def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params["stackid"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
     if self.params["modelid"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
     if self.params["runname"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name")
     if self.params["last"] is None:
         self.params["last"] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"])
     self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"], msg=False)
     self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
     if self.params["reconstackid"] is not None:
         reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["reconstackid"], msg=False)
         reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["reconstackid"])
         refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["stackid"])
         reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params["reconstackid"])
         if reconboxsize != self.boxsize:
             apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks")
         if reconapix != self.apix:
             apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks")
         if refinenumpart != reconnumpart:
             apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks")
     maxmask = math.floor(self.apix * (self.boxsize - 10) / 2.0)
     if self.params["mask"] is None:
         apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask))
         self.params["mask"] = maxmask
     if self.params["mask"] > maxmask:
         apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d" % (maxmask))
         self.params["mask"] = maxmask
     if self.params["noctf"] is True:
         apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method")
         self.params["wgh"] = -1.0
     if self.params["nodes"] > 1 and self.params["cluster"] is False:
         apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node")
     if self.params["ppn"] is None:
         if self.params["cluster"] is True:
             apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode")
         self.params["ppn"] = apParam.getNumProcessors()
         apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d" % (self.params["ppn"]))
     if self.params["rpn"] is None:
         self.params["rpn"] = self.params["ppn"]
     self.params["nproc"] = self.params["nodes"] * self.params["rpn"]
     ### get the symmetry data
     if self.params["sym"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined")
         self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params["sym"])
         self.params["symm_id"] = self.symmdata.dbid
         self.params["symm_name"] = self.symmdata["eman_name"]
         apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s" % (self.symmdata["eman_name"], self.symmdata.dbid))
     ### set cs value
     self.params["cs"] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
		if self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("missing a reconstruction name")
		if self.params['last'] is None:
			self.params['last'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		if self.params['reconstackid'] is not None:	
			reconboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['reconstackid'], msg=False)
			reconapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['reconstackid'])
			refinenumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
			reconnumpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['reconstackid'])
			if reconboxsize != self.boxsize:
				apDisplay.printError("Boxsize do not match for stacks")
			if reconapix != self.apix:
				apDisplay.printError("Pixelsize do not match for stacks")
			if refinenumpart != reconnumpart:
				apDisplay.printError("Number of particles do not match for stacks")
		maxmask = math.floor(self.apix*(self.boxsize-10)/2.0)
		if self.params['mask'] is None:
			apDisplay.printWarning("mask was not defined, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask))
			self.params['mask'] = maxmask
		if self.params['mask'] > maxmask:
			apDisplay.printWarning("mask was too big, setting to boxsize: %d"%(maxmask))
			self.params['mask'] = maxmask
		if self.params['noctf'] is True:
			apDisplay.printWarning("Using no CTF method")
			self.params['wgh'] = -1.0
		if self.params['nodes'] > 1 and self.params['cluster'] is False:
			apDisplay.printError("cluster mode must be enabled to run on more than 1 node")
		if self.params['ppn'] is None:
			if self.params['cluster'] is True:
				apDisplay.printError("you must define ppn for cluster mode")
			self.params['ppn'] = apParam.getNumProcessors()
			apDisplay.printMsg("Setting number of processors to %d"%(self.params['ppn']))
		if self.params['rpn'] is None:
			self.params['rpn'] = self.params['ppn']
		self.params['nproc'] = self.params['nodes']*self.params['rpn']
		### get the symmetry data
		if self.params['sym'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("Symmetry was not defined")
			self.symmdata = apSymmetry.findSymmetry(self.params['sym'])
			self.params['symm_id'] = self.symmdata.dbid
			self.params['symm_name'] = self.symmdata['eman_name']
			apDisplay.printMsg("Selected symmetry %s with id %s"%(self.symmdata['eman_name'], self.symmdata.dbid))
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
예제 #3
	def medianVolume(self):
		volpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "volumes/*a.mrc")
		mrcfiles = glob.glob(volpath)
		volumes = []
		for filename in mrcfiles:
			if os.path.isfile(filename):
				vol =
				print filename, vol.shape
		volarray = numpy.asarray(volumes, dtype=numpy.float32)
			medarray = numpy.median(volarray, axis=0)
			medarray = numpy.median(volarray)
		medfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "volumes/medianVolume.mrc")
		print medfile, medarray.shape
		mrc.write(medarray, medfile)

		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		sessiondata = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])

		uploadcmd = ( (" --projectid=%d --session=%s --file=%s "
				+"--apix=%.3f --sym=%s --name=satmedian-recon%d.mrc --res=30 --description='%s %d'")
			%(self.params['projectid'], sessiondata['name'], medfile, 
				apix, self.params['symmname'], self.params['reconid'],
				"SAT selected median volume for recon", self.params['reconid'], ) )
		apDisplay.printColor(uploadcmd, "purple")
		f = open("", "w")
    def setupParticles(self):
        self.params["localstack"] = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.timestamp + ".hed")

        self.stack = {}
        self.stack["data"] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"])
        self.stack["apix"] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
        self.stack["part"] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
        self.stack["boxsize"] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"])
        self.stack["file"] = os.path.join(self.stack["data"]["path"]["path"], self.stack["data"]["name"])

        boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack["boxsize"] / float(self.params["bin"] * 2))) * 2
        apix = self.stack["apix"] * self.params["bin"]

        proccmd = "proc2d " + self.stack["file"] + " " + self.params["localstack"] + " apix=" + str(self.stack["apix"])
        if self.params["bin"] > 1:
            clipsize = boxsize * self.params["bin"]
            proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params["bin"], clipsize, clipsize)
        if self.params["highpass"] > 1:
            proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params["highpass"])
        if self.params["lowpass"] > 1:
            proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params["lowpass"])
        proccmd += " last=" + str(self.params["numpart"] - 1)
        apFile.removeStack(self.params["localstack"], warn=False)
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert stack into single spider files
        self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params["localstack"])
        return (boxsize, apix)
예제 #5
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("Please provide a user id, e.g. --stackid=15")
		if not 'radonshift' in dir(radermacher):
			apDisplay.printError("Radermacher python module is too old, please update")

		boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		numpart = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)

		### get info about the stack
		apDisplay.printMsg("Information about stack id %d"%(self.params['stackid']))
		apDisplay.printMsg("\tboxsize %d pixels"%(boxsize))
		apDisplay.printMsg("\tpixelsize %.3f Angstroms"%(pixelsize))
		apDisplay.printMsg("\tsize %d particles"%(numpart))

		if self.params['maskrad'] is None:
			self.params['pixelmaskrad'] = boxsize/2
			self.params['maskrad'] = self.params['pixelmaskrad']*pixelsize
			self.params['pixelmaskrad'] = self.params['maskrad']/pixelsize
		if self.params['pixelmaskrad'] > boxsize/2:
			apDisplay.printError("Mask radius larger than boxsize")

		if self.params['numpart'] is None:
			self.params['numpart'] = numpart
		if self.params['numpart'] > numpart:
			apDisplay.printError("Requested more particles than available in stack")
		if self.params['numrefs'] is None:
			### num refs should go approx. as the sqrt of the number of particles
			self.params['numrefs'] = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(self.params['numpart'])))+1
예제 #6
	def start(self):
		this is the main component of the script
		where all the processing is done
		### initialize some variables
		self.runq = None
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		apDisplay.printMsg("Pixel size: %.5f"%(self.apix))
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		apDisplay.printMsg("Box size: %d"%(self.boxsize))

		self.stackmapping = apRecon.partnum2defid(self.params['stackid'])
		self.numiter = self.getNumberOfIterations()
		for i in range(self.numiter):
			iternum = i+1
			apDisplay.printColor("\nUploading iteration %d of %d\n"%(iternum, self.numiter), "green")

		reconrunid = apRecon.getReconRunIdFromNamePath(self.params['runname'], self.params['rundir'])
		if reconrunid:
			apDisplay.printMsg("calculating euler jumpers for recon="+str(reconrunid))
			eulerjump = apEulerJump.ApEulerJump()
			eulerjump.calculateEulerJumpsForEntireRecon(reconrunid, self.params['stackid'])
			apDisplay.printWarning("Could not find recon run id")
예제 #7
	def runRmeasure(self, volfile):
		emancmd = "proc3d %s %s"%(volfile, "rmeasure.mrc")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])*self.params['tiltbin']
		self.rmeasureresolution = apRecon.runRMeasure(apix, "rmeasure.mrc")
		#apDisplay.printColor("Final Rmeasure resolution: "+str(self.rmeasureresolution), "cyan")
        def medianVolume(self):
                volpath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "volumes/*a.mrc")
                mrcfiles = glob.glob(volpath)
                volumes = []
                for filename in mrcfiles:
                        if os.path.isfile(filename):
                                vol =
                                print filename, vol.shape
                volarray = numpy.asarray(volumes, dtype=numpy.float32)
                        medarray = numpy.median(volarray, axis=0)
                        medarray = numpy.median(volarray)
                medfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "volumes/medianVolume.mrc")
                print medfile, medarray.shape
                mrc.write(medarray, medfile)

                apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
                sessiondata = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])

                uploadcmd = ( (" --projectid=%d --session=%s --file=%s "
                                +"--apix=%.3f --sym=%s --name=satmedian-recon%d.mrc --res=30 --description='%s %d'")
                        %(self.params['projectid'], sessiondata['name'], medfile, 
                                apix, self.params['symmname'], self.params['reconid'],
                                "SAT selected median volume for recon", self.params['reconid'], ) )
                apDisplay.printColor(uploadcmd, "purple")
                f = open("", "w")
	def start(self):
		self.runtime = 0
		self.partlist = []
		self.stack = {}
		self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name'])


		### convert stack to spider
		spiderstack = self.createSpiderFile()

		### create initialization template
		if self.params['initmethod'] == 'allaverage':
			templatefile = self.averageTemplate()
		elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'selectrand':
			templatefile = self.selectRandomParticles()
		elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'randpart':
			templatefile = self.pickRandomParticle()
		elif self.params['initmethod'] == 'template':
			templatefile = self.getTemplate()
			apDisplay.printError("unknown initialization method defined: "
				+str(self.params['initmethod'])+" not in "+str(self.initmethods))

		apDisplay.printColor("Running spider this can take awhile","cyan")

		### run the alignment
		aligntime = time.time()
		pixrad = int(round(self.params['partrad']/self.stack['apix']/self.params['bin']))
		alignedstack, self.partlist = alignment.refFreeAlignParticles(
			spiderstack, templatefile,
			self.params['numpart'], pixrad,
			self.params['firstring'], self.params['lastring'],
			rundir = ".")
		aligntime = time.time() - aligntime
		apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime))

		### remove large, worthless stack
		spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "start.spi")
		apDisplay.printMsg("Removing un-aligned stack: "+spiderstack)
		apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=False)

		### convert stack to imagic
		imagicstack = self.convertSpiderStack(alignedstack)

		inserttime = time.time()
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
			self.runtime = aligntime
			self.insertNoRefRun(imagicstack, insert=True)
			apDisplay.printWarning("not committing results to DB")
		inserttime = time.time() - inserttime

		apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: "+apDisplay.timeString(aligntime))
		apDisplay.printMsg("Database Insertion time: "+apDisplay.timeString(inserttime))
예제 #10
        def setupParticles(self):
                self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed")

                self.stack = {}
                self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
                self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
                self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
                self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
                self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name'])

                boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2
                apix = self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin']

                proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix'])
                if self.params['bin'] > 1:
                        clipsize = boxsize*self.params['bin']
                        proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize)
                if self.params['highpass'] > 1:
                        proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass'])
                if self.params['lowpass'] > 1:
                        proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass'])
                proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1)
                apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack'], warn=False)
                apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True)

                ### convert stack into single spider files
                self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack'])
                return (boxsize, apix)
예제 #11
    def runMaxlike(self):
        stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
        stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])

        ### process stack to local file
        self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                                 self.timestamp + ".hed")
        proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params[
            'localstack'] + " apix=" + str(apix)
        if self.params['highpass'] > 1:
            proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params['highpass'])
        if self.params['lowpass'] > 1:
            proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params['lowpass'])
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert stack into single spider files
        self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(

        ### setup Xmipp command
        aligntime = time.time()
        xmippopts = (
            " " + " -i " +
            os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.partlistdocfile) +
            " -nref 1 " + " -iter 10 " + " -o " +
            os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "part" + self.timestamp) +
            " -fast -C 1e-18 ")
        ### angle step
        if self.params['rotate'] is True:
            xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 "
            xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 "
        ### convergence criteria
        if self.params['converge'] == "fast":
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 "
        elif self.params['converge'] == "slow":
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 "
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 "
        ### mirrors
        if self.params['mirror'] is True:
            xmippopts += " -mirror "
        if self.params['maxshift'] is not None:
            xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params['maxshift'])

        ### use single processor
        xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True)
        xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
        aligntime = time.time() - aligntime
        apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " +

        ### create a quick mrc
        emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc"
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
	def insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase(self, alignimagicfile):
		apDisplay.printMsg("Inserting CL2D Run into DB")

		### setup alignment run
		alignrunq = appiondata.ApAlignRunData()
		alignrunq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		uniquerun = alignrunq.query(results=1)
#		if uniquerun:
#			apDisplay.printError("Run name '"+self.runparams['runname']+"' and path already exist in database")

		### setup cl2d run
		cl2dq = appiondata.ApCL2DRunData()
		cl2dq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		cl2dq['run_seconds'] = self.runparams['runtime']
		cl2dq['fast'] = self.runparams['fast']

		### finish alignment run
		alignrunq['cl2drun'] = cl2dq
		alignrunq['hidden'] = False
		alignrunq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['description'] = self.runparams['description']
		alignrunq['lp_filt'] = self.runparams['lowpass']
		alignrunq['hp_filt'] = self.runparams['highpass']
		alignrunq['bin'] = self.runparams['bin']

		### setup alignment stack
		alignstackq = appiondata.ApAlignStackData()
		if self.runparams['align'] is True:		### option to create aligned stack
			alignstackq['imagicfile'] = alignimagicfile
			alignstackq['avgmrcfile'] = "average.mrc"
			alignstackq['refstackfile'] = "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%(self.Nlevels-1)
		alignstackq['iteration'] = self.runparams['maxiter']
		alignstackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		alignstackq['alignrun'] = alignrunq
		### check to make sure files exist
		if self.runparams['align'] is True:		### option to create aligned stack
			alignimagicfilepath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['imagicfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(alignimagicfilepath):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find stack file: "+alignimagicfilepath)
			avgmrcfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['avgmrcfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(avgmrcfile):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find average mrc file: "+avgmrcfile)
			refstackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['refstackfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(refstackfile):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find reference stack file: "+refstackfile)
		alignstackq['stack'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.runparams['stackid'])
		alignstackq['boxsize'] = self.boxsize
		alignstackq['pixelsize'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.runparams['stackid'])*self.runparams['bin']
		alignstackq['description'] = self.runparams['description']
		alignstackq['hidden'] =  False
		alignstackq['num_particles'] =  self.runparams['numpart']

		### insert
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
		self.alignstackdata = alignstackq

 def getBeamTiltFromStackParticleNumber(self):
         stackparticledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.stackid, self.imgnum+1, msg=True)
         pdata = stackparticledata['particle']
         ### step 1: get axial beam tilt on to image coordinate direction
         imageshift = pdata['image']['scope']['image shift']
         zerobeamtilt = {'x':0.0e-3, 'y':0.0e-3}
         axialbeamtilt = self.transformImageShiftToBeamTilt(imageshift, self.tem,,, zerobeamtilt, self.mag)
         beamtilt_rotationtransform = self.retrieveBeamTiltMatrix(self.tem,,, self.mag)
         axialbtvector = numpy.array((axialbeamtilt['y'],axialbeamtilt['x']))
         axialbtvector_on_image =, axialbtvector)
         apDisplay.printMsg( "Axial Beam Tilt on Image Coordinate ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" % (axialbtvector_on_image[1]*1e3,axialbtvector_on_image[0]*1e3))
         ### step 2: get off-axis beam tilt
         pcoord = {'x':pdata['xcoord']*self.imgpix,'y':pdata['ycoord']*self.imgpix}
         apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.stackid)
         camdata = pdata['image']['camera']
         cambin = camdata['binning']
         camdim = camdata['dimension']
         camoff = camdata['offset']
         camcenter = {'x':self.camsize['x']/2,'y':self.camsize['y']/2}
         apDisplay.printMsg( 'Particle coord (%5d,%5d)' % (pdata['xcoord'],pdata['ycoord']))
         mcoord = {'y':pdata['ycoord']*cambin['y']+camoff['y']-camcenter['y'],
         apDisplay.printMsg( 'Particle from center in camera pixel (%5d,%5d)' % (mcoord['x'],mcoord['y']))
         coord = {'x':mcoord['x']*self.imgpix*cambin['x'],
         apDisplay.printMsg( 'Particle from center (A) (%5.2f,%5.2f)' % (coord['x']*1e10,coord['y']*1e10))
         offaxisbeamtilt = self.getCombinedOffAxisBeamTilt(self.c2diameter,self.beamdiameter,coord)
         #offaxisbeamtilt = {'x':0.0,'y':0.0}
         ### step 3: combine beam tilts
         totalbeamtilt = {'x':axialbtvector_on_image[1]+offaxisbeamtilt['x'],
                                                 'y':axialbtvector_on_image[0]-offaxisbeamtilt['y'] }
         apDisplay.printMsg( "Total Beam Tilt on Image Coordinate (mrad) ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" % (totalbeamtilt['x']*1e3,totalbeamtilt['y']*1e3))
         return totalbeamtilt
예제 #14
	def start(self):
		### load parameters
		runparams = self.readRunParameters()

		### align references

		### create an aligned stack

		### read particles
		self.lastiter = self.findLastIterNumber()
		if self.params['sort'] is True:
		reflist = self.readRefDocFile()
		partlist = self.readPartDocFile(reflist)

		### create aligned stacks
		alignimagicfile = self.createAlignedStacks(partlist, runparams['localstack'])

		### calculate resolution for each reference
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(runparams['stackid'])*runparams['bin']
		self.calcResolution(partlist, alignimagicfile, apix)

		### insert into databse
		self.insertRunIntoDatabase(alignimagicfile, runparams)
		self.insertParticlesIntoDatabase(runparams['stackid'], partlist)

		apFile.removeStack(runparams['localstack'], warn=False)
		rmcmd = "/bin/rm -fr partfiles/*"
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(rmcmd, verbose=False, showcmd=False)
	def setupParticles(self):
		self.params['localstack'] = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed")

		self.stack = {}
		self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name'])

		boxsize = int(math.floor(self.stack['boxsize']/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2
		apix = self.stack['apix']*self.params['bin']

		proccmd = "proc2d "+self.stack['file']+" "+self.params['localstack']+" apix="+str(self.stack['apix'])
		if self.params['bin'] > 1:
			clipsize = boxsize*self.params['bin']
			proccmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'],clipsize,clipsize)
		if self.params['highpass'] > 1:
			proccmd += " hp="+str(self.params['highpass'])
		if self.params['lowpass'] > 1:
			proccmd += " lp="+str(self.params['lowpass'])
		proccmd += " last="+str(self.params['numpart']-1)
		apFile.removeStack(self.params['localstack'], warn=False)
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True)

		### convert stack into single spider files
		self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params['localstack'])
		return (boxsize, apix)
	def insertAlignStackRunIntoDatabase(self, alignimagicfile):
		apDisplay.printMsg("Inserting CL2D Run into DB")

		### setup alignment run
		alignrunq = appiondata.ApAlignRunData()
		alignrunq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		uniquerun = alignrunq.query(results=1)
#		if uniquerun:
#			apDisplay.printError("Run name '"+self.runparams['runname']+"' and path already exist in database")

		### setup cl2d run
		cl2dq = appiondata.ApCL2DRunData()
		cl2dq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		cl2dq['run_seconds'] = self.runparams['runtime']
		cl2dq['fast'] = self.runparams['fast']

		### finish alignment run
		alignrunq['cl2drun'] = cl2dq
		alignrunq['hidden'] = False
		alignrunq['runname'] = self.runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['description'] = self.runparams['description']
		alignrunq['lp_filt'] = self.runparams['lowpass']
		alignrunq['hp_filt'] = self.runparams['highpass']
		alignrunq['bin'] = self.runparams['bin']

		### setup alignment stack
		alignstackq = appiondata.ApAlignStackData()
		if self.runparams['align'] is True:		### option to create aligned stack
			alignstackq['imagicfile'] = alignimagicfile
			alignstackq['avgmrcfile'] = "average.mrc"
			alignstackq['refstackfile'] = "part"+self.params['timestamp']+"_level_%02d_.hed"%(self.Nlevels-1)
		alignstackq['iteration'] = self.runparams['maxiter']
		alignstackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		alignstackq['alignrun'] = alignrunq
		### check to make sure files exist
		if self.runparams['align'] is True:		### option to create aligned stack
			alignimagicfilepath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['imagicfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(alignimagicfilepath):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find stack file: "+alignimagicfilepath)
			avgmrcfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['avgmrcfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(avgmrcfile):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find average mrc file: "+avgmrcfile)
			refstackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['refstackfile'])
			if not os.path.isfile(refstackfile):
				apDisplay.printError("could not find reference stack file: "+refstackfile)
		alignstackq['stack'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.runparams['stackid'])
		alignstackq['boxsize'] = self.boxsize
		alignstackq['pixelsize'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.runparams['stackid'])*self.runparams['bin']
		alignstackq['description'] = self.runparams['description']
		alignstackq['hidden'] =  False
		alignstackq['num_particles'] =  self.runparams['numpart']

		### insert
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
		self.alignstackdata = alignstackq

예제 #17
	def convertStackToSpider(self, emanstackfile, classnum):
		takes the stack file and creates a spider file ready for processing
		if not os.path.isfile(emanstackfile):
			apDisplay.printError("stackfile does not exist: "+emanstackfile)

		### first high pass filter particles
		apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles")
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])
		emancmd = ("proc2d "+emanstackfile+" "+emanstackfile
			+" apix="+str(apix)+" hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart'])
			+" inplace")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)

		### convert imagic stack to spider
		emancmd  = "proc2d "
		emancmd += emanstackfile+" "
		spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], str(classnum), "otrstack"+self.timestamp+".spi")
		apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=True)
		emancmd += spiderstack+" "

		emancmd += "spiderswap edgenorm"
		starttime = time.time()
		apDisplay.printColor("Running spider stack conversion this can take a while", "cyan")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
		apDisplay.printColor("finished eman in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-starttime), "cyan")
		return spiderstack
	def start(self):
		this is the main component of the script
		where all the processing is done
		### initialize some variables
		self.runq = None
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		apDisplay.printMsg("Pixel size: %.5f"%(self.apix))
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		apDisplay.printMsg("Box size: %d"%(self.boxsize))

		self.stackmapping = apRecon.partnum2defid(self.params['stackid'])
		self.numiter = self.getNumberOfIterations()
		for i in range(self.numiter):
			iternum = i+1
			apDisplay.printColor("\nUploading iteration %d of %d\n"%(iternum, self.numiter), "green")

		reconrunid = apRecon.getReconRunIdFromNamePath(self.params['runname'], self.params['rundir'])
		if reconrunid:
			apDisplay.printMsg("calculating euler jumpers for recon="+str(reconrunid))
			eulerjump = apEulerJump.ApEulerJump()
			eulerjump.calculateEulerJumpsForEntireRecon(reconrunid, self.params['stackid'])
			apDisplay.printWarning("Could not find recon run id")
예제 #19
	def runEoTest(self, corrSelectOdd, corrSelectEven, cnum, apshstack, apsheuler, iternum):

		apshOddVolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], str(cnum), "apshVolume_Odd-%03d.spi"%(iternum))
		apshEvenVolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], str(cnum), "apshVolume_Even-%03d.spi"%(iternum))

		self.APSHbackProject(apshstack, apsheuler, apshOddVolfile, cnum, corrSelectOdd)
		self.APSHbackProject(apshstack, apsheuler, apshEvenVolfile, cnum, corrSelectEven)

		fscout = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], str(cnum), "FSCout-%03d.spi"%(iternum))
		backproject.calcFSC(apshOddVolfile, apshEvenVolfile, fscout)

		### Calculate FSC - taken from Neil's RCT script
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])*self.params['tiltbin']
		emancmd = "proc3d %s %s"%(apshEvenVolfile, apshEvenVolfile+".mrc")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
		emancmd = "proc3d %s %s"%(apshOddVolfile, apshOddVolfile+".mrc")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
		fscfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "fscdata%s.fsc"%(self.timestamp))
		emancmd = "proc3d %s %s fsc=%s"%(apshEvenVolfile+".mrc", apshOddVolfile+".mrc", fscfile)
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)

		if not os.path.isfile(fscfile):
			apDisplay.printError("Even-Odd fsc calculation failed")
		boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
		self.fscresolution = apRecon.getResolutionFromFSCFile(fscfile, boxsize, apix, msg=True)
		apDisplay.printColor( ("Final FSC resolution: %.5f" % (self.fscresolution)), "cyan")

		return fscout
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter a stack run name, e.g. combinestack1")
		if self.params['description'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter a stack description")

		if self.params['stacks'] and ',' in self.params['stacks']:
			#remember stackids are a list of strings
			stackids = self.params['stacks'].split(',')
			self.params['stackids'] = stackids
			apDisplay.printError("enter a list of stack ids to combine, e.g. --stackids=11,14,7")

		### check to make sure all pixel and box size are the same
		self.newboxsize = None
		self.newpixelsize = None
		for stackidstr in self.params['stackids']:
			if not re.match("^[0-9]+$", stackidstr):
				apDisplay.printError("Stack id '%s' is not an integer"%(stackidstr))
			stackid = int(stackidstr)
			boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(stackid, msg=False)
			pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(stackid, msg=False)
			apDisplay.printMsg("Stack id: %d\tBoxsize: %d\tPixelsize: %.3f"%(stackid, boxsize, pixelsize))
			if self.newboxsize is None:
				self.newboxsize = boxsize
			if self.newpixelsize is None:
				self.newpixelsize = pixelsize
			if boxsize != self.newboxsize:
				apDisplay.printError("Trying to combine stacks with different box sizes")
			if abs(pixelsize - self.newpixelsize) > 0.01:
				apDisplay.printError("Trying to combine stacks with different pixel sizes")
    def runMaxlike(self):
        stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"])
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
        stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata["path"]["path"], stackdata["name"])

        ### process stack to local file
        self.params["localstack"] = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.timestamp + ".hed")
        proccmd = "proc2d " + stackfile + " " + self.params["localstack"] + " apix=" + str(apix)
        if self.params["highpass"] > 1:
            proccmd += " hp=" + str(self.params["highpass"])
        if self.params["lowpass"] > 1:
            proccmd += " lp=" + str(self.params["lowpass"])
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(proccmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert stack into single spider files
        self.partlistdocfile = apXmipp.breakupStackIntoSingleFiles(self.params["localstack"])

        ### setup Xmipp command
        aligntime = time.time()
        xmippopts = (
            " "
            + " -i "
            + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], self.partlistdocfile)
            + " -nref 1 "
            + " -iter 10 "
            + " -o "
            + os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "part" + self.timestamp)
            + " -fast -C 1e-18 "
        ### angle step
        if self.params["rotate"] is True:
            xmippopts += " -psi_step 90 "
            xmippopts += " -psi_step 360 "
        ### convergence criteria
        if self.params["converge"] == "fast":
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-3 "
        elif self.params["converge"] == "slow":
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-8 "
            xmippopts += " -eps 5e-5 "
        ### mirrors
        if self.params["mirror"] is True:
            xmippopts += " -mirror "
        if self.params["maxshift"] is not None:
            xmippopts += " -max_shift %d " % (self.params["maxshift"])

        ### use single processor
        xmippexe = apParam.getExecPath("xmipp_ml_align2d", die=True)
        xmippcmd = xmippexe + " " + xmippopts
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(xmippcmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
        aligntime = time.time() - aligntime
        apDisplay.printMsg("Alignment time: " + apDisplay.timeString(aligntime))

        ### create a quick mrc
        emancmd = "proc2d part" + self.timestamp + "_ref000001.xmp average.mrc"
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
예제 #22
    def start(self):
        ### load parameters
        self.runparams = self.readRunParameters()
        self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.runparams['stackid']) * self.runparams['bin']
        self.Nlevels = len(
            glob.glob("part" + self.params['timestamp'] + "_level_??_.hed"))

        ### create average of aligned stacks & insert aligned stack info
        lastLevelStack = "part" + self.params[
            'timestamp'] + "_level_%02d_.hed" % (self.Nlevels - 1)
        self.boxsize = apFile.getBoxSize(lastLevelStack)[0]
        if self.runparams['align']:
            self.calcResolution(self.Nlevels - 1)
            self.insertAlignParticlesIntoDatabase(level=self.Nlevels - 1)

        ### loop over each class average stack & insert as clustering stacks
        for level in range(self.Nlevels):
            if self.runparams['align']:
            partdict = self.getClassificationAtLevel(level)
            for classnum in partdict:
                    "part" + self.params['timestamp'] +
                    "_level_%02d_.hed" % level, classnum + 1,
                    partdict[classnum], len(partdict))
예제 #23
	def start(self):
		This is the core of your function.
		stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		original_stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])
		filtered_stackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp+".hed")
		apFile.removeStack(filtered_stackfile, warn=False)
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])

		emancmd = "proc2d %s %s apix=%.3f "%(original_stackfile, filtered_stackfile, apix)
		if self.params['lowpass'] is not None:
			emancmd += " lp=%.3f "%(self.params['lowpass'])
		if self.params['highpass'] is not None:
			emancmd += " hp=%.3f "%(self.params['highpass'])
		if self.params['bin'] is not None and self.params['bin'] > 1:
			## determine a multiple of the bin that is divisible by 2 and less than the boxsize
			clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2*self.params['bin']
			emancmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['bin'], clipsize, clipsize)		
		emancmd += " last=%d "%(self.params['numpart']-1)
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)

		### confirm that it worked
		if self.params['numpart'] != apFile.numImagesInStack(filtered_stackfile):
			apDisplay.printError("Missing particles in stack")

		### run the radon transform code
		### insert info into database
예제 #24
	def runRmeasure(self):
		finalrawvolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "rawvolume%s-%03d.spi"%(self.timestamp, self.params['numiters']))
		emancmd = "proc3d %s %s"%(finalrawvolfile, "rmeasure.mrc")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])*self.params['tiltbin']
		self.rmeasureresolution = apRecon.runRMeasure(apix, "rmeasure.mrc")
		#apDisplay.printColor("Final Rmeasure resolution: "+str(self.rmeasureresolution), "cyan")
    def insertOtrRun(self, volfile):
        ### setup resolutions
        fscresq = appiondata.ApResolutionData()
        fscresq["type"] = "fsc"
        fscresq["half"] = self.fscresolution
        fscresq["fscfile"] = "fscdata" + self.timestamp + ".fsc"
        rmeasureq = appiondata.ApResolutionData()
        rmeasureq["type"] = "rmeasure"
        rmeasureq["half"] = self.rmeasureresolution
        rmeasureq["fscfile"] = None

        ### insert rct run data
        otrrunq = appiondata.ApOtrRunData()
        otrrunq["runname"] = self.params["runname"]
        tempstr = ""
        for cnum in self.classlist:
            tempstr += str(cnum) + ","
        classliststr = tempstr[:-1]
        otrrunq["classnums"] = classliststr
        otrrunq["numiter"] = self.params["numiters"]
        otrrunq["euleriter"] = self.params["refineiters"]
        otrrunq["maskrad"] = self.params["radius"]
        otrrunq["lowpassvol"] = self.params["lowpassvol"]
        otrrunq["highpasspart"] = self.params["highpasspart"]
        otrrunq["median"] = self.params["median"]
        otrrunq["description"] = self.params["description"]
        otrrunq["path"] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params["rundir"]))
        otrrunq["alignstack"] = self.alignstackdata
        otrrunq["tiltstack"] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["tiltstackid"])
        otrrunq["numpart"] = self.numpart
        otrrunq["fsc_resolution"] = fscresq
        otrrunq["rmeasure_resolution"] = rmeasureq
        if self.params["commit"] is True:

        ### insert 3d volume density
        densq = appiondata.Ap3dDensityData()
        densq["otrrun"] = otrrunq
        densq["path"] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(volfile)))
        densq["name"] = os.path.basename(volfile)
        densq["hidden"] = False
        densq["norm"] = True
        densq["symmetry"] = appiondata.ApSymmetryData.direct_query(25)
        densq["pixelsize"] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["partstackid"]) * self.params["bin"]
        densq["boxsize"] = self.getBoxSize()
        densq["lowpass"] = self.params["lowpassvol"]
        densq["highpass"] = self.params["highpasspart"]
        densq["mask"] = self.params["radius"]
        # densq['iterid'] = self.params['numiters']
        densq["description"] = self.params["description"]
        densq["resolution"] = self.fscresolution
        densq["rmeasure"] = self.rmeasureresolution
        densq["session"] = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params["tiltstackid"])
        densq["md5sum"] = apFile.md5sumfile(volfile)
        if self.params["commit"] is True:

예제 #26
	def insertOtrRun(self, volfile):
		### setup resolutions
		fscresq = appiondata.ApResolutionData()
		fscresq['type'] = "fsc"
		fscresq['half'] = self.fscresolution
		fscresq['fscfile'] = "fscdata"+self.timestamp+".fsc"
		rmeasureq = appiondata.ApResolutionData()
		rmeasureq['type'] = "rmeasure"
		rmeasureq['half'] = self.rmeasureresolution
		rmeasureq['fscfile'] = None

		### insert rct run data
		otrrunq = appiondata.ApOtrRunData()
		otrrunq['runname']    = self.params['runname']
		tempstr = ""
		for cnum in self.classlist:
			tempstr += str(cnum)+","
		classliststr = tempstr[:-1]
		otrrunq['classnums']  = classliststr
		otrrunq['numiter']    = self.params['numiters']
		otrrunq['euleriter']  = self.params['refineiters']
		otrrunq['maskrad']    = self.params['radius']
		otrrunq['lowpassvol'] = self.params['lowpassvol']
		otrrunq['highpasspart'] = self.params['highpasspart']
		otrrunq['median'] = self.params['median']
		otrrunq['description'] = self.params['description']
		otrrunq['path']  = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		otrrunq['alignstack'] = self.alignstackdata
		otrrunq['tiltstack']  = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['tiltstackid'])
		otrrunq['numpart']  = self.numpart
		otrrunq['fsc_resolution'] = fscresq
		otrrunq['rmeasure_resolution'] = rmeasureq
		if self.params['commit'] is True:

		### insert 3d volume density
		densq = appiondata.Ap3dDensityData()
		densq['otrrun'] = otrrunq
		densq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(volfile)))
		densq['name'] = os.path.basename(volfile)
		densq['hidden'] = False
		densq['norm'] = True
		densq['symmetry'] = appiondata.ApSymmetryData.direct_query(25)
		densq['pixelsize'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])*self.params['tiltbin']
		densq['boxsize'] = self.getBoxSize()
		densq['lowpass'] = self.params['lowpassvol']
		densq['highpass'] = self.params['highpasspart']
		densq['mask'] = self.params['radius']
		#densq['iterid'] = self.params['numiters']
		densq['description'] = self.params['description']
		densq['resolution'] = self.fscresolution
		densq['rmeasure'] = self.rmeasureresolution
		densq['session'] = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])
		densq['md5sum'] = apFile.md5sumfile(volfile)
		if self.params['commit'] is True:

	def insertRunIntoDatabase(self, alignedPartStack, alignedClassStack, runparams):
		apDisplay.printMsg("Inserting ISAC Run into DB")

		### setup alignment run
		alignrunq = appiondata.ApAlignRunData()
		alignrunq['runname'] = runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		uniquerun = alignrunq.query(results=1)
		if uniquerun:
			apDisplay.printError("Run name '"+runparams['runname']+"' and path already exist in database")

		### setup ISAC like run
		isacq = appiondata.ApSparxISACRunData()
		isacq['runname'] = runparams['runname']
		isacq['job'] = self.getISACJobData(runparams)

		### finish alignment run
		alignrunq['isacrun'] = isacq
		alignrunq['hidden'] = False
		alignrunq['runname'] = runparams['runname']
		alignrunq['description'] = runparams['description']
		alignrunq['lp_filt'] = runparams['lowpass']
		alignrunq['hp_filt'] = runparams['highpass']
		alignrunq['bin'] = runparams['bin']

		### setup alignment stack
		alignstackq = appiondata.ApAlignStackData()
		alignstackq['imagicfile'] = alignedPartStack
		alignstackq['avgmrcfile'] = "average.mrc"
		alignstackq['refstackfile'] = alignedClassStack
		alignstackq['iteration'] = self.lastiter
		alignstackq['path'] = appiondata.ApPathData(path=os.path.abspath(self.params['rundir']))
		alignstackq['alignrun'] = alignrunq
		### check to make sure files exist
		alignimagicfilepath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['imagicfile'])
		if not os.path.isfile(alignimagicfilepath):
			apDisplay.printError("could not find stack file: "+alignimagicfilepath)
		avgmrcfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['avgmrcfile'])
		if not os.path.isfile(avgmrcfile):
			apDisplay.printError("could not find average mrc file: "+avgmrcfile)
		refstackfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], alignstackq['refstackfile'])
		if not os.path.isfile(refstackfile):
			apDisplay.printError("could not find reference stack file: "+refstackfile)
		alignstackq['stack'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(runparams['stackid'])
		alignstackq['boxsize'] = apFile.getBoxSize(alignimagicfilepath)[0]
		alignstackq['pixelsize'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])*self.params['bin']
		alignstackq['description'] = runparams['description']
		alignstackq['hidden'] =  False
		alignstackq['num_particles'] =  self.numPart

		### insert
		if self.params['commit'] is True:
		self.alignstackdata = alignstackq

    def getBeamTiltFromStackParticleNumber(self):
        stackparticledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.stackid,
                                                              self.imgnum + 1,
        pdata = stackparticledata['particle']
        ### step 1: get axial beam tilt on to image coordinate direction
        imageshift = pdata['image']['scope']['image shift']
        zerobeamtilt = {'x': 0.0e-3, 'y': 0.0e-3}
        axialbeamtilt = self.transformImageShiftToBeamTilt(
            imageshift, self.tem,,, zerobeamtilt, self.mag)
        beamtilt_rotationtransform = self.retrieveBeamTiltMatrix(
            self.tem,,, self.mag)
        axialbtvector = numpy.array((axialbeamtilt['y'], axialbeamtilt['x']))
        axialbtvector_on_image =,
            "Axial Beam Tilt on Image Coordinate ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" %
            (axialbtvector_on_image[1] * 1e3, axialbtvector_on_image[0] * 1e3))
        ### step 2: get off-axis beam tilt
        pcoord = {
            'x': pdata['xcoord'] * self.imgpix,
            'y': pdata['ycoord'] * self.imgpix
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.stackid)
        camdata = pdata['image']['camera']
        cambin = camdata['binning']
        camdim = camdata['dimension']
        camoff = camdata['offset']
        camcenter = {'x': self.camsize['x'] / 2, 'y': self.camsize['y'] / 2}
        apDisplay.printMsg('Particle coord (%5d,%5d)' %
                           (pdata['xcoord'], pdata['ycoord']))
        mcoord = {
            'y': pdata['ycoord'] * cambin['y'] + camoff['y'] - camcenter['y'],
            'x': pdata['xcoord'] * cambin['x'] + camoff['x'] - camcenter['x']
        apDisplay.printMsg('Particle from center in camera pixel (%5d,%5d)' %
                           (mcoord['x'], mcoord['y']))
        coord = {
            'x': mcoord['x'] * self.imgpix * cambin['x'],
            'y': mcoord['y'] * self.imgpix * cambin['y']
        apDisplay.printMsg('Particle from center (A) (%5.2f,%5.2f)' %
                           (coord['x'] * 1e10, coord['y'] * 1e10))

        offaxisbeamtilt = self.getCombinedOffAxisBeamTilt(
            self.c2diameter, self.beamdiameter, coord)
        #offaxisbeamtilt = {'x':0.0,'y':0.0}
        ### step 3: combine beam tilts
        totalbeamtilt = {
            'x': axialbtvector_on_image[1] + offaxisbeamtilt['x'],
            'y': axialbtvector_on_image[0] - offaxisbeamtilt['y']
            "Total Beam Tilt on Image Coordinate (mrad) ( %5.2f, %5.2f)" %
            (totalbeamtilt['x'] * 1e3, totalbeamtilt['y'] * 1e3))
        return totalbeamtilt
예제 #29
 def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params["stackid"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Stack id was not defined")
     if self.params["mandir"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Directory containing mandatory files was not defined")
     if self.params["description"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Run description was not defined")
     stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params["stackid"], msg=False)
     stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata["path"]["path"], stackdata["name"])
     if self.params["numpart"] is None:
         self.params["numpart"] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
         apDisplay.printWarning("Number of particles not defined, processing full stack")
     if self.params["numpart"] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile):
             "trying to use more particles "
             + str(self.params["numpart"])
             + " than available "
             + str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile))
     if self.params["replen"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Helical repeat was not defined")
     if self.params["subunits"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Number of subunits was not defined")
     if self.params["diameter"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Filament diameter was not defined")
     if self.params["diaminner"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Inner filament diameter was not defined")
     if self.params["rescut"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Phase residual cutoff was not defined")
     if self.params["filval"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Filter value was not defined")
     if self.params["bin"] is None:
         self.params["bin"] = 1
         apDisplay.printWarning("Binning factor was not defined, binning by one")
     if self.params["cont"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Must specify if a contrast change is needed")
     if self.params["prehip"] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("Must specify if prehip needs to be executed or not")
     step = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["stackid"])
     self.params["step"] = step
     onerep = math.floor(self.params["replen"] / step)
     calcyht2 = math.floor(self.params["diameter"] / step)
     boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["stackid"])
     self.params["boxsize"] = boxsize
     if self.params["xlngth"] < onerep:
         apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be less than one helical repeat")
     if self.params["xlngth"] > boxsize:
         apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be greater than stack box size")
     if self.params["yht2"] < calcyht2:
         apDisplay.printError("Filament box height can not be less than filament diameter")
     if self.params["padval"] < self.params["xlngth"]:
         apDisplay.printError("Pad value can not be less than the filament segment length")
     if not self.checkval(self.params["yht2"]):
         apDisplay.printError("Filament box height must be a power of two")
     if not self.checkval(self.params["padval"]):
         apDisplay.printError("Pad value must be a power of two")
 def __initializeStack(self):
         # This sets parameters of our new stack based on the params of the original stack
         # TODO: use originalStackData to populate these
         self.stack = {}
         self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
         self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
         self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
         self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name'])
         self.stack['format'] = 'imagic'
         self.stack['phaseflipped'] = self.originalStackData.phaseFlipped
예제 #31
    def processVolume(self, spivolfile, iternum=0):
        ### set values
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.params['tiltstackid']) * self.params['tiltbin']
        boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
        rawspifile = os.path.join(
            "rawvolume%s-%03d.spi" % (self.timestamp, iternum))
        mrcvolfile = os.path.join(
            "volume%s-%03d.mrc" % (self.timestamp, iternum))
        lowpass = self.params['lowpassvol']
        ### copy original to raw file
        shutil.copy(spivolfile, rawspifile)

        ### convert to mrc
        emancmd = ("proc3d " + spivolfile + " " + mrcvolfile +
                   " norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix))
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### median filter
        rawvol =
        medvol = ndimage.median_filter(rawvol, size=self.params['median'])
        mrc.write(medvol, mrcvolfile)

        ### low pass filter
        emancmd = ("proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile +
                   " center norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix) + " lp=" +
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### set origin
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " origin=0,0,0 "
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### mask volume
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " mask=" + str(
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### convert to spider
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + spivolfile + " spidersingle"
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### image with chimera
        if self.params['skipchimera'] is False:
            if self.params['mass'] is not None:
                apDisplay.printMsg("Using scale by mass method")
            apChimera.renderSnapshots(mrcvolfile, self.params['contour'],
                                      self.params['zoom'], 'c1')
        return mrcvolfile
    def processVolume(self, spivolfile, cnum, iternum=0):
        ### set values
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.params['tiltstackid']) * self.params['bin']
        boxsize = self.getBoxSize()

        volfilename = os.path.splitext(spivolfile)[0]
        rawspifile = volfilename + "-raw.spi"
        mrcvolfile = volfilename + ".mrc"
        lowpass = self.params['lowpassvol']
        ### copy original to raw file
        shutil.copy(spivolfile, rawspifile)

        ### convert to mrc
        emancmd = ("proc3d " + spivolfile + " " + mrcvolfile +
                   " norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix))
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### median filter
        rawvol =
        medvol = ndimage.median_filter(rawvol, size=self.params['median'])
        mrc.write(medvol, mrcvolfile)

        ### low pass filter
        emancmd = ("proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile +
                   " center norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix) + " lp=" +
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### set origin
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " origin=0,0,0 "
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### mask volume
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " mask=" + str(
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### convert to spider
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + spivolfile + " spidersingle"
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### image with chimera
        if self.params['skipchimera'] is False:
            apChimera.renderSnapshots(mrcvolfile, self.params['contour'],
                                      self.params['zoom'], 'c1')
            animationthread = threading.Thread(
                args=(mrcvolfile, self.params['contour'], self.params['zoom'],
        return mrcvolfile
예제 #33
 def runRmeasure(self):
     finalrawvolfile = os.path.join(
         "rawvolume%s-%03d.spi" % (self.timestamp, self.params['numiters']))
     emancmd = "proc3d %s %s" % (finalrawvolfile, "rmeasure.mrc")
     apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
     apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
         self.params['tiltstackid']) * self.params['tiltbin']
     self.rmeasureresolution = apRecon.runRMeasure(apix, "rmeasure.mrc")
     #apDisplay.printColor("Final Rmeasure resolution: "+str(self.rmeasureresolution), "cyan")
예제 #34
 def __initializeStack(self):
     # This sets parameters of our new stack based on the params of the original stack
     # TODO: use originalStackData to populate these
     self.stack = {}
     self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
     self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
     self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
     self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'],
     self.stack['format'] = 'imagic'
     self.stack['phaseflipped'] = self.originalStackData.phaseFlipped
예제 #35
    def convertStackToSpider(self, emanstackfile):
		takes the stack file and creates a spider file ready for processing
        if not os.path.isfile(emanstackfile):
            apDisplay.printError("stackfile does not exist: " + emanstackfile)

        tempstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                 "filter" + self.timestamp + ".hed")

        ### first high pass filter particles
        apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles")
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])
        boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
        emancmd = ("proc2d " + emanstackfile + " " + tempstack + " apix=" +
                   str(apix) + " ")
        if self.params['highpasspart'] is not None and self.params[
                'highpasspart'] > 0:
            emancmd += "hp=" + str(self.params['highpasspart']) + " "
        if self.params[
                'lowpasspart'] is not None and self.params['lowpasspart'] > 0:
            emancmd += "lp=" + str(self.params['lowpasspart']) + " "
        if self.params['tiltbin'] > 1:
            clipsize = boxsize * self.params['tiltbin']
            emancmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d " % (self.params['tiltbin'],
                                                   clipsize, clipsize)
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert imagic stack to spider
        emancmd = "proc2d "
        emancmd += tempstack + " "
        spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                   "rctstack" + self.timestamp + ".spi")
        apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=True)
        emancmd += spiderstack + " "

        emancmd += "spiderswap edgenorm"
        starttime = time.time()
            "Running spider stack conversion this can take a while", "cyan")
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
        time.sleep(1)  # wait a sec, for things to finish
            "finished eman in " +
            apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - starttime), "cyan")

        apFile.removeStack(tempstack, warn=False)
        apFile.removeStack(emanstackfile, warn=False)
        if not os.path.isfile(spiderstack):
            apDisplay.printError("Failed to create a spider stack")

        return spiderstack
    def convertVolToSpider(self,
                takes the mrc volume and creates a spider file ready for processing
        if modelid is not None:
            initModelData = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query(modelid)
            mrcvolfile = initModelData['path']['path'] + "/" + initModelData[
            apix = initModelData['pixelsize']

        stackapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.params['partstackid']) * self.params['bin']
        stackboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(
            self.params['partstackid']) / self.params['bin']

        print apix
        print mrcvolfile

        if not os.path.isfile(mrcvolfile):
            apDisplay.printError("volfile does not exist: " + mrcvolfile)

        ### first high pass filter particles
        #apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles")
        #apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['partstackid'])
        #emancmd = ("proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+emanstackfile
        #       +" apix="+str(apix)+" hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart'])
        #       +" inplace")
        #apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert imagic stack to spider
        emancmd = "proc3d "
        emancmd += mrcvolfile + " "
        if spivolfile is None:
            spivolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "threed-0a.spi")
        apFile.removeFile(spivolfile, warn=True)
        emancmd += spivolfile + " "

        emancmd += "scale=" + str(apix / stackapix) + " "
        emancmd += "clip=" + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str(
            stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + " "
        emancmd += "spidersingle"
        starttime = time.time()
        apDisplay.printColor("Running spider volume conversion", "cyan")
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
            "finished conversion in " +
            apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - starttime), "cyan")
        return spivolfile
	def checkConflicts(self):

		### setup correct database after we have read the project id
		if 'projectid' in self.params and self.params['projectid'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printMsg("Using split database")
			# use a project database
			newdbname = apProject.getAppionDBFromProjectId(self.params['projectid'])
			sinedon.setConfig('appiondata', db=newdbname)
			apDisplay.printColor("Connected to database: '"+newdbname+"'", "green")
		### get stack data
		self.stack = {}
		if self.params['stackid'] is not None:
			self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
			self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
			self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
			self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'], self.stack['data']['name'])
			self.stack['data'] = appiondata.ApAlignStackData.direct_query(self.params['alignstackid'])
			self.stack['apix'] = self.stack['pixelsize']
			self.stack['boxsize'] = self.stack['boxsize']
			self.stack['file'] = self.stack['imagicfile']

		### check conflicts
		if self.params['stackid'] is None and self.params['alignstackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stack id OR alignstack id was not defined")
		if self.params['stackid'] is not None and self.params['alignstackid'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError("either specify stack id OR alignstack id, not both")
		if self.params['generations'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("number of generations was not provided")
		maxparticles = 500000
		if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles:
			apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: "
				+ str(maxparticles) + " requested: " + str(self.params['numpart']))
		if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file']):
			apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart'])
				+" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file'])))
		if self.params['numpart'] is None:
			self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(self.stack['file'])

		boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		if self.params['ou'] is None:
			self.params['ou'] = (boxsize / 2.0) - 2
		self.clipsize = int(math.floor(boxsize/float(self.params['bin']*2)))*2
		if self.params['clipsize'] is not None:
			if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize:
				apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d"
			self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize']
		self.mpirun = self.checkMPI()
		if self.mpirun is None:
			apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed")
예제 #38
 def checkConflicts(self):
         if self.params['stackid'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Stack id was not defined")
         if self.params['mandir'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Directory containing mandatory files was not defined")
         if self.params['description'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Run description was not defined")
         stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
         stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])
         if self.params['numpart'] is None:
                 self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
                 apDisplay.printWarning("Number of particles not defined, processing full stack")
         if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile):
                 apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart'])+" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)))
         if self.params['replen'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Helical repeat was not defined")
         if self.params['subunits'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Number of subunits was not defined")
         if self.params['diameter'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Filament diameter was not defined")
         if self.params['diaminner'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Inner filament diameter was not defined")
         if self.params['rescut'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Phase residual cutoff was not defined")
         if self.params['filval'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Filter value was not defined")
         if self.params['bin'] is None:
                 self.params['bin'] = 1
                 apDisplay.printWarning("Binning factor was not defined, binning by one")
         if self.params['cont'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Must specify if a contrast change is needed")
         if self.params['prehip'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("Must specify if prehip needs to be executed or not")
         step = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
         self.params['step'] = step
         onerep = math.floor(self.params['replen'] / step)
         calcyht2 = math.floor(self.params['diameter'] / step)
         boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
         self.params['boxsize'] = boxsize
         if self.params['xlngth'] < onerep:
                 apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be less than one helical repeat")
         if self.params['xlngth'] > boxsize:
                 apDisplay.printError("Filament segment length can not be greater than stack box size")
         if self.params['yht2'] < calcyht2:
                 apDisplay.printError("Filament box height can not be less than filament diameter")
         if self.params['padval'] < self.params['xlngth']:
                 apDisplay.printError("Pad value can not be less than the filament segment length")
         if not self.checkval(self.params['yht2']):
                 apDisplay.printError("Filament box height must be a power of two")
         if not self.checkval(self.params['padval']):
                 apDisplay.printError("Pad value must be a power of two")
    def useStackForTemplate(self):
        apDisplay.printMsg("Using stack to make templates")
        sessiondata = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
        self.params['sessionname'] = sessiondata['name']
        self.params['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
        stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
        stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])
        self.params['templatelist'] = []

        if self.params['avgstack'] is True:
            ### averaging all particles together
            apDisplay.printMsg("Averaging all images in stack")
            templatename = "stack%d-average.mrc" % (self.params['stackid'])
            oldtemplatepath = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'],
            abstemplatepath = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'],
            if os.path.isfile(oldtemplatepath):
                shutil.copy(oldtemplatepath, abstemplatepath)
                ### average all images using proc2d
                emancmd = "proc2d %s %s average" % (stackfile, abstemplatepath)
            if os.path.isfile(abstemplatepath):
                self.params['templatelist'] = [abstemplatepath]

        elif self.params['imgnums'] is not None:
            ### check to see if stackimagenum is within the boundary of the stack
            numpart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
            for i in self.params['imgnums'].split(","):
                partnum = int(i)
                if partnum > numpart or partnum < 0:
                        "'imgnums' is NOT within the boundary of the stack: %d > %d"
                        % (partnum, numpart))
                apDisplay.printMsg("Extracting image %d from stack" % partnum)
                templatename = "stack%d-particle%d.mrc" % (
                    self.params['stackid'], partnum)
                abstemplatepath = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                ### run proc2d with params['stackimgnum']
                emancmd = "proc2d %s %s first=%d last=%d" % (
                    stackfile, abstemplatepath, partnum, partnum)
                ###  create template
                apDisplay.printMsg("creating " + templatename)
                if os.path.isfile(abstemplatepath):
    def processVolume(self, spivolfile, cnum, iternum=0):
        ### set values
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["tiltstackid"]) * self.params["bin"]
        boxsize = self.getBoxSize()

        volfilename = os.path.splitext(spivolfile)[0]
        rawspifile = volfilename + "-raw.spi"
        mrcvolfile = volfilename + ".mrc"
        lowpass = self.params["lowpassvol"]
        ### copy original to raw file
        shutil.copy(spivolfile, rawspifile)

        ### convert to mrc
        emancmd = "proc3d " + spivolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix)
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### median filter
        rawvol =
        medvol = ndimage.median_filter(rawvol, size=self.params["median"])
        mrc.write(medvol, mrcvolfile)

        ### low pass filter
        emancmd = (
            "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " center norm=0,1 apix=" + str(apix) + " lp=" + str(lowpass)
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### set origin
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " origin=0,0,0 "
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### mask volume
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + mrcvolfile + " mask=" + str(self.params["radius"])
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### convert to spider
        emancmd = "proc3d " + mrcvolfile + " " + spivolfile + " spidersingle"
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

        ### image with chimera
        if self.params["skipchimera"] is False:
            apChimera.renderSnapshots(mrcvolfile, self.params["contour"], self.params["zoom"], "c1")
            animationthread = threading.Thread(
                target=apChimera.renderAnimation, args=(mrcvolfile, self.params["contour"], self.params["zoom"], "c1")
        return mrcvolfile
 def getInstrumentParams(self):
         self.stackpix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.stackid, True) * 1e-10
         stackparticledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.stackid, self.imgnum+1, msg=True)
         pdata = stackparticledata['particle']
         self.imgpix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(pdata['image'])*1e-10
         scopedata = pdata['image']['scope']
         self.tem = scopedata['tem'] = pdata['image']['camera']['ccdcamera'] = scopedata['high tension']
         self.Cs = 2e-3
         self.mag = scopedata['magnification']
         self.camsize = {'x':4096,'y':4096}
         self.beamdiameter = 1e-6
         self.c2diameter = 1.0e-4
         self.wavelength = fftfun.getElectronWavelength(
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined")
		if self.params['modelid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined")
		self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
		if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None:
			self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart']
		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin']
		### set cs value
		self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(self.getSessionData())
		self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)),self.params['modelid'].split(','))
 def getInstrumentParams(self):
     self.stackpix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
         self.stackid, True) * 1e-10
     stackparticledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.stackid,
                                                           self.imgnum + 1,
     pdata = stackparticledata['particle']
     self.imgpix = apDatabase.getPixelSize(pdata['image']) * 1e-10
     scopedata = pdata['image']['scope']
     self.tem = scopedata['tem'] = pdata['image']['camera']['ccdcamera'] = scopedata['high tension']
     self.Cs = 2e-3
     self.mag = scopedata['magnification']
     self.camsize = {'x': 4096, 'y': 4096}
     self.beamdiameter = 1e-6
     self.c2diameter = 1.0e-4
     self.wavelength = fftfun.getElectronWavelength(
예제 #44
	def processVolume(self, spivolfile, iternum=0):
		### set values
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])*self.params['tiltbin']
		boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
		rawspifile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "rawvolume%s-%03d.spi"%(self.timestamp, iternum))
		mrcvolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "volume%s-%03d.mrc"%(self.timestamp, iternum))
		lowpass = self.params['lowpassvol']
		### copy original to raw file
		shutil.copy(spivolfile, rawspifile)

		### convert to mrc
		emancmd = ("proc3d "+spivolfile+" "+mrcvolfile+" norm=0,1 apix="+str(apix))
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

		### median filter
		rawvol =
		medvol = ndimage.median_filter(rawvol, size=self.params['median'])
		mrc.write(medvol, mrcvolfile)

		### low pass filter
		emancmd = ("proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+mrcvolfile+" center norm=0,1 apix="
			+str(apix)+" lp="+str(lowpass))
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

		### set origin
		emancmd = "proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+mrcvolfile+" origin=0,0,0 "
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

		### mask volume
		emancmd = "proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+mrcvolfile+" mask="+str(self.params['radius'])
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

		### convert to spider
		emancmd = "proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+spivolfile+" spidersingle"
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=False)

		### image with chimera
		if self.params['skipchimera'] is False:
			if self.params['mass'] is not None:
				apDisplay.printMsg("Using scale by mass method")
				apChimera.setVolumeMass(mrcvolfile, apix=apix, mass=self.params['mass'])
			apChimera.renderSnapshots(mrcvolfile, self.params['contour'], self.params['zoom'], 'c1')
		return mrcvolfile
예제 #45
	def convertStackToSpider(self, emanstackfile):
		takes the stack file and creates a spider file ready for processing
		if not os.path.isfile(emanstackfile):
			apDisplay.printError("stackfile does not exist: "+emanstackfile)

		tempstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "filter"+self.timestamp+".hed")

		### first high pass filter particles
		apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles")
		apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['tiltstackid'])
		boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
		emancmd = ("proc2d "+emanstackfile+" "+tempstack
			+" apix="+str(apix)+" ")
		if self.params['highpasspart'] is not None and self.params['highpasspart'] > 0:
			emancmd += "hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart'])+" "
		if self.params['lowpasspart'] is not None and self.params['lowpasspart'] > 0:
			emancmd += "lp="+str(self.params['lowpasspart'])+" "
		if self.params['tiltbin'] > 1:
			clipsize = boxsize*self.params['tiltbin']
			emancmd += " shrink=%d clip=%d,%d "%(self.params['tiltbin'], clipsize, clipsize)
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)

		### convert imagic stack to spider
		emancmd  = "proc2d "
		emancmd += tempstack+" "
		spiderstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], "rctstack"+self.timestamp+".spi")
		apFile.removeFile(spiderstack, warn=True)
		emancmd += spiderstack+" "

		emancmd += "spiderswap edgenorm"
		starttime = time.time()
		apDisplay.printColor("Running spider stack conversion this can take a while", "cyan")
		apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
		time.sleep(1) # wait a sec, for things to finish
		apDisplay.printColor("finished eman in "+apDisplay.timeString(time.time()-starttime), "cyan")

		apFile.removeStack(tempstack, warn=False)
		apFile.removeStack(emanstackfile, warn=False)
		if not os.path.isfile(spiderstack):
			apDisplay.printError("Failed to create a spider stack")

		return spiderstack
    def convertVolToSpider(self, mrcvolfile=None, modelid=None, apix=None, spivolfile=None):
                takes the mrc volume and creates a spider file ready for processing
        if modelid is not None:
            initModelData = appiondata.ApInitialModelData.direct_query(modelid)
            mrcvolfile = initModelData["path"]["path"] + "/" + initModelData["name"]
            apix = initModelData["pixelsize"]

        stackapix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params["partstackid"]) * self.params["bin"]
        stackboxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params["partstackid"]) / self.params["bin"]

        print apix
        print mrcvolfile

        if not os.path.isfile(mrcvolfile):
            apDisplay.printError("volfile does not exist: " + mrcvolfile)

        ### first high pass filter particles
        # apDisplay.printMsg("pre-filtering particles")
        # apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['partstackid'])
        # emancmd = ("proc3d "+mrcvolfile+" "+emanstackfile
        #       +" apix="+str(apix)+" hp="+str(self.params['highpasspart'])
        #       +" inplace")
        # apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)

        ### convert imagic stack to spider
        emancmd = "proc3d "
        emancmd += mrcvolfile + " "
        if spivolfile is None:
            spivolfile = os.path.join(self.params["rundir"], "threed-0a.spi")
        apFile.removeFile(spivolfile, warn=True)
        emancmd += spivolfile + " "

        emancmd += "scale=" + str(apix / stackapix) + " "
        emancmd += "clip=" + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + "," + str(stackboxsize) + " "
        emancmd += "spidersingle"
        starttime = time.time()
        apDisplay.printColor("Running spider volume conversion", "cyan")
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True)
        apDisplay.printColor("finished conversion in " + apDisplay.timeString(time.time() - starttime), "cyan")
        return spivolfile
	def useStackForTemplate(self):
		apDisplay.printMsg("Using stack to make templates")
		sessiondata = apStack.getSessionDataFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		self.params['sessionname'] = sessiondata['name']
		self.params['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
		stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
		stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])
		self.params['templatelist'] = []

		if self.params['avgstack'] is True:
			### averaging all particles together
			apDisplay.printMsg("Averaging all images in stack")
			templatename = "stack%d-average.mrc"%(self.params['stackid'])
			oldtemplatepath = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], "average.mrc")
			abstemplatepath = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], templatename)
			if os.path.isfile(oldtemplatepath):
				shutil.copy(oldtemplatepath, abstemplatepath)
				### average all images using proc2d
				emancmd = "proc2d %s %s average" % (stackfile, abstemplatepath)
			if os.path.isfile(abstemplatepath):
				self.params['templatelist'] = [abstemplatepath]

		elif self.params['imgnums'] is not None:
			### check to see if stackimagenum is within the boundary of the stack
			numpart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
			for i in self.params['imgnums'].split(","):
				partnum = int(i)
				if partnum > numpart or partnum < 0:
					apDisplay.printError("'imgnums' is NOT within the boundary of the stack: %d > %d"%(partnum,numpart))
				apDisplay.printMsg("Extracting image %d from stack" % partnum)
				templatename = "stack%d-particle%d.mrc"%(self.params['stackid'],partnum)
				abstemplatepath= os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], templatename)
				### run proc2d with params['stackimgnum']
				emancmd = "proc2d %s %s first=%d last=%d" % (stackfile, abstemplatepath, partnum, partnum)
				###  create template
				apDisplay.printMsg("creating "+templatename)
				if os.path.isfile(abstemplatepath):
    def start(self):
        ### load parameters

        runparams = self.readRunParameters()
        runparams['localstack'] = "start1.hdf"

        alignedClassStackHDF = "alignedClasses.hdf"
        alignedPartStackHDF = "alignedParticles.hdf"
        apFile.removeStack(alignedClassStackHDF, warn=False)
        apFile.removeStack(alignedPartStackHDF, warn=False)

        ISACParser = parseISAC()

        ###  align classes
        alignedClassStack = apEMAN2.stackHDFToIMAGIC(alignedClassStackHDF)
        self.lastiter = ISACParser.numGenerations

        ###  align particles to classes AND create aligned stacks
        alignedPartStack = apEMAN2.stackHDFToIMAGIC(alignedPartStackHDF)
        self.numPart = sparx.EMUtil.get_image_count(alignedPartStackHDF)

        partList = ISACParser.createPartList()

        ### calculate resolution for each reference
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.params['stackid']) * self.params['bin']
        self.calcResolution(partList, alignedPartStack, apix)

        ### insert into database
        self.insertRunIntoDatabase(alignedPartStack, alignedClassStack,

        self.insertParticlesIntoDatabase(self.params['stackid'], partList)
 def createFastFreeHandInputLineTemplate(self):
         self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
         self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(self.params['stackid'])
         self.apix = 6.02
         one_particledata = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(self.params['stackid'], particlenumber=1, msg=True)
         scopedata = one_particledata['particle']['image']['scope']
         ht_kv = scopedata['high tension'] / 1000.0
         cs_mm = scopedata['tem']['cs'] * 1000
         angSearch = self.params['angSearch']
         constant_inputlines = [
                 '%.3f,%.3f,%2f,%.f' %(self.apix,self.params['snr'],cs_mm,ht_kv)
                 ,'../%s' %(self.stackfile)
                 ,'../%s' %(self.modelfile)
                 ,'../%s' %(self.frealign_paramfile)
                 ,'-%d,%d,-%d,%d' %(angSearch,angSearch,angSearch,angSearch)
                 ,'%.1f,%.2f,%.2f' %(self.params['minres'],self.params['maxres'],self.params['radius'])
                 ,'%s' %(self.params['scoringtype'].upper())
         return constant_inputlines
예제 #50
 def checkConflicts(self):
     if self.params['stackid'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("stackid was not defined")
     if self.params['modelid'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("model id was not defined")
     if self.params['runname'] is None:
         apDisplay.printError("new runname was not defined")
     self.params['totalpart'] = apStack.getNumberStackParticlesFromId(
     if 'last' not in self.params.keys() or self.params['last'] is None:
         self.params['last'] = self.params['totalpart']
     self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'],
     self.apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
     self.refineboxsize = self.boxsize * self.params['bin']
     ### set cs value
     self.params['cs'] = apInstrument.getCsValueFromSession(
     self.modelids = map((lambda x: int(x)),
    def checkConflicts(self):
        if self.params['runname'] is None:
            apDisplay.printError("enter a stack run name, e.g. combinestack1")
        if self.params['description'] is None:
            apDisplay.printError("enter a stack description")

        if self.params['stacks'] and ',' in self.params['stacks']:
            #remember stackids are a list of strings
            stackids = self.params['stacks'].split(',')
            self.params['stackids'] = stackids
                "enter a list of stack ids to combine, e.g. --stackids=11,14,7"

        ### check to make sure all pixel and box size are the same
        self.newboxsize = None
        self.newpixelsize = None
        for stackidstr in self.params['stackids']:
            if not re.match("^[0-9]+$", stackidstr):
                apDisplay.printError("Stack id '%s' is not an integer" %
            stackid = int(stackidstr)
            boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(stackid, msg=False)
            pixelsize = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(stackid,
            apDisplay.printMsg("Stack id: %d\tBoxsize: %d\tPixelsize: %.3f" %
                               (stackid, boxsize, pixelsize))
            if self.newboxsize is None:
                self.newboxsize = boxsize
            if self.newpixelsize is None:
                self.newpixelsize = pixelsize
            if boxsize != self.newboxsize:
                    "Trying to combine stacks with different box sizes")
            if abs(pixelsize - self.newpixelsize) > 0.01:
                    "Trying to combine stacks with different pixel sizes")
    def checkConflicts(self):
        ### first get all stack data
        self.stack = {}
        self.stack['data'] = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'])
        self.stack['apix'] = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
        self.stack['part'] = apStack.getOneParticleFromStackId(
        self.stack['boxsize'] = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
        self.stack['file'] = os.path.join(self.stack['data']['path']['path'],

        ### modify boxsize and pixelsize according to binning
        self.boxsize = self.stack['boxsize']
        self.clipsize = int(
            math.floor(self.boxsize / float(self.params['bin'] * 2))) * 2
        if self.params['clipsize'] is not None:
            if self.params['clipsize'] > self.clipsize:
                apDisplay.printError("requested clipsize is too big %d > %d" %
                                     (self.params['clipsize'], self.clipsize))
            self.clipsize = self.params['clipsize']

        self.apix = self.stack['apix']
        if self.params['bin'] > 1 or self.params['clipsize'] is not None:
            clipsize = int(self.clipsize) * self.params['bin']
            if clipsize % 2 == 1:
                clipsize += 1  ### making sure that clipped boxsize is even
            self.boxsize = clipsize
            self.apix = self.apix * self.params['bin']

        ### basic error checking
        if self.params['stackid'] is None:
            apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
        if self.params['ncls'] is None:
            apDisplay.printError("a number of classes was not provided")
        maxparticles = 1000000
        if self.params['numpart'] > maxparticles:
            apDisplay.printError("too many particles requested, max: " +
                                 str(maxparticles) + " requested: " +
        stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
        stackfile = os.path.join(stackdata['path']['path'], stackdata['name'])
        if self.params['numpart'] > apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile):
            apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles " +
                                 str(self.params['numpart']) +
                                 " than available " +
        if self.params['numpart'] is None:
            self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)
        if self.params['numpart'] > 5000:
                "initial model calculation may not work with less than 5000 particles"
        self.mpirun = self.checkMPI()
        #               if self.mpirun is None:
        #                       apDisplay.printError("There is no MPI installed")
        if self.params['nproc'] is None:
            self.params['nproc'] = apParam.getNumProcessors()

        ### SIMPLE defaults and error checking
        if self.params['ring2'] is None:
            self.params['ring2'] = (self.boxsize / 2) - 2
        if self.params['ncls'] > 2000:
                "number of classes should be less than 2000 for subsequent ORIGAMI run to work"
        if self.params['ncls'] > self.params['numpart']:
            self.params['ncls'] = self.params['numpart'] / self.params['minp']
        if self.params['mask'] is None:
            self.params['mask'] = (self.boxsize / 2) - 2
        if self.params['mw'] is None:
                "please specify the molecular weight (in kDa)")
예제 #53
    def runEoTest(self, alignstack, eulerfile):
        evenvolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                   "evenvolume%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        oddvolfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                  "oddvolume%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        eveneulerfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                     "eveneulers%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        oddeulerfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                    "oddeulers%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        evenpartlist = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                    "evenparts%s.lst" % (self.timestamp))
        oddpartlist = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                   "oddparts%s.lst" % (self.timestamp))

        ### Create New Doc Files
        of = open(oddeulerfile, "w")
        ef = open(eveneulerfile, "w")
        op = open(oddpartlist, "w")
        ep = open(evenpartlist, "w")
        inf = open(eulerfile, "r")
        evenpart = 0
        oddpart = 0
        for line in inf:
            spidict = operations.spiderInLine(line)
            if spidict:
                partnum = spidict['row']
                if partnum % 2 == 0:
                    ep.write("%d\n" % (partnum - 1))
                    evenpart += 1
                    outline = operations.spiderOutLine(evenpart,
                elif partnum % 2 == 1:
                    op.write("%d\n" % (partnum - 1))
                    oddpart += 1
                    outline = operations.spiderOutLine(oddpart,

        ### Create stacks
        evenstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                 "evenstack%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        emancmd = "proc2d %s %s list=%s spiderswap" % (alignstack, evenstack,
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
        oddstack = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                                "oddstack%s.spi" % (self.timestamp))
        emancmd = "proc2d %s %s list=%s spiderswap" % (alignstack, oddstack,
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)

        ### Create Volumes
        backproject.backproject3F(evenstack, eveneulerfile, evenvolfile,
        backproject.backproject3F(oddstack, oddeulerfile, oddvolfile, oddpart)
        if not os.path.isfile(evenvolfile) or not os.path.isfile(oddvolfile):
            apDisplay.printError("Even-Odd volume creation failed")

        ### Calculate FSC
        apix = apStack.getStackPixelSizeFromStackId(
            self.params['tiltstackid']) * self.params['tiltbin']
        emancmd = "proc3d %s %s" % (evenvolfile, evenvolfile + ".mrc")
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
        emancmd = "proc3d %s %s" % (oddvolfile, oddvolfile + ".mrc")
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)
        fscfile = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'],
                               "fscdata%s.fsc" % (self.timestamp))
        emancmd = "proc3d %s %s fsc=%s" % (evenvolfile + ".mrc",
                                           oddvolfile + ".mrc", fscfile)
        apEMAN.executeEmanCmd(emancmd, verbose=True, showcmd=True)

        if not os.path.isfile(fscfile):
            apDisplay.printError("Even-Odd fsc calculation failed")
        boxsize = self.getBoxSize()
        self.fscresolution = apRecon.getResolutionFromFSCFile(fscfile,
            ("Final FSC resolution: %.5f" % (self.fscresolution)), "cyan")

        for fname in (evenvolfile, oddvolfile, evenstack, oddstack,
                      eveneulerfile, oddeulerfile, evenpartlist, oddpartlist):