class AppEngineTwitter(object):
  def __init__(self, tw_name='', tw_pswd=''):
    Note: Some actions require password or OAuth.
    self._api_url = ''
    self._search_url = ''
    self.tw_name = tw_name
    self._oauth = None
    self._headers = {}
    if tw_pswd != '':
      auth = base64.encodestring(tw_name + ':' + tw_pswd)[:-1]
      self._headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + auth
  def update(self, message):
    Post a tweet
    Sucess => Retrun 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
    return self._post('/statuses/update.json', {'status': message})
  def follow(self, target_name):
    Sucess => Return 200 / Already following => Return 403 /
    Fialed => Return other HTTP status
    return self._post('/friendships/create.json', {'screen_name': target_name})

  def friends_ids(self):
    return self._get('/friends/ids.json', {})
  def is_following(self, target_name):
    Yes => Return True / No => Return False /
    Fialed => Return HTTP status except 200
    if self.tw_name == '':
      # With OAuth, screen_name is not required.
      user_info = simplejson.loads(self.last_response.content)
      self.tw_name = user_info['screen_name']
    status = self._get('/friendships/exists.json',
                       {'user_a': self.tw_name, 'user_b': target_name})
    if status == 200:
      return (self.last_response.content == 'true')
      return status
  def verify(self):
    Verify user_name and password, and get user info
    Sucess => Return 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
    return self._get('/account/verify_credentials.json', {})
  def search(self, keyword, params={}):
    Sucess => Return Array of dict / Fialed => Return HTTP status except 200
    params['q'] = keyword
    return self._search('/search.json', params)
  # OAuth methods
  # (See )
  def set_oauth(self, key, secret, acs_token='', acs_token_secret=''):
    Set OAuth parameters
    self._oauth = AppEngineOAuth(key, secret, acs_token, acs_token_secret)
  def prepare_oauth_login(self):
    Get request token, request token secret and login URL
    dic = self._oauth.prepare_login(self._api_url + '/oauth/request_token/')
    dic['url'] = self._api_url + '/oauth/authorize?' + dic['params']
    return dic
  def exchange_oauth_tokens(self, req_token, req_token_secret):
    Exchange request token for access token
    return self._oauth.exchange_tokens(self._api_url + '/oauth/access_token/',
  # Private methods
  def _post(self, path, params):
    url = self._api_url + path
    if self._oauth != None:
      params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'POST')
    res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,
    self.last_response = res
    return res.status_code
  def _get(self, path, params):
    url = self._api_url + path
    if self._oauth != None:
      params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'GET')
    url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
    res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method='GET', headers=self._headers)
    self.last_response = res
    return res.status_code
  def _search(self, path, params):
    FYI (Especially 503 error)
    url = url=self._search_url + path + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
    res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method='GET')
    self.last_response = res
    if res.status_code == 200:
      return simplejson.loads(res.content)['results']
    elif res.status_code == 503:
      err_msg = 'Rate Limiting: Retry After ' + res.headers['Retry-After']
      err_msg = 'Error: HTTP Status is ' + str(res.status_code)
    raise Exception('Twitter Search API ' + err_msg)
 def set_oauth(self, key, secret, acs_token='', acs_token_secret=''):
   Set OAuth parameters
   self._oauth = AppEngineOAuth(key, secret, acs_token, acs_token_secret)
class AppEngineTwitter(object):
    def __init__(self, tw_name='', tw_pswd=''):
    Note: Some actions require password or OAuth.
        self._api_url = ''
        self._search_url = ''

        self.tw_name = tw_name
        self._oauth = None

        self._headers = {}
        if tw_pswd != '':
            auth = base64.encodestring(tw_name + ':' + tw_pswd)[:-1]
            self._headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + auth

    def update(self, message):
    Post a tweet
    Sucess => Retrun 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._post('/statuses/update.json', {'status': message})

    def follow(self, target_name):
    Sucess => Return 200 / Already following => Return 403 /
    Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._post('/friendships/create.json',
                          {'screen_name': target_name})

    def friends_ids(self):
        return self._get('/friends/ids.json', {})

    def is_following(self, target_name):
    Yes => Return True / No => Return False /
    Fialed => Return HTTP status except 200
        if self.tw_name == '':
            # With OAuth, screen_name is not required.
            user_info = simplejson.loads(self.last_response.content)
            self.tw_name = user_info['screen_name']

        status = self._get('/friendships/exists.json', {
            'user_a': self.tw_name,
            'user_b': target_name
        if status == 200:
            return (self.last_response.content == 'true')
            return status

    def verify(self):
    Verify user_name and password, and get user info
    Sucess => Return 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._get('/account/verify_credentials.json', {})

    def search(self, keyword, params={}):
    Sucess => Return Array of dict / Fialed => Return HTTP status except 200
        params['q'] = keyword
        return self._search('/search.json', params)

    # OAuth methods
    # (See )

    def set_oauth(self, key, secret, acs_token='', acs_token_secret=''):
    Set OAuth parameters
        self._oauth = AppEngineOAuth(key, secret, acs_token, acs_token_secret)

    def prepare_oauth_login(self):
    Get request token, request token secret and login URL
        dic = self._oauth.prepare_login(self._api_url +
        dic['url'] = self._api_url + '/oauth/authorize?' + dic['params']
        return dic

    def exchange_oauth_tokens(self, req_token, req_token_secret):
    Exchange request token for access token
        return self._oauth.exchange_tokens(
            self._api_url + '/oauth/access_token/', req_token,

    # Private methods

    def _post(self, path, params):
        url = self._api_url + path
        if self._oauth != None:
            params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'POST')
        res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,
        self.last_response = res
        return res.status_code

    def _get(self, path, params):
        url = self._api_url + path
        if self._oauth != None:
            params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'GET')
        url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method='GET', headers=self._headers)
        self.last_response = res
        return res.status_code

    def _search(self, path, params):
    FYI (Especially 503 error)
        url = url = self._search_url + path + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method='GET')
        self.last_response = res

        if res.status_code == 200:
            return simplejson.loads(res.content)['results']
        elif res.status_code == 503:
            err_msg = 'Rate Limiting: Retry After ' + res.headers['Retry-After']
            err_msg = 'Error: HTTP Status is ' + str(res.status_code)

        raise Exception('Twitter Search API ' + err_msg)
 def set_oauth(self, key, secret, acs_token='', acs_token_secret=''):
 Set OAuth parameters
     self._oauth = AppEngineOAuth(key, secret, acs_token, acs_token_secret)
예제 #5
class AppEngineTwitter(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._api_url = ''
        self._oauth_url = ''
        self._oauth = None
        self._tw_name = ''

    def update(self, message):
    Post a tweet
    Sucess => Retrun 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._post('statuses/update.json', {'status': message})

    def retweet(self, tweet_id):
    ReTweet a tweet
    Sucess => Retrun 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._post('statuses/retweet/' + tweet_id + '.json', {})

    def follow(self, target_name):
    Sucess => Return 200 / Already following => Return 403 /
    Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._post('friendships/create.json',
                          {'screen_name': target_name})

    def is_following(self, target_name):
    Yes => Return True / No => Return False /
    Fialed => Return HTTP status except 200
        if self._tw_name == '':
            user_info = json.loads(self.last_response.content)
            self._tw_name = user_info['screen_name']

        status = self._get('friendships/exists.json', {
            'user_a': self._tw_name,
            'user_b': target_name
        if status == 200:
            return (self.last_response.content == 'true')
            return status

    def verify(self):
    Verify user_name and password, and get user info
    Sucess => Return 200 / Fialed => Return other HTTP status
        return self._get('account/verify_credentials.json', {})

    def search(self, keyword, params={}):
    Sucess => Return Array of dict / Fialed => raise an Exception
        params['q'] = keyword
        status = self._get('search/tweets.json', params)

        if status == 200:
            return json.loads(self.last_response.content)['statuses']
            raise Exception('Error: HTTP Status is ' + str(status))

    # OAuth methods
    # (See )

    def set_oauth(self, key, secret, acs_token='', acs_token_secret=''):
    Set OAuth parameters
        self._oauth = AppEngineOAuth(key, secret, acs_token, acs_token_secret)

    def prepare_oauth_login(self):
    Get request token, request token secret and login URL
        dic = self._oauth.prepare_login(self._oauth_url + 'request_token')
        dic['url'] = self._oauth_url + 'authorize?' + dic['params']
        return dic

    def exchange_oauth_tokens(self, req_token, req_token_secret):
    Exchange request token for access token
        return self._oauth.exchange_tokens(self._oauth_url + 'access_token',
                                           req_token, req_token_secret)

    # Private methods

    def _post(self, path, params):
        url = self._api_url + path
        params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'POST')
        res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,
        self.last_response = res
        return res.status_code

    def _get(self, path, params):
        url = self._api_url + path
        if self._oauth != None:
            params = self._oauth.get_oauth_params(url, params, 'GET')
        url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
        res = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, method='GET')
        self.last_response = res
        return res.status_code