예제 #1
def make_gitiles_json_call(url, n=1000):
    """Make a JSON call to gitiles and decode the result.

  This makes a gitiles call with exponential backoff in the case of 429s. When
  it gets a result, it decodes and returns the resulting object. If the
  exponential backoff times out, it raises pipeline.PipelineUserError.

    url (str): the url to query
    n (int): the number of items to get (this is appended to the query string)
    full_url = url + '?format=json&n=%d' % n

    backoff = 10
    attempts = 4
    for i in range(attempts):
        logging.info('scanning %s', full_url)
        result = urlfetch.fetch(full_url, deadline=180)
        if result.status_code == 200:
            # Gitiles serves JSONP, so we strip it out here.
            assert result.content[0:5] == ')]}\'\n'
            return json.loads(result.content[5:])
        elif result.status_code == 404:
            return {'status': 404}
        elif result.status_code != 429:
            raise pipeline.PipelineUserError('urlfetch returned %d' %

        sleep = backoff * (2**i)
        logging.info('got 429, sleeping %d secs...', sleep)
        time.sleep(sleep + random.random())
    raise pipeline.PipelineUserError(
        'urlfetch returned 429 after %d attempts, timing out!' % attempts)
예제 #2
def obtain_repo_scan_lock(project, repo, pipeline_id):  # pragma: no cover
    client = memcache.Client()
    key = MEMCACHE_REPO_SCAN_LOCK % models.Repo.repo_id(project, repo)
    logging.info('obtaining lock on %s' % key)
    counter = client.gets(key)
    if counter:
        if counter['counter'] != 0 and counter['pipeline_id'] != pipeline_id:
            logging.info('pipeline_id %s doesn\'t match %s' %
                         (counter['pipeline_id'], pipeline_id))
            return False
        while True:
            new_counter = {
                'pipeline_id': pipeline_id,
                'counter': 1,
            if client.cas(key, new_counter,
                logging.info('cas succeeded')
                return True

            counter = client.gets(key)
            if counter is not None:
                raise pipeline.PipelineUserError('Uninitialized counter')
        new_counter = {
            'pipeline_id': pipeline_id,
            'counter': 1,
        return client.add(MEMCACHE_REPO_SCAN_LOCK %
                          models.Repo.repo_id(project, repo),