예제 #1
    return Response(mylookup.get_template(template).render(**context),
                    headers=[('Pragma', 'no-store, no-cache'),
                              'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate')])

# don't use this key but a different one; you could just use
# os.unrandom(20) to get something random.  Changing this key
# invalidates all sessions at once.
SECRET_KEY = '}zJg\xc7\xc0\x98\xaf\x00\xcb\xae=WRa\x99\x7f(\xce\xb7'

# the cookie name for the session
COOKIE_NAME = 'session'

ADMINS = get_config_var('pycwb.admins')

class AppRequest(Request):
    """A request with a secure cookie session."""
    def logout(self):
        """Log the user out."""
        self.session.pop('username', None)

    def login(self, username):
        """Log the user in."""
        self.session['username'] = username
        self.session['real_user'] = username

    def become(self, username):
        if (self.session['real_user'] == username
예제 #2
# PyCWB annotation tool (c) 2009-2013 Yannick Versley / Univ. Tuebingen
# released under the Apache license, version 2.0
# This file provides access to a list of installed corpora.
# The corpus_urls dictionary in this module maps each corpus name
# to a function that turns text_id attribute values into a URL where
# the source text can be found.
from app_configuration import get_config_var

allowed_corpora_nologin = get_config_var('pycwb.corpora.nologin')
allowed_corpora = allowed_corpora_nologin + get_config_var(
allowed_corpora_admin = allowed_corpora + get_config_var('pycwb.corpora.admin')

tueba_url_pattern = get_config_var(
    'pycwb.urls.tueba') + '/19%s/%s/%s/art%03d.htm'

def compute_url_tueba(text_id, unused_corpus):
    year = text_id[1:3]
    month = text_id[3:5]
    day = text_id[5:7]
    artno = int(text_id[8:])
    return tueba_url_pattern % (year, month, day, artno)

parser_ordering_de = ['release', 'tueba']

corpus_sattr = {}
corpus_d_sattr = {}
예제 #3
import re
import sys
import datetime
from itertools import izip
from collections import defaultdict
from werkzeug import Response, redirect, escape
import simplejson as json

from app_configuration import get_config_var
from webapp_admin import render_template, Forbidden, ADMINS
from annodb.database import login_user, get_corpus, \
     default_database, get_database, get_times, add_time
from annodb.corpora import allowed_corpora_nologin, allowed_corpora

    default_annotator = get_config_var('pycwb.sense_edit.default_annotator')
except KeyError:
    default_annotator = None

    gwn_dbname = get_config_var('pycwb.sense_edit.db')
except KeyError:
    gwn_dbname = None

filters = {
    'N': set(['NN']),
    'A': set(['ADJA', 'ADJD']),
    'V': set(['VVFIN', 'VVINF', 'VVPP', 'VVIZU']),
    'R': ['ADV']
예제 #4
파일: germanet.py 프로젝트: yv/anno_tool
                LexicalUnit.orth_form == word)
        self.synsetsByWord[word] = result
        return result

    def synset_by_id(self, id):
        return self.session.query(Synset).get(id)

    def get_hypernym_graph(self):
        if self.hypernym_graph is None:
            self.hypernym_graph = HypernymGraph(self)
        return self.hypernym_graph

    def get_max_synset_id(self):
        result = self.session.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM synset_table')
        (max_synsetId, ) = result.fetchone()
        return max_synsetId

dbs = {}
db_urls = {}
data_dirs = {}
for k, v in get_config_var('germanet').iteritems():
    db_urls[k] = v['db_server']

def get_database(name):
    if name not in dbs:
        dbs[name] = GWN_DB(db_urls[name])
    return dbs[name]
예제 #5
파일: database.py 프로젝트: yv/anno_tool
import re
import os.path
import datetime
import CWB.CL as cwb
import pymongo
import hashlib
from app_configuration import get_config_var
from passlib.hash import fshp

from corpora import corpus_d_sattr, parse_order

couch_ignore_attributes = set(
    ['_id', '_rev', 'type', 'span', 'corpus', 'annotator', 'level', 'word'])

    mongo_url = get_config_var('pycwb.mongodb.url')
    srv = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_url)
except KeyError:
    srv = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)

    cwb_registry_dir = get_config_var('pycwb.cwb_registry')
except KeyError:
    cwb_registry_dir = None

    username = get_config_var('pycwb.mongodb.username')
    password = get_config_var('pycwb.mongodb.password')
except KeyError:
    username = None
    password = None