def locations(request): paginate = Paginate() users = User.all() c = {} c.update(csrf(request)) page = {} page.update(message.get_flash_message(request)) page.update(paginate.paginate(0, 1)) c["page"] = page c["users"] = users return render_to_response('locations/index.jinja', c)
def users(request): if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST["_method"] == "NEW": from app_search.helpers.app_helper import AppHelper data = request.POST.copy() data['date_joined'] = data['is_active'] = True print("before") print(data) if 'password' not in data or 'password' in data and data['password'] == '': print("generate password") data['password'] = AppHelper.generate_password() print("@@@ password={0}".format(data['password'])) uform = UserForm(data) pform = UserProfileForm(data) if uform.is_valid() and pform.is_valid(): u = p = = False) p.user = u if user and p: message.flash(request, "登録に成功しました", "success") # TODO: passwordの通知方法 return redirect('user', pk = else: message.flash(request, "登録に失敗しました", "danger") else: message.flash_with_errors(request, "入力エラーです。", uform.errors, pform.errors) # end of POST c = {} c.update(csrf(request)) page = {} page.update(message.get_flash_message(request)) page.update({'form': uform}) c["page"] = page return render_to_response('users/new.jinja', c) paginate = Paginate() users = User.objects.all() c = {} c.update(csrf(request)) page = {} page.update(message.get_flash_message(request)) page.update(paginate.paginate(0, 1)) c["page"] = page c["users"] = users return render_to_response('users/index.jinja', c)
def search_results(request): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() client = riak.RiakClient() bucket = client.bucket_type(settings.RIAK["STORE_BUCKET_TYPE"]).bucket(settings.RIAK["STORE_BUCKET"]) params = request.GET solr_server_url = "http://localhost:8098" query_interface = "search/query/{0}".format(settings.RIAK["STORE_BUCKET_TYPE"]) # 検索クエリの作成 query_ss = [] if 'q' not in params or ('q' in params and params['q'].strip() == ""): query_ss.append(("q","*:*")) else: query_ss.append(("q","{1}:{0} OR {2}:{0} OR {3}:{0}".format(params["q"].strip(), 'titles_ja', 'creators_ts', 'identifiers_ts'))) PAGER_DEFAULT = 10 START_PAGE_DEFAULT = 1 SORT_DEFAULT = next(filter(lambda x:x['key'] == "ma", SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_SORT), None)['v'] per_page = PAGER_DEFAULT current_page = START_PAGE_DEFAULT params_o1 = "" params_o2 = "" params_p = "" if 'o1' in params: params_o1 = params['o1'] try: per_page = int(next(filter(lambda x:x['key'] == params_o1, SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_PAGES), PAGER_DEFAULT)['v']) except ValueError as e: pass sort_method = SORT_DEFAULT if 'o2' in params: params_o2 = params['o2'] if type(params_o2) == "array": params_o2 = params_o2[0] if params_o2 == "ma": sort_method = next(filter(lambda x:x['key'] == params_o2, SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_SORT), SORT_DEFAULT)['v'] else: sort_method = "{0},{1}"\ .format(next(filter(lambda x:x['key'] == params_o2, SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_SORT), SORT_DEFAULT)['v'] , SORT_DEFAULT) if 'p' in params: try: current_page = int(params['p']) if current_page < 1: raise ValueError params_p = params['p'] except ValueError as e: pass start_pos = per_page * (current_page - 1) # その他のオプション query_exts = [("wt","json"), ('', 'arrmap'), ('fl', '_yz_rk'), ('rows', per_page), ('sort', sort_method), ('start', start_pos), ] # querys = [] querys.extend(query_ss) querys.extend(query_exts) search_url = "{0}/{1}?{2}".format(solr_server_url, query_interface, urllib.parse.urlencode(querys)) print(search_url) enc = "UTF-8" sock = urllib.request.urlopen(search_url) results = json.loads( sock.close() #print(results) manifestations = [] result_count = 0 if 'response' in results and results['response']['numFound'] and results['response']['numFound'] > 0: result_count = results['response']['numFound'] for result in results['response']['docs']: m = bucket.get(result['_yz_rk']) if m and manifestations.append( else: print("warning: no document! key={0}".format(result['_yz_rk'])) # === paginate = Paginate() pageinfo = {"search_result_count": result_count, "q": params["q"], "o1": params_o1, "o2": params_o2, "p": params_p, "o1list": SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_PAGES, "o2list": SolrHelper.SEARCH_RESULTS_SORT, } pageinfo.update(paginate.paginate(result_count, current_page)) return render_to_response('search/search_result.jinja', {"manifestations": manifestations, "page": pageinfo} )