node(device, n) elif n.crawlOperation == 'type': s = appController.get_random_text(8) appController.type_text(device, n, s) del s page_now = pageController.check_page_after_operation(plan, app, device, page_before_run, node) del n if node.nodeInfo in page_now.nodesInfoList: del plan, app, device, page_now, page_before_run, node, t return True del plan, app, device, page_now, page_before_run, node, t return result
def check_page_after_operation(plan, app, device, page_before_run, node): Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "Step : Check page after operation") # if app crashed after crawl , save log & start app ,continue if Setting.TimeModel == 'Limit': time_now = if (time_now - device.beginCrawlTime).seconds > (Setting.LimitTime * 60): Saver.save_crawler_log_both( plan.logPath, device.logPath, "Step : crawl time out , finish crawl.") del plan, app, device, time_now return None while True: info = get_top_activity_info(device) package = info['packagename'] activity = info['activity'] if len(package) != 0: del info break del info times = 0 while package != app.packageName: if not appController.app_is_running(device, app): Saver.save_error_logcat(plan, device) appController.clean_device_logcat(device) HtmlMaker.make_failed_result_html(plan, app) MailSender.send_failed_mail_first(plan, app, device) if not re_crawl_mack_error_node( plan, app, device, page_before_run, node, app.launcherActivity) and Setting.KeepRun: appController.kill_app(app) appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, app.launcherActivity) else: Saver.save_crawler_log_both( plan.logPath, device.logPath, "Step : crawl app " + device.crawlStatue + ', break crawling..') del plan, app, device, package, activity return None Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, 'back to ' + app.packageName) device.save_screen_jump_out(package, activity) appController.click_back(device) times += 1 top_activity_info = get_top_activity_info(device) package = top_activity_info['packagename'] activity = top_activity_info['activity'] if times > 3: Saver.save_crawler_log( device.logPath, "can't back to " + app.packageName + " after click back 3 times , Restart app") appController.start_activity(device, app.packageName, app.launcherActivity) top_activity_info = get_top_activity_info(device) top_app_package = top_activity_info['packagename'] if top_app_package == app.packageName: del top_activity_info, times, top_app_package break # if keyboard shown , click device back btn to close keyboard if appController.keyboard_is_shown(device): appController.click_back(device) if activity == '': Saver.save_crawler_log(device.logPath, "close login web QQ/Weibo") appController.click_back(device) page = get_page_info(plan, app, device) if page is not None and page.currentActivity == app.loginActivity and Setting.Login: app.update_loginactivity_entry(node) page = login_by_account(plan, page, app, device) del plan, app, device, page_before_run, node return page