def checkConflicts(self): if self.params["stackid"] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params["modelid"] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params["runname"] is None: apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name") if self.params["last"] is None: self.params["last"] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"]) self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) if self.params["reconstackid"] is not None: reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["reconstackid"], msg=False) reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["reconstackid"]) refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"]) reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["reconstackid"]) if reconboxsize != self.boxsize: apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks") if reconapix != self.apix: apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks") if refinenumpart != reconnumpart: apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks") maxmask = math.floor(self.apix * (self.boxsize - 10) / 2.0) if self.params["mask"] is None: apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask)) self.params["mask"] = maxmask if self.params["mask"] > maxmask: apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask)) self.params["mask"] = maxmask if self.params["noctf"] is True: apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method") self.params["wgh"] = -1.0 if self.params["nodes"] > 1 and self.params["cluster"] is False: apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node") if self.params["ppn"] is None: if self.params["cluster"] is True: apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode") self.params["ppn"] = apParam.getNumProcessors() apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d" % (self.params["ppn"])) if self.params["rpn"] is None: self.params["rpn"] = self.params["ppn"] self.params["nproc"] = self.params["nodes"] * self.params["rpn"] ### get the symmetry data if self.params["sym"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined") else: self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params["sym"]) self.params["symm_id"] = self.symmdata.dbid self.params["symm_name"] = self.symmdata["eman_name"] apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s" % (self.symmdata["eman_name"], self.symmdata.dbid)) ### set cs value self.params["cs"] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
def checkConflicts(self): ### setup correct database after we have read the project id if 'projectid' in self.params and self.params['projectid'] is not None: apDisplay.printMsg("Using split database") # use a project database newdbname = apProject.getAppionDBFromProjectId(self.params['projectid']) sinedon.setConfig('appiondata', db=newdbname) apDisplay.printColor("Connected to database: '"+newdbname+"'", "green") ### get stack data self.stack = {} if self.params['stackid'] is not None: self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) else: self.stack['data'] = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query(self.params['alignstackid']) self.stack['apix'] = self.stack['pixelsize'] self.stack['boxsize'] = self.stack['boxsize'] self.stack['file'] = self.stack['imagicfile'] ### check conflicts if self.params['stackid'] is None and self.params['alignstackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id OR alignstack id was not defined") if self.params['stackid'] is not None and self.params['alignstackid'] is not None: apDisplay.printError("either specify stack id OR alignstack id, not both") if self.params['generations'] is None: apDisplay.printError("number of generations was not provided") maxparticles = 500000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file']): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file']))) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file']) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['ou'] is None: self.params['ou'] = (boxsize / 2.0) - 2 self.clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %(self.params['clipsize'],self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() if self.mpirun is None: apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed")
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['modelid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name") if self.params['last'] is None: self.params['last'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid']) self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['reconstackid'] is not None: reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['reconstackid'], msg=False) reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['reconstackid']) refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid']) reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['reconstackid']) if reconboxsize != self.boxsize: apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks") if reconapix != self.apix: apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks") if refinenumpart != reconnumpart: apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks") maxmask = math.floor(self.apix*(self.boxsize-10)/2.0) if self.params['mask'] is None: apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask)) self.params['mask'] = maxmask if self.params['mask'] > maxmask: apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask)) self.params['mask'] = maxmask if self.params['noctf'] is True: apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method") self.params['wgh'] = -1.0 if self.params['nodes'] > 1 and self.params['cluster'] is False: apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node") if self.params['ppn'] is None: if self.params['cluster'] is True: apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode") self.params['ppn'] = apParam.getNumProcessors() apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d"%(self.params['ppn'])) if self.params['rpn'] is None: self.params['rpn'] = self.params['ppn'] self.params['nproc'] = self.params['nodes']*self.params['rpn'] ### get the symmetry data if self.params['sym'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined") else: self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params['sym']) self.params['symm_id'] = self.symmdata.dbid self.params['symm_name'] = self.symmdata['eman_name'] apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s"%(self.symmdata['eman_name'], self.symmdata.dbid)) ### set cs value self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['start'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of starting classes was not provided") if self.params['end'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of ending classes was not provided") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") self.stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) # check for virtual stack self.params['virtualdata'] = None if not os.path.isfile(stackfile): vstackdata = apStack.getVirtualStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid']) npart = len(vstackdata['particles']) self.params['virtualdata'] = vstackdata else: npart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = npart elif self.params['numpart'] > npart: apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.workingboxsize = math.floor(self.boxsize/self.params['bin']) if not self.params['mask']: self.params['mask'] = (self.boxsize/2)-2 self.workingmask = math.floor(self.params['mask']/self.params['bin']) if self.params['mramethod'] == 'imagic': self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath() self.imagicversion = apIMAGIC.getImagicVersion(self.imagicroot)
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['rad'] is None: apDisplay.printError("no particle radius set") if self.params['modelid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params['lastring'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a last ring radius was not provided") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") if self.params['incr'] is None: apDisplay.printError("angular increments are not specified") stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) numstackp = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] > numstackp: apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(numstackp) +" than available "+str(numstackp)) elif self.params['numpart'] == 0: apDisplay.printWarning("using all "+str(numstackp)+" particles") self.params['numpart'] = numstackp boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['lastring'] > boxsize/2-2: apDisplay.printError("last ring radius is too big for boxsize " +str(self.params['lastring'])+" > "+str(boxsize/2-2)) if self.params['lastring']+self.params['xysearch'] > boxsize/2-2: apDisplay.printError("last ring plus xysearch radius is too big for boxsize " +str(self.params['lastring']+self.params['xysearch'])+" > "+str(boxsize/2-2)) if (self.params['xysearch'] % self.params['xystep']) > 0: apDisplay.printError("translational search (xy-search) must be divisible by search step (xy-step)")
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run description was not defined") if self.params['templatelist'] is None: apDisplay.printError("template list was not provided") if self.params['lastring'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a last ring radius was not provided") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])/self.params['bin'] if self.params['lastring'] > boxsize/2-2: apDisplay.printError("last ring radius is too big for boxsize " +str(self.params['lastring'])+" > "+str(boxsize/2-2)) if self.params['lastring']+self.params['xysearch'] > boxsize/2-2: apDisplay.printError("last ring plus xysearch radius is too big for boxsize " +str(self.params['lastring']+self.params['xysearch'])+" > "+str(boxsize/2-2)) ### convert / check template data self.templatelist = self.params['templatelist'].strip().split(",") if not self.templatelist or type(self.templatelist) != type([]): apDisplay.printError("could not parse template list="+self.params['templatelist']) self.params['numtemplate'] = len(self.templatelist) apDisplay.printMsg("Found "+str(self.params['numtemplate'])+" templates")
def setupParticles(self): self.params["localstack"] = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.timestamp + ".hed") self.stack = {} self.stack["data"] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"]) self.stack["apix"] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) self.stack["part"] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) self.stack["boxsize"] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"]) self.stack["file"] = os.path.join(self.stack["data"]["path"]["path"], self.stack["data"]["name"]) boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack["boxsize"] / float(self.params["bin"] * 2))) * 2 apix = self.stack["apix"] * self.params["bin"] proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack["file"] + " " + self.params["localstack"] + " apix=" + str(self.stack["apix"]) if self.params["bin"] > 1: clipsize = boxsize * self.params["bin"] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params["bin"], clipsize, clipsize) if self.params["highpass"] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params["highpass"]) if self.params["lowpass"] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params["lowpass"]) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params["numpart"] - 1) apFile.removeStack(self.params["localstack"], warn=False) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params["localstack"]) return (boxsize, apix)
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['numrefs'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided") maxparticles = 500000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %(self.params['clipsize'],self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() if self.mpirun is None: apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed") if self.params['nproc'] is None: self.params['nproc'] = apParam.getNumProcessors() if self.params['nproc'] < 2: apDisplay.printError("Only the MPI version of CL2D is currently supported, must run with > 1 CPU")
def start(self): """ This is the core of your function. """ stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) original_stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) filtered_stackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") apFile.removeStack(filtered_stackfile, warn=False) apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) emancmd = "proc2d %s %s apix=%.3f "%(original_stackfile, filtered_stackfile, apix) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None: emancmd += " lp=%.3f "%(self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None: emancmd += " hp=%.3f "%(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['bin'] is not None and self.params['bin'] > 1: ## determine a multiple of the bin that is divisible by 2 and less than the boxsize clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2*self.params['bin'] emancmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) emancmd += " last=%d "%(self.params['numpart']-1) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) ### confirm that it worked if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(filtered_stackfile): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### run the radon transform code self.radonAlign(filtered_stackfile) ### insert info into database self.commitToDatabase()
def getBoxSize(self): boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['tiltstackid']) if self.params['tiltbin'] == 1: return boxsize newbox = int( math.floor(boxsize / float(self.params['tiltbin']) / 2.0) * 2.0) return newbox
def setupParticles(self): self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 apix = self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin'] proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1: clipsize = boxsize*self.params['bin'] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize) if self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack'], warn=False) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) return (boxsize, apix)
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") #if self.params['description'] is None: # apDisplay.printError("run description was not defined") if self.params['numrefs'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") if not self.params['fastmode'] in self.fastmodes: apDisplay.printError("fast mode must be on of: "+str(self.fastmodes)) if not self.params['converge'] in self.convergemodes: apDisplay.printError("converge mode must be on of: "+str(self.convergemodes)) maxparticles = 500000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %(self.params['clipsize'],self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
def start(self): self.runtime = 0 self.partlist = [] self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.checkNoRefRun() ### convert stack to spider spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile() ### create initialization template if self.params['initmethod'] == 'allaverage': templatefile = self.averageTemplate() elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'selectrand': templatefile = self.selectRandomParticles() elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'randpart': templatefile = self.pickRandomParticle() elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'template': templatefile = self.getTemplate() else: apDisplay.printError("unknown initialization method defined: " +str(self.params['initmethod'])+" not in "+str(self.initmethods)) apDisplay.printColor("Running spider this can take awhile","cyan") ### run the alignment aligntime = time.time() pixrad = int(round(self.params['partrad']/self.stack['apix']/self.params['bin'])) alignedstack, self.partlist = alignment.refFreeAlignParticles( spiderstack, templatefile, self.params['numpart'], pixrad, self.params['firstring'], self.params['lastring'], rundir = ".") aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### remove large, worthless stack spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.spi") apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: "+spiderstack) apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=False) ### convert stack to imagic imagicstack = self.convertSpiderStack(alignedstack) apFile.removeFile(alignedstack) inserttime = time.time() if self.params['commit'] is True: self.runtime = aligntime self.insertNoRefRun(imagicstack, insert=True) else: apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB") inserttime = time.time() - inserttime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) apDisplay.printMsg("Database Insertion time: "+apDisplay.timeString(inserttime))
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("enter a stack run name, e.g. combinestack1") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("enter a stack description") if self.params['stacks'] and ',' in self.params['stacks']: #remember stackids are a list of strings stackids = self.params['stacks'].split(',') self.params['stackids'] = stackids else: apDisplay.printError("enter a list of stack ids to combine, e.g. --stackids=11,14,7") ### check to make sure all pixel and box size are the same self.newboxsize = None self.newpixelsize = None for stackidstr in self.params['stackids']: if not re.match("^[0-9]+$", stackidstr): apDisplay.printError("Stack id '%s' is not an integer"%(stackidstr)) stackid = int(stackidstr) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(stackid, msg=False) pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(stackid, msg=False) apDisplay.printMsg("Stack id: %d\tBoxsize: %d\tPixelsize: %.3f"%(stackid, boxsize, pixelsize)) if self.newboxsize is None: self.newboxsize = boxsize if self.newpixelsize is None: self.newpixelsize = pixelsize if boxsize != self.newboxsize: apDisplay.printError("Trying to combine stacks with different box sizes") if abs(pixelsize - self.newpixelsize) > 0.01: apDisplay.printError("Trying to combine stacks with different pixel sizes")
def start(self): """ this is the main component of the script where all the processing is done """ ### initialize some variables self.runq = None self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) apDisplay.printMsg("Pixel size: %.5f"%(self.apix)) self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) apDisplay.printMsg("Box size: %d"%(self.boxsize)) self.checkResults() self.stackmapping = apRecon.partnum2defid(self.params['stackid']) self.numiter = self.getNumberOfIterations() for i in range(self.numiter): iternum = i+1 apDisplay.printColor("\nUploading iteration %d of %d\n"%(iternum, self.numiter), "green") self.uploadIteration(iternum) reconrunid = apRecon.getReconRunIdFromNamePath(self.params['runname'], self.params['rundir']) if reconrunid: apDisplay.printMsg("calculating euler jumpers for recon="+str(reconrunid)) eulerjump = apEulerJump.ApEulerJump() eulerjump.calculateEulerJumpsForEntireRecon(reconrunid, self.params['stackid']) apRecon.setGoodBadParticlesFromReconId(reconrunid) else: apDisplay.printWarning("Could not find recon run id")
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Please provide a user id, e.g. --stackid=15") if not 'radonshift' in dir(radermacher): apDisplay.printError("Radermacher python module is too old, please update") boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) numpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) apDisplay.printMsg("\n\n") ### get info about the stack apDisplay.printMsg("Information about stack id %d"%(self.params['stackid'])) apDisplay.printMsg("\tboxsize %d pixels"%(boxsize)) apDisplay.printMsg("\tpixelsize %.3f Angstroms"%(pixelsize)) apDisplay.printMsg("\tsize %d particles"%(numpart)) if self.params['maskrad'] is None: self.params['pixelmaskrad'] = boxsize/2 self.params['maskrad'] = self.params['pixelmaskrad']*pixelsize else: self.params['pixelmaskrad'] = self.params['maskrad']/pixelsize if self.params['pixelmaskrad'] > boxsize/2: apDisplay.printError("Mask radius larger than boxsize") if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = numpart if self.params['numpart'] > numpart: apDisplay.printError("Requested more particles than available in stack") if self.params['numrefs'] is None: ### num refs should go approx. as the sqrt of the number of particles self.params['numrefs'] = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(self.params['numpart'])))+1
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params["stackid"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Stack id was not defined") if self.params["mandir"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Directory containing mandatory files was not defined") if self.params["description"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Run description was not defined") stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata["path"]["path"], stackdata["name"]) if self.params["numpart"] is None: self.params["numpart"] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) apDisplay.printWarning("Number of particles not defined, processing full stack") if self.params["numpart"] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError( "trying to use more particles " + str(self.params["numpart"]) + " than available " + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)) ) if self.params["replen"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Helical repeat was not defined") if self.params["subunits"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Number of subunits was not defined") if self.params["diameter"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Filament diameter was not defined") if self.params["diaminner"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Inner filament diameter was not defined") if self.params["rescut"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Phase residual cutoff was not defined") if self.params["filval"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Filter value was not defined") if self.params["bin"] is None: self.params["bin"] = 1 apDisplay.printWarning("Binning factor was not defined, binning by one") if self.params["cont"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Must specify if a contrast change is needed") if self.params["prehip"] is None: apDisplay.printError("Must specify if prehip needs to be executed or not") step = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) self.params["step"] = step onerep = math.floor(self.params["replen"] / step) calcyht2 = math.floor(self.params["diameter"] / step) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"]) self.params["boxsize"] = boxsize if self.params["xlngth"] < onerep: apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be less than one helical repeat") if self.params["xlngth"] > boxsize: apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be greater than stack box size") if self.params["yht2"] < calcyht2: apDisplay.printError("Filament box height can not be less than filament diameter") if self.params["padval"] < self.params["xlngth"]: apDisplay.printError("Pad value can not be less than the filament segment length") if not self.checkval(self.params["yht2"]): apDisplay.printError("Filament box height must be a power of two") if not self.checkval(self.params["padval"]): apDisplay.printError("Pad value must be a power of two")
def __initializeStack(self): # This sets parameters of our new stack based on the params of the original stack # TODO: use originalStackData to populate these self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.stack['format'] = 'imagic' self.stack['phaseflipped'] = self.originalStackData.phaseFlipped
def __initializeStack(self): # This sets parameters of our new stack based on the params of the original stack # TODO: use originalStackData to populate these self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.stack['format'] = 'imagic' self.stack['phaseflipped'] = self.originalStackData.phaseFlipped
def convertVolToSpider(self, mrcvolfile=None, modelid=None, apix=None, spivolfile=None): """ takes the mrc volume and creates a spider file ready for processing """ if modelid is not None: initModelData = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query(modelid) mrcvolfile = initModelData['path']['path'] + "/" + initModelData[ 'name'] apix = initModelData['pixelsize'] stackapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['partstackid']) * self.params['bin'] stackboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize( self.params['partstackid']) / self.params['bin'] print apix print mrcvolfile if not os.path.isfile(mrcvolfile): apDisplay.printError("volfile does not exist: " + mrcvolfile) ### first high pass filter particles #apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles") #apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['partstackid']) #emancmd = ("proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+emanstackfile # +" apix="+str(apix)+" hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart']) # +" inplace") #apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) ### convert imagic stack to spider emancmd = "proc3d " emancmd += mrcvolfile + " " if spivolfile is None: spivolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "threed-0a.spi") apFile.removeFile(spivolfile, warn=True) emancmd += spivolfile + " " emancmd += "scale=" + str(apix / stackapix) + " " emancmd += "clip=" + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str( stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + " " emancmd += "spidersingle" starttime = time.time() apDisplay.printColor("Running spider volume conversion", "cyan") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apDisplay.printColor( "finished conversion in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - starttime), "cyan") return spivolfile
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Stack id was not defined") if self.params['mandir'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Directory containing mandatory files was not defined") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Run description was not defined") stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) apDisplay.printWarning("Number of particles not defined, processing full stack") if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart'])+" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) if self.params['replen'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Helical repeat was not defined") if self.params['subunits'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Number of subunits was not defined") if self.params['diameter'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Filament diameter was not defined") if self.params['diaminner'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Inner filament diameter was not defined") if self.params['rescut'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Phase residual cutoff was not defined") if self.params['filval'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Filter value was not defined") if self.params['bin'] is None: self.params['bin'] = 1 apDisplay.printWarning("Binning factor was not defined, binning by one") if self.params['cont'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Must specify if a contrast change is needed") if self.params['prehip'] is None: apDisplay.printError("Must specify if prehip needs to be executed or not") step = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.params['step'] = step onerep = math.floor(self.params['replen'] / step) calcyht2 = math.floor(self.params['diameter'] / step) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.params['boxsize'] = boxsize if self.params['xlngth'] < onerep: apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be less than one helical repeat") if self.params['xlngth'] > boxsize: apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be greater than stack box size") if self.params['yht2'] < calcyht2: apDisplay.printError("Filament box height can not be less than filament diameter") if self.params['padval'] < self.params['xlngth']: apDisplay.printError("Pad value can not be less than the filament segment length") if not self.checkval(self.params['yht2']): apDisplay.printError("Filament box height must be a power of two") if not self.checkval(self.params['padval']): apDisplay.printError("Pad value must be a power of two")
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['numrefs'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided") maxparticles = 500000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) self.stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) # check for virtual stack self.params['virtualdata'] = None if not os.path.isfile(stackfile): vstackdata = apStack.getVirtualStackParticlesFromId( self.params['stackid']) npart = len(vstackdata['particles']) self.params['virtualdata'] = vstackdata else: npart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] > npart: apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles " + str(self.params['numpart']) + " than available " + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor( boxsize / float(self.params['bin'] * 2))) * 2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" % (self.params['clipsize'], self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() if self.mpirun is None: apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed") if self.params['nproc'] is None: self.params['nproc'] = self.params['nodes'] * self.params['ppn'] if self.params['nproc'] < 2: apDisplay.printError( "Only the MPI version of CL2D is currently supported, must run with > 1 CPU" )
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run description was not defined") ### convert / check template data if self.params['templatelist'] is None: apDisplay.printError("template list was not provided") self.templatelist = self.params['templatelist'].strip().split(",") if not self.templatelist or type(self.templatelist) != type([]): apDisplay.printError("could not parse template list=" + self.params['templatelist']) self.params['numtemplate'] = len(self.templatelist) apDisplay.printMsg("Found " + str(self.params['numtemplate']) + " templates") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") if not self.params['fastmode'] in self.fastmodes: apDisplay.printError("fast mode must be on of: " + str(self.fastmodes)) if not self.params['converge'] in self.convergemodes: apDisplay.printError("converge mode must be on of: " + str(self.convergemodes)) maxparticles = 150000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles " + str(self.params['numpart']) + " than available " + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor( boxsize / float(self.params['bin'] * 2))) * 2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] >= self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" % (self.params['clipsize'], self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined") if self.params['modelid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined") self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid']) if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None: self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart'] self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin'] ### set cs value self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData()) self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)),self.params['modelid'].split(',')) self.checkPackageConflicts()
def convertVolToSpider(self, mrcvolfile=None, modelid=None, apix=None, spivolfile=None): """ takes the mrc volume and creates a spider file ready for processing """ if modelid is not None: initModelData = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query(modelid) mrcvolfile = initModelData["path"]["path"] + "/" + initModelData["name"] apix = initModelData["pixelsize"] stackapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["partstackid"]) * self.params["bin"] stackboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["partstackid"]) / self.params["bin"] print apix print mrcvolfile if not os.path.isfile(mrcvolfile): apDisplay.printError("volfile does not exist: " + mrcvolfile) ### first high pass filter particles # apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles") # apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['partstackid']) # emancmd = ("proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+emanstackfile # +" apix="+str(apix)+" hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart']) # +" inplace") # apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) ### convert imagic stack to spider emancmd = "proc3d " emancmd += mrcvolfile + " " if spivolfile is None: spivolfile = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "threed-0a.spi") apFile.removeFile(spivolfile, warn=True) emancmd += spivolfile + " " emancmd += "scale=" + str(apix / stackapix) + " " emancmd += "clip=" + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + " " emancmd += "spidersingle" starttime = time.time() apDisplay.printColor("Running spider volume conversion", "cyan") apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) apDisplay.printColor("finished conversion in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - starttime), "cyan") return spivolfile
def createFastFreeHandInputLineTemplate(self): self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.apix = 6.02 one_particledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid'], particlenumber=1, msg=True) scopedata = one_particledata['particle']['image']['scope'] ht_kv = scopedata['high tension'] / 1000.0 cs_mm = scopedata['tem']['cs'] * 1000 angSearch = self.params['angSearch'] constant_inputlines = [ '%.3f,%.3f,%2f,%.f' %(self.apix,self.params['snr'],cs_mm,ht_kv) ,'1,0' ,'../%s' %(self.stackfile) ,'../%s' %(self.modelfile) ,'../%s' %(self.frealign_paramfile) ,'out.mrc' ,'-%d,%d,-%d,%d' %(angSearch,angSearch,angSearch,angSearch) ,'%.1f,%.2f,%.2f' %(self.params['minres'],self.params['maxres'],self.params['radius']) ,'%s' %(self.params['scoringtype'].upper()) ] return constant_inputlines
def createFastFreeHandInputLineTemplate(self): self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"]) self.apix = 6.02 one_particledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params["stackid"], particlenumber=1, msg=True) scopedata = one_particledata["particle"]["image"]["scope"] ht_kv = scopedata["high tension"] / 1000.0 cs_mm = scopedata["tem"]["cs"] * 1000 angSearch = self.params["angSearch"] constant_inputlines = [ "%.3f,%.3f,%2f,%.f" % (self.apix, self.params["snr"], cs_mm, ht_kv), "1,0", "../%s" % (self.stackfile), "../%s" % (self.modelfile), "../%s" % (self.frealign_paramfile), "out.mrc", "-%d,%d,-%d,%d" % (angSearch, angSearch, angSearch, angSearch), "%.1f,%.2f,%.2f" % (self.params["minres"], self.params["maxres"], self.params["radius"]), "%s" % (self.params["scoringtype"].upper()), ] return constant_inputlines
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run description was not defined") ### convert / check template data if self.params['templatelist'] is None: apDisplay.printError("template list was not provided") self.templatelist = self.params['templatelist'].strip().split(",") if not self.templatelist or type(self.templatelist) != type([]): apDisplay.printError("could not parse template list="+self.params['templatelist']) self.params['numtemplate'] = len(self.templatelist) apDisplay.printMsg("Found "+str(self.params['numtemplate'])+" templates") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") if not self.params['fastmode'] in self.fastmodes: apDisplay.printError("fast mode must be on of: "+str(self.fastmodes)) if not self.params['converge'] in self.convergemodes: apDisplay.printError("converge mode must be on of: "+str(self.convergemodes)) maxparticles = 150000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] >= self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %(self.params['clipsize'],self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined") if self.params['modelid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined") self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId( self.params['stackid']) if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None: self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart'] self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin'] ### set cs value self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession( self.getSessionData()) self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)), self.params['modelid'].split(',')) self.checkPackageConflicts()
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['rad'] is None: apDisplay.printError("no particle radius set") if self.params['modelid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined") if self.params['lastring'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a last ring radius was not provided") if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined") if self.params['incr'] is None: apDisplay.printError("angular increments are not specified") stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) numstackp = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] > numstackp: apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles " + str(numstackp) + " than available " + str(numstackp)) elif self.params['numpart'] == 0: apDisplay.printWarning("using all " + str(numstackp) + " particles") self.params['numpart'] = numstackp boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['lastring'] > boxsize / 2 - 2: apDisplay.printError("last ring radius is too big for boxsize " + str(self.params['lastring']) + " > " + str(boxsize / 2 - 2)) if self.params['lastring'] + self.params['xysearch'] > boxsize / 2 - 2: apDisplay.printError( "last ring plus xysearch radius is too big for boxsize " + str(self.params['lastring'] + self.params['xysearch']) + " > " + str(boxsize / 2 - 2)) if (self.params['xysearch'] % self.params['xystep']) > 0: apDisplay.printError( "translational search (xy-search) must be divisible by search step (xy-step)" )
def checkConflicts(self): if self.params['runname'] is None: apDisplay.printError("enter a stack run name, e.g. combinestack1") if self.params['description'] is None: apDisplay.printError("enter a stack description") if self.params['stacks'] and ',' in self.params['stacks']: #remember stackids are a list of strings stackids = self.params['stacks'].split(',') self.params['stackids'] = stackids else: apDisplay.printError( "enter a list of stack ids to combine, e.g. --stackids=11,14,7" ) ### check to make sure all pixel and box size are the same self.newboxsize = None self.newpixelsize = None for stackidstr in self.params['stackids']: if not re.match("^[0-9]+$", stackidstr): apDisplay.printError("Stack id '%s' is not an integer" % (stackidstr)) stackid = int(stackidstr) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(stackid, msg=False) pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(stackid, msg=False) apDisplay.printMsg("Stack id: %d\tBoxsize: %d\tPixelsize: %.3f" % (stackid, boxsize, pixelsize)) if self.newboxsize is None: self.newboxsize = boxsize if self.newpixelsize is None: self.newpixelsize = pixelsize if boxsize != self.newboxsize: apDisplay.printError( "Trying to combine stacks with different box sizes") if abs(pixelsize - self.newpixelsize) > 0.01: apDisplay.printError( "Trying to combine stacks with different pixel sizes")
def getBoxSize(self): boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['tiltstackid']) if self.params['tiltbin'] == 1: return boxsize newbox = int( math.floor( boxsize / float(self.params['tiltbin']) / 2.0)* 2.0 ) return newbox
def start(self): self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) # symmetry info if self.params['sym'] == 'Icos': self.params['symtype'] = 'I' self.params['symfold'] = None else: self.params['symtype'] = self.params['sym'][0] self.params['symfold'] = int(self.params['sym'][1:]) # eman "d" symmetry is spider "ci" if self.params['symtype'].upper() == "D": self.params['symtype'] = "CI" # create symmetry doc file sydoc = "sym.spi" refine.symmetryDoc(self.params['symtype'], self.params['symfold'], sydoc) # convert incr to array of increments ang_inc = self.params['incr'].split(',') self.params['numiter'] = len(ang_inc) self.params['increments'] = [] for i in range(0, self.params['numiter']): self.params['increments'].append(int(ang_inc[i])) # convert stack to spider stack spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], 'start.spi') operations.stackToSpiderStack(self.stack['file'], spiderstack, apix=self.stack['apix'], boxsize=self.stack['boxsize'], numpart=self.params['numpart']) # create filtered stack spiderstackfilt = spiderstack if (self.params['lowpass'] + self.params['highpass']) > 0: spiderstackfilt = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], 'start_filt.spi') operations.stackToSpiderStack(self.stack['file'], spiderstackfilt, apix=self.stack['apix'], boxsize=self.stack['boxsize'], lp=self.params['lowpass'], hp=self.params['highpass'], numpart=self.params['numpart']) # rescale initial model if necessary outvol = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "vol000.spi") apModel.rescaleModel(self.params['modelid'], outvol, self.stack['boxsize'], self.stack['apix'], spider=True) self.params['itervol'] = outvol for iter in range(1, self.params['numiter'] + 1): # create projections for projection matching apDisplay.printMsg("creating reference projections of volume: %s" % self.params['itervol']) projs, numprojs, ang, sel = refine.createProjections( incr=self.params['increments'][iter - 1], boxsz=self.stack['boxsize'], symfold=self.params['symfold'], invol=self.params['itervol'], rad=self.params['rad'], ) # run reference-based alignment apDisplay.printMsg("running reference-based alignment (AP MQ)") apmqfile = "apmq%03d.spi" % iter outang = "angular%03d.spi" % iter shf = "shifts%03d.spi" % iter shiftedStack = "parts_shifted.spi" apFile.removeFile(shf) refine.spiderAPMQ( projs=projs, numprojs=numprojs, tsearch=self.params['xysearch'], tstep=self.params['xystep'], firstRing=self.params['firstring'], lastRing=self.params['lastring'], stackfile=spiderstackfilt, nump=self.params['numpart'], ang=ang, apmqfile=apmqfile, outang=outang, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) # use cross-correlation to find the sub-pixel alignment # of the particles, # results will be saved in "peakfile.spi" apFile.removeFile(shiftedStack) # don't use MPI here - for some reason slower? mySpi = spyder.SpiderSession(dataext=".spi", logo=False, log=False) apmqlist = refine.readDocFile(apmqfile) avgccrot = 0 apDisplay.printMsg("creating shifted stack") for p in range(0, self.params['numpart']): ref = int(float(apmqlist[p][2])) ccrot = float(apmqlist[p][3]) inplane = float(apmqlist[p][4]) avgccrot += ccrot # invert the sign - ref projs will be rotated inplane *= -1 # get corresponding projection if (ref <= 0): # mirror projection if necessary ref *= -1 refimg = spyder.fileFilter(projs) + "@" + str(ref) refine.mirrorImg(refimg, "_3", inMySpi=mySpi) img = "_3" else: img = spyder.fileFilter(projs) + "@" + str(ref) refine.rotAndShiftImg(img, "_2", inplane, inMySpi=mySpi) refine.maskImg("_2", "_3", self.params['rad'], "D", "E", center=int((self.stack['boxsize'] / 2) + 1), inMySpi=mySpi) # pad ref image & stack image to twice the size refine.padImg("_3", "_2", 2 * self.stack['boxsize'], "N", 1, 1, 0, inMySpi=mySpi) stackimg = spyder.fileFilter(spiderstack) + "@" + str(p + 1) refine.padImg(stackimg, "_1", 2 * self.stack['boxsize'], "B", 1, 1, inMySpi=mySpi) # calculate cross-correlation refine.getCC("_1", "_2", "_1", inMySpi=mySpi) # crop the correllation image to allowable shift amount shift = int(self.params['allowedShift'] * self.stack['boxsize']) dim = 2 * shift + 1 topleftx = self.stack['boxsize'] - shift + 1 refine.windowImg("_1", "_2", dim, topleftx, topleftx, inMySpi=mySpi) # find the sub-pixel location of cc peak mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("PK x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17", "_2", "0") # create new stack of shifted particles shpos = spyder.fileFilter(shiftedStack) + "@" + str(p + 1) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("IF(x17.EQ.0.0) THEN") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("GP x17", "_2", str(shift + 1) + "," + str(shift + 1)) refine.copyImg(stackimg, shpos, inMySpi=mySpi) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("ELSE") #mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("RT SQ",stackimg,shpos,inplane*-1,"-x15,-x16") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SH F", stackimg, shpos, "-x15,-x16") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("ENDIF") # save shifts to file mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD " + str(p + 1) + ",x15,x16,x17", spyder.fileFilter(shf)) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD E", spyder.fileFilter(shf)) mySpi.close() # create class average images refine.createClassAverages( shiftedStack, projs, apmqfile, numprojs, self.stack['boxsize'], shifted=True, ) # rename class averages & variacnes for iteration cmd = "/bin/mv classes.hed classes.%d.hed;" % iter cmd += "/bin/mv classes.img classes.%d.img;" % iter cmd += "/bin/mv variances.hed variances.%d.hed;" % iter cmd += "/bin/mv variances.img variances.%d.img;" % iter proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) proc.wait() # calculate the stddev for the apmq cc's for throwing out particles avgccrot /= self.params['numpart'] stdccrot = 0 for p in range(0, self.params['numpart']): stdccrot += abs(float(apmqlist[p][3]) - avgccrot) stdccrot /= self.params['numpart'] cccutoff = avgccrot + (stdccrot * self.params['keepsig']) apDisplay.printMsg("average cc: %f" % avgccrot) apDisplay.printMsg("setting cutoff to: %f" % cccutoff) # create new selection file that only has particles with good cc's selectfile = "select%03d.spi" % iter apFile.removeFile(selectfile) mySpi = spyder.SpiderSession(nproc=self.params['proc'], dataext=".spi", logo=False, log=False) i = 1 for p in range(0, self.params['numpart']): ccrot = float(apmqlist[p][3]) if ccrot >= cccutoff: mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("x11=%d" % (p + 1)) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD %d,x11" % i, spyder.fileFilter(selectfile)) i += 1 mySpi.close() # calculate the new 3d structure using centered projections # and the corrected angles from the angular doc file apDisplay.printMsg("creating 3d volume") out_rawvol = "vol_raw%03d.spi" % iter if self.params['voliter'] is not None: refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, selectfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=out_rawvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['bpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) else: refine.backProjection(shiftedStack, selectfile, ang=outang, out=out_rawvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc']) # create even & odd select files apDisplay.printMsg("creating even/odd volumes") oddfile = "selectodd%03d.spi" % iter evenfile = "selecteven%03d.spi" % iter refine.docSplit(selectfile, oddfile, evenfile) # get the even & odd volumesa oddvol = "vol1%03d.spi" % iter evenvol = "vol2%03d.spi" % iter if self.params['voliter'] is not None: refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, oddfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=oddvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['eobpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc']) refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, evenfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=evenvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['eobpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc']) else: refine.backProjection( shiftedStack, oddfile, ang=outang, out=oddvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) refine.backProjection( shiftedStack, evenfile, ang=outang, out=evenvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) # calculate the FSC apDisplay.printMsg("calculating FSC") fscfile = "fsc%03d.spi" % iter emanfsc = "fsc.eotest.%d" % iter refine.calcFSC(oddvol, evenvol, fscfile) # convert to eman-style fscfile refine.spiderFSCtoEMAN(fscfile, emanfsc) # calculate the resolution at 0.5 FSC & write to file res = apRecon.calcRes(emanfsc, self.stack['boxsize'], self.stack['apix']) restxt = "resolution.txt" if iter == 1 and os.path.isfile(restxt): os.remove(restxt) resfile = open(restxt, "a") resfile.write("iter %d:\t%.3f\n" % (iter, res)) resfile.close() # filter & normalize the volume to be used as a reference in the next round outvol = "vol%03d.spi" % iter emancmd = "proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f lp=%.3f mask=%d norm spidersingle" % ( out_rawvol, outvol, self.stack['apix'], res, self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd += " imask=%d" % self.params['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) # create mrc files of volumes emancmd = "proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f mask=%d norm" % ( out_rawvol, "threed.%da.mrc" % iter, self.stack['apix'], self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd += " imask=%d" % self.params['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) emancmd = "proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f lp=%.3f mask=%d norm" % ( out_rawvol, "threed.%da.lp.mrc" % iter, self.stack['apix'], res, self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd += " imask=%d" % self.param['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) # set this model as start for next iteration, remove previous os.remove(self.params['itervol']) os.remove(out_rawvol) self.params['itervol'] = outvol # clean up directory apDisplay.printMsg("cleaning up directory") if os.path.isfile(oddvol): os.remove(oddvol) if os.path.isfile(evenvol): os.remove(evenvol) if os.path.isfile(ang): os.remove(ang) if os.path.isfile(sel): os.remove(sel) if os.path.isfile(projs): os.remove(projs) if os.path.isfile(oddfile): os.remove(oddfile) if os.path.isfile(evenfile): os.remove(evenfile) if os.path.isfile(emanfsc) and os.path.isfile(fscfile): os.remove(fscfile) if os.path.isfile(shiftedStack): os.remove(shiftedStack) os.remove(self.params['itervol'])
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: self.stack['file'] = self.params['virtualdata']['filename'] else: self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") a = proc2dLib.RunProc2d() a.setValue('infile',self.stack['file']) a.setValue('outfile',self.params['localstack']) a.setValue('apix',self.stack['apix']) a.setValue('bin',self.params['bin']) a.setValue('last',self.params['numpart']-1) a.setValue('append',False) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: a.setValue('lowpass',self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: a.setValue('highpass',self.params['highpass']) if self.params['invert'] is True: a.setValue('invert') is True if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) # clip not yet implemented # self.params['clipsize'] is not None: # clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] # if clipsize % 2 == 1: # clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even # a.setValue('clip',clipsize) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) #run proc2d if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) ### stack is needed by #apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +" -nref "+str(self.params['numrefs']) +" -iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.timestamp) +" -psi_step "+str(self.params['psistep']) ) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-17 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### use student's T distribution if self.params['student'] is True: xmippopts += " -student " ### write cluster job file if self.params['cluster'] is True: self.writeClusterJobFile() ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() self.estimateIterTime() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(nproc)+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun+" -np "+str(nproc)+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apParam.runCmd(xmippcmd, package="Xmipp", verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
def start(self): self.runtime = 0 self.partlist = [] self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.clipsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/self.params['bin']/2.0)*self.params['bin']*2.0) #self.checkRunNamePath() ### convert stack to spider spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile() #create template stack templatestack = self.createTemplateStack() #create orientation reference orientref = self.createOrientationReference() ################################################################### aligntime = time.time() ### create batch file batchfilepath = self.setupBatchFile(spiderstack, templatestack, orientref) ### run the spider alignment apDisplay.printColor("Running iterative ref-classification and free-alignment with spider","cyan") self.runSpiderBatch( batchfilepath, spiderstack ) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ################################################################### ### remove unaligned spider stack apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: "+spiderstack) apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=False) ### check to be sure files exist avgfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "alignstack.spi") #class averages if not os.path.isfile(avgfile): apDisplay.printError("Final stack of aligned particles does not exist.") ### convert stacks to imagic self.convertStack2Imagic("alignstack.spi") self.convertStack2Imagic("avg.spi") ### make alignment average in mrc format emancmd = "proc2d avg.spi average.mrc average" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd) inserttime = time.time() if self.params['commit'] is True: apDisplay.printWarning("committing results to DB") self.runtime = aligntime self.insertEdIterRun(insert=True) else: apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB") inserttime = time.time() - inserttime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) apDisplay.printMsg("Database Insertion time: "+apDisplay.timeString(inserttime))
def start(self): self.addToLog('.... Setting up new ISAC job ....') self.addToLog('.... Making command for stack pre-processing ....') self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### send file to remotehost tasks = {} sfhed = self.stack['file'][:-4] + ".hed" sfimg = self.stack['file'][:-4] + ".img" tasks = self.addToTasks( tasks, "rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfhed, self.params['localhost'], self.params['remoterundir'], "start1.hed")) tasks = self.addToTasks( tasks, "rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -rotouv --partial %s %s:%s/%s" % (sfimg, self.params['localhost'], self.params['remoterundir'], "start1.img")) ### write Sparx jobfile: process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp'] + ".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) # apParam.runCmd(proccmd, "EMAN", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand('cd %s' % self.params['rundir']) self.addSimpleCommand(proccmd) sparxcmd = " %s %s_1.hdf" % (self.params['localstack'], self.params['localstack'][:-4]) # apParam.runCmd(sparxcmd, "SPARX", verbose=True) self.addSimpleCommand(sparxcmd) self.addSimpleCommand("") ### write Sparx jobfile: run ISAC for i in range(self.params['generations']): sparxopts = " %s_%d.hdf" % (os.path.join( self.params['localstack'][:-4]), (i + 1)) if self.params['ir'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ir %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ir'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ou'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ou %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ou'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['rs'] is not None: sparxopts += " --rs %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['rs'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['ts'] is not None: sparxopts += " --ts %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['ts'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['xr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --xr %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['xr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['yr'] is not None: sparxopts += " --yr %.1f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['yr'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['maxit'] is not None: sparxopts += " --maxit %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['maxit'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FL'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FL %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FL'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FH'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FH %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FH'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['FF'] is not None: sparxopts += " --FF %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['FF'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['init_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --init_iter %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['init_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['main_iter'] is not None: sparxopts += " --main_iter %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['main_iter'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['iter_reali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --iter_reali %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['iter_reali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_first'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_first %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['match_first'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['max_round'] is not None: sparxopts += " --max_round %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['max_round'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['match_second'] is not None: sparxopts += " --match_second %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['match_second'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['stab_ali'] is not None: sparxopts += " --stab_ali %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['stab_ali'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_err'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_err %.2f" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['thld_err'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['indep_run'] is not None: sparxopts += " --indep_run %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['indep_run'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['thld_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --thld_grp %d" % int( float( apRecon.getComponentFromVector( self.params['thld_grp'], i, splitter=":"))) if self.params['img_per_grp'] is not None: sparxopts += " --img_per_grp %d" % int( apRecon.getComponentFromVector(self.params['img_per_grp'], i)) sparxopts += " --generation %d" % (i + 1) sparxexe = apParam.getExecPath("", die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun + " -np " + str( self.params['nproc']) + " " + sparxexe + " " + sparxopts bn = os.path.basename(self.params['localstack'])[:-4] e2cmd = " %s_%d.hdf %s_%d.hdf --list=\"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt\"" % \ (bn, i+1, bn, i+2, i+1) self.addSimpleCommand(mpiruncmd) self.addSimpleCommand(e2cmd) # print self.tasks # print self.command_list # self.writeCommandListToFile() apParam.dumpParameters( self.params, "isac-" + self.params['timestamp'] + "-params.pickle")
def start(self): ### get stack parameteres self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackId']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackId']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackId']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### copy stack into working directory if os.path.isfile(self.stack['file']): apDisplay.printColor("copying stack into running directoroy", "cyan") if self.stack['file'][-4:] == ".img" or self.stack['file'][ -4:] == ".hed": strippedfile = self.stack['file'][:-4] else: strippedfile = self.stack['file'] while os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.img")): apFile.removeStack( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.img")) emancmd = "proc2d "+strippedfile+".hed "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.hed ")+\ "first=0 last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") else: apDisplay.printError("stack not found in database") ### get template stack parameters self.templatestack = {} self.templatestack[ 'data'] = appiondata.ApTemplateStackData.direct_query( self.params['templateStackId']) self.templatestack['apix'] = self.templatestack['data']['apix'] self.templatestack['boxsize'] = self.templatestack['data']['boxsize'] self.templatestack['file'] = os.path.join( self.templatestack['data']['path']['path'], self.templatestack['data']['templatename']) self.templatestack['numimages'] = self.templatestack['data'][ 'numimages'] ### copy templates into working directory if os.path.isfile(self.templatestack['file']): apDisplay.printColor("copying templates into running directoroy", "cyan") ts = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "references.img") while os.path.isfile(ts): apFile.removeStack(ts) if self.templatestack['file'][-4:] == ".img" or self.templatestack[ 'file'][-4:] == ".hed": strippedfile = self.templatestack['file'][:-4] else: strippedfile = self.templatestack['file'] emancmd = "proc2d " + strippedfile + ".img " + ts apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") else: apDisplay.printError("template stack not found in database") ### set new pixelsize if self.params['bin'] is not None and self.params['bin'] != 0: self.params['apix'] = float(self.stack['apix']) * int( self.params['bin']) else: self.params['apix'] = self.stack['apix'] ### scale, low-pass, and high-pass filter stack ... do this with imagic, because it determines the appropriate boxsizes scalingbatchfile = self.createImagicBatchFileScaling() preptime = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen("chmod 775 " + str(scalingbatchfile), shell=True) proc.wait() os.chdir(self.params['rundir']) apParam.runCmd(scalingbatchfile, "IMAGIC") apIMAGIC.checkLogFileForErrors( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "prepareStack.log")) apDisplay.printColor( "finished IMAGIC in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - preptime), "cyan") ### set new boxsize, done only after scaling is complete if self.params['bin'] is not None: self.params['boxsize'] = apFile.getBoxSize( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.hed"))[0] else: self.params['boxsize'] = self.stack['boxsize'] ### make sure template stack boxsize matches that of the input stack if self.params['apix'] != self.templatestack['apix'] or self.params[ 'boxsize'] != self.templatestack['boxsize']: self.scaleTemplates() starttime = time.time() print self.params print "... stack pixel size: " + str(self.params['apix']) print "... stack box size: " + str(self.params['boxsize']) apDisplay.printColor( "Running IMAGIC .batch file: See multiReferenceAlignment.log file for details", "cyan") ### create IMAGIC batch file batchfile = self.createImagicBatchFileMRA() ### execute IMAGIC batch file aligntime0 = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen("chmod 775 " + str(batchfile), shell=True) proc.wait() os.chdir(self.params['rundir']) apParam.runCmd(batchfile, "IMAGIC") apIMAGIC.checkLogFileForErrors( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "multiReferenceAlignment.log")) apDisplay.printColor( "finished IMAGIC in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - aligntime0), "cyan") ### get particle parameters (shift, rotate, refnum, mirror, ccc) partparams = self.getParticleParams() ### average stack alignstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "alignstack.hed") apStack.averageStack(alignstack) ### normalize particles (otherwise found problems in viewing with stackviewer) emancmd = "proc2d " + alignstack + " " + alignstack + ".norm.hed norm" while os.path.isfile(alignstack + ".norm.img"): apFile.removeStack(alignstack + ".norm.img") apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") os.rename(alignstack + ".norm.hed", alignstack) os.rename(alignstack + ".norm.img", alignstack[:-4] + ".img") ### normalize references emancmd = "proc2d " + ts + " " + ts + ".norm.hed norm" while os.path.isfile(ts + ".norm.img"): apFile.removeStack(ts + ".norm.img") apParam.runCmd(emancmd, "EMAN") os.rename(ts + ".norm.hed", ts) os.rename(ts + ".norm.img", ts[:-4] + ".img") ### remove copied stack while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.img")): apFile.removeStack(os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.img")) ### insert run into database self.insertAlignmentRun(insert=True) self.insertParticlesIntoDatabase(partparams, insert=True)
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local temp file proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" temp.hed apix="+str(self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize) proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### process stack to final file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed") proccmd = "proc2d temp.hed "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack("temp.hed") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack']) ### convert stack into single spider files templateselfile = self.initializeTemplates() ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " +" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +" -iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" -ref "+templateselfile +" -o "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part"+self.timestamp) +" -psi_step "+str(self.params['psistep']) ) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(nproc-1)+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun+" -np "+str(nproc-1)+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
def start(self): # self.insertCL2DJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: self.stack['file'] = self.params['virtualdata']['filename'] else: self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name']) ### process stack to local file if self.params['timestamp'] is None: apDisplay.printMsg("creating timestamp") self.params['timestamp'] = self.timestamp self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['timestamp']+".hed") if os.path.isfile(self.params['localstack']): apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack']) a = proc2dLib.RunProc2d() a.setValue('infile',self.stack['file']) a.setValue('outfile',self.params['localstack']) a.setValue('apix',self.stack['apix']) a.setValue('bin',self.params['bin']) a.setValue('last',self.params['numpart']-1) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: a.setValue('lowpass',self.params['lowpass']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: a.setValue('highpass',self.params['highpass']) if self.params['invert'] is True: a.setValue('invert',True) # clip not yet implemented # if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: # clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] # if clipsize % 2 == 1: # clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even # a.setValue('clip',clipsize) if self.params['virtualdata'] is not None: vparts = self.params['virtualdata']['particles'] plist = [int(p['particleNumber'])-1 for p in vparts] a.setValue('list',plist) #run proc2d if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['localstack']): apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack") ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = (" -i "+os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.params['localstack']) +" --nref "+str(self.params['numrefs']) +" --iter "+str(self.params['maxiter']) +" --odir "+str(self.params['rundir']) +" --oroot "+ "part"+str(self.params['timestamp']) +" --classifyAllImages" ) if self.params['correlation']: xmippopts += " --distance correlation" if self.params['classical']: xmippopts += " --classicalMultiref" ### use multi-processor command apDisplay.printColor("Using "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath(self.execFile, die=True) mpiruncmd = self.mpirun+" -np "+str(self.params['nproc'])+" "+xmippexe+" "+xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apParam.runCmd(mpiruncmd, package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True, showcmd=True, logfile="xmipp.std") self.params['runtime'] = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(self.params['runtime'])) ### post-processing # Create a stack for the class averages at each level Nlevels=glob.glob("level_*") for level in Nlevels: digits = level.split("_")[1] apParam.runCmd("xmipp_image_convert -i "+level+"/part"+self.params['timestamp']+"*xmd -o part" +self.params['timestamp']+"_level_"+digits+"_.hed", package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) if self.params['align']: apParam.runCmd("xmipp_transform_geometry -i images.xmd -o %s_aligned.stk --apply_transform" % self.params['timestamp'], package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) apParam.runCmd("xmipp_image_convert -i %s_aligned.xmd -o alignedStack.hed" % self.params['timestamp'], package="Xmipp 3", verbose=True) apFile.removeFile("%s_aligned.xmd" % self.params['timestamp']) apFile.removeFile("%s_aligned.stk" % self.params['timestamp']) self.parseOutput() apParam.dumpParameters(self.params, "cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") ### upload results ... this used to be two separate operations, I'm combining into one self.runparams = apParam.readRunParameters("cl2d-"+self.params['timestamp']+"-params.pickle") self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.runparams['stackid'])*self.runparams['bin'] self.Nlevels=len(glob.glob("part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_??_.hed")) ### create average of aligned stacks & insert aligned stack info lastLevelStack = "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%(self.Nlevels-1) apStack.averageStack(lastLevelStack) self.boxsize = apFile.getBoxSize(lastLevelStack)[0] self.insertCL2DParamsIntoDatabase() if self.runparams['align'] is True: self.insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase("alignedStack.hed") self.calcResolution(self.Nlevels-1) self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase(level=self.Nlevels-1) ### loop over each class average stack & insert as clustering stacks self.insertClusterRunIntoDatabase() for level in range(self.Nlevels): ### NOTE: RESOLUTION CAN ONLY BE CALCULATED IF ALIGNED STACK EXISTS TO EXTRACT / READ THE PARTICLES if self.params['align'] is True: self.calcResolution(level) partdict = self.getClassificationAtLevel(level) for classnum in partdict: self.insertClusterStackIntoDatabase( "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%level, classnum+1, partdict[classnum], len(partdict)) self.clearIntermediateFiles()
def start(self): if self.params['rundir'] is None or not os.path.isdir( self.params['rundir']): apDisplay.printError("upload directory does not exist: " + str(self.params['rundir'])) ### create temp directory for extracting data self.params['tmpdir'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "temp") apParam.createDirectory(self.params['tmpdir'], warning=True) ### make sure that the stack & model IDs exist in database emanJobFile = self.findEmanJobFile() self.params['stack'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stackmapping = apRecon.partnum2defid(self.params['stackid']) self.params['model'] = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query( self.params['modelid']) self.params['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize( self.params['stackid']) ### parse out the refinement parameters from the log file self.parseLogFile() ### parse out the message passing subclassification parameters from the job/log file if self.params['package'] == 'EMAN/MsgP': self.parseMsgPassingParams() ### convert class average files from old to new format self.convertClassAvgFiles() ### get a list of the files in the directory self.listFiles() ### create a refinementRun entry in the database self.insertRefinementRun() if self.params['euleronly'] is False: ### insert the Iteration info for iteration in self.iterationdatas: ### if only uploading one iteration, skip to that one if self.params['oneiter'] and int( iteration['num']) != self.params['oneiter']: continue ### if beginning at later iteration, skip to that one if self.params['startiter'] and int( iteration['num']) < self.params['startiter']: continue ### if beginning at later iteration, skip to that one if self.params['enditer'] and int( iteration['num']) > self.params['enditer']: continue apDisplay.printColor( "\nUploading iteration " + str(iteration['num']) + " of " + str(len(self.iterationdatas)) + "\n", "green") for i in range(75): sys.stderr.write("#") sys.stderr.write("\n") self.insertIteration(iteration) ### calculate euler jumps if self.params['commit'] is True: reconrunid = self.params['refineRun'].dbid stackid = self.params['stack'].dbid if self.params['oneiter'] is None and len(self.iterationdatas) > 1: apDisplay.printMsg("calculating euler jumpers for recon=" + str(reconrunid)) eulerjump = apEulerJump.ApEulerJump() eulerjump.calculateEulerJumpsForEntireRecon( reconrunid, stackid) ### coran keep plot if self.params['package'] == 'EMAN/SpiCoran': apCoranPlot.makeCoranKeepPlot(reconrunid) apRecon.setGoodBadParticlesFromReconId(reconrunid)
def makeStackMeanPlot(stackid, gridpoints=16): if gridpoints > 30: apDisplay.printError("Too large of a grid") apDisplay.printMsg("creating Stack Mean Plot montage for stackid: "+str(stackid)) t0 = time.time() ### big stacks are too slow boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(stackid) bin = 1 if boxsize is not None: while boxsize/bin > 128: bin+=1 apDisplay.printMsg("binning stack by "+str(bin)) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(stackid, msg=False) stackpath = stackdata['path']['path'] stackfile = os.path.join(stackpath, stackdata['name']) # if no stackfile, likely virtual stack if not os.path.isfile(stackfile): apDisplay.printMsg("possible virtual stack, searching for original stack") vstackdata = apStack.getVirtualStackParticlesFromId(stackid) partdatas = vstackdata['particles'] stackfile = vstackdata['filename'] stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(vstackdata['stackid'], msg=False) # otherwise get stack info else: # get stats from stack: sqlcmd = "SELECT " + \ "particleNumber, mean, stdev " + \ "FROM ApStackParticleData " + \ "WHERE `REF|ApStackData|stack` = %i"%(stackid) partdatas = sinedon.directq.complexMysqlQuery('appiondata',sqlcmd) #check only first 100 particles for now #partdatas = partdatas[:500] apFile.removeFile("montage"+str(stackid)+".png") ### find limits limits = {'minmean': 1e12, 'maxmean': -1e12, 'minstdev': 1e12, 'maxstdev': -1e12,} for partdata in partdatas: if partdata['mean'] is None: continue mean = partdata['mean'] stdev = partdata['stdev'] if mean < limits['minmean']: limits['minmean'] = mean if mean > limits['maxmean']: limits['maxmean'] = mean if stdev < limits['minstdev']: limits['minstdev'] = stdev if stdev > limits['maxstdev']: limits['maxstdev'] = stdev if limits['minmean'] > 1e11: apDisplay.printWarning("particles have no mean values in database") return apDisplay.printMsg(str(limits)) ### create particle bins partlists = {} for i in range(gridpoints): for j in range(gridpoints): key = ("%02dx%02d"%(i,j)) partlists[key] = [] ### sort particles into bins for partdata in partdatas: key = meanStdevToKey(partdata['mean'], partdata['stdev'], limits, gridpoints) partnum = int(partdata['particleNumber']) partlists[key].append(partnum) printPlot(partlists, gridpoints) ### createStackAverages keys = partlists.keys() keys.sort() count = 0 backs = "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" montagestack = os.path.join(stackpath,"montage"+str(stackid)+".hed") apFile.removeStack(montagestack) mystack = [] for key in keys: count += 1 sys.stderr.write(backs+backs+backs+backs) sys.stderr.write("% 3d of % 3d, %s: % 6d"%(count, len(keys), key, len(partlists[key]))) avgimg = averageSubStack(partlists[key], stackfile, bin) if avgimg is not False: avgimg = numpy.fliplr(avgimg) mystack.append(avgimg) apImagicFile.writeImagic(mystack, montagestack) sys.stderr.write("\n") assemblePngs(keys, str(stackid), montagestack) apDisplay.printMsg("/bin/mv -v montage"+str(stackid)+".??? "+stackpath) apDisplay.printMsg("finished in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-t0))
def start(self): self.insertMaxLikeJob() self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.estimateIterTime() self.dumpParameters() ### process stack to local temp file proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack['file'] + " temp.hed apix=" + str( self.stack['apix']) if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize) proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params['numpart'] - 1) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) ### process stack to final file self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + ".hed") proccmd = "proc2d temp.hed " + self.params[ 'localstack'] + " apix=" + str( self.stack['apix'] * self.params['bin']) if self.params['highpass'] is not None and self.params['highpass'] > 1: proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass']) if self.params['lowpass'] is not None and self.params['lowpass'] > 1: proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass']) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True) apFile.removeStack("temp.hed") ### convert stack into single spider files self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles( self.params['localstack']) ### convert stack into single spider files templateselfile = self.initializeTemplates() ### setup Xmipp command aligntime = time.time() xmippopts = ( " " + " -i " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) + " -iter " + str(self.params['maxiter']) + " -ref " + templateselfile + " -o " + os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) + " -psi_step " + str(self.params['psistep'])) ### fast mode if self.params['fast'] is True: xmippopts += " -fast " if self.params['fastmode'] == "narrow": xmippopts += " -C 1e-10 " elif self.params['fastmode'] == "wide": xmippopts += " -C 1e-18 " ### convergence criteria if self.params['converge'] == "fast": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 " elif self.params['converge'] == "slow": xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 " else: xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 " ### mirrors if self.params['mirror'] is True: xmippopts += " -mirror " ### normalization if self.params['norm'] is True: xmippopts += " -norm " ### find number of processors if self.params['nproc'] is None: nproc = nproc = apParam.getNumProcessors() else: nproc = self.params['nproc'] mpirun = self.checkMPI() if nproc > 2 and mpirun is not None: ### use multi-processor apDisplay.printColor("Using " + str(nproc - 1) + " processors!", "green") xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_mpi_ml_align2d", die=True) mpiruncmd = mpirun + " -np " + str( nproc - 1) + " " + xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(mpiruncmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(mpiruncmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) else: ### use single processor xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True) xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts self.writeXmippLog(xmippcmd) apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### minor post-processing self.createReferenceStack() self.readyUploadFlag() self.dumpParameters()
def start(self): self.runtime = 0 self.partlist = [] self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) self.clipsize = int( math.floor(self.stack['boxsize'] / self.params['bin'] / 2.0) * self.params['bin'] * 2.0) #self.checkRunNamePath() ### convert stack to spider spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile() #create template stack templatestack = self.createTemplateStack() #create orientation reference orientref = self.createOrientationReference() ################################################################### aligntime = time.time() ### create batch file batchfilepath = self.setupBatchFile(spiderstack, templatestack, orientref) ### run the spider alignment apDisplay.printColor( "Running iterative ref-classification and free-alignment with spider", "cyan") self.runSpiderBatch(batchfilepath, spiderstack) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ################################################################### ### remove unaligned spider stack apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: " + spiderstack) apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=False) ### check to be sure files exist avgfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "alignstack.spi") #class averages if not os.path.isfile(avgfile): apDisplay.printError( "Final stack of aligned particles does not exist.") ### convert stacks to imagic self.convertStack2Imagic("alignstack.spi") self.convertStack2Imagic("avg.spi") ### make alignment average in mrc format emancmd = "proc2d avg.spi average.mrc average" apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd) inserttime = time.time() if self.params['commit'] is True: apDisplay.printWarning("committing results to DB") self.runtime = aligntime self.insertEdIterRun(insert=True) else: apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB") inserttime = time.time() - inserttime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) apDisplay.printMsg("Database Insertion time: " + apDisplay.timeString(inserttime))
def start(self): self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) # symmetry info if self.params['sym']=='Icos': self.params['symtype']='I' self.params['symfold']=None else: self.params['symtype']=self.params['sym'][0] self.params['symfold']=int(self.params['sym'][1:]) # eman "d" symmetry is spider "ci" if self.params['symtype'].upper()=="D": self.params['symtype'] = "CI" # create symmetry doc file sydoc="sym.spi" refine.symmetryDoc(self.params['symtype'],self.params['symfold'],sydoc) # convert incr to array of increments ang_inc=self.params['incr'].split(',') self.params['numiter'] = len(ang_inc) self.params['increments']=[] for i in range(0,self.params['numiter']): self.params['increments'].append(int(ang_inc[i])) # convert stack to spider stack spiderstack=os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],'start.spi') operations.stackToSpiderStack( self.stack['file'], spiderstack, apix=self.stack['apix'], boxsize=self.stack['boxsize'], numpart=self.params['numpart'] ) # create filtered stack spiderstackfilt=spiderstack if (self.params['lowpass']+self.params['highpass']) > 0: spiderstackfilt=os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],'start_filt.spi') operations.stackToSpiderStack( self.stack['file'], spiderstackfilt, apix=self.stack['apix'], boxsize=self.stack['boxsize'], lp=self.params['lowpass'], hp=self.params['highpass'], numpart=self.params['numpart'] ) # rescale initial model if necessary outvol = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],"vol000.spi") apModel.rescaleModel(self.params['modelid'], outvol, self.stack['boxsize'], self.stack['apix'], spider=True) self.params['itervol']=outvol for iter in range(1,self.params['numiter']+1): # create projections for projection matching apDisplay.printMsg("creating reference projections of volume: %s" % self.params['itervol']) projs,numprojs,ang,sel = refine.createProjections( incr=self.params['increments'][iter-1], boxsz=self.stack['boxsize'], symfold=self.params['symfold'], invol=self.params['itervol'], rad=self.params['rad'], ) # run reference-based alignment apDisplay.printMsg("running reference-based alignment (AP MQ)") apmqfile = "apmq%03d.spi" % iter outang = "angular%03d.spi" % iter shf = "shifts%03d.spi" % iter shiftedStack="parts_shifted.spi" apFile.removeFile(shf) refine.spiderAPMQ( projs=projs, numprojs=numprojs, tsearch=self.params['xysearch'], tstep=self.params['xystep'], firstRing=self.params['firstring'], lastRing=self.params['lastring'], stackfile=spiderstackfilt, nump=self.params['numpart'], ang=ang, apmqfile=apmqfile, outang=outang, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) # use cross-correlation to find the sub-pixel alignment # of the particles, # results will be saved in "peakfile.spi" apFile.removeFile(shiftedStack) # don't use MPI here - for some reason slower? mySpi=spyder.SpiderSession(dataext=".spi", logo=False, log=False) apmqlist = refine.readDocFile(apmqfile) avgccrot = 0 apDisplay.printMsg("creating shifted stack") for p in range(0,self.params['numpart']): ref=int(float(apmqlist[p][2])) ccrot=float(apmqlist[p][3]) inplane=float(apmqlist[p][4]) avgccrot+=ccrot # invert the sign - ref projs will be rotated inplane*=-1 # get corresponding projection if (ref <= 0): # mirror projection if necessary ref*=-1 refimg=spyder.fileFilter(projs)+"@"+str(ref) refine.mirrorImg(refimg,"_3",inMySpi=mySpi) img="_3" else: img=spyder.fileFilter(projs)+"@"+str(ref) refine.rotAndShiftImg(img,"_2",inplane,inMySpi=mySpi) refine.maskImg("_2","_3",self.params['rad'],"D","E", center=int((self.stack['boxsize']/2)+1), inMySpi=mySpi) # pad ref image & stack image to twice the size refine.padImg("_3","_2",2*self.stack['boxsize'],"N",1,1,0,inMySpi=mySpi) stackimg=spyder.fileFilter(spiderstack)+"@"+str(p+1) refine.padImg(stackimg,"_1",2*self.stack['boxsize'],"B",1,1,inMySpi=mySpi) # calculate cross-correlation refine.getCC("_1","_2","_1",inMySpi=mySpi) # crop the correllation image to allowable shift amount shift=int(self.params['allowedShift']*self.stack['boxsize']) dim=2*shift+1 topleftx=self.stack['boxsize']-shift+1 refine.windowImg("_1","_2",dim,topleftx,topleftx,inMySpi=mySpi) # find the sub-pixel location of cc peak mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("PK x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17","_2","0") # create new stack of shifted particles shpos=spyder.fileFilter(shiftedStack)+"@"+str(p+1) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("IF(x17.EQ.0.0) THEN") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("GP x17","_2",str(shift+1)+","+str(shift+1)) refine.copyImg(stackimg,shpos,inMySpi=mySpi) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("ELSE") #mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("RT SQ",stackimg,shpos,inplane*-1,"-x15,-x16") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SH F",stackimg,shpos,"-x15,-x16") mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("ENDIF") # save shifts to file mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD "+str(p+1)+",x15,x16,x17",spyder.fileFilter(shf)) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD E",spyder.fileFilter(shf)) mySpi.close() # create class average images refine.createClassAverages( shiftedStack, projs, apmqfile, numprojs, self.stack['boxsize'], shifted=True, ) # rename class averages & variacnes for iteration cmd="/bin/mv classes.hed classes.%d.hed;" % iter cmd+="/bin/mv classes.img classes.%d.img;" % iter cmd+="/bin/mv variances.hed variances.%d.hed;" % iter cmd+="/bin/mv variances.img variances.%d.img;" % iter proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) proc.wait() # calculate the stddev for the apmq cc's for throwing out particles avgccrot/=self.params['numpart'] stdccrot = 0 for p in range(0,self.params['numpart']): stdccrot+=abs(float(apmqlist[p][3])-avgccrot) stdccrot/=self.params['numpart'] cccutoff=avgccrot+(stdccrot*self.params['keepsig']) apDisplay.printMsg("average cc: %f" %avgccrot) apDisplay.printMsg("setting cutoff to: %f" %cccutoff) # create new selection file that only has particles with good cc's selectfile="select%03d.spi" % iter apFile.removeFile(selectfile) mySpi = spyder.SpiderSession(nproc=self.params['proc'],dataext=".spi", logo=False, log=False) i=1 for p in range(0,self.params['numpart']): ccrot=float(apmqlist[p][3]) if ccrot>=cccutoff: mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("x11=%d" % (p+1)) mySpi.toSpiderQuiet("SD %d,x11" % i,spyder.fileFilter(selectfile)) i+=1 mySpi.close() # calculate the new 3d structure using centered projections # and the corrected angles from the angular doc file apDisplay.printMsg("creating 3d volume") out_rawvol="vol_raw%03d.spi" % iter if self.params['voliter'] is not None: refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, selectfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=out_rawvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['bpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) else: refine.backProjection( shiftedStack, selectfile, ang=outang, out=out_rawvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'] ) # create even & odd select files apDisplay.printMsg("creating even/odd volumes") oddfile="selectodd%03d.spi" % iter evenfile="selecteven%03d.spi" % iter refine.docSplit(selectfile,oddfile,evenfile) # get the even & odd volumesa oddvol="vol1%03d.spi" % iter evenvol="vol2%03d.spi" % iter if self.params['voliter'] is not None: refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, oddfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=oddvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['eobpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'] ) refine.iterativeBackProjection( shiftedStack, evenfile, rad=self.params['rad'], ang=outang, out=evenvol, lam=self.params['lambda'], iterlimit=self.params['voliter'], mode=self.params['eobpmode'], smoothfac=self.params['smoothfac'], sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'] ) else: refine.backProjection( shiftedStack, oddfile, ang=outang, out=oddvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) refine.backProjection( shiftedStack, evenfile, ang=outang, out=evenvol, sym=sydoc, nproc=self.params['proc'], ) # calculate the FSC apDisplay.printMsg("calculating FSC") fscfile="fsc%03d.spi" % iter emanfsc="fsc.eotest.%d" % iter refine.calcFSC(oddvol,evenvol,fscfile) # convert to eman-style fscfile refine.spiderFSCtoEMAN(fscfile,emanfsc) # calculate the resolution at 0.5 FSC & write to file res=apRecon.calcRes(emanfsc,self.stack['boxsize'],self.stack['apix']) restxt="resolution.txt" if iter==1 and os.path.isfile(restxt): os.remove(restxt) resfile=open(restxt,"a") resfile.write("iter %d:\t%.3f\n" % (iter,res)) resfile.close() # filter & normalize the volume to be used as a reference in the next round outvol="vol%03d.spi" % iter emancmd="proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f lp=%.3f mask=%d norm spidersingle" % (out_rawvol,outvol,self.stack['apix'],res,self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd+=" imask=%d" % self.params['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) # create mrc files of volumes emancmd="proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f mask=%d norm" % (out_rawvol,"threed.%da.mrc" % iter, self.stack['apix'],self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd+=" imask=%d" % self.params['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) emancmd="proc3d %s %s apix=%.3f lp=%.3f mask=%d norm" % (out_rawvol,"threed.%da.lp.mrc" % iter, self.stack['apix'],res, self.params['rad']) if self.params['imask'] is not None: emancmd+=" imask=%d" % self.param['imask'] apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) # set this model as start for next iteration, remove previous os.remove(self.params['itervol']) os.remove(out_rawvol) self.params['itervol']=outvol # clean up directory apDisplay.printMsg("cleaning up directory") if os.path.isfile(oddvol): os.remove(oddvol) if os.path.isfile(evenvol): os.remove(evenvol) if os.path.isfile(ang): os.remove(ang) if os.path.isfile(sel): os.remove(sel) if os.path.isfile(projs): os.remove(projs) if os.path.isfile(oddfile): os.remove(oddfile) if os.path.isfile(evenfile): os.remove(evenfile) if os.path.isfile(emanfsc) and os.path.isfile(fscfile): os.remove(fscfile) if os.path.isfile(shiftedStack): os.remove(shiftedStack) os.remove(self.params['itervol'])
def start(self): self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### test insert to make sure data is not overwritten self.params['runtime'] = 0 #self.checkDuplicateRefBasedRun() ### set box size self.boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/self.params['bin']/2.0))*2 ### convert stack to spider spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile() ### create template stack templatestack = self.createTemplateStack() ### run the alignment aligntime = time.time() usestack = spiderstack oldpartlist = None for i in range(self.params['numiter']): iternum = i+1 apDisplay.printColor("\n\nITERATION "+str(iternum), "green") alignedstack, partlist = self.runAlignmentGPU( usestack, templatestack, spiderstack, self.params['xysearch'], self.params['xystep'], self.params['firstring'], self.params['lastring'], iternum=iternum, oldpartlist=oldpartlist) oldpartlist = partlist usestack = alignedstack templatestack = self.updateTemplateStack(alignedstack, partlist, iternum) aligntime = time.time() - aligntime apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime)) ### remove large, worthless stack spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.spi") apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: "+spiderstack) apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=True) ### convert aligned stack to imagic finalspistack = "aligned.spi" shutil.move(alignedstack, finalspistack) imagicstack = "aligned.hed" apFile.removeStack(imagicstack) emancmd = "proc2d "+finalspistack+" "+imagicstack apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True) ### average stack apStack.averageStack(imagicstack) ### calculate resolution for each reference apix = self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin'] self.calcResolution(partlist, imagicstack, apix) if self.params['commit'] is True: apDisplay.printMsg("committing results to DB") self.params['runtime'] = aligntime self.insertRefBasedRun(partlist, imagicstack, insert=True) else: apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB") ### remove temporary files apFile.removeFilePattern("alignments/alignedstack*.spi") apFile.removeFile(finalspistack)
def checkConflicts(self): ### setup correct database after we have read the project id if 'projectid' in self.params and self.params['projectid'] is not None: apDisplay.printMsg("Using split database") # use a project database newdbname = apProject.getAppionDBFromProjectId( self.params['projectid']) sinedon.setConfig('appiondata', db=newdbname) apDisplay.printColor("Connected to database: '" + newdbname + "'", "green") ### get stack data self.stack = {} if self.params['stackid'] is not None: self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join( self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) else: self.stack['data'] = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query( self.params['alignstackid']) self.stack['apix'] = self.stack['pixelsize'] self.stack['boxsize'] = self.stack['boxsize'] self.stack['file'] = self.stack['imagicfile'] ### check conflicts if self.params['stackid'] is None and self.params[ 'alignstackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id OR alignstack id was not defined") if self.params['stackid'] is not None and self.params[ 'alignstackid'] is not None: apDisplay.printError( "either specify stack id OR alignstack id, not both") if self.params['generations'] is None: apDisplay.printError("number of generations was not provided") maxparticles = 500000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack( self.stack['file']): apDisplay.printError( "trying to use more particles " + str(self.params['numpart']) + " than available " + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file']))) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack( self.stack['file']) boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) if self.params['ou'] is None: self.params['ou'] = (boxsize / 2.0) - 2 self.clipsize = int(math.floor( boxsize / float(self.params['bin'] * 2))) * 2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" % (self.params['clipsize'], self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() if self.mpirun is None: apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed")
def checkConflicts(self): ### first get all stack data self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId( self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### modify boxsize and pixelsize according to binning self.boxsize = self.stack['boxsize'] self.clipsize = int( math.floor(self.boxsize / float(self.params['bin'] * 2))) * 2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" % (self.params['clipsize'], self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] self.apix = self.stack['apix'] if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even self.boxsize = clipsize self.apix = self.apix * self.params['bin'] ### basic error checking if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['ncls'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided") maxparticles = 1000000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles " + str(self.params['numpart']) + " than available " + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] > 5000: apDisplay.printWarning( "initial model calculation may not work with less than 5000 particles" ) self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() # if self.mpirun is None: # apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed") if self.params['nproc'] is None: self.params['nproc'] = apParam.getNumProcessors() ### SIMPLE defaults and error checking if self.params['ring2'] is None: self.params['ring2'] = (self.boxsize / 2) - 2 if self.params['ncls'] > 2000: apDisplay.printError( "number of classes should be less than 2000 for subsequent ORIGAMI run to work" ) if self.params['ncls'] > self.params['numpart']: self.params['ncls'] = self.params['numpart'] / self.params['minp'] if self.params['mask'] is None: self.params['mask'] = (self.boxsize / 2) - 2 if self.params['mw'] is None: apDisplay.printError( "please specify the molecular weight (in kDa)")
def checkConflicts(self): ### first get all stack data self.stack = {} self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid']) self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name']) ### modify boxsize and pixelsize according to binning self.boxsize = self.stack['boxsize'] self.clipsize = int(math.floor(self.boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2 if self.params['clipsize'] is not None: if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize: apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %(self.params['clipsize'],self.clipsize)) self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize'] self.apix = self.stack['apix'] if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None: clipsize = int(self.clipsize)*self.params['bin'] if clipsize % 2 == 1: clipsize += 1 ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even self.boxsize = clipsize self.apix = self.apix * self.params['bin'] ### basic error checking if self.params['stackid'] is None: apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined") if self.params['ncls'] is None: apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided") maxparticles = 1000000 if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles: apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " + str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart'])) stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False) stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name']) if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile): apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart']) +" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))) if self.params['numpart'] is None: self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile) if self.params['numpart'] > 5000: apDisplay.printWarning("initial model calculation may not work with less than 5000 particles") self.mpirun = self.checkMPI() # if self.mpirun is None: # apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed") if self.params['nproc'] is None: self.params['nproc'] = apParam.getNumProcessors() ### SIMPLE defaults and error checking if self.params['ring2'] is None: self.params['ring2'] = (self.boxsize/2) - 2 if self.params['ncls'] > 2000: apDisplay.printError("number of classes should be less than 2000 for subsequent ORIGAMI run to work") if self.params['ncls'] > self.params['numpart']: self.params['ncls'] = self.params['numpart'] / self.params['minp'] if self.params['mask'] is None: self.params['mask'] = (self.boxsize/2) - 2 if self.params['mw'] is None: apDisplay.printError("please specify the molecular weight (in kDa)")